Womanizing Mage

Chapter 625 Boundless beauty

What exactly is the happy event, Long Yi really can't guarantee that he can guess it, but with such a good event in front of him, he must put in some effort to guess it, in order to fulfill his wish for many years. \\Long Yi glanced left and right, and found that all the women were smiling and looking at him expectantly, their beautiful eyes were like stars in the sky, they were really chaotic eyes, if they changed their minds, their concentration would be a little weaker For some, I don't know what eve is today.

From the expressions, it was impossible to tell that there was any big happy event worthy of their announcement with such fanfare, and they also expected that this event would be a big shock to themselves. Long Yi pondered in his heart, mental power was like a big net covering the entire hall, and he checked them one by one.

When the mental power reached Nangong Xiangyun, Long Yi's heart beat suddenly, and his pupils dilated in an instant. In her body, he clearly felt a weak but tenacious mental wave echoing his own mental power.

"Sister Feng'er, it looks like my husband guessed it. That proposal was made by you. I'm not going crazy with you. You can solve it yourself." Long Ling'er saw that Long Yi's eyes were full of unspeakable expressions. Staring at Nangong Xiangyun, she knew that he had already learned the content of the surprise, and her heart beat violently at the thought of sleeping with so many sisters at the same time.

Yu Feng smiled softly, and said in Long Ling'er's ear: "Sister Ling'er, you have to know that my husband will return to the city under the sea after the Dragon Clan Conference opens, and I don't know how long it will take to come back? You don't want to Conceive a bloodline of your own with your husband?"

Long Ling'er bit her lower lip, she was the same age as Ximen Wuhen, women and children of this age in Canglan Continent were all grown up. When a woman reaches a certain age, she will produce something called maternal love. The immediate result is wanting a child. Nangong Xiangyun is pregnant, and there is no one among the sisters who is not envious. Everyone is waiting for Long Yi to come back and plant a child in his body. Just now Long Yi also made it clear that he will return to the city under the sea very soon, which means that sleeping with him may be the only chance in a short period of time, besides, she really hasn't made love to Long Yi for a long time. ====

Think about it. Long Ling'er gave Yu Feng a blank look. It turned out that she had already calculated the minds of the sisters, no wonder she swore in front of her husband.

"I'm going to be a father? I, Long Yi, have a son too?" Long Yi seemed to suddenly be unable to bear the joy in his heart, he walked around for two steps at a loss, his shiny black eyes met Nangong Xiangyun's shy gesture.

"Husband, I...we have a baby." Nangong Xiangyun walked in front of Long Yi with a very excited tone.

"Baby...hehe..." Long Yi smirked twice, then suddenly hugged Nangong Xiangyun and spun around twice.

Nangong Xiangyun's face turned pale with fright, and she punched Long Yi's shoulder with her small fist angrily. Said: "Husband, don't be careful with the baby, what if you scare him?"

"My Long Yi's son is not so easy to scare." Long Yi laughed and said,

That smug expression was like a drunken toad.

"Husband, how do you know it must be a son and not a daughter? What if it is a daughter?" Nangong Xiangyun saw that Long Yiyi said that the child in her belly was a son, and she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. What if it was a daughter? Wouldn't he be disappointed.

"Hehe, I treat Long Yi's child equally whether it is a son or a daughter. But I think this little guy in your stomach must be a son." Long Yi smiled and touched Nangong Xiangyun's cheek.

Nangong Xiangyun breathed a sigh of relief, nestled in Long Yi's arms with peace of mind, felt extremely at ease when she smelled the familiar aura on his body, she silently thought: "Baby, have you seen it? This is you My father, my mother adores him so much, you will be the same as my mother, and take him as your pride."

The two hugged each other quietly, and the rest of them just surrounded each other. Feeling the happiness during this time, and as members of this family, they also feel the happiness and happiness of ten people. Although the child in Nangong Xiangyun's belly is not their own, it is also equal to their child, just because they have a common husband.

"Who said just now that if I guess correctly, I will be slept together. It's still early, why don't all the wives and husbands rest together for a while." Long Yi suddenly said with a smirk. He looked around at the girls. The black eyes began to become deep, and it was rare to seize such an opportunity. It would be a shame not to be licentious.

When Long Yi said this, there were a few whispers among the women, Ximen Wuhen, Murong Shuyu and Yin Yin blushed and ran out first. Then Mittel and Sharman Crystal followed closely behind, and Liu Xu and Teresa each took the unyielding girl and Little Xingxing to disappear. The rest in the hall are all women who had skin-to-skin relationship with Long Yi, but even so, their faces were all flushed with shame. They may have served Long Yi together with other sisters, but such a large group really They have never had it before, they want to leave but are afraid of missing the chance of conception, besides, they have been looking forward to being able to fall in love with their lover for a long time, although they still can't let it go.

