Womanizing Mage

Chapter 97 Passion Before Parting

"Yeah, I don't understand, as long as you understand," Yu Feng suddenly shouted tiredly at Long Yi, turned around and slammed the door out, tears running down uncontrollably.

Long Yi stared blankly at Ye Yufeng's back, not understanding why she suddenly lost her temper, but he has no intention of coaxing her right now.

Leng Youyou was in the stairwell when she saw Yu Feng rushing out of the room in tears, she couldn't help being startled, she looked at the wide open door, biting her lower lip tightly with her white teeth, her face was very pale.

She walked slowly towards the door, and saw Long turning the glass expressionlessly, the red liquid reflected the cold and hard lines on his face, which made her feel uneasy.

Gently closing the door, Leng Youyou sat down beside Long Yi, and said softly: "I'm sorry, I suddenly met an acquaintance on the road, so I came back late."

Long Yi put down the cup in his hand, looked at Leng Youyou with a very bad expression, helped her pat off the snowflakes on the show, and said: "Youyou, tell me, what happened?"

Leng Youyu was calm, his body trembled slightly, and he instinctively leaned towards Long Yi, his body was very warm, and there was a smell that made her feel at ease.

Long Yi hugged Leng Youyou's somewhat icy delicate body into his arms, and said softly: "If you don't want to say it, I won't force you, as long as you know that you are my Long Yi's woman, no matter what the big things are, I will bear them for you on."

After listening to Long Yi's words, Leng Youyou felt sore in her heart, hugged Long Yi's waist tightly, rubbed her face in his embrace, absorbing the warmth from her lover.

Suddenly, Leng Youyou straddled Long Yi's thigh, her cold lips touched Long Yi's mouth, and her fragrant tongue took the initiative to tease and pull Long Yi. The waist twisted like a snake.

Long Yi's breathing stagnated, and the fire of desire that had been suppressed before Leng Youyou went out suddenly rose. The little brother was as high-spirited as if he had taken a stimulant, and pressed against the softest private part of his daughter.

"Well, husband, love me." Leng Youyou trembled like an electric shock. The delicate body writhed even more violently, crazily sucking Long Yi's tongue, and her jade hands stretched in from Long Yi's clothes, caressing the strong body that fascinated her.

Long subconsciously felt that something was wrong. Although Leng Youyou was more enthusiastic and relaxed than Lucia in the bed, it was unfair to be so wild. Long tilted his head to avoid Leng Youyou's entangled pink lips, grabbed her arms and asked, "Youyou, stop first."

But Leng Youyou grabbed Long Yi's hands and pushed Long Yi down on the sand. The crotch sat on his waist and tore at his clothes.

Long Yi grabbed Leng Youyou's hand, jumped off the sand, then hugged her horizontally and strode into the bathroom, and threw her into the tub filled with warm water with a bang.

Leng Youyou got out of the water, Xiu flung her back, her chest heaved sharply and gasped for breath, but the teardrops rolled down like broken pearls.

Long Yi sighed lightly and jumped into the bathtub, hugged Leng Youyou in his arms, and patted her pink back.

"Long Yi, I don't want to leave you, I really don't want to." Leng Youyou choked up, with a heartbroken expression.

Long Yi was shocked violently, a bad premonition arose in his heart. Hearing her tone, she seemed to be leaving him. He couldn't help thinking about Sibi, looking for a girl who would never forget him. He was afraid of Leng Youyou and would leave like her. Then there was no audio at all.

"Today I met someone from the Dark Church. He told me that my master Rafal was backlashed when he was practicing dark magic, and he was about to die. He brought a letter from Master. It was indeed Master's handwriting , He said he wanted to see me for the last time." Leng Youyou couldn't make a sound, for Rafael, the priest of the Netherworld, she felt more like a father and daughter than a master and student.

It turned out to be like this, Long Yi heaved a sigh of relief, Leng Youyou should go back to see her master for the last time. But is this a conspiracy? Long Yi thought to himself.

"Youyou, is it really just like this?" Long Yi asked.

"En." Leng Youyou lowered her head in response, wiping the tears on her face.

"Then you go back, I'll just go to the ice field with Wushuang, you know I now have 18 super skeletons, a mad thunder beast, plus those five seven evil puppets, there won't be any danger in going to the ice field Yes, you can deal with your master's affairs and come find me in the Elven Forest." Long Yidao faintly felt that things should not be as simple as Leng Youyou said, but he couldn't think of anything wrong.

Leng Youyou nodded, looked deeply at Long Yi, suddenly blushed and said angrily: "I was ashamed to death just now, you have to compensate me."

Long Yihe sneered and asked: "Then how do you want me to compensate you?"

