Womanizing Mage

Chapter 67: Modern Underwear

Harley ignored the angry Lucia and the bull, just stared at Long Yi indifferently, he tried to see something in his eyes, but he was disappointed, Long Yi's pitch-black eyes were like a deep The black hole was bottomless, and it gave him a dull and oppressive feeling.

"You don't seem surprised at all." Harley asked with a smile, with a nonchalant look on his face, as if he just killed an animal.

"Do I need to be surprised?" Long Yi asked back with a light smile, looking playfully at Harley, whose simple and honest camouflage had faded away, and his eyes were shining with vigor.

Harley didn't answer, but stood quietly in front of the metal gate, let out a low drink, thick black air filled his body, and saw his hands stroking the dark magic seal on the gate, the black magic rune It starts to fade slowly, and finally disappears.

"You practice dark magic!" Lucia exclaimed in shock, raising the elf bow again.

Long Yi blocked Lucia and signaled her not to get excited, then smiled at Harley: "This is the reason why you want to kill Lan Tian, ​​now that we know it, are you going to kill us too?"

Harley's sharp eyes shot straight at Long Yi, and said: "He is a member of the Illuminati Church, so he must die, but I have no reason to kill you, maybe you can kill me, but without my guide, you will never get out of the wild grassland , everyone helps each other get what they need, why not do it?"

Having said that, Harry paused, turned to Lucia and said, "Lucia, are you surprised that I practice dark magic? I'm afraid you will be even more surprised in the future."

"What do you mean?" Lucia asked.

"Hey, you can ask your good sister Leng Youyou, I think she would like to surprise you." Harley laughed.

Lucia looked at Leng Youyou, but saw that she was looking at Long Yi, and Long Yi nodded slightly towards her.

"Are you from the Dark Church?" Leng Youyou asked.

"Does it mean that you must belong to the Dark Church if you practice dark magic? I'm afraid you are a member of the Dark Church, Miss Youyou." Harley snorted softly, obviously disdainful of the Dark Church.

Hearing what Harley said, before Leng Youyou said anything, Lucia yelled loudly, pointing at Harley and said sharply: "You are talking nonsense, Sister Youyou is not from the Dark Church, she practices spiritual magic, how could it be of the dark church."

Long Yi smiled wryly in his heart, not everyone in the Dark Church was a heinous person, but they were advertised by the Bright Church as an extremely evil organization, and the people inside were demons who ate human flesh and drank human blood.

"Don't I also practice Dou Qi? I can't see through Long Yi,

But for Leng Youyou, I'm sure that she has the same dark aura as me. Although she tried her best to cover it up, she couldn't hide it from me, who is of the same kind. I think she should have also noticed the dark aura on me. "Halley laughed.

"Sister Youyou, this big villain lied to me, right? You are not from the dark church at all, and you haven't practiced dark magic, right?" Lucia looked at Leng Youyou expectantly.

Leng Youyou sighed softly, waved her jade hand, and a black ball of light appeared in her hand, she said to Lucia: "He is right, I do practice dark magic, and I am indeed a member of the Dark Church. "

"No, no, Long Yi." Lucia looked at Long Yi with a pale face, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

Long Yi rubbed Lucia's head and said: "Silly girl, practicing dark magic is the same as practicing other magic, only the types of magic are different."


"You want to say that those who practice dark magic are all tyrannical, murderous demons?" Long Yi said with a gentle smile, this Church of Light kills people, and it really kills all heretics.

Lucia nodded.

"Little Elf, you have been with your sister Youyou for so long, do you think she looks like a female devil?" Long Yi asked.

Lucia shook her head.

"Trust your own eyes, trust your own feelings, don't care what others say, you know? If you don't trust your sister Youyou, then you don't trust me." Long Yi's expression became serious.

Lucia stared at Long Yi in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Long Yi sighed, and after snapping his fingers, a ray of black flame appeared on his fingertips, he said: "I also practiced dark magic, don't you believe me?"

Lucia's whole body was shaken, and she looked at Long Yi in disbelief, and when she saw his increasingly cold eyes, she suddenly became flustered, she was afraid that Long Yi would be angry, and that he would not want her. She hugged Long Yi's arm and said tremblingly: "Long Yi, I believe, I believe in you, don't do this, I'm afraid."

Long Yi's expression softened, he never wanted to see his woman distrust him, this was the most intolerable thing for him. He can ignore others completely, but as his closest person, he cares very much.

"Man Niu, do you believe me?" Long Yi turned his head to look at Man Niu, he had a very good impression of this orc, he was upright and had no scheming, and he was very righteous.

Man Niu scratched his head habitually and said, "Of course I believe you. Regardless of whether you have practiced dark magic or not, I, Man Niu, admire you the most."

Harley looked at Long Yi in surprise, feeling very jealous of him in his heart, he could feel the dark aura on Leng Youyou's body, but he couldn't see the depth of Long Yi's, along the way, Long Yi was more surprised than ever , His ghostly body skills and strong destructive ability are definitely not something a swordsman can do.

"I didn't expect you to also practice dark magic. In this way, everyone is traveling together. Time is precious. Let's go in." Harley said, kicking the silver metal door open, and a choking smell gushed out.

With a few soft bangs, the dark hall suddenly lit up with a fiery red light. It turned out that the magic lamp on the wall turned on automatically, and Long Yi and the others walked in cautiously.

The hall is full of dust, but from the old furnishings and decorations, one can see the luxury of the past, and a few items on the table can be sold for a good price, but they have not been moved.

Passing through the front hall is a long corridor. There is no magic lamp in the corridor, and the magic lamp in the front hall was automatically extinguished after Long Yi and the others walked out. I don’t know which genius invented such an ingenious design. Canglan Continent does not have such an advanced magic lighting device.

It was pitch black in front of them, Long Yi and the others had no choice but to cast magic lighting. This City Lord's Mansion is really big. Long Yi and the others took a long time to go around it. There are many valuable items in the mansion, but neither Long Yi nor Harley look down on these rubbish. What they are looking for now is the City Lord's Mansion. treasure trove.

Now that we have basically figured out the situation of the City Lord's Mansion, there is no danger, so after discussing, Long Yi decided to ask everyone to search separately to see if there is a secret room or something.

Long Yi pushed open a dusty door, and at a glance he knew that this was a girl's bedroom, which was very warmly and delicately furnished. Long Yi looked around to see if there were any traps or anything like that, he opened the closet, and what he saw were all kinds of bright and beautiful clothes, the styles were very unique.

Long Yi stretched out his hand to grope inside, suddenly his pupils dilated, and he picked up something pink with his fingers, na na said: Bra, there is a bra in this damn place! "

At this moment, Lucia came in, she looked at the semicircle thing in Long Yi's hand curiously and asked: "What is this?"

Long Yi came back to his senses, handed the pink bra to Lucia with a smirk, and said, "This is what girls wear."

Lucia held the small piece of cloth and looked left and right, but couldn't figure out where such a small thing was worn.

"Just to remind you, this thing is called a tattooed breast, also called a bra." Long Yi looked at Lucia's swollen breasts and laughed.

"Brassiere?" Lucia asked suspiciously, suddenly Long Yishen stared at her breasts, then looked at the two semicircular things connected together, and suddenly understood.

"Ah, scoundrel." Lucia blushed and threw the thing out hastily.

The pink bra was thrown by Lucia and fell lightly on the bed.

Long Yi's eyes lit up, he went straight up, picked up the bra and threw it aside, a crystal ball the size of a fist suddenly appeared underneath.


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