Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 314 No one can threaten us, not even God!


A breath of despair permeated the entire city.

The Americans were beaten by the Northern Army and sat at the negotiation table. Who can save us now?

But in this atmosphere, the drug dealers became more crazy. No civilians were allowed to leave the city. Once found, they would be shot on the spot!

The drug dealers who released the beast turned Guadalajara into a hell on earth!

"Let me go, please, let me go!" A good-looking woman shouted in fear. Her legs were dragged by two drug dealers and pulled out of the door. She was about to take off her pants on the street.

And with a roar and curse, the husband in the house rushed out with a kitchen knife, followed by their children. The children who were a few years old didn't understand what was going on at all.


With a gunshot, the man was shot to death in a pool of blood. The crazy woman screamed and kicked her feet, kicking the drug dealer in the face.

Perhaps it was her resistance that made the drug dealer impatient. He cursed and slapped the other person unconscious, and did what a "bastard" would do like a beast.

He shot the woman with the last shot, and left with his companions, laughing and talking.

In the surrounding houses, many eyes were watching, some could not bear it, and some were numb.

Their children looked at their parents lying on the ground with a blank face, walked over slowly, and then... lay in their mother's arms, and closed their eyes quietly.

My mother's arms... are so warm.

The drug dealers were also divided into two groups. One side thought that they could not win and surrendered quickly. Isn't it just being a coolie? It's better than dying!

The other side swore to die and refused to obey!

"If Victor has a temper, he will fight. If I die, I will let the bodies of his Northern Army fill the moat!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a rapid alarm. A drug dealer leader near the window saw a missile rushing in the sky not far away.


His pupils condensed, and he jumped out of the window, but before his feet touched the ground, the high-explosive warhead hit the church not far away. In an instant, the huge shock wave blew his face into "wrinkles". The next second, a pain tore him apart and he fell into endless darkness.

If someone was filming from above, they could see that the power of the missile shattered everything around!

No one survived!

The terrified people and drug dealers scattered from the surroundings, screaming and screaming.

And shortly after the missile attack, the air force began to carry out air strikes!

The missile has no eyes, it can't distinguish between civilians and drug dealers, which is also the point where Victor was criticized.

You are almost moving North America sideways by fighting drug dealers.


But Victor doesn't care, you say yours, you scold yours, you have the temper to gather troops to fight me, can you ask the United Nations to fight me?

If you dare to fight, I will fight the Americans, let's see who will be unlucky!

As a result, the overall trend is now awkward. Everyone looked at each other and finally cursed Victor for having no eyes for his son.

Three British Vickers "Warrior" bombers flew over the city of Guadalajara and dropped 40 450 kg conventional bombs below!

Victor is not afraid of the Americans.

We have fought each other, why should I hide it?

You don't like me anyway...

I'll bring out some British "3V" strategic bombers during the Cold War, and you still think I have connections with the British.

Americans are not that kind of "hero", they are very suspicious, as long as they feel that you are a little sorry for them, they will definitely kill you!

Who else gave Mexico's "Warrior" bombers except the British?

Let them fight each other.

Guadalajara was shaken three times by 40 450 kg conventional bombs.

Dust rushed into the sky.

A 10-story department store collapsed, crushing the sign below that read "Tsingtao Beer".

A drug dealer wearing a hood staggered out of the ruins, covered in dirt. He pulled his hood as he walked, with despair on his face and tears in his eyes.

With a plop, he fell to the ground, curled up, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth.

It was obvious that his internal organs were dislocated.

"I... I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

He died in pain, staring with eyes full of despair!

At 16:00 on the afternoon of November 23.

After a month of siege of Guadalajara, the 3rd Marine Division and the 2nd Marine Division, a total of 35,000 people, launched a general attack!

The goal of the B Company of the A Battalion of the A Regiment of the 1st Division was to take over the "underground transportation" track at the south gate, but the division commander Alexievich Brusilov also understood how difficult it was to attack such underground facilities.

Call for air support first.

