Womanizing Mage

Chapter 74: Ice Wind Mercenary Group

In the vast barren grassland, the setting sun is like blood, and the wind is like a blade. The pungent smell of blood is blown for hundreds of miles with the wind, and the layers of monster corpses stretch without end.

In the distance, five people, two beasts, and eighteen skeletons came out from the pile of corpses. It was Long Yi and his party. Besides the Wild Thunder Beast, there was also a half-black and half-white tiger. The gluttonous mistress woke up from a deep sleep. Its size was nearly doubled, and its eyes, one black and one white, looked like a whirlpool, which looked very strange. It can now cast some elementary light magic and dark magic. It is unheard of for the light and dark magic to appear on a Warcraft at the same time. Got a freak pet.

"Long Yi, we must have broken into the monster's den. I don't know how long it will take to get out of the wild grassland." Lucia said in a muffled voice. It has been a month since she escaped from the lost city, and there is no map of the wild grassland. , The group of them spent every day in killing, there were too many monsters in the barren grassland.

Although there are SS-level Thunder Beasts, generally single groups of monsters have to be avoided far away, but monsters have a very strong sense of territory, especially those gathered in thousands, they don't care about that much at all , Stepped into their territory and began to attack frantically until they were completely dead.

"Come on, our general direction is correct, and we should be able to reach the border of Aoyue Empire after a few more days." Long Yi encouraged with a smile, he did not choose to retreat from the original road, but chose a completely different road. Along the way, he killed countless monsters of various levels, but he was too lazy to dig out the magic core, and he didn't know how to use the one in the space ring.

The sky was getting dark and the temperature dropped, Long Yi found a place to camp, lit a bonfire and started preparing dinner. The food prepared by the few people in the interspatial ring has already run out, and the only thing that can be eaten in the wild grassland is the meat of monsters. These days, Long Yi has changed the way to make these meat of monsters, roasting, frying, stewing, boiling, They cook everything, but fortunately Long Yi's skills are not bad, they all use the cooking method of his previous life, and everyone is still cheering on him, and with the two big eaters of Thunder Beast and Xiao San, they eat as much as they want.

"Sister Wushuang, what book are you reading?" Lucia kept running towards Wushuang. Wushuang was named by Longyi and the Sleeping Beauty. When he saw her peerless appearance and temperament, his mind couldn't help Jue thought of the words "Unparalleled Under Heaven", so he named her Wushuang.

Wushuang smiled slightly, shook the book and said, "I'm reading the General History of Canglan Continent, and I thought it might remind me of something." She has a very quiet personality, doesn't talk much, and asks Long Yi for it every time she takes a break. Reading books, every time she reads, everyone's eyes will always be attracted to her involuntarily, that kind of quiet and indifferent feeling is always so easy to infect others, watching her read is also a kind of enjoyment.

"Sister Wushuang, don't worry, you will definitely remember everything." Lucia comforted her sensiblely.

Wushuang nodded, and his mind was immersed in the sea of ​​books again.

The bonfire is blaring,

Long Yi is very busy, but what is amazing is that Long Er, the skeleton, is helping him. Under Long Yi's control, he is cutting up the meat of monsters. Among the necromancers of all ages, the skeleton is probably the only one who uses a skeleton to cut vegetables. Only Long Yi could think of it.

At this moment, Wushuang who was holding the book and read it engrossed raised her eyebrows, closed the book and said, "Someone is here."

Hearing Wushuang's words, everyone was taken aback.

"Sister Wushuang, what you said is that someone is coming, not a monster, right?" Lucia asked blankly.

This time there is no need for Wushuang to answer, because a little bit of magical light has appeared in the distance for lighting. Judging from the area and number, there are at least hundreds of people, and it seems to be a medium-sized mercenary group.

The mercenary group stopped in the distance, and then came directly towards Long Yi's camp, probably attracted by the light of their bonfire.

Long Yi took Long Er back into the dark dimension, and dinner was almost ready at this time.

The mercenary group moved very quickly, and appeared in front of Long Yi and the others in a short time, there were about five hundred people, with various professions, and they all rode unicorn horses, no wonder they were so fast.

As soon as they stopped, they all stared blankly at the three women of Leng Youyou. When did these mercenaries who licked their blood see such beautiful beauties, but now they saw three at a time, they were shocked shocked.

