Womanizing Mage

Chapter 94: Seven Demon Puppets

It was dusk, and the faint mist drifted away from the splashing waterfall, bringing bursts of refreshing coolness.

This is a magically crafted platform on the steep cliff of the Hengduan Mountains. On both sides are mountain springs flying down from the gaps in the high mountains, forming a most spectacular waterfall.

Long Yi held Wushuang who was still asleep in his arms and leaned against a smooth rock, staring at the looming new moon in the sky, while Leng Youyou quietly leaned on his shoulder, not knowing what he was thinking.

With a long sigh, Long Yi lowered his head and looked at Wushuang who was sleeping in his arms with distress. She lost a lot of weight, her face showed a sickly paleness, her breathing was long and short, and even her eyebrows were furrowed in a deep sleep, obviously Very uncomfortable. In the past three days, Wushuang's mental strength has become weaker and weaker, she will wake up once or twice a day, and when she wakes up, she will be fed some fruit and the like, and will fall asleep again in less than ten minutes, Long Yi will not dare to continue like this Guarantee whether Wushuang can survive on the ice sheet.

"Long Yi, don't worry too much, Wu Shuang will be fine." Leng Youyou comforted her lover when she heard her lover sigh and put her jade hand tightly on his big one. In fact, why wasn't she worried? But seeing that her lover was so anxious, she sensibly played the role of a confidante.

Long Yi looked at Leng Youyou, put one arm around her shoulder, and said: "Youyou, thank you."

Leng Youyou smiled affectionately at Long Yi, pecked the corner of his mouth lightly with her pink lips, and said: "Fool, who wants you to thank me, she is your wife."

Long Yi was startled, and suddenly felt that the roles between them seemed to be reversed, he used to call them fools and then comfort them, but the feeling of being comforted was really good, and his heart was very warm.

"Yes, you are my wife, so you will stay by my side forever." Long Yi caressed Leng Youyou's beautiful face.

"Unless you don't want me, I will always be by your side and serve you for the rest of your life." Leng Youyou replied with blurred eyes.

"A lifetime is not enough, what I want is forever." Long Yi laughed softly.

"How far is forever?" Leng Youyou asked.

"How far? This question is more complicated, we have to study it carefully..."


In the frozen fox territory, the ice still hasn't melted, and it reflects a cold light under the moonlight. Suddenly, two light spots, one red and one blue, shot from the sky. In a flash, an old man in a fiery red magic robe and a middle-aged beautiful woman in a light blue magic robe stood on the periphery of the ice layer. The two looked at the frozen world in amazement.

I was speechless for a long time. If someone with a little knowledge is here, they will definitely recognize that the old man is the great fire magister Puxius, and the middle-aged beautiful woman is Shui Linglong, the water magister who is as famous as Puxius.

"Shui Linglong, what do you think?" The old man turned to ask the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"It's so strong. Although I can also cast the water-type forbidden spell, it's not as powerful as this half. What is frozen is not ordinary ice, but the coldest ice of Xuanyin. The strength of the caster has reached the level of the great water-type magister." Peak, I wonder when such a strong man appeared in Canglan Continent?" Shui Linglong said crisply, although she looked about forty years old, but her voice was as sweet as a girl's, one can imagine that she must have been so strong when she was young. The peerless beauty crowning the world.

Purseus carefully observed the surrounding area. Three days ago, he and Shui Linglong were discussing magic issues when they suddenly felt a vast fluctuation of dark magic and water magic elements. They immediately knew that someone was casting a dark magic ban. The spell is opposed to the forbidden spell of water magic. The two turned pale with fright, and immediately set off to the center of the magic wave.

Purseus frowned and looked at the two piles of skeletons that were far apart, and said uncertainly: "It seems that the forbidden spell of dark magic should be cast by these dozens of dark mages jointly, and the forbidden spell of water system was cast by one person. Yes, it is obvious that the water-type curse is stronger, but the reason why these dark mages turned into skeletons was the result of being corrupted by dark magic, so there was a third wave of people from the dark church at that time."

"Pusius, there seem to be two corpses over there." Shui Linglong pointed to the distance.

The two flew over and found that they were the corpses of two fox women, and they had become extremely stiff.

"They died because their throats were crushed." Shui Linglong pointed at their black and black necks, and just touched their throats and found that their throats had been shattered.

