Womanizing Mage

Chapter Eighty-Third

Long Yi didn't bother to spend any more time with Long Ling'er, he transported the Great Teleportation to the limit, and appeared behind her as if out of thin air, with the still cold giant sword resting on her neck.

"Long Ling'er, you lost." Long Yi said with a deep smile, with his eyesight, he could clearly see the small particles on Long Ling'er's snow-white and greasy neck that were aroused by the cold air.

Long Ling'er trembled, thinking that he would fall into the hands of this prostitute, he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, in this uninhabited suburb, would he shudder at the thought of Long Ling'er himself, if that was the case, I'm afraid she has no reason to live anymore.

"What do you want to do?" Long Ling'er asked coldly, suppressing the panic.

"The moon is dark and the wind is high today, we are lonely and widowed, what do you think I want to do?" Long Yi smirked, thinking to frighten her, see if she has a long memory, and followed this desolate place so easily place.

Long Ling'er's face lost all color in an instant, she was so pale that it was almost transparent, her eyes shot out a decisive color, and she turned around slowly against Long Yi's sword edge.

"Do you really want me?" Long Ling'er stared blankly at Long Yi's eyes, his eyes were dull and empty.

Long Yi was startled, not understanding what happened to her all of a sudden? He just felt that being caught in her eyes was terrible, and it made his heart shudder.

"Then I'll give it to you." Long Ling'er didn't care what Long Yi's expression was. With a pull of her jade hand, the belt fluttered away, revealing the pale white silk corset inside. Two cherry-sized protrusions are clearly visible.

It is undeniable that Long Yi was attracted by Long Ling'er's beautiful figure and spring scenery, he lost his mind for a moment, his heart suddenly jumped wildly, and he rushed forward.

Yes, Long Yi pounced on him, still holding the muttering Wushuang in his arms. His free hand didn't touch Long Ling'er's jade peak or secluded valley, but instead grabbed her right hand exuding strong magic fluctuations like lightning.

"Ling'er, don't." An urgent call came from behind.

That crisp voice was somewhat familiar, but Long Yi didn't have time to think about it, he grabbed Long Ling'er's right hand and shook it, throwing a red projectile-like thing. Immediately afterward, Long Yi held Long Ling'er together with Wushuang tightly in his arms, and Ao Tianjue's internal energy spun wildly out of his body to protect his body. At this second, Long Ling'er actually smiled, it was very sweet, beautiful and touching, it was a kind of relieved smile, pure and brilliant.

Rumbling, flames radiating everywhere, the ground shaking and mountains shaking, a radius of hundreds of meters around the red projectile was shrouded in a wave of red air.

Ximen Wuhen stared blankly at the powerful explosion not far away,

Two lines of tears fell silently, she murmured: "Ling'er, why are you so stupid."

Ximen Wuhen has always known that Long Ling'er has such a projectile sealed with the eleventh-level fire-type forbidden spell, Burning God, which is a gift from the fire-type magician Puxius to the emperor of the Dragon Empire, Long Zhan. Although the power of the sealed magic is weaker than that cast by regular spells, it is a forbidden spell after all, and casting it at such a short distance with Long Ling'er's strength can only lead to death.

The fiery red air waves gradually dissipated, and the area within a few hundred meters could only be described as horrible. Not to mention most of the nearby groves were destroyed, the ground at the center of the explosion sank several feet, and the broken branches and roots were covered all over the place. On the ground, Long Linger and her bastard second brother Ximenyu had disappeared, presumably there were not even bones left.

Ximen Wuhen couldn't help feeling sad from her heart, squatting down and weeping, her good friend, Her Royal Highness Princess of the Empire took revenge in such an extreme way, and also lost her life like a flower.

Crying and crying, Ximen Wuhen suddenly heard a crashing sound, looked up, she was horrified to find that the messy ground moved, suddenly there was a bang sound of mud splashing, a burst of blue light flashed, a man was holding The two women rushed out from the ground, their bodies covered with a layer of light blue water protection enchantment.

Long Yi shook his head, and smiled wryly in his heart, Long Ling'er's personality was too strong, and he actually chose the method of burning jade and stone together. Thinking of the horrible explosion just now, Long Yi's scalp felt numb and he was sweating coldly. Could it be the power of the forbidden spell? It's just too scary. It seems that he is too small and powerful for the forbidden spell. The great magister is definitely a top-level existence. The only way to defeat them is to restrain them before they cast their magic, otherwise there is only a dead end. But if they made a few more bullets that sealed the forbidden spell like just now, it would be a fart, throwing two at random, even a god can't stop it.

