Womanizing Mage

Chapter 79: Sibi's Cousin

Long Yi withdrew his inner strength, breathed a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes, Lucia and Leng Youyou immediately came over with concern, one left and one right gently wiped his sweat.

"Engong, is my husband okay?" Susu looked at Long Yi nervously and asked, her heart was full of gratitude for the few people who helped.

Long Yi smiled and said: "He's fine, but his body is very weak and he needs to rest for a long time to recover."

Susu breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: "As long as he's fine, it doesn't matter if he takes a longer recuperation, I'm afraid he will leave me alone, otherwise I have no choice but to go with him."

Hearing these words, Long Yi and the others couldn't help but be moved, they really are a couple who promise each other forever. Leng Youyou and Lucia looked at Long Yi involuntarily, their faces were sweet, they were not bad, and they also met a good husband, although he was more philandering, but he was a man who would not give up on them even if he died Good man, what happened in the wilderness proves this.

Su Su looked at Leng Youyou and Lu Xiya who were close to Long Yi, with a smile in her eyes, it seemed that this benefactor was not too much, and polygamy was never allowed in the Moxi tribe.

"Several great ensusu keep in mind, this rosary is my token, if you need help with anything in the future, you can take it to the Moxi tribe to find me, as long as you open your mouth, Susu will do it even if it takes his life Arrived." Su Su took out a milky white bead from the interspatial ring and handed it to Long Yi, who could see the whole leopard from a glimpse, and from her words, it could be seen that this woman was bold, she was really a heroine.

Long Yi took the rosary, full of admiration for this woman named Su Su, and the same for several others.

Susu carried her husband on her back, saluted Long and the others before leaving.

"Eldest sister, can you wait a moment." Long Yi hastily called her to stop.

"Is there anything else?" Susu turned around and asked.

"I want to ask what is the relationship between Sibi, the saintess of Aoyue Empire, and the elder sister?" Long Yi asked.

"Sibi? Do you know her? She is my cousin." Susu said.

If it was really a relationship, Long Yi suddenly became excited, he asked urgently: "Then do you know where Sibi is?"

Su Su shook her head and said, "It's been two years since Sibi left the Moxi tribe, and I don't know where she is?"

Long Yi replied in disappointment, his expression became very gloomy, there was a huge crowd, where did Si Bi hide?

Looking at Long Yi's expression, Su Su was surprised,

Seeing that he seemed to have something to do with her cousin, she immediately asked, "What can you do with my cousin? If I see her, I can tell her."

Long Yi took a deep breath, shook off the upset in his heart, and said with a smile: "If the eldest sister sees Sibi, tell her that Long Yi is looking for her, and I will definitely fulfill my promise, even if she hides in the ends of the earth Find her to be my bride."

Su Su was startled, looked at Long Yi uncertainly, and said after a while: "Do you know the wedding customs of our Moxi people?"

Long Yi smiled and said: "I know, monogamy is it?"

Su Su nodded, while Leng Youyou and Lucia who were beside Long Yi turned pale with fright, their jade hands tightly grasped Long Yi's arm, as if they were afraid that he would run away.

"I already have two wives, but I still want to marry her. I don't care what the rules of your Moxi tribe are. I, Long Yi, will marry her." Long Yi said word by word, and then waved his hand to accept Let the people go westward.

Su Su looked at Long Yi's group walking away, sighed lightly and shook her head, she touched the soles of her feet, and floated away with her husband on her back.

Along the way, Long Yi remained silent, the expression on his face fluctuated, joy, sadness, touch, anger and other emotions were intertwined, and finally turned into a long sigh, and his expression returned to normal.

Lucia and Leng Youyou looked at each other, and they both breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't know that Long Yi already had an important person in his heart, and it was Sibi, the saintess of the Bright Church of the Aoyue Empire. The extremely ugly, ruthless saint Sibi. But the two girls didn't mind much when they learned that Long Yi would not abandon them, and they became curious about Si Bi who was so worried about her lover.

During the rest on the way, Lucia and Leng Youyou leaned on Long Yi's shoulders from left to right.

After a while, Lucia suddenly asked: "Long Yi, sister Sibi is really as legendary..."

