Womanizing Mage

Chapter 64: 0 Jun 1 Shot

The two put on their clothes and jumped off the black lotus, only to see Leng Youyou waved her slender hand, the huge black lotus suddenly spun up, turned into a wisp of black smoke and penetrated into Leng Youyou's eyebrows, and a small lotus brand appeared in between. This is almost the same as the bloody skull, except that one is in the palm of the hand and the other is between the eyebrows, and the lotus flower is much more beautiful than the skull.

When he came to the edge of the cold pool, Long Yi took the eighteen super skeletons and the Thunder Beast back into the dark dimensional space, and jumped off the cold pool with Leng Youyou in his arms. Although there is one more person, because the water pressure is pressed down when diving, it does not consume much internal energy, and it may be a bit reluctant to come up.

Making a spiritual passage with ease, the two got into the secret cave. Leng Youyou was amazed and admired, this secret cave that is so magically crafted is definitely not something human can do.

Long Yi brought Leng Youyou to the hall, the teleportation magic circle was still emitting a faint blue light, but Leng Youyou stared straight at the black-clothed statue on the wall, moved forward a few steps excitedly, and then knelt down reverently.

"God of darkness, your faithful believer prays to you, please forgive us for disturbing us." Leng Youyou knelt on the ground and muttered.

It was only then that Long Yi suddenly realized that this shady guy turned out to be the famous God of Darkness, he really doesn't look good, no wonder he can only engage in underground activities. Take a look at the God of Light enshrined by the Guangming Church, with its appearance and temperament, and eight big wings that can fan the wind.

"Youyou, it's enough to make a point, let's go out quickly." Long Yi said with a smile.

Leng Youyou turned her head and glared at Long Yi, and hurriedly apologized to the statue of the God of Darkness, which made Long Yi angry and funny at the same time, it seems that the religious brainwashing procedure was completed well.

Just like that, Leng Youyou paid homage to the God of Darkness according to the etiquette of the Dark Church, and then she stood up and walked towards Long and his party.

Finally able to go out, Long Yi felt a little excited, he took out the staff from the groove, and pulled Leng Youyou into the teleportation magic circle.

A burst of dense blue light emerged, and Long Yi felt that the space was distorted, and his eyes were plunged into darkness.

In the Lost City, Harley and the Buffalo formed a fleshy wall covered in scars at a corner, slashing and killing countless skeletons and zombies in front of them, while Lucia was almost numb behind them. Holding the elf bow in his hand, every green elf arrow is shooting down a series of skeletons and zombies. Lan Tian, ​​the nemesis of the undead system, was leaning against the wall with a pale face, and it took a long time to cast a holy light purification technique to shatter a large piece of skeleton into a pile of bones. It seemed that his magic power consumption had reached its limit.

However, there are too many undead army, almost inexhaustible. Just after cutting down a piece, other undead rushed in. The bull and Harley who were used as meat shields were almost unable to hold on, and the loss of blood made their attacks Slower and slower,

Vision also began to blur.

An ax pierced through the bull's dancing mace and slashed at his shoulder. The bull roared and smashed the skeleton in front of him to pieces. The pain aroused his madness. Tooth sticks kill the Quartet. And the light blue grudge on Harley's greatsword had dimmed a bit, a long gash had just been ripped open in his chest by a zombie.

The four people are already desperate, they will die here soon, maybe they will become a member of these undead army after a while.

Lucia collapsed out of breath, and her hands were so numb that she couldn't even lift them. She stared blankly at the sky, thinking of Long Yi, thinking of Leng Youyou, she blamed herself very much, if it wasn't for saving herself, Leng Youyou wouldn't have fallen into the space crack, and Long Yi also fell for saving Leng Youyou , This is all my fault, Lucia's beautiful eyes are covered with mist.

At this moment, Lucia suddenly noticed a faint blue light appearing in the sky, and the space began to twist strangely. She thought she was blinded by tears, so she quickly blinked, and saw the air split apart soundlessly. There was a crack, and two figures fell from it.

"Long Yi, it's Long Yi and Sister Youyou, they're back." Lucia yelled ecstatically.

Harley and Man Niu almost gave up resisting, when they heard that Long Yi was coming, they immediately struggled from despair, as if they had taken a stimulant. They all had a belief in their hearts that Long Yi's arrival meant they were saved, and Long Yi was such a person who had become the spiritual leader of everyone without knowing it.

Long Yi felt his body suddenly fall, and with a turn of his internal force, he floated in the air holding Leng Youyou. When he saw the bull and Harley crumbling under the attack of countless undead groups, he rushed down, a mighty roar rippling out circles of sound waves, and the rows of undead in front were like cuts. It fell down like wheat. This is the authentic Shaolin lion's roar, full of righteousness, it is the most suitable to deal with this kind of undead.

Long Yi's ability to enter the second level of Ao Tian Jue is not comparable to the first level, and other undead in the place swept away by his lion's roar sound wave did not dare to take a step further.

Long Yi helped Harley and Bull to stop the bleeding. Originally, he could use light magic to heal their wounds directly, but he had some scruples about Harley and Lan Tian, ​​so he did it. He could only help after Lan Tian recovered. up.

Lucia stared at Long Yi obsessively, her mind went blank for a moment, happiness came so fast that she couldn't react for a moment.

Looking at the pale face of the little elf, Long Yi felt a pain in his heart, he took two steps forward and hugged Lucia into his arms, and put one hand against her vest to input his internal energy.

"Long Yi, I'm not dreaming, is it really you?" Lucia murmured, the familiar smell surrounded her and made her feel extremely at ease.

"It's me, I'm back." Long Yi said softly, and gently kissed her forehead.

Feeling the tender feeling on her forehead, Lucia finally believed that what she was seeing was not a hallucination, she shrank into Long Yi's arms and murmured: "It's good that you are back."

Long Yi tenderly looked at the little elf who had fallen asleep in his arms, his heart was full of tenderness, he finally came back in time, they were all fine.

Leng Youyou stood aside and looked at Long Yi, her eyes were a bit complicated but then she was relieved. Fortunately, when her face entered the teleportation magic circle, it turned into its original normal appearance. Otherwise, it would be strange if the eyeballs of Harley and the others didn't fall to the ground.

Long Yiyi raised his head, and just met Leng Youyou's relieved expression, he couldn't help feeling relieved, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

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