Womanizing Mage

Chapter 96 Youyou is missing?

Suppressing the fire of desire, he gently helped Leng Youyou fasten the belt of the bathrobe, watching this beautiful body slowly covered by the clothes, his eyes showed helpless regret.

Leng Youyou looked at Long Yi's expression amusedly, he was like a child who wanted to eat candy but couldn't.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want in the evening." Leng Youyou jumped up to the front building and kissed Long Yi's neck heavily on his lips.

Long Yi's eyes lit up, he laughed and said: "This is what you said, I can do whatever I want!"

"Understood, go and see Wushuang, I'm going to change clothes." Leng Youyou pinched Long Yi's waist and said shamefully.

"Youyou, let me go, it's very cold outside, what should you do if it's freezing?" Long Yi said.

"No, Wushuang has been sleeping for two days, she might wake up later, the thing she wants to see most when she opens her eyes must be you." Leng Youyou smiled, took a deep breath and pushed Long Yi to Wushuang's room Well, she doesn't mind at all that Ken is actually fake, but she's learning to accept it, for the simple reason that she loves him.

Long Yi sat beside Wushuang's bed, caressing her pale cheeks, and said softly: "Wushuang, Youyou is a very good girl, isn't she? She has changed a lot and sacrificed a lot for me, and it's nice to have her." I don't know how much virtue I have accumulated in my previous life, but I will love him and you well."

The night quickly covered the land, and the pedestrians on the street gradually became less and less, and it was freezing cold, and no one wanted to stay outside and suffer this pain.

It's been so long, why hasn't Youyou come back? Long Yi looked out the window and thought to himself, suddenly feeling a little uneasy.

Huh, huh, a strong wind suddenly blew outside, and Long Yi walked back and forth in the room in a state of anxiety. Logically speaking, he could buy everything he wanted at this time. Could it be that something happened to her? The armor on the upper body, even if you encounter a great magister or a sword master, it is impossible to be knocked down silently, and it will make a little movement no matter what.

Long Yi stood at the door of the hotel, and suddenly saw snowflakes floating in the air, and it didn't take long for them to turn into heavy snowflakes, rendering the whole world covered in silver makeup.

Looking at the street where I was already alone, Long Yi's heart ached, Leng Youyou has always been sensible and measured in doing things, there is no reason for not coming back so late for no reason. Even if something happens, I will definitely come back and talk to him.

Yu Feng opened the window, leaned lightly on it, and stared at the snowflakes swirled by the strong wind outside, and the cold wind poured in through the window. She went unaware.

"It's snowing, time flies so fast." Yu Feng murmured, a man's handsome face seemed to appear in the wind and snow,

She remembered meeting him in a season of blooming spring flowers, the man who rescued him from the pack of demon wolves, the man who made her fall in love with him for the first time when he looked at her naked body, the man who ignored her identity and beauty, resolutely refused willing to marry her man. But even so, she still thought of him. There is not a day when I don't want to.

Inadvertently, Yu Feng glanced down from the corner of his eyes, his whole body trembled like a lightning strike, and looked at the tall and straight figure below in disbelief, is it him? Is that really him?

Yu Feng turned her head. Asked: "Just now that man was standing here waiting for you to see if he was still there just now. He was wearing a moon-white silk shirt."

The shopkeeper looked at Yu Feng in amazement, with some understanding in his heart, he said: "Yes, he; the guest who ordered that luxury suite today, was here just now, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"He said he lives here, so, then he will definitely come back?" Yu Feng murmured.

"He will definitely come back, he still has a wounded companion in the house, he will definitely come back." The shopkeeper replied.

Yu Feng nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked back, stopped after two steps, and asked, "Is his injured companion a man or a woman?"

"Female, it seems that the relationship is not shallow." The shopkeeper said, the young lady's relationship problem is not something that he can deal with alone, he can answer every question if he can, tell the truth.

Yu Feng was startled, sighed softly and went upstairs.

And Long Yi was using the flying technique to float in the snowy and windy sky, circling around Kaifeng City, looking for the trace of Leng Youyou, but Leng Youyou seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Long Yi forced himself to calm down, he was already going crazy in a hurry, who on earth has such a great ability to take Leng Youyou away silently. He found a place to float down, next to it was a street selling groceries, if Leng Youyou wanted to do some shopping, he would definitely come to this street.