An F-111 fighter-bomber carrying a GBU-28 bunker buster took off from the Sonora Air Force Base and dropped two GBU-28 bombs, one of which hit the target accurately!

This thing is not cheap. Victor's points every day are like running water, rushing out.

About 6 seconds after the bunker buster drilled down, a lot of smoke came out, accompanied by a violent explosion!

The ground was shaking a few times.

A corporal from the B Company of the A Battalion looked at this scene in horror and swallowed his saliva. Sure enough, technology is the first productive force!

A soldier bumped into him from behind. Hundreds of soldiers from the A Company rushed towards the subway station. The huge hole that was blown open looked like a "mouth" and was swallowing the lives of the soldiers!

"Hi! Victor!!!"

The corporal saw a sergeant shouting passionately and rushing in with a squad machine. Soon, the gunshots started to sound rapidly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Fritz Klingenberg!" The corporal patted his face and shouted to cheer up. In fact, he didn't know what he was shouting, and rushed into the subway station with his comrades.

The air inside was very turbid, with a hint of heat.

Can smell gunpowder.

My eyes stung a little.

Fritz Klingenberg was holding a submachine gun. As soon as he entered the subway station, a shuttle flew over his head. He was so frightened that his scalp went numb. He hid in the corner, tilted his head and stared, and saw the second floor. There were drug dealers in the room carrying heavy machine guns and shooting!

The firepower suppressed it!

He looked left and right, ducked down, jumped off the track next to him, groped forward, and saw a small door next to it that read: Maintenance personnel access.

Fritz Klingenberg walked along, and when he turned a corner, he was face to face with a person. Both sides' eyes widened suddenly, and they could see the panic in the other's eyes.

"Fuck XM!" Fritz Klingenberg hit the opponent's face hard with his head. The helmet was very hard and stunned the opponent. His feet were a bit mixed. He hit the opponent directly with a shuttle. die!

Breathing slightly rapid and anxious.

When Fritz Klingenberg waded through the water up to his ankles and climbed out from another exit, he saw three or four drug dealers hiding behind the bunker. He jumped out suddenly, half-crouched, and buttoned up. Pull the trigger, chugging, chugging, chugging...

After all the bullets in the magazine are used up, jump off the track and climb to the opposite side. Climb up the stairs at the back and throw a grenade first.


The heavy machine gun inside suddenly died down.

Fritz Klingenberg popped his head out secretly and saw several drug dealers lying on the ground, rolling over and holding their wounds. His eyes lit up and he rushed forward, firing each one!

Drag the smoking heavy machine gun to the other side, no matter whether he sees the drug dealer or not, just scan first.

The released comrades of Company B charged forward under the cover of machine guns!

The drug dealers at the underground station had no ability to resist at all. When the underground bomb exploded, those who were lucky enough not to be killed ran out in a panic. Even if there was resistance, it was sporadic. Within a few minutes, Company B penetrated.

When Fritz Klingenberg followed behind, he was about to crawl out of the exit when he saw a few corpses moving under the track from the corner of his eye. He frowned, pulled the bolt of his gun, and shouted loudly.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot..." A pale hand was raised, and one of the "corpses" sat up and looked at him in horror, "I'm not a drug dealer, I'm not a drug dealer."

"I'm a student, I'm a student!" The other party hurriedly took out an ID card from his pocket and threw it over. Fritz Klingenberg looked at him warily, squatted down to pick up the ID card, and flicked his thumb Turned it over and glanced quickly.

Natural Sciences, University of Guadalajara.


"The drug dealer intimidated and threatened us to join the army, otherwise... he will kill us!" The student said in fear, crying loudly, looking at the corpses around him, and suddenly collapsed.

The University of Guadalajara was established in 1792. It ranks second among higher education institutions in the country after the National Autonomous University of Mexico, with more than 300,000 students...

But it is certainly impossible for drug traffickers to arm all 300,000 people. They do not have that much arms.

"Stand up and take off your clothes. The reserve team behind will come up. You are safe." Fritz Klingenberg tried to speak as gently as possible.

The other person lay on the ground, crying bitterly.

For a student, the battlefield is really cruel!