Long Yi was really excited, no matter it was in the conference hall, he directly cast an isolation barrier, condensed a large water bed with water magic, and then the seven magic light balls floated in the air, creating a warm and ambiguous color Immediately filled the whole hall.

Long Yi's gaze swept across the bodies of the women as if carrying an electric current, and the numb feeling of electric shock began to spread from his whole body.

For a while, except for the panting of the crowd, the hall was silent.

"Brother-in-law..." A delicate call sounded suddenly, and a graceful figure fell into Long Yi's arms like the wind, but it was Nalan Rumeng, the pure little loli, but although the little loli still looked like She is young, but her body has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a dragon's opening. The pair of breasts on her chest are even worse than Nalan Ruyue's. Maybe after a while, she will be able to catch up with Yu Feng and Leng Youyou. up. Nalan Rumeng hugged Long Yi tightly, bursts of hot air came out from her small red lips, her pair of beautiful eyes were as blurred as spring water. Ever since she met Long Yi, she had long wanted to fall into the embrace that she had missed for a long time, but at the beginning Long Yi was occupied by Niu Er and Xiao Xing Xing, and later many people discussed matters together, and now it is difficult to wait for irrelevant people They all walked away, so she would not let go of this opportunity to get in touch with Long Yi. Although I was shy in my heart, these shynesses seemed insignificant compared to my inner desire.

"Meng'er, do you miss your brother-in-law?" Long Yi held Nalan Rumeng's small face in his hands, and gently kissed her small mouth with his lips.

"Well, Meng'er really misses her brother-in-law, and so does her sister." Nalan Rumengjing kissed one by one, his little head was dizzy, and he nodded in a daze. The pair of breasts on his chest were separated by two layers of light The shirt unconsciously rubbed against Long Yi's chest.

Long Yi's breath was suddenly heavy, this little girl was so obsessed with death, she couldn't help but kiss her, lingering...

I saw Long Yi's dexterous big hands dazzled for a while, his clothes were flying, and Nalan Rumeng had been stripped into a big white sheep in the confusion, his white and greasy skin was dazzling.

That round body is no longer youthful as before, and the snow-white breasts stand tall, with two spots of bright red like plum blossoms blooming proudly in the white snow, so holy that people can only worship.

Ice and snow are skin and jade are bones, but that's it. Long Yi's big hand caressed this seemingly familiar yet unfamiliar delicate body, and his black eyes became scorching hot like burning.

A blood-pulling moan filled the entire hall, the huge water bed was undulating like waves in the sea, and a pair of naked men and women rolled in it, one black and one white, one strong and the other petite, giving people a great shock.

All the women breathed like blazing, their faces were like red clouds, and the fire of love was already burning in their hearts. Since Long Yi went to the city under the sea, they have been vacant for many days. Before, no one felt that, but at this moment, the beloved lover was having fun with the sisters in front of his eyes. Everyone was so passionate, and the lower body was full of itching and numbness. moist. To say that the nature that feels the deepest is none other than Wushuang, who originally had a spiritual connection with Long Yi, and she can empathize with the pleasure that Long Yi feels.

At this time, Nalan Ruyue stepped forward, pulled the belt around her waist with her slender hands, revealing her nakedness, she leaned against Long Yi's back from behind, and kissed the back of his neck delicately.

"Good moon." Long Yi turned his head and kissed Nalan Ruyue while shaking his waist.

With Nalan Ruyue taking the lead, the unbearably emotional Wushuang also undressed to meet him, followed by Yu Feng, Leng Youyou, Feng Ling...

Long Yi was submerged in the pink in an instant, hating himself for the first time for his inability to separate himself, enjoying happiness and pain.

A fiery red sun is slowly rising, and a few clouds are dotted on the blue sky. Coupled with the cool breeze, it is a sunny and sunny day.

The mainland council hall in the urban area was open early in the morning, and it was crowded with people of all ethnic groups who rushed over from the Canglan continent. The representatives of the two factions of the Dragon Clan are ready, and the representatives of the other clans have also arrived. They are drinking tea and chatting together in twos and threes.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince..." a court servant reported angrily to Ximen with some embarrassment.

Ximen Nu frowned helplessly, this brat is really a flirtatious person who has never been seen before or since. Originally, it is normal for a husband and wife to be in love after being separated for many days, but this kid has so many women, and he doesn't know how long he will be licentious?

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