Womanizing Mage

Chapter 93 Forbidden Spell Confrontation (2 in 1)

"Let's do it." Long shouted, and like goshawks, he rushed towards the surrounding mages. He must not let them complete the spell. Because Long Yi realized that they were casting a spell with the combined power of dozens of people, the power was definitely not comparable to the sum of the spells they cast separately, it was probably a level 1 forbidden spell with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

I thought that I could easily kill a few of them at the speed of my great teleportation, then the integrity of the fusion magic they cast would be greatly weakened, but I didn't want his people to be still in the air, so they encountered a huge aura of resistance. The whole person was bounced back again.

Long Yi was startled, and immediately knew that the aura was cast by these dozen or so dark warriors, it seems that today's matter is troublesome. If he wants to kill the magicians on the periphery, he must rush through the encirclement of these dark warriors.

At this time, the fluctuation of dark magic has become more and more intense, and the sky that was still sunny just now was shrouded in a layer of light black smoke, and it began to become thicker.

Long Yi let out a clear and long howl, and the huge sword suddenly appeared in his right hand. The light blue dragon-shaped sword light was covered with a layer of dazzling white light. This is the holy light fighting qi he created himself. A fusion of magic elements and mad dragon fighting spirit, the dark fighting spirit used to restrain dark warriors should be the best choice.

"Holy Light Fighting Qi Hell Reincarnation Slash." Long Yi froze in the air, his handsome face suddenly turned blood red, just like the molten steel in a steel furnace.

At this time, more than a dozen dark warriors had already sensed the danger, and the cold and evil air immediately pervaded the air. The thick silk's dark battle air on the giant sword formed arc-shaped air blades and instantly surrounded Long Yi in the air, sealing him blocked all his retreats.

Long Yi smiled, very strangely and evilly, like a seducer from the underworld. All of a sudden, his figure was blurred like a flower in a mirror, and the moon in water. In an instant, the huge sword in his hand split into countless handles.

There was no earth-shattering sound, nor the clang of metal clashing, only a few tiny thumping sounds. Long Yi and the dozen or so dark warriors were scattered at the touch of a button, and it was unclear whether the light and darkness canceled each other out or blended into each other.

Long Yi landed slowly, the blood red color on his face had faded, he became a little pale, his clothes were riddled with holes, his hands were trembling involuntarily, traces of blood flowed down his wrists, blah blah Da Di fell under his feet, and his tiger's mouth was split open in the confrontation just now, but there was no trace of trauma under the clothes that were cut by the dark grudge. If you look carefully, you can see a touch of silver from the opening of the clothes. It is an artifact-level body armor found in the Lost City. It is invulnerable, and it can also offset 80% of the magical fighting energy attack. The same thing Leng Youyou also wore one. But even so, the remaining dark battle energy intruding into the body also caused Long Yi to suffer a lot.

Compared with Long Yi, those ten dark warriors were obviously more miserable, their bodies were covered with large and small wounds,

In some people, certain organs of the body are missing. But Long Yi couldn't be happy, on the contrary, there was a piercing chill in his heart, and the expression on his face was uncertain.

"What's going on here?" Long Yi's voice was somewhat suppressed and frightened, and he saw these dark warriors still standing silently, their muscles turned pale, and there was not even a trace of blood oozing out. The strange scene shocked Long Yi and the others. Can a person live without blood? Maybe they are really not human as Leng Youyou said?

"I don't know either." Leng Youyou shook her head, the expression on her face was also very shocked.

At this time, the chanting of the dark mages outside became louder and louder, and the dark magic elements poured in, and the power was like overwhelming mountains and seas, which was very scary.

"No, the dark curse they cast is almost finished." Wushuang exclaimed.

Long Yi gritted his teeth, and released the Violent Thunder Beast and Super Skeleton from the dark dimensional space. He shouldn't have been so big at the beginning. If he had attacked with Violent Thunder Beast at the beginning, he might have broken through the encirclement of these dark warriors? .

As soon as the Violent Thunder Beast came out, it felt a powerful threat, and its body immediately began to grow. It roared furiously, and the silver horn on its head suddenly flashed a little light, and suddenly, rumbling thunder resounded in the sky. As an SS-level monster, it casts its own lightning magic very quickly.

