Womanizing Mage

Chapter 89: Journey to the Ice Field

The air in the elf forest is always so fresh, especially in the early morning, when the fragrance of flowers and grass mixed with the wind blows in through the window, people will be drunk.

Lucia lay prone on the bed, propped her chin with her hands and looked at the sleeping Long Yi fascinatedly, with unruly thick black sword eyebrows, sharp-edged outline, and slightly raised thin lips, it seemed that she had dreamed of something happy.

"Bad guy, you laugh so annoyingly even when you're sleeping." Lucia infatuatedly stretched out her jade hand to caress Long Yi's lips, caressing them lightly, then brushed his slender fingers across his straight nose bridge, thick eyebrows, and broad forehead , over and over again, as if he wanted to carve this outline deeper in his heart, so deep that he would never forget it even in the next life, the next life.

"Little elf, although I really want you to touch it all, but your sister Youyou has been waiting outside for a long time." Long Yi suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Lucia with a half-smile.

Lucia let out an exclamation, two blushes rose on her pretty face, she jumped up hastily, the waves of her breasts and buttocks made Long Yi dazzled for a while. She hurriedly put on her clothes, turned around and saw Long Yise's fiery eyes, she was overjoyed, but she said coquettishly: "Big pervert." After speaking, she opened the door, and she saw Leng Youyou's pretty life standing outside the door.

"Sister Youyou, why didn't you knock on the door when you came?" Lucia stepped forward to hold Leng Youyou's hand affectionately.

Leng Youyou said inexplicably: "I just arrived at the door, and you opened the door."

Lucia turned around and gave Long Yi a white look, knowing that he had already noticed Leng Youyou walking this way.

"You two ladies, hurry up and change your husband's clothes." Long Yi said with a chuckle, and jumped off the bed with his naked body, his thick and long little brother was supporting the sky.

The two girls blushed and came over to help Long Yi get dressed tenderly, so naturally they couldn't avoid being preyed upon by his dishonest wolf claws.

"By the way, where is Wushuang?" Long Yi asked.

"Sister Wushuang has been at my mother's place for the past two days. My mother is studying her condition, and I don't know what's going on? Let's go over and have a look." Lucia replied, and wiped away the wrinkles on Long Yi's clothes. Fold flat.

Long nodded. Three months is really not a long time. He really hoped that the elf queen could find a way to heal Wushuang.

When I came to the courtyard where the elf queen lived, I found that the seven elders were all there, and Wushuang sat on the side indifferently, with a clear and cool demeanor.

Seeing Long Yi coming in, the Elf Queen's expression was unnatural for a moment, but she soon calmed down.


What kind of disease is sister Wushuang suffering from? Can you cure it? "Lucia came to the side of the Elf Queen and asked with concern.

The elf queen sighed softly, and said slowly: "After the judgment of me and the seven elders, what Wushuang suffers from is not a disease, but an evil curse. Fortunately, she is suppressed by the cold spirit of ten thousand years, otherwise... ...."

"Your Majesty, can you and the Seven Great Elders lift this curse? If both of you are safe, the great kindness of the elves will be remembered forever. If you are sent, you will go through fire and water." Long Yi said eagerly.

Wushuang Gujing Wubo's eyes fluctuated when Long Yi said these words, her heart trembled violently, she could feel that Long Yi's words came from her heart.

Does Long Yi like him? Wushuang couldn't help thinking in a panic.

The elf queen looked at the young man in front of her with admiration. Lucia had a good eye. Although this man appeared to be a little frivolous, he was indeed a man who valued love and righteousness.

"Long Yi, don't say what kindness is great or not. We elves should help you. If there is a problem with the elves today, you will not be able to escape." The elf queen laughed, as if pointing something.

Long Yi was startled, and looked at the Elf Queen in puzzlement.

"You found the sigh of nature, the treasure of our elves. After discussing with the seven elders, I decided to agree to your marriage with Lucia. From now on, you will be a member of our elf forest." The elf queen laughed.

Lucia was overjoyed, her face blooming delicately.