"You want to say if Sibi is as ugly as in the legend?" Long Yi said with a smile.

"Yeah." Lucia was a little embarrassed, after all, it's very bad behavior to talk about other people's shortcomings behind their backs.

"No, she is very beautiful, as beautiful as you." Long Yi smiled.

"Really? Is the legend wrong?" Lucia smiled shyly, feeling sweet in her heart.

"It doesn't count, she may be ugly in the eyes of others, but in my heart she is the most beautiful person." Long Yi's voice was a little low, and there was a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"Long Yi, can you tell us about the matter between you and Sibi?" Leng Youyou looked at Long Yi's affectionate expression, and couldn't help feeling a little sour.

Long nodded, and began to talk about the details of himself and Sibi, from the underwear she picked up in the river, to the peeping bath, to the fragrance caused by the oolong wind, and the reason why Touching her jade feet and being forced to marry by her, to the touch of saving her life when facing the bear of the earth, and then the sadness of Yue Ye feeling her resolutely leaving in order not to restrain him.

After listening to Long Yi's emotional narration, Lucia's and Leng Youyou's eyes were moistened, they were moved by Sibi's infatuation and broad mind. They thought to themselves, Sibi has such deep affection for her lover, and she is always looking for him, no wonder Long Yi never forgets her.

"Long Yi, don't worry, sister Sibi will definitely show up when she knows you are looking for him, then she can serve you with us." Lucia comforted.

"Husband, I will treat you as well, as well as Sibi treats you, no, even better than her." The strong Leng Youyou hugged Long Yi sideways, and buried her head in his shoulder socket. Usually she would directly call Long Yi's name, and only when she was emotional would she call Long Yi her husband.

Long Yi was moved in his heart, he opened his hands and hugged the two women into his arms, his nose felt a little sore.

Wu Shuang stared fixedly at the three people who were embracing each other not far away, and snorted softly: "What's so good about this bad boy, he actually made several women give up on him."

................................................... ...................

Susu came to Shuangfeng City with her husband on her back, bought a luxury carriage, and drove towards the territory of the Moxi tribe.

The hazy clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the sun warmed the world with thousands of golden lights. A figure in a white sacrificial robe trimmed with gold and a black cloak on his head glides lightly in the sky, with an extremely graceful figure.

Suddenly, the person floating in the sky looked down inadvertently, and his body stopped immediately.

"Cousin." A crisp voice rang in Susu's ears, and when she looked up, she saw her cousin Sibi wearing her iconic sacrificial robe slowly floating down from the sky.

"Sibi." Susu yelled in surprise, and when Sibi landed on the carriage, the two immediately hugged each other.

"Cousin, you never ride in a carriage, where is brother-in-law?" Sibi asked.

Susu pulled Sibi into the carriage, her husband was still unconscious. She was not very worried, because Long Yi said that he would not wake up until two days later.

"What's wrong with brother-in-law? Who hurt him?" Sibi's body was radiating a cold air. Her parents died early, and she was raised by her cousin's family since she was a child. Therefore, her affection for her cousin's family Very deep.

Susu told the story again, it turned out that the third prince of the Ice Wind Mercenary Group fell in love with the beautiful Susu, and tried to rape her by means, but the couple saw it through and sent people to chase them all the way. .

"Ice Wind Mercenary Group, Murong Feng, I will definitely not let you go." Sibi gritted her teeth, but she didn't know that the Ice Wind Mercenary Group and the third prince Murong Feng had already been wiped out by Long Yi and his party in the wilderness. On the prairie.

"By the way, cousin, who saved you from behind?" Sibi asked.

Su Su looked at Si Bi strangely, up and down, up and down, but said nothing.

"Cousin, why are you looking at me like this? Who the hell is it?" Sibi asked uncomfortably.

"A person who swears that no matter where the world is, he will dig you out to be his bride." Susu smiled lightly.

Sibi trembled all over, and she was stunned.

Susu sighed softly, and stretched out her hand to take off Sibi's cloak, only to see that Sibi's face was pale, her eyes as beautiful as stars turned into mist, and her lips were trembling slightly. If you listen carefully, you will find that she is The two words that were repeated repeatedly were "Long Yi".

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