Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 324: Still too urbanized

Chapter 324: Still too urbanized!

Victor's methods shocked the world!

Many countries began to call him "North American Tyrant" and "Satan".

Even in a roadside survey in Malaysia, Victor was evaluated as: the man closest to a mustache after World War II!

His popularity directly surpassed the "three major tyrants in Africa", namely Ugandan President Amin, Central African Emperor Bokassa and Zaire President Mobutu, becoming the only one!

Young people worship him and think he is a superhero, while those whose interest chains have been cut off hide in the dark, constantly cursing him, with gloomy faces and fierce eyes!

Watch him build a tall building, watch him entertain guests, and watch his building collapse! ! !

Victor is not only involved in drugs, organ replacement, human trafficking, and abduction, and he will be beaten to death if caught.

How can you let those rich people who are waiting for their lives to be extended wait?

If I can't deal with you, Victor, can't I deal with your subordinates?

On January 13, at 10 a.m., Ludendorff, who was in Guadalajara, was attacked by a gunman while inspecting a shopping mall, but fortunately he was not hurt and the gunman was shot dead!

At the same time, Joseph Joffre also encountered a suicide attack in Juarez, killing 3 pedestrians and injuring 27 on the roadside, but he was not seriously injured.

At 11 o'clock.

A special train drove into the Mexico City train station.

A group of people had already imposed martial law!

All those who had a position came here, because today the "imperial envoy" took office.

They had to get to know each other.

Jason Bourne looked at Casare with a serious expression, "I think we should not get off the train, and go directly to the National Palace?"

"Are you afraid that I will die here?" Casare smiled, and his cheeks were shaking when he smiled.

He smiled kindly, but people outside didn't think so. His nickname was straightforward: running dog!

He bites whoever he catches!

Jason Bourne was silent for a moment, "It's just dangerous..."

"If I die here, millions of people in Mexico City will have to be buried with me. You know, the boss loves me alone."

This is really unanswerable.

Let's put it this way, if Victor is the emperor, and he is looking for a lady in the house, Casare will be the one standing at the door.

If he dies here...

Mexico City will become a ruin tomorrow.

"Let's go, don't let the gentlemen of Mexico wait anxiously." Casarar pulled his suit and tie and got off the train.

Clap clap clap ~

The people standing outside applauded regardless of anything, and the applause was thunderous!

Casar smiled and raised his hands slightly above his head, clapping slowly.

"Hello, sir, I am Vice President Urmit Raymond Haredi." A middle-aged man wearing glasses hurried over, a little nervous.

You ask why he is so nervous?

Because he just took office.

As for the previous vice president?

He was directly arrested and imprisoned because of Mr. Kwaukmote.

Basically everyone has changed.

"This is from the civil affairs department..."

"This is the intelligence department..."

Ulmit Raymond Haredi helped Casare introduce them one by one, and Fatty Ka had a smile on his face.

"Let's go to the National Palace first. The press conference has been prepared there, waiting for your speech."

Casare nodded and glanced at Jason Bourne next to him. The latter turned around and waved his hand, and saw four or five doors of the special train opened, and tanks drove out from it!

"Sorry, I like to ride in my own car!"

Vice President Ulmit Raymond Haredi's expression froze for a moment, and smiled awkwardly, "Sir, now... Mexico City is very safe now."

"I'm afraid that something will happen to me, and you won't be safe." Casare said this meaningfully.

After getting on the tank, he drove towards the National Palace.

In order to send him here, the Northern Army sent a battalion, and the battalion commander was Erich Manstein!

After he returned from the overseas battlefield, he was directly promoted to battalion commander, and he was promoted two levels in the middle!

Rommel and Fedor von Bock entered the Northern Military Academy for further studies.

There were rumors that Victor intended to let Rommel serve as the commander of the new Marine Division to be established later.

From a battalion commander directly to a division commander...

Even if it was a rumor, it was wild enough.

Patton, the so-called fierce general in World War II, took four years to go from brigade commander to army group, and Eisenhower only took four years to go from a colonel to a five-star general.

But that was during the war...

I can only say that if you are favored by the powerful, even if you are a dog, you can become an air marshal, right, King of Thailand.

Casare could feel the malice slowly coming from the roadside, and almost everyone looked at him with dissatisfaction, disgust, and hatred.

"The South has not yet been bathed in the grace of the general."

He said to Jason Bourne next to him, "People in big cities are like this, they always look down on people from the North."

"So, the general sent you here." The latter said in a muffled voice.

Casare still waved his hand very modestly.

He is just the vanguard. What can 1,000 people do? At least a division must be sent over. With 20,000 people sitting here, they can attack from top to bottom. The center-blooming tactics will definitely make the drug dealers scream. The most important thing is that this can also radiate to several countries in Central America.