With the dark cloud cover and the thick black atmosphere, the whole sky seemed to be about to collapse. Suddenly, a silver lightning pierced the sky, and struck towards the surrounding mages like a silver snake in the darkness. With a bang, lightning splashed everywhere, and a layer of light black barrier suddenly rose above the mage group, and the lightning struck it and remained motionless. With the falling of this bolt of lightning, the whole sky suddenly lit up, and amidst the roar of the Violent Thunder Beast, lightning bolts blasted towards the mage's barrier one after another. Under such a powerful lightning attack, the enchantment began to fluctuate, and it seemed that it would not last long, but their magic chanting also reached the last moment.

And those 18 super skeletons also fought with those dark warriors. In the beginning, they were not released because they knew that other skeletons except Long Er could not compete with these dark warriors at all. loss. On the other hand, he overestimated his own strength, thinking that he should be able to deal with it with all his strength. But now he can't take care of so much, people can't be happy, and it's useless to keep the skeleton.

Long Yi's thoughts flickered, wondering if the artifact-level protective necklace on Wushuang's body, which could release the water curtain and Tianhua enchantment, could protect the three people from escaping from this dark curse.

Long Yi looked at Wushuang, but saw that her eyes were closed tightly, her cherry lips were opening and closing, her body began to light up with a light blue light, and a strange light blue magic symbol suddenly flashed in the sky. Long Yi's face changed drastically. He knew that Wushuang wanted to use the forbidden curse to fight against the forbidden curse. He had always known that Wushuang had the strength of a great magister, but the problem was that she was hit by an evil curse, and her magic power and spiritual power began to drop sharply. What would be the result of forcibly casting the forbidden spell? Long Yi didn't know, but he was absolutely sure that it wasn't a good result.

But at this time, Long Yi was powerless to stop it, the powerful fluctuation of magic power on Wushuang pushed him and Wushuang straight back.

At this moment, the dark warriors fighting with the eighteen skeletons suddenly jumped out of the battle circle in unison and retreated quickly.

Long's eyes jumped, and he immediately guessed that the spells of the dark mages had been completed. He took a deep look at Wushuang surrounded by blue light, gritted his teeth and put the Thunder Beast and Super Skeleton back into the ring, and put his arms around Leng Youyou. His waist receded.

"Wushuang, you must not have anything to do." Long Yi said silently in his heart, he really regretted it, why he was so arrogant, thinking that with the strength of the three of them plus eighteen super skeletons and SS level madmen Thunder Beast is invincible in the world, knowing that there is a problem, it still takes Leng Youyou and Wushuang to take risks.

While retreating in a hurry, from the corner of Long's eyes, he suddenly saw Iluna mother and daughter running to the distance as if desperately.

Long Yi hates them most at this moment, how can he let them run away? His powerful mental power was transferred from the sea of ​​consciousness, and attacked them layer by layer.

"World Extinguishing Demonic Light." At this moment, Long Yi heard a deafening whisper behind him, he looked back, and saw that dozens of dark mages all raised their magic wands. A dense black ball suddenly appeared in the sky above, and the black ball was spinning at high speed. All of a sudden, the black ball suddenly exploded, Long Yi felt his eyes went black, his eyes could no longer see anything clearly, his body softened and he fell down, his consciousness quickly became blurred, he felt like a spring flower suddenly In winter, it is dying.

"Extremely cold and the ice breaks." In a trance, Long Yi heard Wu Shuang's icy cold voice without any emotion, a burst of chill hit him, and Long Yi woke up with a jolt.

Looking back, Long Yi saw a shocking scene, which he thought he would never forget in his whole life. It was a world of black and white, black was pure black, so black that it made one's heart palpitate, like a black hole, it seemed that even one's mind could be swallowed up. The white is crystal white, as translucent as ice and snow, just looking at the coldness seems to be able to freeze the eyes into ice cubes.

Black and white confront each other, not giving in to each other. The dark side can't see anything, but can only feel the trembling evil aura, even if Long Yi is outside its enveloping range, he can feel all negative things rapidly taking root in his heart, destruction is the only destination. Long Yi shook his head and didn't dare to look there again, but Wushuang's side was white and transparent, the whole world was sealed by transparent ice, it seemed that even the air within the attack range was frozen.

