Womanizing Mage

Chapter 82: The Whirlwind Serial Slash of Frost Fighting Qi

It was her, looking at the figure floating outside the window, Long Yi froze suddenly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The gentle breeze gently blows the girl's soft silk. The girl is very beautiful, so beautiful that she is not like a mortal. The murderous aura on the girl is very heavy, like an angel from hell.

Long Yi's heart became chaotic in an instant, like a bunch of tangled threads, which remained chaotic even after being cut.

"Long Ling'er." Long Yi spat out these three words with difficulty. This girl has imprinted an eternal mark in his heart. What kind of feelings does he have for her? Long Yi didn't know either, maybe it was guilt or something else.

Long Ling'er quietly floated outside the window, looking expressionlessly at Long Yi and the trembling beautiful girl in his arms. Undoubtedly, Wushuang's beauty shocked her, but at this moment, Long Ling'er obviously misunderstood the despicable means used by Long and Wushuang.

"Ximenyu, you deserve to die." Long Ling'er opened her mouth lightly, but what she spit out was a piercing chill.

Long Yi came back to his senses, looking at Long Ling'er's autumn eyes that were once shining like a starry sky, but now they lost their proper color and became hollow and cold. His heart felt like a big stone was blocked, oppressive and dull , Long Ling'er became what he is now, he has an inescapable responsibility.

"Are you here to kill me?" Long Yi lowered his head, lovingly pulling Wu Shuang's hair sticking to his forehead aside.

Long Ling'er snorted coldly, raised the magic wand in her hand, and a fiery breath rushed towards her.

And at this moment, Man Niu, Lucia and Leng Youyou rushed in, and they all froze when they saw Long Ling'er outside the window.

"Long Yi, what happened to Sister Wu Shuang?" Lucia noticed Wu Shuang in Long Yi's arms, and asked in surprise, but her eyes were full of hostility looking at Long Ling'er. Pointing at Long Ling'er.

"Suddenly she had a splitting headache and her whole body was icy cold. I couldn't find out why." Long Yi replied with a light sigh.

"Then who is she?" Leng Youyou pointed to Long Ling'er outside the window and asked, the strong murderous aura on this girl was directed at Long Yi, which made her worry.

Long Yi was startled, his eyes flashed complicatedly and he said: "She is Long Ling'er, the little princess of the Mad Dragon Empire."

Leng Youyou and Lucia looked at each other, and looked at each other. Their husband became more and more mysterious, and I don't know why he had a grudge with the princess again. They retreated to the side, looking at the murderous gaze of this noble princess, maybe it was Long Yi who was wronging others, they obediently did not ask about such emotional matters.

After seeing the appearance of the three women, Long Ling'er was also shocked.

The report of the Scarlet Knights said that the three women were all wearing veils. At that time, she thought that the woman who followed Ximenyu must be a dubious woman, or she followed him for money. But only now did she realize how wrong her thinking was. The looks of these three young girls were comparable to hers, and their aura was not something that ordinary girls could have.

But because Long Ling'er hated Long Yi deeply and had preconceived notions, she believed in her heart that Long must have used some method to deceive them.

At this time, Man Niu suddenly asked stupidly: "Boss, is this little princess your woman too?"

Long Yi was stunned for a moment, his suppressed mood became lighter because of Man Niu's words, he chuckled lightly and said, "That's right, she is my woman."

"Who is your prostitute's woman?" Long Ling'er roared nervously, she could no longer maintain a stable state of mind, maybe her state of mind has never been stable since that night. She began to frantically gather magic power, and the temperature emitted by the fire magic element seemed to burn the air,

"You are my woman, you will always be." Long Linger's mind kept echoing the domineering words that Long Yi said after raping her.

Long Yi saw that Long Ling'er became a little hysterical, and he knew that she might burn down the hotel with a magic spell. He got up with Wushuang in his arms, turned around and said, "You stay here, this is between me and her, I will tell you later."

Seeing Lucia's three nodding, Long Yi no longer hesitated, his figure flashed out of the window, Long Ling'er naturally followed.

Man Niu scratched his head and went back to sleep, leaving only Lucia and Leng Youyou sitting on the sofa with different expressions.

