Womanizing Mage

Chapter 81 Is Xiangyan the fault?

Lucia is very familiar with the Principality of Mia, because the Elven Forest is not far from here, and she has to pass through here every time she comes out and returns. So she became a tour guide, leading the crowd to roam the streets and alleys of the Principality of Mia. Although the Principality of Mia is not very big, it is really impossible to go around without spending a few days.

Perhaps it was because she was about to get home, Lucia seemed very excited, she chattered non-stop along the way, Long Yi and the others also infected her excitement, and they were also full of interest along the way.

Soon, the day passed in the blink of an eye, and the sky became dark. Long Yi planned to stay in the Principality of Mia for one night before going to the Elven Forest. He was very yearning for this legendary place like a fairyland, and there were many beautiful elves there to seduce his eyes.

I found a luxurious hotel nearby to stay, and ordered a lot of dishes by the way. After a day of shopping, everyone is hungry.

"Why hasn't the food been delivered yet?" Lucia yelled, clutching her stomach.

"You know you're hungry this time? Aren't you still full of energy when you were shopping?" Long Yi scratched Lucia's little nose and teased.

"I didn't feel it back then, I'm so hungry that I could swallow a cow now." Lucia said pitifully.

"Isn't there a ready-made cow here? You can swallow him, I don't think he will mind." Long Yi joked, pointing at the bull.

"Boss, don't do it. My Lao Niu hasn't got married yet, can I eat it after I get married and have a baby?" Man Niu wrinkled his bitter face. Also learned to joke.

Sure enough, Man Niu's performance caused Lucia to giggle, and even Wushuang twitched the corners of her mouth, which should be considered a smile.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a respectful and polite call came from the guy outside.

The door opened, and more than 20 guys came in lined up, each with two plates of exquisite dishes in their hands. But Long Yi saw the flashing red shadow outside, he couldn't help frowning, why did the Scarlet Knights follow them? As soon as she turned her head, Long Yi sensed Wu Shuang's questioning gaze, and presumably she also noticed that someone was following her.

Long Yi remained calm, he wondered if the members of the Scarlet Knights recognized his identity and followed him, after all they were also an army belonging to the Ximen family.

After drinking and eating, everyone went back to their rooms. Perhaps there was a tacit understanding long ago, Leng Youyou and Lucia have always accompanied Long Yi for a day each, and the eclectic scene that Long Yi fantasized about sleeping together has never happened, which made him feel itchy and unbearable. It is helpless.

The so-called fullness and lust, Long Yi sat on the soft sofa, raised his legs and sipped the delicious fruit wine, but his eyes were looking at the square room of the bathroom, where Leng Youyou was taking a bath.

Listening to the sound of rushing water, Long Yi couldn't help imagining Leng Youyou's beautiful breasts in his mind, and felt itchy in his heart, and Xiao Long Yi also became uneasy. He put down his wine glass, walked over lightly, and suddenly found that there was a gap in the bathroom door, through which Leng Youyou could be seen sitting in the bathtub, with that smooth and flawless pink back that was soul-stirring.

Long Yi gently opened the door and walked in, just when he was about to hug her from behind, unexpectedly there was a flash of coldness, a large splash of water poured on Long Yi's body. Naturally, Long Yi would not dodge, and let the water spray drenched himself completely.

"I know that the stinky husband is going to play tricks, and it looks like you haven't learned a lesson this time." Leng Youyou smiled coquettishly, her tall and plump breasts suddenly became choppy, and those two delicate pink cherries shook even more. A beast's blood boiled.

Long Yi took off his clothes three or two times, jumped into the bathtub and clinged to the soft and fiery jade body, the silky touch made Long Yi's heart flutter, he giggled strangely and grabbed the two balls of softness with his big hand, Said: "If this is the case, then the lesson I have received will be more profound."

Leng Youyou's face was flushed, and she turned around emotionally to look for Long Yi's big mouth, her four lips were glued together, and two black and white breasts were tightly entwined.

On the other side, Wushuang is also sitting in the bathtub washing her exquisite jade body, her plump breasts are looming in the water, it is more bloody than naked temptation, if a man sees this at this moment For the pictures of beauties bathing, those with poor tolerance may have their blood vessels explode and die. Not everyone can afford such a fairy-like beauty.

