Mexico time. August 20.

Sunny, scorching sun.

In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a "special" prisoner exchange ceremony is being held.

Iraq exchanged 200 Iranian prisoners of war for Uday Hussein.

If the Americans are willing to let him go, there must be some secret deal inside.

It is said that Shadamu promised the Americans that they would evacuate Kuwait?

This was reported by the British "Sun".

A small newspaper that specializes in celebrity gossip and Indian escorts.

Although it's a bit fake, Saddam definitely paid a lot of money in exchange for his son.

I saw the scorching sun hanging high.

The black-faced Uday Hussein had a band-aid on his face, and his sinister eyes contained great anger!

Behind him were two American soldiers and several FBI employees.

"When you go back, please persuade your father. He is an enemy of the world." Senior Assistant Pearson patted his shoulder and said.

"Does the United States represent the world?!" Uday Hussein knew it was not the right time to talk, but he couldn't help it.

An arrogant character cannot be changed.

Have you ever seen a dog eat puffs?

Black X is not a dog, but an orangutan.

Sure enough, when Pearson saw that he was still so arrogant, he narrowed his eyes and half-smiled, "But one dozen attacks on Iraq is enough."

"Hmph! We still don't know who will win." Uday Hussein said with a gloomy face, and he suddenly paused.

"Please tell Victor that I will remember him!"

"I'll take his head off with my own hands and put it in my storage closet!"

Uday Hussein could not conceal his murderous tone.

He only has two words for Victor.

Damn it!

"I will pull out all his nails, I will let him watch with his own eyes what he cares about most is lost, I will let him..."

Pearson pushed him impatiently, "Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. We won't be able to catch the plane later."

Uday Hussein hadn't finished venting his curse. When he heard what the other party said, he was furious, "Do you know how to be polite? Idiot!"

"Then do you want to stay in the FBI water cell for a while?" Pearson asked.

After Uday half-opened his mouth, he closed it and walked towards his uncle Barzan. The other party gave him a huge hug and worriedly asked about his condition.

This Barzan is not a simple figure. He almost became Uday's father-in-law. He followed Saddam in the uprising in 1968. He is also the leader of the Iraqi secret service "Mukhbarat".

He and Saddam are half-brothers.

After the outbreak of the Iraq War, the US military quickly arrested Barzan, who served as Saddam's adviser.

At that time, in order to induce him to betray Saddam, the US military tried to coerce him many times and even said: "As long as he betrays Saddam, not only will he be spared from death, but he will also be given considerable compensation." However, Barzan was categorical. Said: "Saddam is my brother and is still the president. An Iraqi man will neither betray his motherland nor his brother!"

Much more reliable than a bastard like Uday.

Perhaps, Saddam married his eldest cousin Sajida Kelala Tara, who was a primary school teacher. It was a consanguineous marriage, so his brain was not very good.

There is no good end for marrying a cousin, look at the Bavarian boy.

Before Uday stepped onto the plane, he gave Pearson the middle finger. Barzan was so frightened that he quickly pulled his hand, looked at him with an apologetic look, and nodded in apology.

Pearson couldn't hold back his laughter.

"He's so arrogant..." the employee walking next to him said.

"You have a father who was an emperor in West Asia, and you can be arrogant." Pearson laughed mockingly, with a deep look in his eyes, "But how can you be as arrogant as Mexico? Compared with Victor, he is just a spoiled child..."

"Victor...can eat people!"

That's enough.

How could Emperor Wei be so cruel?

If Uday falls into Victor's hands again, you will have to taste the Viking blood eagle punishment!

"Indeed!" The fellow travelers nodded.

The Mexican one is a ferocious beast.

The people traveling with him were suddenly curious and asked, "Did Victor really ask someone to do the Lucchese family matter?"

"Is it important?"

When Pearson didn't answer, another fellow traveler spoke.

"Even if Victor did it, do they dare to take revenge?"

"He has an army of close to 100,000 people, and one of them can make the mafia faint with just one pee."

"Let's go. The truth of many things is not important. What is important is that you have the ability to expose the truth." Pearson took a deep look at the Iraqi military plane that had closed the cabin and got into the car.

In the evening, there was a dinner prepared for them by Saudi Arabia.

On the plane at this time...

"Where are the women? Where are the women!" Uday Hussein looked at Barzan and asked with a frown. The voice became louder and louder, and he even kicked the bodyguard next to him in anger.

Yes, he is that horny.

Later, when the Americans came in, he ran away with the beautiful woman.


How mysterious.

Tang Monk all knows that the leading pig is used as marching food.

Beauty, what do you think you are doing? Marching artillery?

