Womanizing Mage

Six hundred and twentieth chapters in the flowers

At this time, Long Yi and his father Ximen Nu sat facing each other in the imperial study.

As he got older, people became more and more nostalgic. At the beginning, Ximen Nu was keen on power, but when he really climbed to the peak of power, he felt infinitely lonely. Although the majesty is getting stronger day by day, but his heart is becoming more and more lonely, looking forward and looking forward, he only hopes that Long Yi will come back sooner.

"Yu'er, tell me about the situation of searching for the city under the sea during this time." Ximen Nu straightened his back, but looked at Long Yi with tender eyes.

Long Yi didn't hide anything, and quickly and concisely narrated the things that happened these days.

Ximen's angry brows slowly frowned, and his big hands stroking his beard stopped, never expecting that things would be so complicated.

"Once the Heavenly Demon King breaks out, the common people in the world will be slaughtered. Now what happened to Liuli makes me feel extremely uneasy, so I will take her back first." Long Yi said, his black eyes flashed with bloodthirsty sternness.

"Yu'er, I heard from you that the Emperor of the Sea is not a simple person. You have to be careful of him stabbing the knife in the back. He will do everything possible to get the soul of the sea. Give it to him." Ximen Nu stood up and walked around the study twice, suddenly relaxed and said with a smile.

"Of course, I have tampered with the soul of the blue sea. If he has other ideas, I will definitely make him lose his wife and lose his army." Long Yi also became more relaxed, thinking of the many people in the dark dimension. The priceless treasure, he smiled until his eyes narrowed.

At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuations in the barrier outside the imperial study room.

With a thought in Long Yi's mind, the study door was knocked open with a bang. Supreme Emperor Ximen Kuang and Sword God Murong Bo broke in hand in hand.

"Stinky boy, don't say hello when you come back." Ximen Kuang loves this grandson very much, especially the hook girl, who can be said to have inherited his good genes. It's not like his son Ximen Kuang, who just sticks to a woman. promising. ::

"You two old dragons can't see the end, where can I find you, besides, haven't I just come back?" Long Yi laughed. Ever since he knew the true colors of these two old fellows who were disrespectful and lustful, he and them were really like like-minded brothers rather than grandparents.

As soon as the two elders arrived, there was a flash of light in the sky, and the patriarchs of the Demon Dragon Clan and the Shenlong Clan followed behind. They were also very happy to see Long Yi, and they asked about the harvest of the city under the sea with great interest.

Immediately afterwards, the imperial study room became more and more lively, and Dongfang Wan led a group of alluring women to rush over, chirping like birds in the spring forest.

"Father." Just as Long's head was swollen. A cry of joy came,

Immediately afterwards, a round and extremely cute little girl appeared in Long Yi's arms.

"Brother Long." Another crisp call. Little Xingxing's pink girl occupies the other side of Long Yidi's body, and Niu'er wraps around him like two koalas with tails.

At this time, Sharman Crystal, Mittel's siblings, Liu Xu, etc. also arrived outside the imperial study room, and the inside and outside of the study room, which was still deserted just now, suddenly became extremely lively.

Long Yi greeted each other one by one, seeing that it would be impossible to go on like this. Then he released the Aotianjue internal force and there was a sudden shock in the air, and the scene immediately became quiet.

Due to the holding of the Dragon Clan Conference, all major races in the Canglan Continent sent representatives. Among them were Beisha, the leader of the Beastman Clan, and Nalan Ruyue, the empress of the Nalan Empire, and her sister Nalan Ruyue, who had just arrived. Lan Rumeng, but because of etiquette, they didn't all live in the palace.

Now that everyone has come, Long Yi sent people over to invite all the representatives of the forces with which he has a close relationship, to discuss it tonight and formulate a preliminary strategy. And when the Dragon Clan Conference is held tomorrow, I will show myself and meet with the representatives of the other forces, and then I will go back to the place under the sea and deploy first.

So the venue was moved to the main hall of the Imperial Palace, and all the women cast their tender gazes on Long Yi, but they all knew that something big was about to happen, so they stood silently by the side not to disturb him. Just a few short eye contact, they have already connected with each other, and the longing and affection are all in it.