Aren’t you close to the drug dealers?

I’m pointing my gun directly at you!

RNMD, I’ve been annoyed with you for a long time.

You are the only one who is worthy of talking to me?

If you can't defeat the Yankees, you can't defeat the "eight wastes" of Central America?

Once the troops arrive, the people of Mexico City will become friendly.

When the convoy drove to the National Palace, it was obvious that there were still ruins. The previous explosion was obviously very powerful.

When this tank came in, it obviously frightened the celebrities and reporters present. If I just walked in, it wouldn't... want to crush us to death, would it?

But thankfully this didn't happen.

Casare stood on the tank, refused the support of the soldiers below, sat on the turret, and motioned to the people below to give him the microphone.

"Hi! Ladies and gentlemen!"

Everyone fell silent and looked at him eagerly.

Casare patted the M-25 tank gun and grinned, "Excuse me, can this make you shut up!"

The expressions of Vice President Urmit Raymond Haredi and others are hard to look at.

"The general is very happy that you can cooperate, but you are doing one thing before others and another behind. The general is very dissatisfied. He asked me to tell you, don't be dissatisfied. The location of the National Palace, what the hell are you, do you deserve to sit there?!"

"Since ancient times, the one with the strongest troops and horses is the first! If you don't have guns or cannons, just shut up!"


Casare squinted his eyes and glanced at them, "The intelligence department is in control of what you and the drug dealers are doing in private. Do you think there are no people from us over there?"

"What the general wants to know is that no matter who you sleep with at night or which hole you enter, he will know. You should start making ugly remarks before you are dragged out and beaten to death, screaming for injustice."

Casare sat up straight and said, "Okay, here's what I've said. Whoever wants to resign can leave now. Does anyone want to leave?"

Vice President Urmit Raymond Haredi looked at the department spokesman next to him, and everyone also looked at him.

Dignity makes him want to step out now and tell the other party that they are human beings and politicians and need to be respected!

But reality tells him that if you leave, you will have nothing...

I really can't move this foot out.

What integrity and bottom line do you want politicians to have?

There used to be an emperor who stipulated that if you want to be an official, you can only be a eunuch. Now I think no one will be an official. But the facts have proved that as long as you can be an official, there is nothing to be ashamed of!

Power is far more important than anything else.

Just like Vice President Urmit Raymond Haredi, even though he is standing like a henchman and being almost scolded by Casare, here, I am the loser.

What did you call me after I got out?

Shouldn't you call me sir?


The only thing they did was remain silent, using silence to express their dissatisfaction.

"Hurry up and cut off any connections with those bastards in the south. I am a short-sighted person and a small-minded person. If you catch them, I will be angry."


The dignitaries below shouted hurriedly, "I understand."


Casare nodded with a smile, "Then from now on, I will appoint Rommel as the Mexico City Security Commander, with full responsibility for military and intelligence work. All military organizations will be under his jurisdiction, and he will be responsible for personnel transfers!"

"Those who violate or reject..."

"Like treason!"

Casare didn't know about other places, but here in Mexico City, no one dared not listen to what he said. It turns out... this is power!

How cool!

Woohoo! Boom boom boom! ! !

There was a sonic boom in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw 5 fighter jets flying in the sky. They could basically see them clearly, and they were going very fast!

The ears were ringing a little.

"F14 should belong to the Sonora Air Force Base." Jason Bourne said from under the tank, staring at the sky.

"The Northern Army has taken over Mr. Cuauquemot's blood feud! Now let's see what the bastards of drug dealers and criminals can do against the heavenly soldiers!" Casare said loudly, pointing to the sky.

"The Northern Army is victorious!"

Suddenly, Vice President Urmit Raymond Haredi raised his hands and shouted, and everyone around him looked at him in confusion.

Damn it, didn’t we agree to be cows and horses together? Why did you suddenly get involved?

You make us look stupid like this!

But after all, everyone has been in the political arena for many years, so they quickly raised their hands and said, "Wan Sheng!!!"

Casare looked at this scene with great relief.


There are still like-minded companions!

Five F14s carrying 30 "Phoenix" bombs flew over a long distance to the seaport city of Punta Jerez in Tamaulipas. The main attack was a surprise. They received news that Gustavo, the leader of the Zapatista Theological Army, a terrorist organization in Mexico, He lived here with his three mistresses.

This man was originally a pastor who believed in liberation theology. He had a Bible in his left hand and an AK in his right hand. He led the Zapatista theological army to capture the state of Maulipas, and announced his independence from Mexican rule and the implementation of warlord rule!

He was also the main perpetrator of the missile attack on Cuauquemot.

The F14 went deep into the tiger's den, but the Zapata Theological Army still had little information. There was no air defense radar at all, so it couldn't be discovered. By the time it was discovered by the naked eye, it was only 20 kilometers away from the destination!

