Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 309 Are you here to surrender?

The problems caused by "Black Hawk Down" are gradually magnifying!

This is the biggest loss of American special operations since World War II.

The party to which Bush belonged was questioned by the "Blue" Party the next day, expressing dissatisfaction with his role in this operation and demanding that he step down and give an explanation to the families of soldiers.

This triggered a counterattack from Bush's supporters. In the parliament, the two sides almost fought each other. Bush, with a black face, left the venue under the protection of the Secret Service.

A black man with big waves picked up her high heels and smashed them at Bush. With a bang, she hit his head. She shouted excitedly, "You murderer, you XXXX beep beep..."

The latter part has to be "mosaiced" in a country like the United States.

Bush covered his head. When the black man was about to take off one shoe, he was pressed to the ground by two Secret Service agents. The other party was also a ruthless person. He bit the bodyguard's arm and pinched his neck one VS two.

Bush's face turned green!

Some reporters who were not afraid of trouble even went to the streets to interview passers-by.

"Bush? He is an idiot! If I see him, I will cut off his brother with scissors!" An old man who was weeding threw the scissors in his hand and said viciously.

"I will not vote for him again, he is simply terrible." The woman holding the child shook her head, and her tone could not hide her disappointment.

Bush, who originally won the support of the people by overthrowing the "Noriega" government, was like a "poor guy" at this time.

Even many well-known foreign people criticized his decision.

In Mexico.

An extreme "anti-American" sentiment is brewing. From the cession of land and compensation in the Mexican-American War in the 19th century to the modern Mexico, even drinking water is monopolized by American capital. Even among the more than 1,100 funeral homes in the country, 1,000 are owned by the American funeral tycoon Robert Waltley.

Death is also a luxury!

Not to mention the infrastructure.

The Mexican Governor's Office sent hundreds of speakers to go deep into rural areas, cities, docks and many entertainment venues.

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

In the bar at the Ensenada Marina in Baja California.

A middle-aged man standing on the stage shouted passionately, "What are we to Americans? We are walking farmers, we are blood banks, we are the lowest and most despicable scum at the bottom. They can be unscrupulous and high above. They proclaim their wealth but forget our suffering."

"How long have we been fighting for freedom and independence?"

"Since the Age of Exploration? Or since the Mexican-American War?"

"For hundreds of years, we have sacrificed a lot for our homeland, but now those evil ghosts are watching us get rid of drugs under the leadership of General Victor. They are panicking. Why?"

"They are afraid that someone will challenge their throne. They are afraid that people who once looked down on will stand in front of them and talk to them on an equal footing. They... are afraid of our rise!"

"So! We must stand on the side of Governor Victor. He is our savior!"

The dock workers below looked at each other, and a short-haired young man about 18 years old suddenly stood up with an excited expression in his eyes, "Excuse me, how can we help the governor?"

"Join the army, go to join the army, go to be a soldier of the governor, and fight for the freedom of Mexico!" The speaker raised his fist.

At this time, Victor awarded medals to individuals and teams who performed well in the battle, and the whole process was live broadcast, not caring about what the Americans thought at all.

Some soldiers wanted to chop off the heads of the corpses, and some were ready to take the corpses for a ride in a pickup truck, but Victor stopped them. Why?

Because he is kind!

When he came down from the stage, Augustine Przewczyr, the head of the newly established Foreign Military Intelligence Department, came over and lowered his voice, "General, "Aphrodite" has sent a message."

"The Americans have set up a special negotiation team, headed by Donald Rumsfeld. Their purpose is to take back American soldiers. Their bottom line and floating standards are written on paper..."

Augustine Przewczyr handed over the information.

Victor's eyes lit up. This TMD, the Americans didn't come to negotiate, and their capital in hand was known.

Victor was really curious and looked at Augustine Przewczyr, "Who is this "Aphrodite"?"

When the other party heard the boss ask this, he hesitated, but soon nodded and whispered in Victor's ear.

"Him?" Victor raised his head suddenly, very surprised, "How did you get people in here?"