"That Long Ling'er said that Long Yi is a prostitute, Sister Youyou, do you think Long Yi is taking advantage of others?" Lucia asked, in her heart, although the lover was flirting with a smiley face, sometimes It will also take advantage of some small advantages, but there should be some distance from the two aggressive words of prostitution.

"Maybe." Leng Youyou said lightly, her mind is much more mature than Lucia, she can feel the deep grief and hatred of Long Ling'er, it's not just because she took advantage of it Oil is so simple, maybe... Leng Youyou didn't dare to think about it.

Long Yi walked swiftly with Wushuang in his arms, keeping a not too close or far distance from Long Ling'er. The reason why he didn't leave Wushuang in the hotel to take care of Lucia and the two daughters was because without his internal force to suppress Wushuang, he didn't know how painful it would be.

Arriving at the uninhabited suburb, Long Yi stopped, coincidentally there was also a forest here, in the dark night it looked very similar to the place where Ximen Yu attacked Long Ling'er back then.

Long Ling'er obviously noticed this too, she froze in mid-air with a pale face, her hands and feet trembled slightly involuntarily.

"Aren't you going to kill me? Why? Are you scared?" Long Yi smiled lightly, with a relaxed expression on his face. He let go now, and the fact that Long Ling is his woman will not change no matter what, since she wants to Let her take revenge, since she can't kill herself anyway.

Seeing Long Yi's relaxed and casual expression, Long Ling'er couldn't help gritting her teeth. Not only was this scumbag still at large after he raped her, but he even hugged her left and right to enjoy the blessings of everyone. This made her who was full of hatred and lived in pain How can the heart be balanced?

"You put her down, I want to kill you, I don't want her to die with you." Long Ling'er said coldly.

Long Yi looked at Wushuang who was huddled in his arms, shook his head and said, "I can't let her go, and she won't die with me, you alone can't kill me."

Long Ling'er stopped talking and began to chant: "Great Vulcan, please give me the strength to turn into a flaming mad dragon and burn all obstacles, fire dragon art."

Long Yi stood in the distance and waited for her to chant the spell. If she really wanted to kill her, it would be like turning the palm of his hand. Although she recited the spell very quickly, Long Yi was absolutely sure of restraining her before she cast the spell.

The thick fire magic elements formed a giant flame dragon roaring towards Longyi. This is the ninth-level magic fire dragon technique, and its power is very powerful. The blazing high temperature can even melt iron plates.

Long Yi looked at the attacking flame dragon and raised his eyebrows. When did Long Ling'er advance to the rank of mage? Long Yi flashed suspiciously, avoiding it from a distance. But the fire dragon did not disappear because of this, but turned and chased after Long Linger's command. Long Yi didn't bother to run anymore, he held Wushuang in one hand, took out a huge sword from the space ring with the other, and flew towards the fire dragon to meet him, white and cold air radiated from the sword.

"Whirlwind Chain Slash of Ice Fighting Qi." Long Yi yelled violently, and the huge sword that was emitting frost flicked and drew a circle in the air, circle after circle, forming a vortex of ice, and the huge fire dragon was swallowed like this No, not even a spark left. This is Long Yi's technique of fusing Ice Fighting Qi with the Chinese sword move Whirlwind Chain Slash. These moves have been trying to integrate since he researched the attribute Fighting Qi.

Long Ling'er stared blankly at Long Yi who floated down from the sky, her face was shocked, she was actually not yet in the realm of a mage, but she was wearing a demigod-level fire necklace, which could make her powerful Upgrading to a level can make the magic power more durable, but it can only be used once a day, but the magic that can be cast is easily dispelled by Long Yi.

"I said before, you can't kill me, why not..." Long Yi smiled, but before he finished speaking, rows of sharp spikes appeared silently from the ground, and a shower of meteors and fire shot towards him in the air. Come on.

Long Yi flew up, leaving afterimages in the air, dodging the overwhelming meteor fire rain, he even forgot that Long Ling'er was a magician with dual elements of fire and earth, and almost fell into her path. .

Long Yi didn't bother to spend any more time with Long Ling'er, he transported the Great Teleportation to the limit, and appeared behind her as if out of thin air, with the still cold giant sword resting on her neck.

ps: Hmm~ I strongly recommend it. I hope new and old book friends will support you and vote more~ The next chapter is still at 11 pm, so I won’t remind you in the future. If there is no accident, the second chapter will be at this time.

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