Womanizing Mage

Chapter 88 Taking Advantage

The night was dark, and a crescent moon was reflected on the shimmering lake, reflecting the cool light.

A corner of the lake is surrounded by layers of vines, and there are sounds of playing in the water and laughter like silver bells. Inside the vines, Lucia and Nika were naked and half submerged in the lake water, revealing half of their snow-white breasts, and their bright red breasts were faintly visible at the bottom of the water.

"Princess, why don't you hurry up, you just said that you were surrounded by an army of undead, what happened afterwards?" Nika asked enthusiastically.

"Later, everyone couldn't hold it anymore. The two soldiers were covered in blood, and I didn't even have the strength to stand up. At that time, I really thought we were dead, but suddenly there was a strong wind, and the sun and the moon were dark. Long Yi appeared in the air out of nowhere, only to hear his roar, circles of golden light came out from his mouth, and those undead army fell down one after another in an instant, so we were saved." Lucia used her hands and feet together, beaming with joy, almost Deified Long Yi.

Nika covered her small mouth, with stars in her eyes, she murmured: "Is he really that powerful? Will there be golden light from his mouth?"

"Of course, he is my man." Lucia smiled proudly. In her heart, Long Yi is a god, the only god in her heart.

"Then what happened later? What happened later?" Nika asked eagerly.

"I won't talk about it today, I'll talk about it tomorrow, alas, Long Yi has been in the room for several days." Lucia sighed, her mood suddenly became depressed.

"Hee hee, princess, it's only been two days, you can't take it anymore." Nika teased.

"It's been a long time since two days. If possible, I would not leave him for a second. Without him by my side, my heart will always be empty." Lucia made no secret of her deeply sunken heart. There are no secrets with Nika.

"Princess, you are so happy." Nika chuckled, she was really happy for Lucia.

"Nika, you will be as happy as me in the future. Aren't there many people in the clan who pursue you? Have you taken a fancy to anyone?" Lucia asked with a smile.

Nika shook her head and said, "They're all fine, but they don't have the heartbeat you mentioned, and they feel like being electrocuted all over their bodies."

"Don't worry, you will meet in the future." Lucia smiled.

"Well, at that time, I will definitely meet someone better than your Long Yi." Nika chuckled lightly, her delicate body fell backwards, and she just lay on her back on the water, her full and firm chest came out. The surface of the water looks really attractive.

"I'm afraid it's too difficult,

I think there is no one better than Long Yi in this world. "Lucia said and swam towards Nika.

"That's not necessarily the case. We'll wait and see. Ka suddenly let out a cry of surprise, crossed his arms and looked at Lucia reproachfully.

"Nika, your breasts have grown a lot." Lucia said to Nika with a smirk.

Nika blushed pretty, looked sideways at Lucia's bulging breasts, and hummed softly: "Why, yours has grown up a lot, I remember we compared each other when you left, Yours was younger than mine at that time, but now it’s about the same size as mine, isn’t it true that things outside are more nourishing?”

Lucia giggled, and whispered something mysteriously in Nika's ear.

"Damn girl, you can say such things." Nika's face was blushing, and even the title of princess became a dead girl.

"Really, I didn't lie to you, this is what Long Yi said, do you want to try it, I'll help you." Lucia laughed loudly and rushed towards Nika.

The two women made a fuss in the water, and both of them went up and down on each other's body. The scene was naturally very fragrant, but it's a pity that only the moon in the sky can appreciate this scene.

Enough fuss, the two women floated on the water panting.

"Princess, did you really let Long Yi touch your chest? How embarrassing." Not long after, Nika couldn't help but blushed and asked.

"What's so embarrassing, Long Yi and I have done that one after another. People belong to him, so what's the point of letting him touch his chest, besides, being touched by Long Yi is very comfortable." Lucia said softly, her eyes There was a sense of spring rippling, apparently recalling some unsuitable episodes for children.

Nika looked at Lucia's bewitched eyes and thought to herself, is this relationship between men and women really so comfortable?

"Princess, tell me what it's like to do that. I've heard people say that it hurts the first time, isn't it?" Nika bumped Lucia with her elbow and asked blushingly.