Not long. Everyone is here. Among them are representatives of the Dragon Clan. The Ximen royal family and the two holy priests of the Guangming Church, Kailin. Judy and Sibi, the holy maiden of light, Leng Youyou, the ghostly maiden of the Dark Church, and the present dark high priest, Dry Bones, Bertha, the leader of the orc tribe, Ou Yala, the wizard of the winged tribe, and Man Niu, the patriarch of the Barbarian tribe, and Nalan Empire's empress. Lan Ruyue and her younger sister Nalan Rumeng, Moxi patriarch Li Qing, Puxius and granddaughter Linna who had just been promoted to the Mia Holy Magic Academy of the Vulcan Dharma God, Shui Ruoyan, the great magister of the water system, and Cangyue Continent. The princesses Mu Hanyan and Mu Jingjing of the Qingfeng Empire, the elf queen and princess Lucia, the captain of the elf guard Nika, the head of the Phoenix family and the young lady Yu Feng.

Of course, Ru Wushuang, Feng Ling, Yin Yin, Beitang Yu, Long Ling'er, Murong Shuyu, Nangong Xiangyun, etc. are also on the list. The women who have a relationship with Long Yi are basically all here. All the pearls on earth are gathered together.

If it were any other time, Long Yi didn't know how excited he would be, but now that he is in a critical moment, there is not so much time for his children to have a long relationship. After talking about the matter, let everyone think about countermeasures and how to face the coming catastrophe.

Everyone could feel the urgency of the matter from Long Yi's expression and tone, if things were not done well, the whole world would turn into a bloody hell.

Everyone talked about their thoughts and plans, but many people didn't understand the war between gods and demons a hundred thousand years ago, so they didn't hear any constructive solutions.

"Yu'er, you know the whole thing better than all of us, please tell me your opinion first." Ximen Nu sat on the top and asked quietly. Long Yi pondered for a while, and then said: "In the battle of gods and demons a hundred thousand years ago, the Heavenly Demon King cursed the seven main gods by himself. Although both sides suffered losses in the end, it is enough to see that the Heavenly Demon King is stronger than any single main god. , unless the seven main gods unite to restrain him. But now the curse of the gods on the seven main gods has no solution, and they can't do anything now, we can only rely on ourselves.

If we wait for the Demon King to completely break the seal and restore his strength, we probably won't be able to contend with our strength. My opinion is to take advantage of the Demon King before he can get out completely. In this case, we still have some confidence . "Long Yi said seriously.

Everyone was silent for a long time, Changsha Qingyin of the Demon Dragon Clan said: "Your method seems to be the only feasible solution at present, but we must find out where the Heavenly Demon King is sealed and his current situation. Enter the city under the sea through the teleportation array, and annihilate the demon king in one fell swoop."

Having said this, the rest of the people agreed one after another, and the next step was to scrutinize the details. In a blink of an eye, the sky outside was already getting bright.

Everyone dispersed one after another, and the preparations before the Dragon Clan Conference were about to begin, leaving only Long Yi and all the women who had relations with him.

"Dear ladies, I miss you so much because of my husband." Long Yi, who was surrounded by flowers like a moon surrounded by stars, suddenly yelled exaggeratedly, and his figure quickly poked every woman's face like the wind. Suddenly provoked bursts of coquettishness. "Father, Niu'er wants it too." Niu'er said nonchalantly.

"Brother Long, Xing Xing wants it too." Little Xing Xing entangled Long again, not to be outdone.

Long Yi smiled and kissed the two little annoying spirits heavily on the cheeks, and said: "How could you forget my two little babies?"

Ximen Wuhen caressed her pretty face, the warmth on it was still there, she stepped forward and pulled Long Yi's sleeve with a smile: "Second brother, we have some great news to tell you, you can prepare it Alright, don't crack your mouth with a smile."

"Yes, yes, stinky husband, do you want to take two deep breaths and get ready." Leng Youyou said with a coquettish smile.

The rest of the girls also stared at Long Yi with smiles, which made Long Yi feel a little baffled for a moment, but faintly looking forward to it in his heart.

"Okay, don't whet my appetite, tell me some good news quickly." Long Yiyi sat on the grand teacher's chair in the main hall, snapped his fingers and asked Wushuang to pinch his shoulders behind his back, smelling all the girls. That refreshing fragrance makes me feel like I will experience it once in the next life, and this trip is worthwhile.

All the girls looked at each other and smiled, then they didn't tell Long Yi, and asked him to guess first.

"Good news, good news, it's not that you all plan to sleep with me today." Long Yi stroked the stubble of his chin, looked around, and smiled wickedly in the expectant eyes of all the girls.

"I hate it, bad husband, you have a good idea, but if you guessed it, I can try to persuade other sisters to sleep with you as a bad guy." Yu Feng, who was always enthusiastic, said with a smile.

"Really?" Long Yiyi's eyes were suddenly brighter than the sun in the sky, staring straight at the girls, almost drooling.

All the girls blushed, among them was Murong Shuyu, who had no experience of human affairs, Teresa, Mittel and Sharman Crystal, they were not Long Yi's real women.

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