Leng Youyou pursed her lips and smiled, playfully flicked Long Yi, a dishonest little brother, and gave him a coquettish look, "What do you think?"

"Little fairy, you are trying to seduce me, don't you? Let's see how I will punish you today." Long Yi's big hand caressed the two large and elastic lumps of soft flesh on Leng Youyou's chest, fiddled with the two balls of powder through the clothes. Tender bumps.

Lengyouyou made a moan, her eyes were so charming that they were about to drip water, she said subduedly: "I don't know who will punish whom."

Long Yi chuckled, this ignorant girl dared to question his ability, it's really unbearable for my uncle and unbearable for my aunt, it seems that the lessons I gave her before were not deep enough.

Long Yi stripped off Leng Youyou's clothes in twos and threes, revealing the suet-like jade body, Long Yi admired in his heart, this is really the most perfect masterpiece of heaven, with a slender waist and rough facial features as picturesque Like a fairy, even the best silk skin is incomparable.

Long Yi touched the body that the pair of hands could not grasp, changing various shapes in his hands. Leng Youyou half-closed her autumn eyes, shooting out scorching passion, and her breath was like steam escaping from boiling water. She rested her jade hand on Long Da's hand, seeming to refuse but also pandering, unconsciously let out an unbearable groan from her throat.

"Baby, what's the matter? Do you want it?" Long Yi smiled. In fact, he didn't feel well either, his lower body was painful, and he wanted to gallop freely on the lush grassland, but for the sake of a man's dignity, he endured it.

Leng Youyou snorted, bit her lower lip, closed her eyes and tilted her head to one side, but refused to admit defeat.

Long Yi chuckled, a big hand slid down, passing through the flat lower abdomen, caressing the sides of Leng Youyou's thighs, but he just refused to take a half step. This movement can make Leng Youyou feel so empty and uncomfortable.

Looking at the wicked smiling face of her sweetheart, Leng Youyou gritted her teeth and sat up from the water, pulled Long Yi's belt, sat down with her snow-white buttocks and swayed.

Maybe it's because they haven't been in love for a few days, or maybe it's because Jiawei's parting is imminent. In the end, it was Long Yi who was superior in technique, winning with stamina and explosive power, while Leng Youyou hung limply on Long Yi like a koala, unable to raise any strength anymore.

The snow outside was getting bigger and bigger, and a thick layer had accumulated in just one night. Leng Youyou nestled in the warm arms of Lord Dragon with her eyes open, she sighed in her heart, soon, she was going to say goodbye to the owner of this embrace, when will we see each other again? Leng Youyou felt an unexplained fear in her heart.

Leng Youyou knew that it was getting late, even though it was not yet dawn. The habit of being alone is terrible, she is used to having Long Yi by her side, if they are separated, will she go crazy? She can no longer smell the manly smell on Long Yi, feel the embrace of others, hear him call her baby dotingly, and see the naughty smile of the man, how can she live like this?

Feeling the moistness in his chest, Long Yi opened his eyes, in fact he had not slept all this time, he was afraid that Leng Youyou would drift away when he fell asleep like Sibi back then, leaving only a lingering fragrance around his nose.

Leng Youyou raised her head from Long Yi's arms, and saw that person was looking at her pitifully.

"Why are you awake?" Leng Youyou asked in a low voice, wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Someone flooded my chest, how could I not wake up, or would I not be drowned?"

"I hate it." Leng Youyou pinched Long Yi coquettishly.

Long Yi exhaled, put away his smile and looked at Leng Youyou and said, "Did you want to leave just now?"

Leng Youyou was startled, she really had this idea just now, because she was afraid that with Long Yi by her side, she would be reluctant to leave, in that case...

"Even if you want to leave, tell me before you leave. I don't want to wake up and find out that you have left." Long Yi said.


"Don't explain anymore, I understand everything, let's go now, I'll see you off." Long Yi interrupted Leng Youyou, and began to get up and get dressed.

"Long Yi, are you angry?" Leng Youyou hugged Long Yi's waist from behind.

Long Yi turned around slowly, raised Leng Youyou's chin with his right hand, shook his head and said: "No, but since you decided to go back, you should leave early, so that you can see your master earlier, and you won't have to spend your whole life to make up for it." No regrets."

Leng Youyou stared at the dragon for a while, then nodded, and began to get up and get dressed.

"Let me help you, you used to serve me, today I will serve you once." Long Yi smiled lightly, sinking the sadness in his eyes to the bottom of his heart.

Long Yi helped Leng Youyou get dressed clumsily, from underwear to outerwear, even though he was quick to untie women's clothes, it would be clumsy for him to put them on. Dressing is of course unavoidable to take advantage of it. So amidst Long Yi's smirk and Leng Youyou's coquettish anger, the sadness of parting seemed to be forgotten.

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