Womanizing Mage

Chapter 87 The Sigh of Nature

Long Yi looked at the Elf Queen and laughed, like mocking and teasing. Suddenly, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a splash, and the blood flowed on the corner of his mouth that was still smiling, there was an indescribable evil and weirdness.

"Long Yi." Leng Youyou screamed in surprise and hurried forward to support Long Yi, her cold gaze was directed at the Elf Queen and the Seven Elders, the black lotus imprint on her forehead fluctuated like water patterns. She absolutely can't stand someone hurting her most beloved person, it's even more uncomfortable than killing her.

Seeing Long Yi vomiting blood, Lucia's tears rolled down even more, she looked back at the Elf Queen, stomped her feet and ran towards Long Yi.

"Long Yi, I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Lucia cried.

"Hey, don't cry, I'm fine." Long Yi shook his head and comforted him, and secretly grabbed Leng Youyou's wrist with one hand, signaling her not to act rashly. Dark magic is doomed to be shady at present, and he is not afraid to fight against the whole world. The enemy, but do not want to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Long Yi tried to remove the blood at the corner of his mouth, looked at the Elf Queen with a half-smile, and suddenly half-closed his eyes and sighed with infinite satisfaction: "The maintenance is really good, the hand feels really good."

This abrupt sentence baffled everyone, except of course the Elf Queen whose face turned red and then pale, she stared at Long Yi with murderous eyes, as if she wanted to swallow him whole. How noble her status is, since her husband passed away unfortunately at the time of Lucia's birth, she has always guarded her body like a jade, but today she doesn't want to be shamelessly touched by Long Yi, and it is a shameful and sensitive breast. In fact, her original intention was not to kill Long, she just wanted to find out his bottom line, and teach him a little lesson, but she didn't want his mental power to be so strong, and after the Seven Great Elders joined her, she couldn't stop .

"I really didn't expect that this is how the elves treat guests. If we don't welcome them, we can just leave. Why do we have to kill people?" Long Yi sneered, if it was someone else just now, I'm afraid I'd have to stand up, what did he do? Can you not be angry.

"Let's go." Long Yi waved his hand, leading the crowd to go back.

Seeing the figures of the seven elders of the elves flashing together, they surrounded Long Yi and his party.

Long Yi's eyes narrowed dangerously, and his pupils narrowed into needle-like shapes, which usually indicated that his anger had reached its limit.

"Mother." Lucia looked at the Elf Queen tearfully.

The elf queen sighed softly, the girl was extroverted, her elbows turned outwards, now she is that brat's woman, it is hard to make her daughter hate herself for the rest of her life.

"Is that right Long Yi? It was my fault just now, and you will settle the matter of abducting my daughter slowly, please go in now, lest someone say that our elves don't know how to treat guests." The Elf Queen snorted softly.

"Thank you ma'am,

It's so kind of you. "Lucia threw herself into the arms of the Elf Queen with tears in her eyes.

Long Yi smiled lightly, he didn't expect the elf queen to have a special flair when she was angry, presumably it was because she was unbalanced because he robbed her daughter.

Thus, under the leadership of the Elf Queen, Long Yi and his party stepped into the legendary fairy forest. After entering, Long Yi discovered that the legends were not exaggerated, the inside is really beautiful, all kinds of exotic flowers and plants abound, the stream is winding and winding, the animals here are also very docile and lovely, they are not afraid of people at all, Shuttle and run under everyone's feet, sometimes biting the trousers playfully and holding on.

"Long Yi, our elf forest is beautiful." Lucia slipped back from the elf queen's side and grabbed Long Yi's big hand without hesitation.

"Well, it's really like a fairyland, but it lacks a kind of momentum. It's not the second choice for retirement." Long Yi smiled.

Lucia pouted and said, "Isn't it good to live here for a long time?"

"It's not bad, it's just that being in this environment for a long time is the easiest way to wear down one's spirit, but for the elves who have no desires and desires, this is nothing. The goal of being a human is just different, cough cough." With a smile, he suddenly coughed twice, and his lungs were burning with pain.

"Long Yi, did you hurt your meridians again?" Leng Youyou worried, this girl has memorized two new nouns meridians since she heard Long Yi say it in the dark space of the Lost City last time. And infuriating.

