Womanizing Mage

Chapter 75 Luohong is a heartless thing

Looking at the green light that disappeared in an instant, Long Yi felt an ominous premonition, and he asked, "Who knows what the hell that green light is?"

Both Man Niu and Lucia shook their heads blankly, but Leng Youyou frowned slightly, thinking about something.

"Youyou, what are you thinking? Do you know what it is?" Long Yi asked, patting Leng Youyou's fragrant shoulder.

Leng Youyou recovered, nodded and said: "If I read correctly, it is a creature called Emerald Bird, which flies very fast. It can be sealed in the human body, and once the host dies, it will return a letter. .”

"Emerald Demon Bird? Never heard of such a creature, Lucia, do you know?" Long Yi asked.

Lucia shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of it either."

"Few people know about this kind of bird. As far as I know, only the Dark Church has this kind of bird. How could the Proud Moon Empire have it?" Leng Youyou said, the core members of the Dark Church have sealed the emerald bird in their bodies. She is no exception.

Long Yi pondered for a while, then analyzed: "If the emerald bird really only exists in the Dark Church as you said, then there are only two possibilities, one is that the Dark Pope is actually a member of the royal family of the Aoyue Empire, and the other One possibility is that the Proud Moon Empire colluded with the Dark Church."

"Then what?" Lucia asked.

Long Yi shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "What to do, it doesn't matter if they are in collusion or they are a family, it has nothing to do with us, as long as they don't mess with us."


Ten days later, Shuangfeng City of Aoyue Empire, a large city closest to the barren grassland, was very prosperous. At this time, the sun was setting and the sunset was glowing red. The traffic in Shuangfeng City reached the peak of the day, and there were bustling crowds everywhere. The official road outside the city gate has a lot of small stalls and hawkers, and it is very lively.

Five figures suddenly appeared on the official road, and the setting sun stretched their shadows very long. For a moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by them. This is really a strange combination, a sunny boy in brocade clothes, a beast warrior with a full face, three veiled women with enchanting figures, and behind them Follow along with two adorable quirky pets.

Wushuang looked at the surrounding buildings and various shops curiously, everything was very novel to her.

"Finally found a decent city, let's find a hotel to rest for a while." Long Yi breathed a sigh of relief, tossing and tossing in the barren grassland for half a year, he was going crazy.

Looking for the most luxurious hotel in Shuangfeng City, Long Yi threw out the amethyst card to cover the entire floor, not minding the surprised looks of others at all, the most important thing he lacks now is money, he is afraid that if he has money, there will be no place to spend it.

Long Yi closed his eyes and lay down in the big bathtub in the bathroom, soothing his nerves that had been tense all the time. The soft magic lamp reflected the dense water vapor, so misty that it seemed real and unreal. This is just like Long Yi's mood at this time. He has been in this strange world for less than a year, but he has gone through the test of life and death. He has a brother, a few confidante friends, and wealth beyond the reach of others. I feel incredible, there is always an illusion of dreaming.

The bathroom door opened without a sound, and a delicate figure walked up behind Long Yi, staring at his handsome face, and gently rubbing his tan with a pair of jade hands.

Long Yi didn't open his eyes, he already knew who she was from the second she came into the bathroom, that lavender-like fresh fragrance was only possessed by Lucia, an elf.

"Little elf, do you have something to tell me?" Long Yi said lightly with his eyes closed.

Lucia shook her hands and said lightly, "Yes."

"Then let's talk, is there anything we can't talk about?" Long Yi said with a light smile.

Lucia withdrew her hands and said after a long silence, "I'll talk about it later, can you open your eyes first?"

Long Yi opened his star eyes, and suddenly saw that Lucia was only wearing a bathrobe, her pink arms were exposed, her pretty face was as red as the sunset in the sky, exuding an astonishing temptation.

Seeing Long Yi opened his eyes, Lucia raised her jade hand and gently pulled down the ribbon of the bathrobe.

Long Yi's breathing stagnates, his eyes flashed with a deep light, fixedly looking at Lucia's crystal clear and beautiful breasts. The plump, sturdy breasts stood proudly, two pink milk beads looming in the water vapor, as if inviting him to taste them to the fullest.

"Do I look good?" Seeing Long Yi looking obsessively at her naked body, Lucia felt shy and proud, her body belonged to him, her heart belonged to him, everything belonged to him.

"Beautiful, even more beautiful than a fairy." Long Yi praised, his fiery eyes flicked from top to bottom.

Lucia smiled charmingly, and turned around in front of Long Yi twice.

"Hey, when did this girl know how to seduce people?" Long Yi muttered, under the catalysis of love, the little elf in front of him slowly began to lose her youthfulness and become more feminine.

Lucia lifted her jade feet lightly, and stepped into the bathtub, the pink gully between her legs was exposed in front of Long Yi's eyes in an instant. But before Long Yi had time to take another look, Lucia was submerged in the water and lying in his arms.

"Long Yi, take me." Lucia murmured with her eyes closed, stroking Long Yi's strong chest muscles with her small hands.

Holding a jade girl in his arms, Long Yi is not Liu Xiahui, so how can he stay calm in his arms? The things he stood upright with his lower body truly reflected his current state.

Lucia's small hand slowly slid down, and suddenly grabbed Long Yi's fiery firmness, the hot temperature made Lucia tremble all over.

"Little elf, what do you think of my weapon?" Long Yi leaned over and blew hot air on Lucia's long soft ears.

"I hate it." Lucia blushed and said angrily, remembering that beautiful night in the wild grassland, if she hadn't been desperate to pee, she might be the lover's first woman.

Long Yi nibbled on Lucia's long sensitive ears, and caressed her soft breasts with his big hands, the little red beans protruded and hardened by his teasing.

Lucia groaned, she changed her previous shyness and became active, no longer passively let Long Yi tease, but proactively teased Long Yi. She pressed her whole body on Long Yi's body, kissing Long Yi's neck and chest muscles in a daze, her tender body rubbing against Long Yi's majestic body. But how could she be Long Yi's opponent? After a while, she collapsed in Long Yi's arms, and her offensive and defensive positions were changed immediately.

Long Yi carried Lucia out of the bathroom, kicked open the bedroom door, put her on the bed, and jumped on her with a strange cry.

Rubbing the elastic breasts, nibbling the little pink cherry, Long Yi's teasing made Lucia gradually confused, her eyes were misty and charming, her breasts had a misty pink color.

Long Yi's big hand slowly moved down, passed through the fine and tender fluff, and pressed on the already muddy flower path.

"Ah, Long Yi." Lucia's whole body trembled like a sob, her legs were tightly closed and she twitched, a little bit of flower dew wet Long Yi's big hand, it actually made this intimate contact of Long Yi reach the limit of life. First**.

The foreplay has been done enough, Long Yi can no longer bear it, the thick and long thing rushes forward, the membrane that symbolizes Zhengjie bursts, and plum blossoms bloom gorgeously.

Lucia wrapped her arms around Long Yi's neck, letting the man gallop across her body. At the moment Long Yi possessed her, she shed tears, she was finally the real woman of his sweetheart, so even if they separated, he would not forget himself.


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