November 23, 10 pm.

After 6 hours of fighting, the drug trafficker flag hanging above the city hall was kicked down and the flag of the Mexican government army was hung again!

Surrounded by layers of layers, the drug dealers’ living circle became smaller and smaller, and finally they were contained in a mountainside

In the slums, they screamed in despair. Some people couldn't bear it, so they put the muzzle of the gun into their mouths and made a bang!

My head exploded.

Some people went completely crazy, pulling the poor people out of the slums, making them kneel on the ground, and shouted loudly at the Northern Army: "Let us go! Otherwise, we will shoot them!"

As he spoke, a gunshot rang out, and an old man wearing a ripped vest fell to the ground. His thin body was kicked away by the crazy drug dealer, causing him to cry softly.

No one goes to mourn the dead old man, maybe...

His family must also be dead.

"I'm counting to three!!!"

The drug dealer grabbed the clothes of a woman next to him, lifted her up, and pointed the gun at her temple with a ferocious expression.

"Let us go!!!"

The battalion commander who besieged the drug dealer was a little angry. He had no choice but to hand over this decision to the commander of the 3rd Marine Division: Alexeyevich Brusilov. The other party was quite cheerful and gave the direct order to clear the ground with artillery!

Throw these drug dealers to death in the slums!

"Commander, do you want to ask the governor for his opinion?" The staff officer next to him asked with a trembling heart.

"If everything needs to be decided by the general, then what do we need to do?" Alexeyevich Brusilov squinted his eyes. He looked at the frightened staff officer, pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him, with a tone of voice He said calmly, "As subordinates, we cannot leave difficult matters to our superiors. Let the whole people vent their abuse on me!"


"I will take full responsibility for the incident!"

Drug dealers threatened civilians and they compromised? This kind of thing is not allowed to start, otherwise the war on drugs will not be fought in the future. For the sake of the overall situation, someone will always have to sacrifice.

The staff officer was stunned and nodded vigorously, "Division Commander, I... I am willing to bear it."

Alexievich Brusilov smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Go and give orders, and..."

His expression was gloomy: "Tonight, kill all drug dealers, no prisoners!!"

The other party saluted.

When the front-line troops received this order, the battalion commander asked several more times if there was anything wrong?

After getting a positive answer, the battalion commander took a deep breath, waved his hand, and signaled the artillery and tanks to move over and aim at the slums halfway up the mountain to wash the ground with artillery fire!

The drug dealers above also found something wrong, and they were panicked.

"Victor! Northern Army! We will not let you go even if we become ghosts!!!" The drug dealers shouted in fear and despair.


Boom boom boom!

The slum was blown up to the sky...

The battalion commander had a grim expression, "Tonight, kill all the drug dealers, no prisoners!!"

"Yes, sir!"

At the Guadalajara dock, thousands of drug dealers tied with ropes were pressed over, and they looked at each other in horror.

"Jump down!" The captain who led the team pointed to the river below and said expressionlessly.


"We surrender, we are prisoners, you should treat prisoners well!"

"Is the Northern Army going to break its promise!!!"

The captain didn't even raise his eyelids, but just raised his hand and waved it hard. The heavy machine gun behind him sounded, and the prisoners fell to the ground in an instant.

Despair and screams filled the air.

Because the drug dealers were tied with ropes, many of their actions were inconvenient, but they all jumped into the river below in unison. They would die on the shore, but jumping down might save their lives!

The river was very fast, pushing these people down, some climbed up, and some stayed in the water. For a while, they played games with each other to survive.

There were also some corpses floating above, and the blood dyed the entire river red.

"God will not forgive you devils!" A drug dealer cried loudly, his voice was like a curse before death.

But the captain smiled calmly.

"If God takes drugs, then I will hang him."

"By the way, if you meet God, please tell him that my name is Reinhard Tristan Eugen!"

"Thank you."

The captain was like a gentleman. After he finished speaking, he bowed slightly and thanked the drug dealers.

"Throw all the corpses into the river to let the lowly drug dealers see the barbarity of our Northern Army!"


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