"Well, it's not very serious, just adjust your breath later." Long nodded, indicating that they don't need to worry.

Not long after walking in the elf forest, I saw a very empty grassland, which was full of simple and exquisite wooden houses, and there was a small lake next to it. Many elf children were laughing and playing. It was really like walking. It's like entering a painting.

Seeing the return of the elf queen and the seven elders, all the elves came to pay their respects. They looked at Long Yi and the humans curiously. Most of the elves spent their entire lives in the elf forest. I have been to the outside world, and I have never seen humans or other races.

The Elf Queen brought Long Yi and his party to her palace, but the so-called palaces are just a few unique and beautiful wooden houses, the interiors are decorated very warmly and comfortably, and flowers are placed everywhere, as expected they are the race closest to nature.

The Elf Queen left Lucia behind, and then asked someone to arrange Long Yi and his party to a small courtyard. Long Yi's meridians were damaged and he urgently needed to adjust his breath, so he blew a kiss to the reluctant Lucia and went. But he didn't want his blowing kiss to be watched by the elf queen. When she saw her daughter's embarrassed face, she couldn't help but itch with hatred.

"Lucia, tell me exactly what you have experienced outside these days." The elf queen brought her daughter into the room and said with a straight face.

Lucia leaned on the Elf Queen's shoulder, muttering: "It's not as comfortable as Long Yi's shoulder."

"What did you say?" Due to Lucia's ambiguity, the Elf Queen didn't hear what she said clearly. If she could hear clearly, I don't know if she would scold Lucia for being a sexist.

"It's nothing, mother, don't you want to know my experience outside? Let me tell you now, when I walked out of the elf forest..." Lucia murmured about what happened during the experience outside. All kinds of things, time just passed by little by little, and the sky has already dimmed.

At this time, Lucia began to tell how she met Long Yi in Guangming City, how she teamed up to take an adventure in the wild grassland, how Long Yi bravely fought against the silver-backed earth dragon, and how Leng Youyou fell to the ground to save her. into the space crack, and said that Long Yi fell down together in order to save Leng Youyou. Finally, it talked about the siege of the undead army and the exploration of the secret room of the city lord's mansion, how the Sleeping Beauty Wushuang and her illness, who had been sleeping for thousands of years, were discovered under the pool.

This time Lucia couldn't stop talking, she gestured happily, and her facial expressions and movements when she talked about the danger were amazing. She emphasized Long Yi's bravery and wit again and again, and almost told him that there was something in the sky. There are no characters in the underground.

Listening to her daughter's vivid narration, the Elf Queen couldn't help empathizing with her, and her view of Long Yi changed a lot in her heart. Listening to her daughter's narration, this mysterious boy was by no means an ordinary person. Good match, but the seven elders are very stubborn, I am afraid they will not agree to intermarry with humans.

"Mother, look." Lucia waved her jade hand like offering a treasure, and the natural sigh of the artifact appeared in her hand.

Seeing the exquisite and unparalleled appearance of Sigh of Nature and the powerful natural aura emanating from it, the Elf Queen's expression changed drastically, and she asked tremblingly, "Where did you get this bow?"

"Long Yi found it in the secret room of the lost city, and gave it to me." Lucia smiled slyly.

"Is this bow called the sigh of nature?" the elf queen asked excitedly.

"En." Lucia nodded, and with the magic power, she saw the magic bow radiate brilliance, a line of words emerged from the bow wall, and the six big characters written in dragons and phoenixes were the sigh of nature.

"It really is it, the sigh of nature, since it was lost in a war on the mainland two thousand years ago, it has returned to the hands of our elves." The elf queen caressed this divine bow, her face full of excitement.

"Mother, did this bow originally belong to our elves? Why didn't I know?" Lucia asked.

"There are many things you don't know, and you will know when you become a queen." The elf queen smiled, and Zhuaner looked at Lucia again and said, "With this bow, I think the seven elders will treat you well." I shouldn't say anything more about the marriage with that brat."

"Mother, why are you talking about him, old brat? He's your son-in-law." Lucia smiled sweetly.

As soon as she heard the word son-in-law, the elf queen's expression became a little weird. Thinking of this guy who was going to be son-in-law touching her breasts, she couldn't help feeling ashamed and angry, and always felt a strange feeling lingering in her heart. her heart.

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