At this moment, Wushuang's delicate body trembled suddenly, a sense of numbness went from the heart to the lower abdomen, and there seemed to be moaning in the ear.

"Damn pervert, you're playing tricks again." Wushuang cursed through gritted teeth, her nipples clamped tightly, and she couldn't stop the strong feeling.

Wushuang's beautiful eyes were half-closed and panting, she felt as if a pair of big hands were constantly soothing her whole body, which made her feel ashamed and angry. She wanted to tell Long Yi a long time ago, but how could she, a pure girl, do this? What about saying it?

When Long Yi's fiery firmness pierced Leng Youyou's flower path deeply, Wushuang felt her whole body tremble with empathy, and as Long Yi's impact became more and more intense, the jade body convulsed unbearably.

Wushuang gritted her teeth tightly, put on her clothes enduring the strange pleasure that flooded her body, and went back to bed, trying to put her consciousness to sleep, but at this moment, she felt a sharp pain spreading from the sea of ​​consciousness in her head, Accompanied by rumbling tinnitus. Wushuang broke out in a cold sweat from the pain, and felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was suddenly pierced by thousands of needles like a balloon full of air, and the magic power leaked out bit by bit.

The pain became more and more severe, and Wushuang's tender body shivered with exhaustion, and her white hands clutched the bed sheet tightly.

"Long Yi, big bastard." In unbearable pain, Wushuang murmured and cursed at the first person she saw after opening her eyes. Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew that she had an instinctive dependence on him. .

But at this time, Long Yi was vigorously shaking and gushing out, while Leng Youyou was paralyzed in Long Yi's embrace as if her whole body had no bones, her delicate body trembling and twitching slightly.

For some reason, Long Yi's heart suddenly tightened, as if he heard Wu Shuang's painful cry.

Long Yi knew that since he woke up Wushuang from the crystal coffin in the lost city, there had been a wonderful telepathy between the two of them.

Long Yi hugged Leng Youyou to the bed and lay down, put on his clothes anxiously and rushed to Wushuang's room, listened carefully, and really heard her painful ravings. Long Yi didn't care about that much, he opened the room with a palm and rushed into the bedroom, only to see Wu Shuang huddled into a ball and trembling unceasingly.

"Wu Shuang, what's wrong with you?" Long Yi rushed up to help Wu Shuang up, only to see her pretty face and lips were pale without a trace of blood, her whole body was soaked in cold sweat, and the thin layer of pajamas stuck to her delicate body She showed off her curves, but Long Yi, who was so anxious, didn't have the mood to appreciate it.

Wushuang heard Long Yi's voice, opened his eyes with difficulty, and murmured dreamily: "My head hurts, it's so cold."

Long Yi hastily hugged Wushuang tightly, using his inner strength to wrap her whole body. Seeing Wushuang in such pain, Long Yi cursed at the sky in pain, he released his mental power to penetrate into her sea of ​​consciousness, wanting to see why her head suddenly hurt. But as soon as the mental power entered, Long Yi found that Wushuang's sea of ​​consciousness was like a vortex, he withdrew his mental power in shock, if not for his relatively strong mental power, he might become an idiot.

Unable to find a solution, Long Yi could only sit on the bed with Wushuang in his arms, the internal energy continuously warming her cold body.

Wushuang closed her eyes tightly, her eyebrows were wrinkled in pain, and she muttered vaguely from time to time. The words that Long Yi occasionally heard seemed to be people's names, but he was sure she wasn't calling any of them. people.

Could her memory be restored? Long Yi thought to himself.

At this moment, Long Yi's eyes flashed brightly, he sensed a powerful wave of magic outside the window, and intuitively, the other party seemed to have malicious intentions.

Originally, Long Yi felt anxious when he saw Wushuang become like this, but now there are still people coming to find fault with him, he couldn't help but get angry, and he slammed his palm towards the window with a stance, only to hear a bang, the window made of golden window is full of vigor Air shot out.

A burst of khaki enchantment light flashed, and the window bounced off it and fell down. Long Yi angrily looked at the unkind magician on the window, intending to teach him a lesson.

It was her, looking at the figure floating outside the window, Long Yi froze suddenly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

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