"Well, it hurt a little at the beginning, but it doesn't hurt later..." Lucia whispered next to Nika's ear, her voice became softer and fainter.


The colorful magic elements circulating outside Long Yi's body gradually retracted into his body, his eyes slowly opened, the dark eyeballs exuded a fatal attraction like a black hole, no one could see the deepest part of it.

Gently exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Long Yi jumped up, his body as light as a swallow. He stretched out his hands and twisted them, all the bones in his body cracked.

"It's so cool, Ao Tian Jue is about to break through the second layer." Long Yi murmured, it seems that every time the meridians are damaged and recovered, the skill will improve a little bit.

Feeling the uncomfortable stickiness on his body, Long Yi decided to take a bath, but there was no bathroom in the room he lived in. At this time, Long Yi suddenly remembered that there was a small lake outside, there should be no one there at this late hour, why not just go there and wash.

Long Yi tapped the soles of his feet, and the person was already vertically flying in the air like a big roc, after a few vertical leaps, Long Yi had already reached the sky above the lake, with his inner breath absorbed, he allowed himself to fall weightlessly into the lake.

With a bang, Long Yi slammed into the bottom of the lake like a cannonball, his inner strength was shaken, and his clothes were already in pieces.

Lucia and Nika, who were hiding in the lake separated by vines and whispering, were startled by the sound of falling into the water. Who the hell came to play in the water so late.

"Long Yi." Lucia whispered with her mouth shut. Although she couldn't see clearly, Long Yi's jet-black hair already showed his identity. Now he is the only one in the Elf Forest with a black head.

"Ah, then let's get dressed and go up." Nika said softly.

"What's the hurry, why don't we ask him to come wash together." Lucia said narrowly.

"Then you and him take a couple's bath here, I won't accompany you." Nika blushed and spat softly.

Mandarin duck bath? Lucia tilted her head, which seemed like a good idea.

"Hehe, princess, let him massage your breasts again today, maybe it will become even bigger." Seeing Lucia's movement, Nika teased and touched her breasts .

But Lucia was in a daze at the moment, when suddenly her chest was attacked, and she couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

"Who?" Long Yi was swimming, when he suddenly heard a scream from the vine, reflexively broke through the water, and stamped his palm. With just a bang, the entire isolation room woven of vines fell apart.

Looking at Lucia and Nika who were soaking in the water with their chests folded, they were stunned.

"You still haven't turned your head away." Nika said with some tears.

Only then did Long Yi come to his senses, and immediately turned his body around, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

I only heard the sound of getting dressed on the shore, and then heard a footstep slowly going away.

"Alright, Long Yi, you can turn around now." Lucia called.

Long Yi rinsed twice indiscriminately, flew ashore, took out a set of clothes from the interspatial ring and changed into them, and met Lucia's angry and happy eyes as soon as he turned around.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I thought someone was peeking at me taking a shower, you know, your husband and I have always guarded ourselves like a jade, how can we allow others to fuck." Long Yi laughed dryly.

"Nonsense, to be honest, what did you see just now?" Lucia asked with her mouth pouted.

"I didn't see anything, in the name of the God of Light." Long Yi raised his hand and swore, in fact, he really didn't see much, only a little bit, really only a little bit.

"I don't believe it, your evil eye is so powerful, I'm afraid Nika won't be able to sleep tonight." Lucia gave Long Yi a white look.

Long Yi stared at Lucia without blinking. She looked very charming in the moonlight just after taking a bath, her half-wet hair was draped around her waist, her skin was pink and tender, her big eyes were sparkling, and the front of her clothes seemed to be open. It's too big, and you can see a sensual cleavage.

"Why are you looking at him like that?" Lucia asked shyly, her pretty face flushed.

"Because you're seducing me, I'm cooperating with you." Long Yi replied solemnly, causing Lucia to punch her in the face.

With a pull of Long Da's hand, the warm and fragrant nephrite embraced him.

"What do you want?" Lucia whispered.

"I want to do...something with you." Long Yi smiled wickedly, picked up Lucia in his arms, and disappeared into the charming night.

ps: Brothers, forgive me, I didn’t achieve the expected goal, I was tired all day during the day, and I was not in a good state at night. I coded these 3,000 words in one night, and bowed and apologized to everyone~~

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