Pu Xiusi sighed and said: "Canglan Continent is currently experiencing troubled times. Although the Aoyue Empire and the Nalan Empire have not yet fully engaged in war, local wars continue, and the Kuanglong Empire seems to have infiltrated it. Church activities are frequent, and now there is such a superpower of water magic, I don't know what changes will happen in Canglan Continent?"

"If the three great empires fight, I'm afraid there will be people living in charcoal and corpses everywhere. The people will suffer." Shui Linglong sighed softly, with a compassionate expression on her face.

And Wushuang, who was considered by Pu Xiusi and Shui Linglong to be the supreme power of water magic, was still asleep, and Leng Youyou was sitting beside her meditating.

Long Yi sat outside the tent and pondered. After the fox clan was ambushed by the dark mages and dark warriors of the dark church, he became much more cautious. If Wushuang hadn't risked his life to cast a forbidden spell to fight back, he might have been complacent. The soul has returned to the west. Now that Wushuang is sleeping all day long, and he doesn't know what dangers will arise ahead, it seems that he still needs to strengthen his strength.

But now his magic cultivation has stagnated. Although his internal strength is about to break through the second level, it will not happen overnight.

Thinking of the Super Skeleton and Violent Thunder Beast in the space ring, Long Yi couldn't help thinking, it would be great if there were more helpers.

"Oh, how did I forget about them." Long Yi slapped his head one by one, how could he forget that there are five super masters who have lost their souls in the space ring? In addition to those ghosts captured in the secret room of the Lost City's Lord's Mansion, he planned to refine five seven evil puppets to use, but he forgot later.

Long Yi pulled out the five restrained masters from the interspatial ring and stood in front of them. Three of them were magisters, namely water, earth and fire, and two were great sword masters. Before entering the lost city, he must have been a world-renowned figure, but now he is about to become a puppet in his hands.

Long Yi had long been familiar with the method of refining the puppet of the Seven Fiends. He set up an enchantment around it, and the dark magic elements in the sea of ​​consciousness began to surge. Long Yi murmured a mantra, his eyes flashed with black light, and the five black qi penetrated into the eyebrows of the five people respectively. He wanted to plant his own soul imprint in their minds, and the closed eyes of the five people suddenly Open it, shooting out a strange black glow, the body trembled continuously as Long Yi chanted the mantra more and more urgently.

Seeing that the soul imprint had been planted, Long Yi took out the dozen or so Yin spirits caught in the Lost City from the space ring, and fused them into the bodies of the five puppets of the Seven Fiends with the spirit transformation technique in the undead magic. Here, with these extremely yin and cold Yin spirits, they will be stronger, and they will be more vicious when they execute orders.

Beads of sweat slipped from his forehead and temples, and the mental power and magic power in Long Yi's body were exhausted. It seems that helpers are so easy to find.

The sky was getting brighter, and at this time Long Yi and the five puppets around him were emitting black air, and a sentence of incomparably jerky spells were spit out from Long Yi's mouth, while the five puppets had already floated up from the ground, slowly floating in the air. turning.

When Leng Youyou woke up from her meditation, she saw this weird scene as soon as she stepped out of the tent, she didn't dare to disturb Long Yi, she just quietly guarded by his side.

Suddenly, with a wave of Long Yi's hands, five drops of blood shot at the eyebrows of the five puppets, sucked in like sponges, and the five puppets suddenly burst into black light, and fell steadily from the air to the ground.

Long Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and just about to raise his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, he felt a fresh fragrance, a cool jade hand gently wiped the sweat off his forehead and face.

When Long Yi knew it, he hugged Leng Youyou and kissed her heavily on her pink lips, and said excitedly: "Youyou, these are the seven evil puppets I refined, let you see their power."

With a thought in Long Yi, first the two great sword masters leaped into the air with their huge swords in their hands, and the dark blue sword glow mixed with the hissing sound of the air being split, hit the cliff wall. There were two loud bangs, gravel splashed, and two cracks about tens of meters long and two meters wide appeared on the cliff. At this time, the spells of the three magisters were also completed. The ice and snow of the tenth-level water magic, the roar of the earth with the tenth-level earth magic, and the burning flames of the tenth-level fire magic hit the cliff almost at the same time.

"No, let's dodge quickly." Long Yi exclaimed with a smug smile, because his order was given to five puppets of the Seven Demons at the same time, so the place where the three magisters attacked was the same as the two sword masters. It's all next to the cliff. Three tenth-level magic attacks are so close to the target, but the coverage includes himself.

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