Womanizing Mage

Chapter 78: The Art of Killing

Long Yiyi heard that they belonged to the Ice Wind Mercenary Group, the smile on his face became brighter, he narrowed his cold eyes, and said with a smile: "The Ice Wind Mercenary Group really has a narrow road to enemies."

When the great mage of the water element heard Long Yi's words, he didn't know well. He thought that the other party would be afraid when he knew their identities, but he didn't know that there was hatred between the two sides after hearing the other party's tone. In a flash, a sealed freezing technique surged out with overwhelming cold air, and the surrounding temperature instantly dropped by dozens of degrees.

Lucia snorted softly, and the natural sigh of the bow of the artifact appeared in her left hand. When she strung the string with her left hand, the pale green light flashed.

"The spring breeze kisses the rain arrows of the elves." Lucia shouted coquettishly, and the three green arrows condensed by the breath of nature shot into the influx of cold air like shooting stars. , the white cold air melted quickly, turning into a bend of spring water and seeping into the earth.

And over there, the barbarian has held the Green Jade Judgment in his hand and defeated one of the sword masters with unstoppable power. He is famous for his subduing magic stick and is even fierce. With the Shaolin golden bell cover, he can kill all the sword masters It's not a piece of cake yet, but seeing him like that is clearly playing the other side.

Long Yi stared at the other remaining sword master, and did not move for a long time, just the aura of the standing place broke the poor sword master's nerves to the limit. But Long Yi was actually distracted at this moment, he was thinking about a problem, that is, all things are divided into Yin and Yang, and under Yin and Yang are divided into five elements, magic has the attributes of five elements, so why is there no grudge? Can the attributes of magic be integrated into fighting energy, for example, if water magic elements are integrated into fighting energy, does fighting energy have the characteristics of water magic elements?

After Long Yi came up with such an idea, he started to put it into action. While silently channeling his battle qi, he began to transfer light blue water magic elements from his sea of ​​consciousness into his battle energy, but the battle qi and water magic elements always interacted with each other. Rejection, how can not integrate. Long Yi frowned and began to think hard, he didn't even remember that there was a frightening opponent on the other side.

Suddenly, Long Yi remembered the internal force of Ao Tianjue in himself, the internal force can stimulate fighting energy and fuse magic power, why not use internal force as a medium to combine fighting energy and magic elements?

Long Yi yelled excitedly, this yell made the nerve-wrecking swordsman on the opposite side tremble, roared nervously and jumped up, the light blue sword light slashed towards Long Yi.

Long Yi chuckled, his internal force successfully integrated the water magic element and battle energy, and he saw a layer of misty cold air exuding outside the light blue light on his giant sword.

"Look at your grandpa and my icy battle qi." Long Da shouted, swung the huge sword upwards, and hit the sword master's blade with a ding.

I saw the sword master let out a miserable cry, and hit the ground like a stone from the air with a bang. His whole hands were covered with a thick layer of frost, and his whole body was shaking like chaff.

Long Yi looked at the effect of the ice battle qi he had created, and felt extremely proud. The battle qi that fused the magic elements of the water system was much more powerful, and it also had the attribute of magic. Long Yi's Kuanglong Dou Qi was already known for its powerful destructive power, but now it is fused with magic power which is much stronger in destructive power, the formidable power can be imagined.

The sword master looked at Long Yi in horror as if he had seen a ghost, struggled to get up, turned around and was about to run away.

"I want to run, can I run?" Long Yi sneered twice, Qian Kun's great shifting movement left an afterimage in the air, he raised his sword and landed on the sword master's back without any tricks, and then flew away back away.

Click, click, the sword master turned around with a pale face, pointed at Long Yi with his mouth wide open, his upper body suddenly exploded, and a fountain of blood rained out. And something even weirder happened, the sprayed blood rain was still in the air, and a misty cold air came out of the sword master's body, freezing the blood rain like a goddess scattered flowers in the air, forming a A human-shaped fireworks-like ice sculpture.

All the people were stunned, they stared blankly at Long Yi who was standing with his sword in his arms, and only then did they understand that killing people can be so pleasing to the eye, it is a kind of bloody and cruel artistic beauty. At this time, the frozen blood red reflected against Long Yi's handsome face, it looked so strange.