Wushuang couldn't help feeling angry when she was stared at by so many perverted eyes, her face sank, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees in an instant.

These mercenaries came to their senses all of a sudden, but whoever took the lead blew a whistle. Not only did the teacher not stop, but he stared nakedly at the sensitive parts of the three girls.

Long Yi also smiled, his smile was bright, but his eyes were full of murderous intent, this group of sons of bitches dared to attack his woman, he was really tired of work.

"Hmph." Wushuang snorted coldly, gently raised her jade hand and waved a snow-white world, and the dozens of people in front of them, including their horses and horses, turned into ice sculptures. The head of the mercenary group saw the opportunity and quickly pulled the deputy head next to him, and he was worthy of the strength of a great swordsman.

The mercenaries who had been teasing just now were all dumbfounded, looking at Wushuang in horror, Long Yi knew the power of her freezing spell, this level 9 water magic is much more powerful than the 5th level ice spell , Besides, what level is Wushuang? The professional rescue of soldiers may be rescued in time or still be saved, while those of other professions are doomed.

Long Yi walked to the front with a smile, condescendingly sized up the group of ants in his eyes, the strongest was the group leader, who had the strength of a great swordsman, and one of them was a middle-aged earth-type mage, with a magician. The strength of the guide, the others can be ignored.

"Misunderstanding, this is just a misunderstanding. Our ice wind mercenary group has absolutely no malicious intentions." The mercenary group leader squeezed out a good-natured smile and said. His face was full of evil spirits, it seemed that he had hit a hard bone.

"I know, it's just a misunderstanding, let us misunderstand you too." Long Yi smiled, but his eyes became colder and colder.

At this time, the fire magician holding the deputy leader's badge pushed the leader away and said arrogantly: "I'm so damned, do you know who I am? I think highly of you."

The regiment leader groaned secretly, knowing that this matter could not be done well, he gestured for an attack, wanting to strike first. "

Long Yi slashed at the foul-mouthed Third Prince across the air with one palm, the regiment leader next to him saw that the situation was not good and blocked him, and was slashed back by Long Yi for more than a dozen steps. The strength of the great swordsman really It is more than one grade stronger than the sword master.

"Destroy them, leave none behind." Long Yi shouted murderously.

At this time, the Ice Wind Mercenary Group has launched an attack, and the magic is overwhelming.

But Long Yi and Man Niu rushed forward regardless, Man Niu practiced the Shaolin Golden Bell Shield and Demon Subduing Stick taught by Long Yi, his strength increased very fast, and the Jasper Judgment forced the dozen or so swordsmen in front of him to Withdrawing, one of the chest cavity was dented by the smash, and there was already less air in and out. Man Niu has been slaughtering every day for a month, and now he is very excited when he sees blood, and the cold killing atmosphere all over his body makes people shudder.

But just as Long Yi and Man Niu were fighting vigorously, suddenly there was an unusually strong wave of magic, and the temperature suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees, as if they were in a world of ice and snow.

Long Yi pulled the barbarian bull to move the universe, leaving a phantom in the space and rushing out of the battle circle. In an instant, the situation changed suddenly, and head-sized hailstones fell from the sky densely. The 500 members of the Ice Wind Mercenary Corps fell two out of three in an instant, and some of them quickly released the magic barrier, avoiding the fate of being smashed to death.

Is this the end? Of course not, with a wave of Wushuang's hand, it was another level of ice and snow, and the rest of the people were all frozen into popsicles.

Hey, Long Yi let out a cry of surprise, he found that the trash who claimed to be the third prince of Aoyue Empire was wearing a khaki barrier and was still safe and sound, trying to run away.

Man Niu still wanted to chase, Long Yi held him back and smiled. He released his spiritual power and began to cast and induce the electric magic elements in the air, dark clouds gathered, and a huge coercion filled the world.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning as thick as an arm split out from the dark clouds, hitting the third prince who was running against the magic barrier. I saw that the whole body of the third prince froze, and the magic barrier was not broken yet. But immediately after several bolts of lightning struck, the barrier on the third prince's body finally shattered, and his whole body turned into a piece of black charcoal and fell straight down. Green light, the enclave disappeared into the distance.

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