Isn't this just a matter of kicking the accelerator?

Just bomb the target manor so indiscriminately that the NM won't recognize you anymore.

After hearing the noise, the Zapatista Theological Army pushed their anti-aircraft guns and began to bombard the sky. The gap in weapons made them unable to do anything and could only let the F14 rampage in the sky.

But fortunately, the leader Gustavo suddenly received the news ten minutes before the attack and went out. When he heard the explosion and hurried back, he only found his daughter's shoes and the necklace given to his mistress in the rubble. .

"Ah!! Ah!!"

He knelt on the ground clutching his chest, unable to bear the pain, and tears streaming down his face. All three of his mistresses were pregnant, which meant that the air raid had directly blown away his roots!

"Boss, my condolences..." The younger brother next to him came over and said softly.

Anyway, the person who died was not a member of his family, so it would be harmless to say it lightly.

Gustavo knelt on the ground and squeezed the hot wasteland hard, his scarlet eyes revealing despair and madness!

"Victor ruined my family, I want Victor to die, I want him to die too!!!" He grabbed the shoulder of his henchman and shouted loudly.

"Boss... Victor, Victor seems to have no family." The younger brother said awkwardly.

Gustavo was startled. When he heard this, he didn't even mention it in one breath. He felt his eyes go dark, his whole body went soft, and he fell heavily to the ground amidst his younger brother's exclamations.

Passed out from anger.

"Boss! Boss!"

Tijuana. Inside the Governor's Palace.

Victor is being briefed by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"Drug cultivation in Mexico has been reduced by 65%! Because of our heavy blows, drug traffickers can only move their plantations and laboratories to other locations. Central America has become a new drug-infested area. The work of the United Nations Drug Enforcement Agency in Central America Officials confirmed that the number of drug addicts increased by 200% year-on-year at the same time last year, with more than 2 million people newly joining various drug-related organizations!”

"In addition to Central America, the most serious one is Haiti, which is also in North America. The rule of Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown, and the newly appointed Raoul Cedras was the head of the military. He is also a senior drug trafficker. He controls the local gangs in the drug trade, forces more than 100,000 farmers to grow drugs for him, and openly changes the constitution to require drugs to be legal! "

"He made money by smuggling drugs into the United States."

"It is said that he also trafficked people to the United States."

Victor heard this and raised his head, "Haiti wants to be the leader?"

The first country to legalize drugs appears!

I have just become the executive director of the Narcotics Control Department, and you are doing this without giving me any face?

Victor is about to consider whether to send "troops" to Haiti. After all, drug control cannot be fought with fists.

As a representative of "physical anti-drugs", Victor's dream is to make the world drug-free!

But... Haiti seems a bit far away.

Bang bang bang~

The knock on the door interrupted Victor's thoughts. He glanced at the Drug Enforcement Administration official, motioned him to put down the documents, and then shouted to come in.

Then I saw the secretary burst in with a nervous expression.

"General, Spanish warships have landed on our Reviagigedo Islands!"

Victor's eyes narrowed.

It’s a bit interesting.

The Reviagigedo Islands, in the Pacific Ocean west of Mexico, belong to the state of Colima, with a total land area of ​​830 square kilometers (320 square miles), consisting of Socorro Island, San Benedicto Island, Rocaparte Island It is composed of volcanic islands such as Da Island and Clarion Island.

Among them, Socorro is the largest, 39 kilometers long and 14 kilometers wide. The highest point is 1,130 meters above sea level. Two warships flying the Spanish flag docked here, and hundreds of people disembarked from it.

A middle-aged man with the rank of brigadier general, surrounded by several officers, stood on a protruding rock and took a deep breath.

"The taste of the sea!" Rudy Fernandez said with a smile, with a relaxed look on his face, "the taste of hometown."

The officers nearby were very nervous, "General, will this...will this trigger a reaction from Mexico?"

"But Mexico belongs to the Spanish! We just returned to our own land, and... I brought 300 soldiers, and now they are digging trenches for me overnight. As long as we are stationed here, no one will let us leave. Generate electricity for the country and ask for support!”

“What if the Mexicans ask?”

Rudy Fernandez glanced at the officer who spoke, "Our broken and we can't move! We asked to rest here. Does Victor want us to swim back? When support arrives, they want us to leave. We Not leaving yet.”

Although this method is bad, it is still an excuse.

In 1859, Britain declared war with the United States, and the excuse for the war was simply that "Americans killed a British pig."

So, don't be surprised.

The strange thing is, where do the Spaniards have the confidence to think that Victor is a good talker?

It seems that Franco's iron fist still hasn't taught them what humility means.

The main reason is that it is too urban.

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