Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 315 Victor, the Hague Court Reserve!

Chapter 315 Victor - Reserve of the Hague Court!

The birds in the sky were wailing.

Apatzingan in Michoacan is located on the banks of the Guadalajara River.

This is also the regular territory of the Michoacan family.

Many drug dealers can often be seen patrolling in pickup trucks.

They were also scared. The Northern Army was in Sinaloa, and the muzzle was against their heads. It should be too late to surrender at this time.

But for Pingming, life still goes on.

A nearby woman struggled to drag a cart with clothes that needed to be washed. Her expression was full of numbness, and her left leg was a little lame. It looked very inconvenient. She could only wash clothes for nearby drug dealers for a living.

As for men...

Perhaps they have been hidden in any corner of Mexico with dandelions.

When she dragged the cart to the river and glanced casually, suddenly, her pupils suddenly widened, and horror and panic flashed in her eyes!

She fell to the ground, moved back in horror, and didn't feel any pain when her palm was pierced by gravel. Her mind was blank, and finally, the scream in her throat suddenly rose and fell.

"Help... Help!!!!"

She ran back to the village in a panic, shouting loudly and heartbreakingly, "Corpses, so many corpses!!"

The civilians in the whole village were confused and looked at her blankly.

Finally, several drug dealers from the Michoacan family stationed here stopped her. The woman seemed to have seen the backbone, "The river... There are so many corpses by the river!!"

The expressions of these drug dealers suddenly changed, and they drove to the river.

Standing by the dam, even those who were knowledgeable and ruthless saw the scene in front of them and their scalps numbed.

The three or four-meter-wide river was "blocked with corpses"!

Hundreds of corpses were lying across the river, even cutting off the water. Have you seen the Giant View?

Can the corpses soaked in water still be used as fertilizer?

Several drug dealers looked at each other. One of them, who didn't look very smart, squatted down, picked up a stone, took a deep breath, and threw it at the giant temple!

"Hey! Don't..."

The person next to him stretched out his hand in fear, trying to hold him back, but the other party was quick and threw it directly!

Good guy...

Now I can only call him good guy.

Bang! ! !

With a crisp sound, the giant temple exploded at once. This was not the end. The other bodies next to it also exploded. The whole air was suddenly "fragrant."


A drug dealer couldn't help but bend over and vomit, his face was ugly, and he ran back in panic.

"Quick! Go and inform the tribe leader!"

The discovery of thousands of bodies in the Apatchingan River caused a sensation in the entire Michoacan State and even Mexico. When the reporters hurriedly arrived with equipment, the drug dealers had already closed the scene.

Osiel Cardenas of the Michoacan family wore sunglasses and had a gloomy face. The staff and confidants beside him were also silent, listening quietly to the words of the "forensic doctor" opposite.

"These people have tattoos on their skin, many of them have the flag of the Sinaloa drug cartel tattooed, and they all have their hands tied, which means that they have been captured before they died!"

"And they were driven into the river!"

When the forensic doctor said this, his body trembled slightly. There were thousands of people!

Osiel Cardenas and his confidant looked at each other, and a name suddenly flashed in his mind, "Victor!!"

Hearing the boss call out this name, everyone looked over.

"It must be him! The Northern Army must have massacred prisoners in Guadalajara!" Osiel Cardenas said with gritted teeth.


"Isn't Victor afraid of public opinion? This... this is simply..." The confidant hesitated twice and didn't know how to describe it.

They all scared him, the thug of the Michoacan family.

Osier Cardenas glanced at him with an ugly face, "Do you think he cares?"

"This beast!"

"God will not forgive him, he will definitely go to hell!"

Osier Cardenas listened to the curses of his staff and confidants, frowned, and was a little at a loss.

"Boss, boss!"

Just when the senior executives were at a loss, a younger brother ran over, "Northern Army, Northern Army..."

He was panting.

"What's wrong with the Northern Army!" Osier Cardenas's younger brother went over and grabbed the other's collar and asked loudly.

"The Northern Army is broadcasting the massacre of drug dealers in Guadalajara live!!!"

"139 channels across the country are broadcasting it!"

Osiel Cardenas's hands also trembled. The "leader of the revival" of the Michoacan family suddenly became timid. He had massacred civilians in Mexico City, fought with local gangs for interests in the United States, and assassinated the so-called duke in the European market!


Those people's revenge was "civilized" and secretive, how could it be as upright as Victor?


Run away?

If you don't run away, it will be too late!