As the leader of the Iraqi secret service "Mukhbarat", Barzan's methods are very dirty. He usually kills others, but when he met Uday...

He almost didn't lift it up in one breath.

"Uday! That's enough, do you know what you are doing?" Barzan cursed while sitting in his seat.

He thought... he was the other person's uncle, and there was nothing wrong with scolding his nephew.

However, Uday was being abused more and more violently, and he didn't know what was wrong with him, so he kicked Barzan in the stomach.

Barzan was almost sixty years old, how could he bear such a kick from a young man? His face suddenly turned red and he was pissed off.

"Press...Hold him! Press...Hold him!!" Barzan clutched his stomach and pointed at Uday and yelled. The bodyguard next to him rushed up and grabbed the latter, but the latter struggled hard and shouted, "Kill." Damn you, I will kill you all!”

"Kill all of you bastards!"

The crew members and bodyguards who pressed him shivered. Uday would definitely do this. They looked at Barzan at a loss.

"Lock him up!"

"Barzan! I am Uday Hussein, you dare to lock me up?! You are just a child born of a wild woman."

Barzan's expression changed, he held his stomach, went up and slapped him, grabbed his neck, "Shut up! Uday!"

"You are no longer the prince! What are you arrogant about? Your brother Kusai is the successor. You are just an abandoned pawn. Do you know how many people want you to die in the United States?"

"That's my place!!" Uday yelled.

He has always regarded the name Kusai as an enemy!

"No! That's not true. I don't agree, and neither will the army. You can never become the king of Iraq and lock him up."

When Uday was dragged to the cubicle, he was still shouting, "I am the eldest son, I am the future of Iraq..."

Balzan frowned. The pain in his stomach made him feel uncomfortable, but he was even more exhausted mentally and physically. However, he still reassured the bodyguards, "Don't worry, he will definitely be locked up when he returns. You don't have to worry about his safety."

The bodyguards looked at each other and could only believe it.

Sitting in his seat and looking at the white clouds outside, Balzan sighed inadvertently.


Destroy it.

At this time, Victor, whom Pearson called a "man-eating thug," bared his front teeth to welcome guests from afar.

Head of the Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board—Nurnisa Kallis, a German woman.

I'm getting older.

A little bit of breast sagging.

However, she should have been somewhat pretty when she was young.

That is to say, the three Musketeers of the Mexican News Department are not here, but Jeff Bennett, the gunman Ethan Hunt, and the Taibo George Smiley are all there.

Just kill him!

She is here to take charge of the investigation of the attack on the UN convoy.

First, accompanied by Victor, he visited the two female officials to calm their emotions. When he walked out of the hospital, he thanked Victor.

"Thank you, Mr. Governor."

"My soldiers will protect any ordinary people on Mexican soil." Victor said with a serious face.

“I will ask you to investigate this matter in the future,” Nurnisa Kallis said.

"This matter has been investigated clearly."

"Oh? So fast?"

Victor stretched out his hand to the chief secretary Krista Schroeder next to him, who handed him a document, "After the incident occurred, we paid special attention to it and immediately dispatched personnel to conduct on-site investigations and visits."

"This act was carried out by Sinaloa drug traffickers. There are 17 drug traffickers in total, and all of them have been captured."

Victor said it with great pride.

In fact, it is just an explanation to the outside world.

There is no surveillance outside the Mexican wilderness. How can I find it?

I directly found 17 drug dealers as scapegoats!

Just tell me whether the case is solved quickly or not.

Victor did not accuse anyone unjustly, these are drug dealers and deserve to die!

Nournisa Kalis is not an idiot for being able to become the head of the Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board as a female streamer.

She looked at Victor deeply and pondered for a moment, "How do you plan to deal with it?"

She is also under great pressure. The United Nations Drug Abuse Program is to be established by merging the United Nations Division of Narcotics, the Secretariat of the International Narcotics Control Board and the United Nations Narcotics Abuse Control Fund.

As the spokesperson for one of the agencies, if she can perform well in this operation, then the position of executive director of the Drug Enforcement Administration will be hers.

It's quite deep inside.

"I have already ordered people to judge them and hang them directly in the central square of Tijuana! This is their confession." Victor's work was really impeccable, and the document contained the autographed confession of the drug dealer.


Let me recall it directly to you.

"Including the video and audio records of the interrogation, I am very sure that the 17 drug dealers are the culprits!"

"Can I go see the hanging?"

"Of course, no problem. It's about 1 kilometer here. Bring the car over." The second half of his sentence was addressed to his secretary.

"No, I want to walk and take a look."

"Of course." Victor was startled, nodded, and glanced at Jason Bourne. The latter immediately understood and slowly crawled back.

