Womanizing Mage

Chapter 73: Mia Holy Magic Academy

Crazy Dragon Empire Tenglong City.

In the middle of the night, a black figure silently appeared in the Ximen family's mansion. Like a ghost, he flew past the patrolling guards one after another, and finally appeared outside the study of the head of the family, Ximen Nu. There was a strange knock on the door.

"Come in." Ximen Nu's majestic voice came from the study.

"Skynet No. 13, see the Patriarch." The black figure knelt on the ground immediately after entering the door, with a respectful expression on his face.

Ximen Nu was still sitting at the desk writing vigorously, without even raising his head. After a while, he asked, "Have you found out the whereabouts of the young master?"

"Go home, the young master appeared in Guangming City a few months ago. He registered a mercenary team to go to the wild grassland to do an A-level task called the Lost City, and his whereabouts are unknown now. According to the news from Guangming City According to news, the young master has been in contact with the eldest lady of the Phoenix family, and the relationship between the two is ambiguous, and the young master's strength has reached the level of a sword master." Hei Ying said accurately and clearly.

Ximen Nu paused his writing hand, his eyes fluctuated, and he said: "Go down, and report to me immediately if you find the whereabouts of the young master."

The black shadow disappeared into the study in response, and Ximen Nu stood up and paced in the study, he sighed deeply: "Yu'er, Yu'er, as a father, I always thought you were ignorant, I didn't expect you It's so hidden."

The Ximen family has been the power center of the Kuanglong Empire for thousands of years, and its power is deeply rooted. It has tied a large number of officials and nobles to his boat, and its hidden power is even more pervasive. industry. A person's heart is infinite, and it is also the most difficult to satisfy. It would be a lie to say that Ximen Nu has no idea about the throne. But Ximen Nu is a man of great talent and strategy. He is waiting for an opportunity, and now he sees a glimmer of hope. The relationship between the Proud Moon Empire and the Nalan Empire is extremely tense because of the magician incident in the deserted town. Because of the frequent deployment of troops, there is a tendency for war to be imminent.

What Ximen Nu has to do is very simple, he just needs to pour a handful of oil on the fire to make it burn more vigorously, and the Kuanglong Empire, as one of the three great empires, is bound to get involved, and when Canglan is in chaos, he can Taking advantage of the situation, I believe it is not impossible to aspire to the throne with the power in his hands.

Ximen Nu went to the window and sighed again, his heirs were not prosperous, he only had two sons, Ximen Tian and Ximen Yu, logically speaking the position of patriarch was to be passed on to Ximen Tian, ​​but Ximen Tian's mother was just an ordinary His young lady, when he was young, was as dandy as Ximenyu, and he made her pregnant, so he had no choice but to take him in as a side room. Although the eldest son Ximentian is very talented, he is narrow-minded and not suitable for great things.

It was only later that he married the eldest lady of the Dongfang family, and then he had Ximenyu, an ignorant and wealthy young master. Ximen Nu prefers Ximen Yu. Everyone in the Ximen family knows that although Ximen Yu is ignorant all day long,

But Ximentian couldn't pretend the nobleness and arrogance he was born with that day. Ximenyu was very much like him when he was young, lawless, even dared to rape the princess.

Thinking of this, a smile rarely appeared on Ximen Nu's majestic face, this kid is really better than blue. He thought again that Ximenyu had secretly cultivated to the level of a sword master, and dared to go deep into the barren grassland to do the task of the lost city. He knew exactly where the barren grassland was, and he was very happy that his son had the courage, although he was a little worried He is safe, but he believes that his son is not a fate. As for the next Patriarch Ximen, Ximen Nu has already made a choice in his heart.


The sun was shining brightly, and the warm breeze was blowing, which made people feel better.

On the official road outside Tenglong City, a troop of cavalry escorted a luxurious carriage to a distance. The bright blood-red armor on the cavalry reflected the dazzling light, and the thick murderous aura made passers-by avoid one by one, not daring to take a second look. .

"Wow, who is so majestic that he wants to be escorted by the bloody cavalry from the Dragon Legion." Passerby A asked, shaking his goose skin that was aroused by the cold murderous aura pierced into the bone marrow.

Passer-by B gave him a contemptuous look, and snorted, "Ignorant, don't you see the royal badge on the carriage, the people inside are either princes or princesses, and only the immediate family members of the royal family are eligible to be escorted by the bloody cavalry regiment. "

"You two idiots, you don't even know this, the little princess Long Ling'er and Miss Ximen Wuhen are sitting in the carriage, they are going to study at Mia Holy Magic Academy." Passerby A said triumphantly after hearing this.

"Princess Long Ling'er, is it the one who was raped by the young master of Ximen's family?" Passerby A asked.

Passerby B and Passerby C jumped away in a flash, with expressions that they didn't know this guy. Just when passer-by A was puzzled, he was held down by two men who looked like soldiers and took him away.

In fact, it’s okay to gossip about the royal family or wealthy families after dinner. The problem is that Long Ling’er was so depressed in the palace. As a result, as soon as she left the palace in disguise, she went to the streets to talk about Ximenyu’s rape of her. She was even more depressed when she was in a bad mood, and she couldn't afford to be ill.

So the emperor Long Zhan issued an imperial decree that anyone who discusses the matter again, no matter who they are, will be imprisoned for ten days and will be whipped and fined.

On the luxurious carriage, Long Ling'er and Ximen Wuhen sat on one side. Long Ling'er was as beautiful as before, but she was much thinner, her face was expressionless, and her eyes were as cold as ten thousand years of ice. She leaned silently on the soft pillow, wondering what she was thinking.

Ximen Wuhen looked at Long Linger's appearance, and sighed softly in her heart. Ximenyu really did a crime. Long Linger, who was originally full of pride, was turned into a soulless body by him. She clearly felt that Long Linger Her heart is getting tighter and tighter, and as her best friend, Ximen Wuhen is also powerless.

"Ling'er, what do you think the Mia Holy Demon Academy will be like?" Ximen Wuhen was looking for a topic, she really didn't want Long Ling'er to turn into such a half-dead state.

Long Ling'er raised her eyelids, and said calmly: "It should be what it should be."

"I heard that Purseus, the great magister of the fire department, will also teach in person. I don't know when we will reach that level." Ximen Wuhen smiled slightly. She knew that as long as she talked about magic, there would be a trace of anger in Long Linger's body. .

"I will definitely, one day I will surpass him." Long Ling'er's frozen eyes lit up with a gleam. The only pursuit in her heart now is magic, and perhaps there is also the hatred buried deep in her heart, and she will kill Ximen Yu's beast. Apart from magic, it should be her biggest wish to die.

Mia Holy Magic Academy is the best magic academy in Canglan Continent. It was founded 800 years ago. Although Mia is only a small country, Mia Holy Magic Academy is the pride of this country. Over the past 800 years Numerous excellent magicians and swordsmen have been trained for the Canglan Continent. The great magister of the fire department, Puxius, is the dean of this academy. The reason why Mia has always stood firm in the frequent wars in the Canglan Continent , Mia Holy Magic Academy played a very key role in it.

Long Ling'er and Ximen Wuhen were previously registered at the Kuanglong Empire Academy of Magic, but they were taught by special teachers, both of whom were court mages at the magister level. This time, Long Ling'er was going to study at Mia Saint Magic Academy suddenly, and Ximen Wuhen had to accompany her there because she was worried about her.

The luxury carriage rushed forward under the guard of the bloody knights, and the wheel of time gradually drifted away, leaving the whole world on the other side of the horizon without any scruples.

ps: The next chapter is still at 11 o'clock~

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