At this time, the light blue enchantment surrounding them disappeared, and Long Yi looked at the radiant blue gemstone on Wushuang's chest in his arms. It was this divine weapon-level protective necklace that saved the lives of the three of them. , it will automatically cast a super enchantment called Water Curtain Tianhua when it encounters danger, otherwise Long Yi would have confessed here just now.

Long Yi walked towards Ximen Wuhen step by step. She was still so dusty and clean, but at this moment, her mouth was open with tears hanging down her face, but she couldn't describe it as endearing. This was the expression that a young girl should have. Well. Usually, although her holy face makes people feel quite comfortable, it feels unreachable. Although she is close in front of her eyes, she feels far away in the sky.

"Little sister, long time no see, how are you doing?" Long Yi asked with a friendly smile, while placing the stunned Long Ling'er on the ground, but Wu Shuang was still hugged tightly by him.

Ximen Wuhen opened his mouth, snorted softly and did not answer, lowered his head and hastily wiped away the tears on his face, when the bastard second brother saw her embarrassment at this time, her pretty face turned red.

Seeing Ximen Wuhen's indifference towards him, Long Yi smiled self-deprecatingly, maybe because of his skin, or because of his loneliness in his previous life, he really had a strange feeling for the Ximen family, for the cheap man who cared about him very much. He also misses his father and mother from time to time, so he has a kind feeling towards this sister who hates him.

"Linger, Linger, wake up." Ximen Wuhen anxiously called Long Linger's name.

After a long time, Long Ling'er's long eyelashes trembled, Youyou woke up, her eyes were a little distracted, she couldn't help but froze when she saw the anxious Ximen Wuhen, and said, "Wuhen, am I in heaven here? Why are you Are you here too?"

"No, you are in hell." Long Yi interrupted abruptly, laughing.

Long Ling'er trembled when she heard Long Yi's voice, her heart really felt like being in hell. The focus of her eyes began to gather, and as soon as she raised her head, she looked at Long Yi who was looking down at her, with an evil smile on her face.

"Why? Why? Why can't even the forbidden curse kill you, you are a demon." Long Ling'er roared hysterically, tears scattered everywhere, she hated, she hated so much.

Looking at Long Ling'er's desperate cry, Long Yi slowly put away the smile on his face. He asked himself, is he really so hateful? Let a girl hate to such an extent. No, what she hates is not herself but that Ximen Yu whose soul has been wiped out. But even so, Long Yi still felt uncomfortable.

"I'm leaving, I don't bother to talk to you anymore, I hope you don't mess with me again." Long Yi dropped this sentence calmly, turned and left with Wushuang in his arms.

Ximen Wuhen looked back at Long Yi's back, and suddenly felt that his back was very lonely and desolate, with a very desolate sadness.

"Hello." Ximen Wuhen called out in a strange manner.

Long Yi's figure was fixed, he turned around slowly with Wushuang in his arms, with an unusually bright smile on his face, he said with a smile: "What? Is there something wrong?"

Ximen Wuhen was dazzled by Long Yi's smile, half-closed her eyes, it was really bright, she was a little surprised, when did her bastard second brother smile so nicely.

"Is this sister sick? Can you let me see?" Ximen Wuhen asked, she didn't even know why she did this.

Long Yi was startled, and then remembered that Ximen Wuhen was a high-ranking priest, he nodded and turned back, and at this time Long Ling'er was looking at the sky with empty eyes.

Ximen Wuhen inspected Wushuang's body, her face became more and more serious, she said: "Does she feel a splitting headache, cold all over, and talking nonsense?"

Seeing Ximen Wuhen mentioning Wushuang's symptoms, Long Yi couldn't help being overjoyed, he nodded hurriedly and said, "That's right, I wonder if there is any way for my little sister to heal her?"

Ximen Wuhen looked at Wushuang's unearthly face, shook his head regretfully and said: "I have read about similar cases in books, but unfortunately, I can't cure her disease, it should be caused by you using strange skills to cure her. It can't be suppressed, if not, she wouldn't be alive now."

Hearing Ximen Wuhen's words, Long Yiru was struck by five thunders, his mind went blank.

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