A group of about 60 people walked over.

On the way, Victor also explained to her the efforts and determination of the Northern Governor's Office in the anti-drug operation.

"Mr. Governor! Sir!"

When he turned a corner, he happened to pass by the school. A "teacher" leaned on the railing and happened to see him. He waved and shouted in surprise.

This decibel is... a bit high.

This voice immediately attracted the students who were studying in the school, and the basketball players also ran over from the playground. They leaned against the railing and waved their arms vigorously at Victor.

A man standing behind Victor pulled the corner of his clothes, and he raised his hand and waved it very rhythmically with a smile on his face.

A UN official happened to see this scene.

The man standing behind Victor had deep eyes and was very thin, but he looked uncomfortable.

Suddenly he turned his head and looked at the other party. The UN official was startled, forced a smile, and stretched out his hand, "Yasha Hoyle."

"Goebbels." The man also responded with a smile, paused and said, "Minister of Propaganda of the Northern Governor's Office."

The UN official smiled and nodded.

Victor walked towards the railing, touched the students' heads, and kissed the backs of the teachers' hands.

The children he touched were very excited and also very excited, and even... cried.

"Sir, eat candy~" A girl with a ponytail handed over a candy.

Victor thanked him and stuffed it into his mouth without any concern. "It's sweet, but you should eat less. It's not good for your teeth."

"Take care of your health. Mexico needs your knowledge and health."

After chatting for a while, he waved goodbye.

The students still watched him go.

"Governor Victor, you are really popular!" Nurnisha Carlis said with emotion.

"This is what I should do. I always think that I am a child of the people and I should work for the Mexicans." Victor said with a smile.

In fact, this is the "people-friendly" image that the propaganda minister told him.

Patting a child on the head, hugging him, and hugging an adult, all these will make people excited.

His propaganda minister is not simple. He received a doctorate in philosophy from Heidelberg University. His doctoral thesis is about 19th century romantic comedy. He has worked as a reporter, bank teller and stock exchange summoner.

Anger is reserved for enemies.

Barbarity is reserved for opponents.

And enthusiasm is reserved for the Mexican people.

Victor's "personality" is so good in the actual control area, and his reputation is overwhelming.

Nurnisha Kalis nodded thoughtfully.

The group walked to a cafe next to the central square, on the third floor, just in sight of the opposite side.

There were three layers of people outside, many of them raised their hands and shouted, "Kill them! Kill them!"

The huge gallows were lined up, 17 people were tied up, wearing hoods, and some were struggling, whimpering loudly, as if they wanted to say something.

The tongues of these people were cut off.

Drug dealers...

They were afraid of saying some dirty words.

Do you hope they have any moral qualities?

Several Tijuana police put ropes around their necks, and some finally couldn't help crying loudly, and some urinated. On the stage, yellow urine flowed down from the roots.

"Release!" As the executive officer gave the order.

The wooden planks under their feet loosened at once, and their bodies fell rapidly. The rope was instantly tightened, and the bones in their necks snapped!


There was no pain.

But it was mainly shocking, so many bodies were floating.

Nurnisha Kalis also felt a little nauseous, frowning, but this woman was obviously very strong. After looking at the bodies for a while, she turned to look at Victor, "Thank you very much, but we need to take those interrogation materials away."

"Of course no problem~"

"Thank you!"

"No need to say thank you, Nurnisha, this is what I should do."

The other party nodded, thought for a while, and said directly, "The United Nations is going to set up a drug control agency, you should know?"

"I've heard of it." Victor's heart skipped a beat.

"There will be an internal meeting in a week, and I invite you to give a speech to show Mexico's drug control achievements and experience."

What a fart experience.

Point the gun at the drug dealer and pull the trigger.

But when Victor heard about speaking at the United Nations, he was actually a little nervous. He glanced at Propaganda Minister Goebbels, and the other party nodded at him.

"It's an honor. I will show everyone the best of Mexico."

Nurnisha Calis nodded, walked down the cafe, and when she reached the door, she suddenly asked, "Mr. Victor, do you want to be an official of the Drug Enforcement Administration?"

Are all Germans so direct?

There was a person who didn't do well in the exam before and became a wandering painter in Vienna. After a disagreement, he started the S2 season. Germans are more "straightforward!".

Of course, Victor was also direct and stared at the other party, "Can I be the executive director?"

This confused Nurnisha Calis.

You are the boss, then what am I?

A younger brother?

Hahaha, Victor loves to joke.

Nurnisha Calis looked at the other party, and Victor's expression was very serious.


Not kidding? !

It's over! Coming for my position.


Sinaloa. Sierra Madre Occidental!

The sudden rainstorm made the march particularly muddy.