"I was wrong, I was wrong! I will never sell drugs again. I still have children and parents. Please, I will never dare to do it again." A tied drug dealer cried and shouted. He was so scared that he was incontinent, but the Northern Army who was pulling him left and right didn't hear him at all. They numbly threw him into the dug pit!

There were nearly a hundred people in it. Their legs were broken to prevent them from climbing up.

There were soldiers around shoveling dirt in with shovels.

They were just going to bury them alive!

The two reporters were carrying cameras, their legs shaking a little.

"Captain, since they feel they are wrong, I think we should give them a chance. Isn't the meaning of the law to make people reform?" A blonde girl's face was a little pale, but she still said with fear.

"Wrong? No, they are just scared." Captain Reinhard Tristan Eugen smiled calmly, turned his eyes and looked at the other party calmly. When the female reporter met his eyes...

She felt a word: "Dead silence!"

"The Northern Army has never used the law against drug dealers. Once this precedent is set, won't the judge be very busy? For the sake of environmental protection and preventing gunpowder from polluting the air, I used burying alive. Maybe hundreds of years later, this place will still be a fertile land."

The female reporter shuddered when she heard the other party's words, and the other party's nickname rang in her mind: "Followers of Death".

In just 6 hours, he and his company killed no less than 2,000 drug dealers!

Among them, he made 100 drug dealers lie on the ground, and then...rolled over them with a bulldozer. It is said that the reporters present at the time vomited and would never eat pizza again in their lives.

And that shot also brought the ratings to 75.9%!

Ranked first among more than 100 TVs!

And like a "tacit understanding", the Northern Army launched a so-called "killing competition" against drug dealers to see who has more tricks and who is more ruthless!

According to incomplete statistics, from the evening to 8 o'clock today, at least more than 20,000 drug dealers were killed! !

The cruel means and barbaric behavior are simply appalling.

Even other countries were shocked, and the Americans "tinkered" with their younger brothers and constantly criticized Victor.

The British "Guardian": a massacre without bottom line and inhumane!

Spain's "ABC": Mexico's tragic situation is outrageous, Victor's atrocities have lowered civilization, he is the post-World War II (Neo-Nazism)! He is a warmongerer. We must bring him to justice and demand that the Hague Court sentence him to death!




Anyway, everyone who can jump out has jumped out, standing on the commanding heights to attack Victor.

Even South Korea clamored, "If Victor does not stop his atrocities, then we will send an expeditionary force to attack him!!"

Many human rights organizations also jumped out, they marched, shouted, and finally said a famous saying.

"The life of a drug dealer is also a life!"

A BBC reporter from the United States also pulled a black woman with a child on the streets of Spain. She opened her belly to the camera, which was covered with dense pinholes. "Drugs are not terrible. People and drugs can coexist. This is our choice! This is the embodiment of freedom! Victor is killing freedom and restricting human rights. He is a tyrant. Drugs can bring me happiness and relieve the pressure of my life. Isn't this good?"

"Request the United Nations to designate him as a war criminal!"

"Request a trial!"

There are always people behind the flames constantly adding fuel to the fire. The "drug dealer's life is precious" against Victor is growing like a snowball. Some people even threaten Victor with suicide.

In response, on December 1.

Casare "reported" his "war record" in front of reporters from all over the world at a foreign press conference.

"From November 23 to 24:00 on November 30, the Third Army Division of the Mexican Northern Army Group has completed the cleanup of Guadalajara, and a total of 112,351 drug dealers have been humanely physically eliminated. The useful corpses will be used for medical research. The Governor's Office is satisfied with this and is very grateful for the work of the colleagues of the Third Marine Division. For this reason, the Governor has decided to start from 15:00 pm on December 1 to 15:00 pm on December 15 to carry out the "expanded elimination" operation in the cities liberated by the Mexican Northern Army for two weeks to implement humane destruction of drug dealers!"

The reporters below heard the news and there was an uproar!

My God!

You are not satisfied with just one place in Guadalajara, and you want to expand it?

The more we scold you, the more you want to do this?

How can you be so rebellious?

"You are murderers! You bastards!" A female reporter suddenly came out with a flag symbolizing the "Anti-Vic Alliance" and protested loudly.

This flag is very interesting. There is a free eagle on it, and below are plantations and farmers working. Next to it is their propaganda slogan: freedom, democracy, and diligence!

It's really... hard to describe.