Long Yi went to one store after another, and through people's descriptions, only the owners of two adjacent stores said they had seen it, which means that Leng Youyou disappeared after visiting these two stores. Long Yi asked them if anything unusual happened at that time, and the owner of one of the shops said yes, because at that time Leng Youyou suddenly said no after choosing the required items, and then ran out in a hurry.

"Dark Church" Lord Dragon's eyes were dazzling, and he immediately thought of this. According to the store owner's description, Leng Youyou should have recognized the other party's identity before rushing out. Long Yi immediately suspected the Dark Church.

Maybe she did it voluntarily, such an idea suddenly popped up in Long Yi's heart. If it wasn't voluntary, with Leng Youyou's strength, there would be no movement at all, and the person who came might be someone she knew.

Long Yi didn't search any further, and went to the Phoenix Hotel a few times, he thought to himself, maybe she has already gone back now.

Walking into the hotel lobby, Long Yi was disappointed, he could feel the Wushuang aura in the suite, but he didn't feel the Leng Youyou aura, she hadn't come back yet.

Just as Long Yi went upstairs to open the door, suddenly a trembling call came from behind: "Long Yi, is that you?"

As soon as Long turned his head, he suddenly saw Yu Fengqiao standing behind him, his eyes were misty, and his pink lips were trembling with excitement.

"Yu Feng, long time no see, why are you here?" Long Yi's expression of astonishment was fleeting, and his tone was like that of a friend who has known each other for many years, close but separated by a distance.

"This is my family's property. Why can't you be here? I heard that you have gone to the wild grassland. Are you okay?" Yu Feng said, taking a deep breath to calm down his excitement. At the beginning, she planned to look for him the next day, but she didn't expect to be told that he had left early in the morning. After asking around, she found out that he had actually teamed up with others to do a mission in the wild grassland. They were all picked up, and I was so worried that I couldn't sleep for several days.

"Your question is not up to standard, can I still stand here if I have something to do?" Long Yi said with a smile.

Yu Feng blushed and lowered her head. Her shy appearance was not a little bit domineering at the time, she was like a little girl in Huaichun.

Don't you want me to go in and take the coordinates? "Yu Feng raised his head and said.

Long Yi opened the door and made a gesture of please.

"You can sit down casually, I'll go in and see my friend." Long Yi said and walked into the bedroom.

"Wu Shuang, why are you still awake? We are going to an ice field soon, you must persevere." Long Yi caressed Wu Shuang's face and said softly. Now his heart is really irritable. Didn't wake up, but Leng Youyou suddenly disappeared again.

Yu Feng looked in through the gap, she didn't see Wu Shuang's face was blocked by Long Yi, but when she saw the girl in Long Yi's intimate appearance, she couldn't help but feel a throbbing pain in her heart, her eyes were so dry that she wanted to shed tears, and her heart The last illusion I held was completely shattered.

Long Yi came out and sat down on the sofa, then drank two glasses of wine to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

"What happened to her?" Yu Feng asked, looking at Wushuang's bedroom.

"She was under a very evil curse, and later she became like this in order to save us. She just fell asleep like this every day, neither eating nor drinking." Long Yi sighed and said in a hoarse voice.

"Curse? Isn't this an evil spell unique to legends? Then where are you going?" Yu Feng asked in shock. She was well-informed and had seen such records in books, but It is said that this evil technique has long been lost in the long river of history.

"Bing Yuan, as long as she finds the blood of Ruyi Iceworm, she will be saved." Long Yi replied.

"What? Are you going to the Rujian Iceworm in the Ice Field? Do you know where the Ice Field is? Your warmth there is simply unbearable for humans, and the Ruyi Iceworm is an extremely ss monster. Aren't you going to die?" Yu Feng was shocked and said, she must let Long Yi dispel his stupid thoughts.

"I know all this, but I have to go." Long Yi said firmly.

"It doesn't matter even if you die? You love her so deeply." Yu Feng stood up, looking directly at Long Yi with tears in her eyes.

"That's right, you won't understand these things." Long Yi said calmly, turning the wine glass in his hand.

At this moment, Long Yi suddenly felt a familiar aura appearing within his range of perception, and his brows couldn't help but relax.

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