Womanizing Mage

Chapter 71 The Thief

Long Yi lay on the lid of the crystal coffin like an octopus, slowly absorbing and assimilating the strange magic barrier on the crystal coffin. He really admired the person who cast the barrier. You must know that Long Yi can easily destroy a level of holy light barrier magic, but it takes so much time to break the magic barrier on the crystal coffin. It is conceivable that the person who cast the enchantment must have been a magister, maybe he is still a magician.

Before he knew it, Long Yi actually entered a state of meditation at the bottom of the water, so he didn't realize that the crystal coffin began to glow with a light blue light, and the water at the bottom of the pool was forcefully stretched open by a force. The five meters around the crystal coffin became a waterless space.

Suddenly, the light blue light of the crystal coffin flashed suddenly, and then disappeared in an instant, and the crystal coffin lid began to melt slowly, becoming thinner and thinner.

Finally, the crystal coffin cover disappeared without a trace, and Long Yi, who was lying on the crystal coffin cover, naturally fell down, and landed on the girl in the coffin with a plop, and his lips touched the girl's crotch as coincidentally as possible. On pink lips.

As soon as Long woke up, he smelled a very nice daughter's fragrance before he opened his eyes. It was fresh and elegant, a bit like the fragrance of orchids. When he opened his eyes, he saw a forehead as smooth as jade and a pair of long and curved eyelashes underneath. Only now did he feel the softness under his body, even a fool would know that there was a woman on top of him.

Long Yi didn't move, his lips were still sticking to the girl's pink lips, not because he became lustful, but because he was stunned, he was not so surprised to find himself pressed on the girl in the crystal coffin, What stunned him was because he actually felt the heartbeat vibration from the soft place on his chest.

Peng Peng, Peng Peng's voice seemed to hypnotize Long Yi. He became a little tranced, and suddenly had the feeling that the frequency of the heartbeat was more and more similar to his heart rhythm. In the end, he couldn't tell the difference. Is it his own heartbeat or the girl's heartbeat. The two hearts joined together under such a strange situation, Peng Peng's beating sound was like one person.

Suddenly, the girl's closed eyes suddenly opened, like a pool of autumn water flowing as long and as clear as a gurgling stream in the mountains, making people feel ashamed at the first sight.

The girl stared at Long Yi's eyes that were close at hand, at first she was bewildered, then puzzled, and then a kindness flashed in her eyes.

It was only at this moment that Long Yi came back to his senses, he propped himself up, and there was still a faint lingering fragrance on his mouth.

"Are you up?" the girl said, her voice was as clear as a yellow warbler, and it sounded very comfortable.

Long Yi was stunned, reluctantly climbed up from the girl's body, the soft touch left him with endless aftertaste.

The girl sat up, looked around with her autumn eyes, and frowned slightly, as if she was remembering something.

"Can you tell me who I am?" After a while,

The girl raised her body, rubbed her head and looked at Long Yi.

She was dumbfounded, she didn't even know who she was, and he didn't even know who she was.

"You don't know me?" The girl's autumn eyes were filled with cold air, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

Startled, Long Yi took two steps back. He felt the strong wave of water magic from this girl, which seemed to be boundless. At such a young age, could it be that she has reached the level of a great magister?

"Do I have to know you?" Long Yi smiled wryly.

"You shameless thief, I will kill you." The girl chanted a spell silently, and the powerful water magic elements gathered wildly, and the water in the pool began to roll.

Long Yi broke out in a cold sweat. With such a powerful magic power, she cast it successfully and it was fine. His figure disappeared in a flash, and in the next second, he appeared behind the girl. His big hand was pinching the girl's neck. on, interrupting her chanting.

"Don't be so impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil, I will wake you up, is this how you treat your savior?" Long Yi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked.

But at this moment, a blue light flashed on the girl's body, and a strong thrust sent Long Yi flying, and a light blue barrier had already appeared on the girl's body.

"You saved me?" the girl asked coldly.

"If I hadn't saved you, you would have stayed in this coffin forever without seeing the light of day." Long Yi smiled wryly.

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe you?" The girl almost gritted her teeth. She couldn't remember anything when she woke up. She thought that the man who was pressing on her was her lover, but who knew he didn't know her. It is unforgivable.

"There's nothing you can do if you don't believe me, you won't survive even if you kill me." Long Yanzhu said calmly.

The girl looked at Long Yi coldly, apparently not believing his nonsense.

Long Yi chuckled and said: "I used a secret method to revive you who had been sleeping for thousands of years. The two of us share life now. If you don't believe me, calm down and feel it."

"Sleeping for a thousand years?" The girl was a little startled, she looked at the crystal coffin and subconsciously believed it.

The two looked at each other silently, and they both felt a strange spiritual connection between them. Pengpeng, Pengpeng, two different hearts beat with the same rhythm, a strange feeling appeared in the girl's heart, as if she and the man in front of her were an inseparable whole.

The girl withdrew the light blue barrier, sighed softly, her expression became indifferent and peaceful.

"You really don't remember anything?" Long Yi asked after seeing her dispel the hostility. He really wanted to know what kind of glorious magic civilization there was in the Lost City.

The girl shook her head and said, "My mind is blank, there is nothing."

Long Yi thought for a while, then took out the crystal ball found in the City Lord's Mansion from the interspatial ring and threw it to her, "Look at this, maybe you will remember something?"

The girl took the crystal ball, instinctively poured mana into it, then stared blankly at the garden and herself in the crystal ball, frowning and trying to recall.

"It's so familiar, but I still can't remember it." The girl sighed quietly, her eyes were a little dazed.

"Think about it slowly in the future, after all, you've been asleep for too long, it's normal to forget." Long Yi said with a smile, in fact, he didn't know whether it was because of this, but right now he could only think of this, so he took this reason to comfort her.

The girl nodded, with a gentle and quiet demeanor, which made people involuntarily intoxicated. She was not at all like the cold and murderous girl just now. Some people say that women are born with many faces. It seems that this is true.

"Let's go up first, I still have a few companions up there." Long Yi interrupted the girl's meditation.

ps: The next chapter will be at 11pm~~

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