Womanizing Mage

Chapter 65 Moved

At this time, Lan Tian's mana had recovered a little bit, and he immediately cast two advanced light healing spells for Bull and Harley.

Long Yi hugged Lucia and looked around, always felt that something was not right, it had been several months since he fell into the space crack, why are they still at the gate of this city? Logically speaking, they either retreated or Sleeping here forever, the more Long Yi thought about it, the more wrong he became.

It just so happened that Leng Youyou also looked at him suspiciously, it seemed that she also had this problem.

"Man Niu, what happened after I fell into the space crack, why so many undead appeared?" Long Yi asked.

Man Niu scratched his head and replied: "We all passed out yesterday, and it was Lucia who rescued us later, so we knew that you fell into the space crack."

yesterday? Long Yi and Leng Youyou looked at each other, full of shock, they obviously stayed in that strange space for several months, how could it be only one day? Could it be that everything that happened in that dimension was just a dream?

"But just after a while, countless undead came out of the ground and surrounded us. We have been killed since yesterday. If you don't show up, we will all belch." The bull continued, with a look of admiration on his face. Looking at Long Yi, Long Yi's wild lion's roar made him envious.

"Long Yi, where did you and Leng Youyou go? Why did you suddenly reappear?" Harley couldn't help asking.

Long Yi smiled calmly and said: "We don't know too well, it's pitch black everywhere inside, and we don't know how to get out, we just feel that suddenly we can see the light of day again."

Harley nodded and didn't ask any more questions, but Long Yi saw the flash of suspicion in his eyes.

After fighting for a day and a night, Man Niu and the others were seriously injured, so they decided to rest for a whole night before going to the city to have a look. It can be said that most of the mission of this lost city has been completed so far, but for them, the mission of the lost city has just begun. I heard that there are a lot of treasures, unparalleled artifacts, and even the God of Darkness. God card, of course they can't just give up.

Looking at the densely packed skeletons and zombies not far away, Long Yi frowned, how could there be so many low-level undead in this ghostly place. With a move of his mental power, he wrapped the undead magic undead exorcism and threw it towards those undead. Immediately, these unappetizing low-level undead all drilled back into the ground. The reason why Long Yi wrapped it with spiritual power was because he was afraid that the dark magic power would leak out. He really couldn't trust the gentle-looking Lan Tian and the honest-looking Harley. If they found out, he might just silence him. He didn't want to be hunted down everywhere today.

Leng Youyou appeared behind Long Yi like a ghost, with her current strength as a dark magician plus that weird black lotus, even if she meets a great magician, she can fight. On the contrary, Long Yi is not very satisfied with the improvement of his own strength. Although Ao Tianjue has entered the second level, his magic power still stays at the level of a senior magician.

"Can't sleep?" Long asked without looking back.

"En." Leng Youyou responded lightly and hugged Long Yi's waist from behind.

"Youyou, don't you think it's too strange? We stayed in that space for so long, but it's only been a day here." Long Yi put his big hand on the jade hand that Leng Youyou hugged around his waist.

"Where there is the God of Darkness, nothing is impossible." Leng Youyou's answer made Long Yi dumbfounded. Is the God of Darkness so great?

"Long Yi..." Leng Youyou called out, with some hesitation in his tone.

"Huh? Let's talk about anything, there's nothing we can't talk about." Long Yi smiled lightly, and turned his hands on Leng Youyou's buttocks to caress.

The lover's caress made Leng Youyou's whole body tremble, and her sensitive body immediately became soft. She snorted softly and said, "Don't move around, I'm telling you the truth. I think, I think there is something wrong with Harley."

Upon hearing this, Long Yi became serious, he put down his mischievous big hands, turned around and asked: "What do you think is wrong with him?"

Leng Youyou frowned and said in thought: "When I was beside him today, I seemed to feel a kind of aura of the same kind, just like us, but I'm not sure."

"You mean he also practiced dark magic?" Long Yi asked in surprise.

"It's possible."

Long Yi pondered for a long while before chuckling and said: "Forget it, even if Harley has practiced dark magic, it doesn't matter, don't we practice the same?"

Leng Youyou nodded, suddenly felt her waist tightened, and her whole body had fallen into Long Yi's arms.

"What do you want to do?" Leng Youyou blushed, a little expectant and a little shy.

"I want to do something that will make us both happy." Long Yi lowered his head, his lips lightly touched Leng Youyou's delicate earlobe, and his big hand slid towards her warm private garden with ill intentions.

Leng Youyou's delicate body softened, and her face dimly changed back to that ghostly saint who turned all sentient beings upside down. Her beautiful eyes were misty, and her pink lips were slightly parted, as if inviting her sweetheart to taste it to her heart's content.

Long Yise's heart fluttered, and he kissed it with his big mouth. The cold and sweet taste made him intoxicated and left him with endless aftertaste.

Leng Youyou's body became scorching hot, even the breath she exhaled was extremely hot. She and Long Yi had been happy in that space many times, and every sensitive point in her body was very clear to Long Yi, and the only way for Long Yi to tease her was to surrender. Now, she can't resist and doesn't want to resist this kind of shameful but addictive sex.

One of Long Yi's big hands caressed the tall and straight jade peak, while the other big hand was teasing the girl's secret place, the thin silk trousers were already soaked by the dew.

"Well, husband." Leng Youyou moaned unbearably, the desire and emptiness coming from her lower body made her very uncomfortable, she subconsciously pressed her waist to cooperate with Long Yi's fondling.

"Husband, let's go in." Leng Youyou couldn't control herself, she teased Long Yi's little brother with her little hand through her pants, she desperately needed it to fill the emptiness in her lower body.

Hearing the moaning coldly like fire, Long Yi hugged her horizontally, and entered the tent in a flash.

The flames of the sex suddenly ignited, the two tore each other's clothes, and after a while they were face to face. Leng Youyou in love was as passionate as fire, she pushed Long Yi down and straddled him.

"Long Yi, don't, don't go, don't leave me." At this critical moment, Lucia yelled in horror from the tent next door.

The two people's bodies went out as if being poured by a basin of ice water, Long hurriedly put on his clothes and rushed out, leaving Leng Youyou lying on the bed with a dissatisfied Leng Youyou pouting.

As soon as Long rushed into Lucia's tent, he saw her crying and waving her hands and scratching in the air, repeating the words just now, obviously she was having a nightmare.

Long Yi grabbed Lucia's hand and called urgently: "Lucia, wake up, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Lucia opened her eyes and saw Long Yi looking at her with concern, she immediately threw herself into his arms whimpering, her thin and delicate body was trembling non-stop, which made Long Yi feel distressed.

"Be good, don't be afraid, I will stay by your side and will not leave you behind." Long Yi gently stroked Lucia's pink back and said softly.

"Really? Let me stay with you even if you die, okay?" Lucia said with tears in her eyes.

Long Yi's heart was moved for a while, there were so many infatuated women around him, it made him feel happy and also made him feel a heavy sense of responsibility, he had to become stronger as soon as possible, so that he could protect them well.

"Silly girl, how can I die so easily, I promise you, as long as you don't let me die, I will live no matter what." Long Yi pressed Lucia's head into his embrace.

"This is what you said, don't go back on it...don't go back on it..." Lucia murmured lower and lower, exhausted physically and mentally, she fell asleep peacefully in the arms of her sweetheart, her hands tightly Pulling the corner of his clothes, as if afraid that he would run away.

Long Yi sighed softly, hugged Lucia and lay down.

The night has come, can the dawn be far behind?

ps: The state is not very good today, so I will code these~~

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