Casare looked at the other party being dragged away expressionlessly, and continued, "From now on, any Spanish, British, American, Japanese, and Korean nationals entering Mexico must undergo drug testing. If they test positive, they will be sentenced to death!"

It's so targeted.

"You murderer, the people of Mexico are crying..." At this time, another protesting reporter stood up and shouted with a flag.

Casare smiled and looked at the two burly northern soldiers, "Help take care of them, take good care of them."

A second lieutenant was startled, nodded, and dragged the female reporter outside.

"Let me go, you murderers."

"Then why do you think we dare not kill you?" The second lieutenant suddenly spoke, and he clearly felt the female reporter stiffen, raised his head, looked at the other party's half-smile, and trembled all over.

"Chop her up and throw her down the drain."

"It's so cruel. Didn't the drug dealer have several dogs? Just bite her to death."

Listening to the conversation between the two people, the female reporter was so frightened that she cried, "Don't, don't kill me, I... I didn't do it. Someone gave me 10,000 US dollars to protest, don't, don't kill me!"

"Then you just think this money is easy to make. Hehe, it's okay. I'll let you experience Mexican drug dealers. Aren't you protesting? Just go and see with your own eyes!"

"I won't go, I won't go, I won't go!!"

At this time, in the press conference, Casare was still "talking with the crowd."

"Regarding South Korea's provocation against the Northern Governor, we just want to say..."

He looked at the camera, stretched out his hand, and made a meaningful gesture with the length of his fingers, "You are very short and have no endurance. Don't come to Mexico, you will be fucked to death!"

"Assi! Insult, you are insulting Chiguoguo!! We protest!"

This action immediately stimulated the sensitive hearts of Korean reporters. The two big men jumped out and shouted, and they rushed towards Casare on the stage with great blood.

Maybe, you want to give him a "dance"?

But before he took two steps, he was pushed to the ground.

"We demand an apology! Your behavior is an insult to us!" Oppa kept shouting after being pushed to the ground.

Casare smiled, stretched out his hand and made another gesture.

The Northern Army soldier punched him, and Oppa suddenly became the "third sister-in-law". She screamed miserably, and was dragged away by her hair. As she walked, she cursed, "Siba, I still have a big watermelon." Woolen cloth!"


Hit reporters in front of reporters.

It's just...lawless.

But even if the reporters present were sad, no one dared to jump out.

Hitting one is still a fight, and hitting two is still a fight.

Casare smiled and said, "Thank you for your support. This is the end of the press conference. We have prepared desserts for you to try if you want."

Only after a group of reporters came out of the press room did they dare to curse each other.

"Mexicans are simply unreasonable! Their oppression of the media is simply appalling. I have never seen such shameless people!"

"Then what are you going to do? Challenge him to a duel?"

"I...I will definitely condemn his behavior in the newspaper and let everyone despise him!"

Sure enough, it was the scholars who rebelled, and it failed in three years.

At most, it's just a few curses. If you really kill Victor as a "macho man from heaven", that would be awesome.

When Casare returned to the office, he saw Victor drinking tea calmly. When he saw him coming back, he raised his head and asked with a smile, "Did it go well?"

"Reporters are very courageous."

"Some of them will scream twice and break the bones."

Casare nodded, hesitated and asked, "Boss, do we really want to implement the cleanup plan? At least the drug dealers and addicts have...have..."

There are many people!

There are more than 100 million people in Mexico, and at least one-third of them are related to drug traffickers.

"Then it depends on their luck. If we say it so openly, many people will definitely run away. Where do you think they will go? To the south or to the United States?"

"No matter where they go, it will be beneficial to us in the north. If they go to the United States, will these people stimulate domestic demand? No, they will only cause security problems, and they have no ability to pay taxes..."

"If the Holy Mothers of Europe need them, they can accept them. Then they will know what kind of people drug dealers and addicts are."

Why doesn’t Texas raise idle people?

Because the people who come here are the descendants of criminals, drug addicts, and gold diggers, and they basically have the gene for violence in their bones.

"The United States and Europe want all kinds of rubbish. Just watch, sooner or later they will have to suffer."

Casare thought about it carefully and realized that what the boss said was right. He nodded and said with a naive smile, "Boss, you are right. I really didn't expect this."

Look, learn more, and there are different levels of flattery. Someone like him, who can impress Victor with just a casual sentence, is simply...a god.

Dong Dong Dong~

There was a knock on the door, and Captain Jason Bourne walked in with a solemn expression, "General, Spain... has sued you to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, demanding that you be tried for war crimes!"

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