"Ideals and beliefs, sir."

What a mysterious thing!

Victor was stunned and said with a smile, "Yes, defeating capitalism is the belief that everyone strives for!"

But he didn't expect that "Aphrodite" was actually...

Bahash Johnson, Bush's administrative secretary and assistant for national security affairs!


It really is...

Who in the world doesn't know... Wei Huang.

"It seems that we can get more from the Americans." The smile on Victor's mouth was harder to suppress than AK47.


Richard James Kerr was in a very bad situation.

The failure of this operation was the leakage of intelligence.

Few people knew about this operation, and they were all in high positions. If they stamped their feet, the United States would tremble. However, he did find some clues after searching like crazy.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang. He picked it up. The White House secretary said that Bush wanted to see him.

"Fuck." Richard James Kerr rubbed his temples and looked a little embarrassed. He knew he would be scolded, but there was nothing he could do. Who said he was the boss?

He went to the White House with his head held high.

When he walked into Bush's office, the other party lowered his head. He called softly, but the latter pretended not to hear.

Richard James Kerr was a little uneasy, and felt that this huge office was terribly depressing.

"Have you found the leak?" Finally, Bush spoke and looked up at him.

Richard was about to shake his head, but when he saw the other party squinting, he was startled. The person sitting there was his "predecessor". The two had also been together in the CIA. Who was Bush? Didn't he know?

Don't look at him smiling all day, but his hands are very dirty!

Moreover, as the director of the CIA, he knows many unknown secrets of Bush Sr., such as he likes men, and he once had a relationship beyond friendship with Jeff Gannon, a famous White House reporter.

You can tell that this man is a man just by his name.

Moreover, Bush Sr. is always creating influence for his family, for example, he arranges several sons and various relatives in key positions.

To be frank, in the United States, the Bush Sr. family is the biggest cancer in the United States and the biggest political family.

There is a side note, the relationship in his family is very complicated, so complicated that it is also related to the creator of the "flying man". Within 24 hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers, 11 direct relatives of the bearded man were directly sent out by the Bush family on a transfer plane.


Who is supporting terrorist organizations?

Richard James Kerr couldn't let his leader see his incompetence, so he nodded quickly, "Found it."


"Bahash Johnson!!"

Bush narrowed his eyes, "You have to know what you are talking about, Richard."

Bahash Johnson is his secretary, very "loved" and "concerned", and he is the one who handles many inconvenient things.

"Is there any evidence?" Bush asked hesitantly.

Richard James Kerr, "He is neither greedy nor lustful, and he even drives a 70s Beetle, which is simply unimaginable."

Bush's expression was like this: =ヾ(≧O≦)〃!

He asked angrily, "Fuck! Is not greedy and not lustful a spy? When did our America need to use this to judge a person? Can't our American officials be honest?"

Richard James Kerr half opened his mouth.

Don't you know what American officials are like?

What kind of people are in your family?

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous. Well, you said he was a spy, I'll call him to confront you." Bush picked up the phone and called his confidant.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Bahash Johnson, who was thin and wearing glasses and looked like a professor, walked in, "Sir, you are looking for me." While he was talking, he smiled and nodded at the CIA boss next to him.

Richard James Kerr was a little uneasy.

"Richard said you are a spy, Johnson, are you?" Bush stared at him and spoke.

Bahash Johnson was startled, then frowned, then loosened his brows, and couldn't help laughing, "Sir, it's not April Fool's Day yet."

"Then how do you explain why the intelligence was leaked..." Richard asked loudly.

"Isn't this your responsibility? Sir, I'm not the director of the CIA. Is the cost of being slandered so low? I'm refuting you now and think you leaked intelligence. Can you provide evidence to defend yourself? My family has been in the United States for more than two hundred years. I love America deeply, even more than my life!"

Bahash Johnson also waved his fist in dissatisfaction, "Don't blame others for your incompetence. You are the director of the CIA. A dog can bark better than you!"

This almost made the other party angry to death. This is a personal attack!