Rommel stepped into a pit, splashing scale that stinks!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" But he didn't care at all, shouted to the soldier next to him, and pushed him hard.

Do you think everyone is like Ah San, who doesn't drill on sunny days, rainy days, summer days, or winter days?

As soon as he came out for training, oh no, the plane crashed!

32 people parachuted, 34 people and a cow died.

This wouldn't happen to any normal army.

Rommel was also quite harsh on the soldiers under his command. Those who couldn't do the job were asked to get out. There were many people in the First Company who wanted to come in.


You have to move forward even if you take the knife.

Wearing a raincoat and planning to have a "blitz"!

There should be no Poles in Mexico, right?

"Company Commander! Company Commander!"

The scout in front quickly retreated and came back with an ugly expression on his face, "There is a hole ahead..."

"What's so weird about the pit?!"

"There were about 40 bodies inside..."

Rommel: "????"

He ran forward following the soldiers and saw many people surrounding him. Rommel slipped and almost fell into the pit. The adjutant next to him hurriedly grabbed him.

The pit is about 200 meters deep and more than one meter deep. It is all wrapped with transparent tape, and the terrified look of the people inside can be clearly seen.

The stench makes one's cerebral cortex tingle.

The adjutant also swallowed, feeling a little... nauseated!

"Drug dealers must have dumped people here."

"Mark the location and let people dig it out after the war is over, and the whole company continues to move forward." Rommel gave the most accurate order.

They had lost all their infantry fighting vehicles and relied entirely on their legs to walk, but they had no time to waste time here.

The adjutant found a wooden board to mark, drew a circle on the map, and then the company continued on its way.

In 9 hours, cross the mountains!

Killed directly to the rear of Sinaloa City.

Having just come out of the mountains, his face was tired and everyone was dusty. Rommel planned to lie on the ground and sleep for a while.

When they encountered the situation, the scout ran over, a little out of breath, and obviously running in a hurry.

"Company Commander, there is a convoy ahead. It is estimated that there are more than 30 vehicles, but there are only about 30 armed personnel!"

"What kind of car are you driving?" Rommel asked quickly.

"There are quite a few Mercedes-Benzes, and there is also a cow..." the scout gestured, "car logos about the same size."

"Are you talking about Lamborghini?" the adjutant asked with a frown.

The scout shook his head, not understanding.

"That's right, company commander. This should be someone who fled south. He was escorted by armed personnel. He is definitely a family member of a drug dealer! Ordinary people can't afford to drive a luxury car." The adjutant said.

"What if I made a mistake?"

The adjutant was startled and quickly waved his hand, "It's not wrong. All the rich people in Mexico have fled to the United States. Those who haven't escaped are either drug dealers or corrupt officials. That's right, and..."

"Even if it's wrong, who knows?"

"But if it's right, we will have really made a meritorious deed."

This adjutant will have to go to court-martial sooner or later.

Rommel looked at the other party, "Feodor, you are right, ambush along both sides of the road!"

Fedor von Bock was very happy that his words were accepted, and he gave a military salute excitedly.


"Let Victor's flag be fearful!"

"The Governor bless us, Amen!"

Fedor von Bock was doing war mobilization. He patted the soldiers on the shoulders to calm their emotions.

Except for one platoon of the entire company, the remaining three platoons of 112 people were ambushing in the woods on both sides.

A first-class soldier was holding an M16 in the grass. Suddenly he felt something moving under his crotch, as if something was getting in. He reached in with one hand, took out a cricket, his eyes lit up, and stuffed it into his mouth. Crunchy j chewing.


It tastes good, with a strong protein flavor.

"Amos, what are you eating?" the comrade next to him asked him hurriedly.

"Do you want to eat crickets that taste like chicken feathers? I'll help you catch one with a cow." The soldier said with a wide grin.

The comrade was startled, then understood instantly and cursed.

"Shut up!" The squad leader in the back scolded softly, and then the two of them stopped.

Imos also licked his lips.

A bit memorable.

He almost killed his comrade-in-arms.

"Boss, here we come!" Fedor von Bock said lying next to Rommel.

The latter held a telescope and looked at the convoy, which included 7 Mercedes-Benz, 3 Ferraris, 3 Cadillacs and 2 vans, with a troop carrier behind them.

This NMD…

The Mexican prince is on tour?

Victor has no son either.

Rommel watched the vehicle enter the encirclement, pulled the bolt of the gun, half-crouched, and aimed at the driver's seat of a Ferrari.

Finger pulls the trigger!


Just like an order, a company of soldiers in the ambush circle opened fire!

Let this group of "suspected drug dealers" also have a taste of being shot.

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