Suddenly, the light blue light on Wushuang's body began to disappear slowly, and at the same time, the magic runes in the air also faded until they disappeared.

A crisp sound of ding broke the silent world, and Wushuang trembled all over. The necklace on her neck, the bracelet on her wrist, and the rings on her fingers all turned into powder in this crisp sound, and her body Then fall back softly.

"Wushuang." Long Yi and Leng Youyou murmured, and suddenly rushed over like waking up from a dream.

"Bang", transparent ice shards flew, and Long Yi who used the great teleportation of the universe suddenly landed in the air in the shape of a big character, causing Leng Youyou behind him to stop in place for a while in astonishment.

"Damn it, the air is really frozen." Long Yi backed up with all his strength and flew back, shaking his body and screaming in disbelief. But at this moment, he was not in the mood to think so much, and ran towards Wushuang around the road. Fortunately, Wushuang's surroundings were not sealed by ice, otherwise it would take a lot of time to dig her out of the ice. But yes, how could the caster be frozen by his own magic?

"Wushuang, Wushuang, wake up." Long Yi hugged Wushuang away from the place, and found that her whole body was as cold as ice, no, colder than ice, it was almost the same as the cold pool in the dark space of the lost city. The temperature is the same.

Long Yi hugged Wushuang tightly in his arms, continuously pouring internal energy into her body, but his heart became more and more flustered, he was really afraid, afraid that Wushuang would never wake up again. And Leng Youyou at the side also shed tears while calling Wushuang's name, which made Long Yi feel even more uncomfortable, his nose was sore and he was about to cry.

Suddenly, Wushuang's eyelashes moved, and he opened his eyes with difficulty, but the star-like pupils became dim.

"Wushuang, you woke up, I was so scared that my heart almost stopped beating." Long Yi shouted in surprise, hugging Wushuang even tighter, as if he was afraid that she would leave in a second.

"Wuyi, it's great that you woke up, I'm worried to death." Wept coldly.

Wushuang looked at the tearful Wushuang and the red-eyed Long Yi, her eyes suddenly filled with mist, her body was very cold, but her heart felt scorching hot right now, it made her want to cry.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Wushuang said weakly, she tremblingly raised her hand to caress Leng Youyou's cheek, helping her try to wipe away the tears, then put it on Long Yi's face again, and smiled contentedly, it was from her Woke up from the crystal coffin with the most beautiful smile, then slowly closed his eyes, and his jade hands hung down weakly.

"Wushuang, Wushuang." Leng Youyou cried loudly and shook Wushuang's body, thinking that she had just left.

Long Yi grabbed Leng Youyou's hand, and said: "Don't get excited, Wushuang just fell asleep." He could feel Wushuang's heart still beating, even though it was weak, it still beat with the rhythm of his heartbeat.

Leng You breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "I was scared to death, I thought..."

At this moment, there was a sudden cracking sound, and countless cracks suddenly appeared in the dark world on the other side, and it fell apart with a bang, and the dark world disappeared, leaving only a thick layer of ice fragments , and dozens of dying dark mages lying under the fragments. The dozen or so dark warriors in the distance were covered in frost, and their movements were a little stiff, trying to escape.

Long Yi was about to catch up and end them, but was held back by Leng Youyou.

Long Yi frowned, it wasn't because they were Leng Youyou of the Dark Church that he wanted to let them go, he couldn't swallow this breath no matter what.

"Let me do it." Lengyou said coldly, she has been using low-level spiritual magic to attack since she came out of the wild grassland, but dark magic has no chance to use it because of scruples, and today it finally comes into play.

I saw Leng Youyou muttering a mantra, and the black light of the black lotus imprint on her forehead flashed, shooting out from her forehead, forming a huge lotus flower in the air.

"Black lotus, devour." Leng Youyou pointed with a jade hand, and the huge black lotus immediately spun and rushed towards the dark warriors whose movements became slow, and then turned around suddenly, the lotus leaves bloomed one by one, and black mist curled up from between Floating down to cover the dark warriors, the black mist retracted in a moment, and those dark warriors had turned into a pile of bones. Because these dark warriors were created by the unparalleled water-type forbidden curse of extreme freezing and ice breaking, they were invaded from head to toe by extreme cold air, so facing the cold black lotus at this time, they have no power to fight back.