Long Yi was also shocked, this sudden stroke of inspiration had such an effect, this was something he never expected. He collected his mood, turned around slowly, and all the students stared at him with wide eyes, as if they never knew him.

"What are you talking about, don't hurry up and fight." Long Yi shouted.

Several people just woke up like a dream, and started to fight again. Man Niu and Leng Youyou didn't try their best at first, but when they heard that Long Yi wanted them to fight, they immediately accelerated their attack speed. And the great magician and sword master of the water system were completely confused after seeing their companions die like that, and their fighting spirit was no longer there.

In less than two minutes, the sword master was smashed in the head by the green jade judgment of the bull, and his white brains flowed all over the ground. This state is far worse than that of Long Yi. It makes people want to swallow it overnight .

The sword master's dying screams distracted the great water mage, but Lucia's elf arrow pierced his heart unceremoniously.

At the end of the battle, several people gathered around Long Yi, all looking at him with curiosity and admiration, of course, the girl Wu Shuang was the exception, she was indifferent and calm after showing surprise at that time.

At this time, the Moxi woman named Susu got up and knelt down in front of Long Yi, weeping: "Several benefactors, I beg you to save my husband, Su Suding treats her like a cow or a horse, holding grass Knot the ring and repay it."

Long Yi carefully looked at this woman from the Moxi tribe, and felt that she was familiar. He saw that she was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, and her pretty face was covered with dust and dirt. If these dirt were wiped off, she would definitely be an alluring beauty.

The image of Si Bi appeared in Long Yi's mind, and he began to feel that Si Bi's outline was somewhat similar to this woman, he was shocked in his heart, could it be that this woman has something to do with Si Bi?

"Pervert, why are you always staring at him? He has a husband." Leng Youyou softly whispered in Long Yi's ear dissatisfied, and her tender hands began to care for the soft flesh around his waist again.

Long Yi gritted his teeth, and lightly scratched Leng Youyou's jade hand, her delicate body trembled suddenly, Long Yi obediently let go of her hand after taking a glance at her.

"Sister, get up quickly, we will definitely do our best." Lucia stepped forward to help the woman from the Moxi tribe, and looked at Long Yi with her big eyes begging.

Long Yi walked up to the man who had only one breath left and squatted down, only to see that the pierced ice arrow had already melted, but the chest was completely frozen by the cold air, hard as a stone, presumably the internal organs inside were frozen to death Bar.

In this case, even using the holy healing technique is useless. The light magic has miraculous effects on external injuries, but it is of little use to internal injuries.

Long Yi probed the man's heartbeat, it was so weak that it was almost undetectable. The situation was critical, Long Yi didn't hesitate anymore, he put his hands on the man's chest and back, and Ao Tianjue's internal force slowly poured in, slowly dredging the meridians in his chest, and dissipating the cold air in his body , while stimulating the acupoints to activate the vitality of the internal organs.

Gradually, the man's pale face began to recover a bit of blood, and Long Yi was already sweating profusely, dripping down his forehead, his whole body was soaked as if he had just been fished out of the water generally. Lucia wanted to wipe Long Yi's sweat distressedly, but Wushuang grabbed her, and she said to Lucia: "Don't touch him, he is currently using a strange technique to heal this man's wounds. Do not disturb."

If it was someone else, Long would definitely not expend so much internal energy to save him, because in Canglan Continent, a world where the weak are preyed upon by the strong, accidents may happen at any time. Many times, there is only a thin line between life and death, or many people are saved after persisting for a while, but die because of the exhaustion of internal energy in saving people, so who will pay him back his life.

But there is a high possibility that this Moxi couple has something to do with Sibi, and Long Yi must be rescued both emotionally and logically.

ps: It will be strongly promoted next week, and it will be on the shelves after the strong push. I hope that all readers can reserve the September monthly tickets for this book, and imagine that this book can occupy a place in the top ten of the new book monthly ticket list. Hehe~~ There are still ten more in the public version. God, I will maintain the daily word count, I hope readers who are not will continue to support me, the next chapter is at 11 o'clock in the evening~~

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