Richard James Kerr pointed at him, "You, you, you..."

"Enough!" Bush slapped the table hard, and the two shut up. He frowned and looked at Richard, "For this matter, we need evidence. If you don't have it, don't fart."

Bahash Johnson next to him eased his expression slightly.

"I'll give you another month. If you can't find anyone in a month, you can go back and retire."

"Sir..." Richard still wanted to speak.

"Get out!" Bush shouted, picked up something on the table and threw it at the other party, scaring him to flee.

"You should go out and do your work too, don't take it to heart." He turned around and comforted Bahash Johnson.

The latter nodded obediently and "well-behavedly".

After leaving the office, he looked at Richard James Kerr below at the corner, narrowed his eyes, and was a little cold.


Kuwait. Frontline position.

The Fourth Camp of the Mexican Expeditionary Force.

The bunkers around were reinforced, machine guns were loaded, and soldiers were in place. It looked like they were going to fight.

And it was true.

After the conflict between the United States and Mexico broke out, the 4th Battalion, which was on a mission overseas, suddenly became an awkward existence.

The front-line troops even wanted to lay down their weapons, but Rommel flatly refused, which almost caused a riot, and the relationship with the US military became stiff.

At this time, the command post was in a bungalow.

The "Big Three", Erich Manstein, the staff officer of the 4th Battalion and the commander of the 2nd Company, Rommel, the commander of the 4th Battalion, and the adjutant: Fedor von Bock were discussing.

"We can't sit and wait for death. I found that we are about 6.6 kilometers away from the front-line command post. If we suddenly launch an attack, there is a great possibility of capturing Major General Sphintos Pres." Manstein boldly said his plan.

Rommel and Fedor von Bock's faces froze when they heard it.

"Have you thought about the consequences? We are a battalion and we have to go to war with hundreds of thousands of anti-Iraqi alliances? No matter what, we have to die!" Fedor said with gritted teeth.

"But if we capture the major general, we can have a chance to negotiate. Otherwise, we are trapped here and there is only one way to go. If it doesn't work, we will tie up Major General Sphintos Pres and go to the Iraqis!"

"We are at war with Iraq."

"In the common interests, enemies can also be friends."

Neither of the two people can argue with the other. One thinks the other is a lunatic, and the other thinks the other is a bit old-fashioned. In the end, the eyes of both of them all looked at Rommel.

The battalion commander's heart sank hard.

He is not a person who sits and waits for death, but he is not a person who overestimates his own abilities, but that's why he is entangled.

Just when he was a little confused, a voice came from the door, "Report!"


"There are a few Americans outside who want to see the battalion commander. The leader is a general."

Rommel and the other two looked at each other and smelled a different smell.

"Please let them in."


Major General Sventos Pres stood outside with a few staff officers with a dark face, and there was a man from China next to him. In front of them stood a Mexican soldier, looking at them unkindly.

"Our battalion commander asked you to go in." The person reporting ran over and looked at them and said.

"Why, he won't come to greet me?" Major General Sventos Pres frowned.

Who knew that the captain looked at him, took the submachine gun of the soldier next to him, and pulled the bolt, which scared them all over.

"Pretend to be X, if you want to go in, go in, if you don't want to go in, get out, greet you? Who are you?" The captain cursed, not caring about his rank at all.

He is an American major general, not a Mexican major general, what is he afraid of? Can he shoot me?

Major General Sventos Pres was stunned by the scolding.

Even the Americans next to him were shocked.

Mexicans...are they so tough?

They are even less polite than the Soviets!

Just like Victor, a bastard.

Although he was unhappy and his face twitched a few times, Major General Sphintos Pres still walked into the camp.

The Mexican soldiers looked at him unkindly.

Some even pulled the bolt provocatively.

Fuck, a barbarian who is not civilized at all and has no manners at all.

At the door of the command post, he met Rommel and others, but as soon as the other party opened his mouth, Major General Sphintos Pres was almost angry and challenged him.

"Are you here to surrender?"


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