Womanizing Mage

Chapter 68: The Secret Path

Long Yi's eyes lit up, he went straight up, picked up the bra and threw it aside, a crystal ball the size of a fist suddenly appeared underneath.

"Wow, what a beautiful crystal ball." Lucia exclaimed, and immediately rushed up to hold the crystal ball in her hand, playing with it fondly.

"It's quite beautiful, take it if you like it." Long Yi smiled dotingly.

"Hmm." Lucia nodded vigorously, apparently unable to resist it.

"Long Yi, please keep it for me first." Lucia handed the crystal ball to Long Yi.

Long Yi took the crystal ball, felt its cool and smooth feeling, and suddenly realized that the crystal ball actually had magical fluctuations, he gasped, and tentatively input a little magic power.

The crystal ball suddenly shone brightly, and the originally crystal clear crystal ball actually showed an image. The first thing that appeared on the screen was a particularly beautiful garden with green grass, colorful flowers, realistic rockery and fountains. Then the picture began to move and shake a little, as if walking with a camera. The picture faces a unique pavilion in the distance, and there is a graceful girl sitting in the pavilion, holding a book in her hands and reading intently, but the girl's face is not clear because it is too far away.

Just when Long Yi was feeling sorry, the picture started to get closer, and even closer, the girl suddenly raised her head and looked over. Long Yi felt amazed for a moment. In fact, she was not as good as Leng Youyou in terms of exquisite facial features, but she seemed to have a very harmonious and perfect feeling. The spring-like temperament made people feel calm and peaceful. Comfortable.

At this time, the girl in the crystal ball showed a faint smile, her pink lips parted and closed to say something, but the crystal ball had no sound, so Long Yi couldn't hear the girl's voice.

The picture stopped abruptly here, and then turned into a crystal clear crystal ball again. Both Long Yi and Lucia looked stunned, obviously they haven't recovered yet.

"What a beautiful sister." Lucia murmured like a dream.

Besides being amazed by the girl in the crystal ball, Long Yi was more shocked by the crystal ball in his hand. How did the magic civilization create such amazing and beautiful things? camera? Compared with the current magic civilization of the Canglan Continent, it is just a toddler.

"Long Yi, come here quickly, we have discovered a secret underground passage." At this moment, the call of a bull came from outside.

Long Yi immediately threw the crystal ball into the interspatial ring, and whispered to Lucia: "Don't talk about this matter for now, do you understand?"

Lucia nodded, and followed Long Yi towards the bull.

The secret path was found in a study,

Just behind the bookshelf, there is a long staircase leading to the ground, with a row of magic lamps on both sides of the staircase.

"Let's get down." Long Yi said and walked down first, and the others followed.

But just after they all stepped in, the bookshelf suddenly closed with a bang. Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and Harley said urgently: "Quickly find out if there is a switch."

I searched all the way up and down, but I couldn't find the mechanism to open it.

"What are you looking for, such a thin layer, just smash it into pieces." Man Niu said, slamming it hard with a mace.

There was only a loud bang echoing in the long and narrow space. The barbaric bull was shaken upside down and rolled down the long stairs. After rolling dozens of stairs, it settled down, with blood on the corners of its mouth. stood up.

A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Long Yi's heart, he tried it with magic and battle qi, and found that this door could counteract all attacks.

"The escape route is blocked, we can only move forward." Long Yi smiled wryly.

So a group of five people walked down cautiously. When they stepped down hundreds of steps, the five people were all dumbfounded. What kind of secret room is this? This is clearly an underground labyrinth. Passage, maybe there is only one correct path, while the others are dead ends.

"What, what should I do?" Harley's eyes widened and he lost his mind.

"What should I do? Cold salad." Long Yi answered angrily, without thinking about it, he found a passage and walked in.

Seeing Long Yi go in, several other people also followed.

"Long Yi, do you know the way?" Harley asked suspiciously.

"I don't know." Long Yi replied confidently.

"I don't know that you still lead us to run around, what if it is a dead end?" Harley asked urgently.

"It doesn't make any difference to us whether it's a dead end or not. Sitting there is waiting for death, so it's better to take a gamble." Long Yi said lightly.

Harley fell silent, Long Yi was right, now they have no way out. For a while, the atmosphere was a little depressed, none of the five people spoke, and there were only the sound of footsteps in the passage.

After a while, several people stopped, because the front of the passage was divided into three passages, and there were no magic lamps on both sides, and it was pitch black inside.

Facing several illuminated fireballs, Long Yi rushed directly to the passage in the middle. But when Long Yi entered, the others involuntarily stopped following up. Long Yi went in with the fireball, but when his people stepped into that passage, it was as if they were swallowed, and it was still pitch black in their eyes.

At this moment, Long Yi's exclamation came from inside, and then there was no sound.

"Long Yi." Leng Youyou and Lucia yelled in panic at the same time, they had already rushed in like a gust of wind, the stop just now was just a subconscious instinctive protection, when they heard the cry of their sweetheart, what did they do? I can't care less.

Man Niu froze for a moment, glanced at Harley and rushed in.

At this moment, Harley was the only one left outside, he was stunned on the spot, a little bit at a loss, hearing Long Yi's exclamation, he must have encountered something, wouldn't he die by rushing in at this time?

"Ah..." At this time, Lucia, Leng Youyou and Man Niu's exclamations came from inside again and again, which made Harley even more afraid to go in. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, Harley shivered, he took two steps back, turned around and ran back the same way.

ps: Ashamed, I only coded 2,000 words, tomorrow will be 6,000~~~

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