"As for the evil curse on Wushuang, if we can get the blood from Ruyi Iceworm's body within three months, then the Seventh Elder and I will be sure to lift the curse, otherwise we will be helpless." The Elf Queen sighed.

"Ruyi Iceworm? An SS-level magical beast on the ice field, Ruyi Iceworm?" Long Yi asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's it. As the name suggests, the Ruyi Iceworm is the master of water magic. It is almost invincible on the ice field. Even the sss-level monsters from other places can fight it on the ice field." The Elf Queen said, her eyes were a little bit It's a pity, she doesn't believe that Long Yi can kill the wishful ice silkworm to obtain its blood.

Hearing these words, Long Yiyi's heart suddenly turned cold. He thought that he had a SS-level Thunder Beast, and together with eighteen super-level skeletons, he had a 70-80% chance of winning no matter what. But when he heard that the sss-level monsters could not defeat the Ruyi Iceworm on the ice field, he was at a loss, because he knew that the difference in strength between the sss-level monsters and the ss-level monsters was only one level, but that was a huge difference. The difference between heaven and earth.

However, is Long Yi a person who gives up so easily? He is not, because he has always believed that there is nothing impossible in the world, and miracles are possible every second, and the key lies in whether they can be grasped.

The ice field is located in the extreme north of the Canglan Continent, but the Elf Forest is the westernmost part of the continent. If you follow the Hengduan Mountains to the north, Long Yi estimates that it will take more than a month to get there, and it will take two months to go back and forth. Then he only has one It took months to find the wishful ice silkworm and obtain its blood.

Long Yi stood up abruptly, saluted the Elf Queen, and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, there is not much time left, I will go to the ice field right now."

"Are you really going? All the powerful beasts live on the ice sheet, and the temperature is extremely low..."

But before the Elf Queen could finish speaking, Long Yi interrupted: "I don't care about any danger, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will never give up."

The Elf Queen nodded and said: "Since you insist, I won't stop you. You must bring Wushuang with you, because the ice silkworm's blood will only be effective if taken immediately."

"Mother, I'm going too." Lucia said anxiously.

"No, the holy festival of our elves is coming soon. As a princess of the elves, you must stay." One of the seven elders objected, and the other six also expressed their objections.

"Lucia, you don't want to go, just stay here and wait for me to come back." Long Yi gently rubbed Lucia's little head.


"Good boy, be obedient." Long Yi said in a tone that could not be refuted.

Lucia lowered her head, twisted her hands together, and looked aggrieved, but she didn't insist anymore.

Calling the bull, Long Yi and Wushuang, Leng Youyou went out of the elf forest escorted by Lucia and the elf queen, and ran into the elf guard led by Nika on the way. Long Yi smiled at her in a friendly manner, but he didn't want to get Nika a murderous look. The self-inflicted Long Yi touched his nose, and didn't care, he took advantage of what happened last night no matter what.

At the time of parting, Lucia couldn't help but shed tears. It was the first time since meeting Long Yi that she was separated. She who was enjoying the sweet love was naturally very reluctant to part.

"Long Yi, you must be careful and come back. If you don't come back, I will...I will die for you." Lucia looked at her sweetheart with tears in her eyes, her heart was sore and astringent.

Long Yi embraced Lu Xiya in his arms, caressed her supple body, and comforted her softly: "Little elf, I promise you will definitely come back, that wishful ice silkworm is not in my eyes , don't you believe me?"

Lucia nodded vigorously in Long Yi's arms, choked up and said: "I believe in you, but I will miss you so much, will you forget me?"

"How come? Even if I forget myself, I still don't forget my lovely little elf." Long Yi swore sweet words.

The elf queen looked at the pair of embracing lovers with emotion, her eyes were a little blurred, as if reminiscing, but she didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse for her daughter to be so infatuated.

After walking for a long time, Long Yi couldn't help but turn his head back, and saw Lucia still standing there stupidly waving her hands. In an instant, Long Yi's nose was sour, and his heart was full of astringent emotion.

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