Womanizing Mage

Chapter 72 Where is Home?

Just as Long Yi and the girl were about to go up, his gaze inadvertently glanced at the crystal coffin embedded in the pond, and he suddenly felt that there was something unusual about the bottom of the coffin.

"Wait a minute." Long Yi said, he squatted down and inspected carefully, there was something foggy floating in the bottom of the transparent coffin, the bottom was not solid.

"Exit!" These two characters appeared in Long Yi's mind, and he suddenly became excited.

"What are you touching?" Seeing Long Yi touching left and right in the crystal coffin that she had been lying in for an unknown number of years, the girl couldn't help feeling a little ashamed and angry.

Long Yi raised his head and smiled, said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm looking for an exit."

exit? The girl was startled suddenly, as if she remembered something, she stared blankly at the crystal coffin, suddenly waved her jade hand, and a light blue light sank into the crystal coffin. I saw the bottom of the crystal coffin turned up, revealing a big black hole.

"Exit, it's really an exit, you are really good." Long Yi shouted excitedly, he couldn't help but hugged the girl and kissed her on the face.

"You bastard." The girl trembled for a while, and angrily shouted a freezing spell to freeze Long Yi into an ice sculpture.

Long Yi smiled wryly in his heart, knowing that he was getting carried away with complacency, he released his internal energy and shattered the ice that wrapped him.

The girl looked at Long Yi in surprise, and was still teaching him a lesson, but at this moment, the ground suddenly started to shake violently, and the girl staggered and threw herself into Long Yi's arms. At this moment, Long Yi was not in the mood to take advantage of it, this violent vibration made him aware that something was wrong.

"We have to leave quickly, this place is about to collapse, you wait for me here, I'll go up and call my companions down." Long Yi stabilized his body and said to the girl, then rushed up with a swish.

As soon as Long got out of the water, a huge boulder fell down from above. He knocked the boulder away with a loud shout, and shouted to Leng Youyou and the three who were hiding from the boulder: "Go into the water, the exit is below."

The three of Leng Youyou jumped into the water without hesitation. In order to speed up the dive, Long Yi used all his strength, he used the Aotian Art to the limit, and took the three of them to fly to the bottom of the pool to dive .

At this time, many stones had been smashed into the pool, and Long Yi was chasing after them and pressed towards them.

"Get down quickly." At the bottom of the pool, Long Yi and the five of them got into the passage under the crystal coffin, and the stones that fell down filled up the pool in the blink of an eye.

When Long Yi and the others saw the light again, they had already appeared outside the city lord's mansion of the Lost City, but before they had time to take a breath, they found that the sky was falling apart, and the Lost City began to sink and collapse.

The ground rose and fell like waves, overturning and burying everything.

Long Yi cast several wind spells on the people one after another, and ran forward desperately. At this moment, they had no other thoughts in their hearts, only to run desperately, to get out of this hellish place.

If Long Yi used all his strength to teleport through the universe, there would be no problem in escaping, but with his character of emphasizing love and righteousness, how could he leave Leng Youyou and the others behind and escape alone?

Long Yi held Lucia between his arms and pulled the bull with one hand, as for Leng Youyou and the girl who used the levitation technique to follow closely behind. At this time, the earth wave that was more than ten meters high was getting closer and closer. If Long Yi didn't stop it, he might be buried in the ground.

"Long Yi, let go, leave me alone." Lucia begged with some despair, she couldn't drag her sweetheart into being buried alive with her.

"Boss, let us go and escape by ourselves." Man Niu struggled. He wanted to shout this boss a long time ago, but because the orcs have always been discriminated against by humans, he never dared to say it.

"Shut up both of you, am I, Long Yi, that kind of person? I won't leave you alone and escape alone." Long Yi clenched his teeth and taught, if he left his wife and brother at this time, Then he is worse than a beast.

Looking at Long Yi's tall and straight back coldly, listening to his sonorous oath, her eyes couldn't help getting moist. As a woman, what could be happier than having such a man?

The girl on the side also looked at Long Yi in a daze, a friend in adversity sees the truth, a man who would not abandon his woman and brothers even if he died would not be so bad. She could feel the unswerving determination in Long Yi's heart, she could even feel the flash of regret and warmth in his heart.

Seeing that the huge earth wave was about to bury everyone, the girl sighed faintly, and a white light suddenly appeared from a bracelet on her wrist, covering the five of them, and disappeared in place in an instant.


On a small hill ten miles away from the Lost City, five people stood on it and looked at the Lost City, which was completely shattered, with different expressions. Long Yi still has lingering fears when he thinks about the situation at that time. Fortunately, the girl teleported them to this place with the bracelet that sealed the space magic, otherwise, he might not be able to see the beautiful sun and breathe the fresh air. It's so fucking cool to be alive, Long Yi said in his heart.

"Long Yi, Harley is still inside." Lucia whispered.

Long Yi raised his sword eyebrows, that kid should be sleeping forever in the Lost City right now, Long Yi is not sad at all, if he could rush in recklessly like the bulls and the others, what he got would be what he wanted. unexpected.

Seeing that Long Yi didn't respond, Lucia said angrily: "Without Harley's map, how did we get out of this wild grassland?"

Long Yi suddenly realized that this was what Lu Xiya was taking care of, he smiled lightly and said: "What are you afraid of, with my husband here, are you afraid that you won't be able to get out of this small wild grassland?"

Seeing her sweetheart's flamboyant expression, Lucia couldn't help being ecstatic, she leaned into Long Yi's arms and murmured: "Well, as long as you're here, I won't be afraid of anything."

At this time, Man Niu was sitting on the ground, gently wiping the Green Jade Judgment, and since he got this artifact, he has completely focused on it.

Leng Youyou suddenly tugged on Long Yi's sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Long Yi asked.

Leng Youyou pointed at the girl, Long Yi found that the girl was staring blankly at the ruins of the lost city, two crystal clear teardrops slipped down from her eye sockets.

"Why? Why is my heart so uncomfortable?" The girl murmured, her face full of confusion.

Long Yi understood somewhat, although she had forgotten everything, but the blood of the Lost City flowed from her body, her home was the Lost City.

Long Yi stepped forward, took out a piece of silk from the interspatial ring and handed it over. The girl didn't answer, and after glancing at Long Yi, all the tears on her face disappeared in an instant, and her expression returned to indifference, as if the teary-eyed girl just now was just Long Yi's illusion.

"That's your home, you should be sad when your home is gone, no one will laugh at you." Long Yi shrugged, took Si Juan back and said without hesitation.

The girl shook her head, and said lightly: "That's not my home, I don't have a home anymore."

"Who said you don't have a home, my home is your home, have you forgotten our relationship?" Long Yi said with a smile.

The girl was startled, and asked: "Then where is your home?" At this time, Leng Youyou and Lucia also looked at Long Yi curiously, they also wanted to know where Long Yi's home was?

Long Yi was stunned by the girl's question, he raised his head to look at the Wind Riding Condor circling in the sky, and said after a long silence: "No matter how high the Condor Falcon flies, home is where there are children, no matter how far the children go, Home is where there are parents, and my home is at the end of the world."

Feeling the faint sadness from Long Yi, the girl couldn't help feeling a sense of sympathy, and the eyes she looked at Long Yi were no longer so cold.

Leng Youyou and Lucia's eyes were even more red, and they hugged Long Yi's arms from left to right.

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