"These dark mages should also be your black lotus's fertilizer, the dark magic power on them is not weak." Long Yi pointed at the dark mages under the broken ice and said.

Leng Youyou nodded, and released the black lotus to suck these dark mages into bones. Sighing lightly, she took back the black lotus, and there was another black lotus mark on her forehead.

"Is it unbearable?" Long Yi asked.

Leng Youyou shook her head, and said: "No, the survival of the fittest in the dark church, but I suddenly miss my master, for me, the master is my only relative."

"Could it be that I am not your relative?" Long Yi pretended to be angry.

"Of course you are too, and Lucia, and...Wu Shuang." Leng Youyou chuckled lightly, looked at Long Yi with bright eyes, and then gently rested her head on his shoulder.

"When we find Ruyi Iceworm and cure Wushuang, I will accompany you back and meet your master by the way." Long Yi rubbed his face against Wushuang's soft voice.

"En." Leng Youyou nodded, her tone very happy.

At this time, the black air in the sky had completely dissipated, and the sun emerged from the clouds again.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Leng Youyou exclaimed suddenly, seeing the sun's rays shining on the cold ice layer, and the dense mist actually refracting colorful rays of light, she had an illusion that she had already arrived Destination ice field.

Long Yi was also a little lost. Thinking of the top magic confrontation between the two lines of forbidden spells just now, he realized that he was also a frog in a well. He thought he had seen the fire-type forbidden spell burning gods sealed in Long Ling'er's bullet. Now I understand what is the strongest magic in the world, but it seems a bit ridiculous today.

It turns out that there is such a big difference in power between forbidden curses. Long Yi now understands why Wushuang didn't choose to use the enchantment water curtain Tianhua sealed in the protective necklace to resist the dark forbidden curse World Exterminating Demon Light. After feeling this Afterwards, the power of the forbidden spell was also doubted whether Shuimu Tianhua could resist the light of destroying the world. Let's look at the water-type forbidden spell cast by Wushuang, which is extremely freezing and ice-breaking, even the air can be frozen, what else can't be frozen? It can be seen that its power is obviously greater than that of the Extinguishing Light, but the reason why Wushuang can cast this forbidden spell is mainly due to the unusual magic accessories on his body.

Long Yi took a deep breath, it seems that he still has a long way to go on the road of magic battle qi.

"Long Yi, what about the two of them?" Leng Youyou pointed to Iluna, mother and daughter, who were bound by Long Yi's mental power.

Long Yi looked at Wushuang who was sleeping in his arms, and a cruel cold light flashed in his eyes. It's an unforgivable crime for hurting the woman next to him.

Long Yi signaled Leng Youyou to take Wushuang, and walked slowly to Iluna's mother and daughter.

"Please, please spare us. We were forced by the dark church, and all the people of the gang are dead now." The beautiful fox woman had tears in her eyes, and her expression was miserable, which made people feel sympathy involuntarily.

"Excuse me? Is there any benefit?" Long Yi smiled, but his eyes were icy cold.

"As long as you spare our mother and daughter, you can do whatever you want." The beautiful woman thought that things would turn around, she looked at Long Yi with dripping eyes, trying her best to arouse his interest.

"Yes, if you don't dislike our thin willow appearance, our mother and daughter are willing to serve you for the rest of your life. She...she is still a girl with yellow flowers." Iluna had a shy and timid expression on her face, her mouth opened slightly, The fragrant tongue slightly stretched out and licked the upper lip, that look can be as seductive as possible.

"Is that all?" Long Yi smiled lightly, stretched out both hands to caress the chins of the two fox spirits, and gently rubbed them, while Leng Youyou behind him couldn't help feeling depressed when he saw his movements, and her pretty face also turned pale. Immediately got up.

Seeing that Long Yi was teasing them, Iluna's mother and daughter were overjoyed, thinking that their lives could be saved.

"Aside from your body, you probably don't have anything else to show, so I'm sorry, I'm not interested in you coquettish foxes, so I'll give you a ride." Long Yi sneered and slid his big hand towards Iluna's mother and daughter. neck......

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