Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 325: War is just for business!

The Spaniards are stranded? ! ! !

This news was first published in the Spanish newspaper "Catalonia" and then spread rapidly.

Many people felt as sour as drinking a glass of ice water in the summer.

Victor's reputation is too big, and they have long been dissatisfied with him. The most important thing is actually jealousy. He is already in a high position at the age of 30 and controls the deaths of tens of millions of people.

What do you think of those who have been in the business for a lifetime?

Jealousy, greed, and selfishness are all "traditional virtues" of mankind.

In particular, the CIA and MI6, who suffered "suffering" in Mexico, sent a "congratulatory message" to the Spanish intelligence department.

Ah, you are our role model now, don't lose face, be energetic, and do it!

Spanish National Intelligence Center: "Huh?"

They themselves are actually confused.

The spokesman of the intelligence department even complained in public, why can't the idiots in the military change their ideas of thinking with muscles.


He was fired.

In the intelligence center in Madrid, the abbreviation of CNI is hung outside, and there is a ball on the head, symbolizing listening to the voice from the world.

Felipe Andrew frowned. He was very strong and looked more like a soldier. Indeed, he was an old man in the Franco era, but he was also a "royalist". Let's put it this way. He has a blood relationship with the current King Juan Carlos I.

"What do the military want to do? Invade Mexico? Do they still think it is the 17th century? The help we can provide them is completely limited!" He put down the intelligence and looked at the uninvited guest Alfonso Davis in front of him.

This is Juan Carlos I's "teacher" and Franco's staff.

He is a little old. It has only been 46 years since the end of World War II. Alfonso Davis is also 70 years old.

When he heard Felipe Andrew's complaints, he smiled, the age spots on his face were shaking, and he tried to pretend to be easy to talk to, but the sound of his voice was like a saw, "Our king is still young."

Youth means vigor and vitality, but also means... stupidity and overestimation!

"I can't guarantee whether the Mexicans will go to war. After all, the bottom line can't hold that tyrant. Maybe when our troops arrive, Brigadier General Rudy Fernandez will have become fish feces!" The intelligence director's words are always so straightforward and simple.

He has fought with the Mexican Intelligence Agency, so to speak...

The compensation is a bit too much.

Recently, there has been a lack of successors. Nearly 20 elite agents have died in North America, and even a senior employee has resigned and is said to have "joined" the other side.

How to play this?

So, Felipe Andrew doesn't think it's a good thing to break up with Victor at this time.

You still want to take back Mexico?

But His Majesty the King has to be proud. He is still young and always thinks that he is the boss of the sky, the second of the earth, and the third of him.

Alfonso Davis, the staff member, coughed softly, "Then let the drug dealers find a way. There are many opposition groups in Mexico. As long as they hold on, we can win over external forces and completely make the islands part of Spain."

Philippe Andrew took a deep breath, "I hope you won't be blinded by arrogance."

"Spain will be great again." Alfonso Davis said with a smile, picked up the crutches beside him, and limped away.

Oh, his leg was injured by a bomb during World War II.

When Alfonso Davis walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and turned his head, "Maybe you are also cursing our decision in your heart, but, Andrew, we don't have much time. The Soviet Union's giant bear is going to fall, and the two-power pattern will change in the future. Do you think the Americans are easy to get along with? If we are not strong enough, we will be sucked dry in the future!"

"We can only use Victor's wind to set sail again."

"What if it fails!" Philippe Andrew asked in a deep voice.

Alphonso Davis raised his hand, "Then destroy me, the remnant left over from the old times!"

After saying that, he walked away firmly on his lame leg.

Under the sunlight outside the house, this hunched back looked particularly "dazzling".

The world is a jungle of the weak.

Everyone wants to survive in that gap!

Between countries, just like animals in the Amazon forest, Victor looks very X, but he is also the best "prey".

Victor felt unhappy when he heard that Spain was playing rogue.

What to do if he was unhappy?

Fuck him!

Where did you, Spain, get the courage to touch the tiger's ass everywhere?

When he was about to bomb first, Propaganda Minister Goebbels pulled him first.

I think this is a good opportunity to increase the people's patriotism and solve the conscription problem.

As expected of a master of public opinion, the first thing he thought of was to make a profit from this. Even if a person like him did not join the government and did business alone, he would definitely be a person of high value in the future.

After Victor nodded in agreement, the propaganda department, a machine that was well trained by Goebbels, immediately began to operate.

A documentary called "History of the Mexican Struggle" was born, with a total length of 69 minutes, of which 45 minutes were about the history of Spanish colonization of Mexico, 3 minutes were about the conflict between the United States and Mexico, and the rest were an evaluation of Victor.

"Under the guidance of Governor Victor, Mexicans will defeat drugs, win one victory after another, and enjoy life in peace and stability. No one can bully us anymore, never again!"

Coupled with the touching narration, this documentary immediately became very popular in Mexico.

When some evidence of Spain's crimes in Mexico was released, the domestic disgust towards the Spanish soared visibly.


The Spanish warships occupying the islands was just the right thing to do!

January 21, Sunday!

When several students from the Invalides School went out, they had a conflict with a group of local Hispanics. The two sides fought and one of the Invalides died.

This incident caused an uproar.

What is an Invalides?

It is the place where Victor goes to school for the children of fallen or disabled soldiers. It is a place where they are trained in a military way and mainly train officers. It is also the basic base for Victor's future rule.

It is the so-called new "military interest group". They are all loyal to Victor.

The incident started when students from the Invalides School went out to purchase and heard a Spaniard privately calling Victor a son of a bitch.

This was too much.

A huge conflict broke out between the two sides.

A Spaniard took out a machete and slashed a student's neck, killing him directly!

The background of the deceased was revealed.

His father and brother were both killed in the "Battle of Juarez Reconquest". Both of them were awarded second-class military merit. He was the only male in the family, and he was beaten to death. You can imagine how angry the Mexicans were!

They angrily demanded that the government give the Spaniards the death penalty!

Victor naturally did as they wished.

Sentenced to hanging!

He gained another wave of reputation and demanded that the Spanish government pay 2 million US dollars in compensation, otherwise, he would carry out military retaliation against Spain!

The Spaniards were also tough and demanded that Victor release the people.

The two sides had a lot of verbal battles in the media, and Goebbels continued to incite public opinion in private.

A group of people ran to the door of the Governor's Mansion to petition, hoping that Victor could take the islands back.

Victor naturally "could not refuse the kindness".

You see, my family members all agree that I want to hit you, so stop talking!

In the early morning of January 24.

Colonel Captain Manfred von Richthofen of the 3rd Air Force Squadron stationed at San Ignacio Airport in Baja California Sur in northern Mexico put on a helmet.

Today he took off in person, leading 8 British Vickers "Warrior" bombers to carry out bombing missions, escorted by 4 F14 and 3 MiG-31 fighters.

Victor is not stingy at all with the points, he knows the importance of forming an air force.

Directly divide the aircraft squadron into 4, located in Baja California Sur, Sonora, and Sinaloa, and one will be placed in Mexico City in the future!

At present, there are a total of 60 aircraft of various types!

In this area of ​​Latin America, it can be regarded as the existence of a "little king of the sky".

Colonel Manfred von Richthofen checked the dashboard and turned to look at the ground crew, who was wearing a bright vest and holding a flag in his hand.

Signaling the plane to move forward.

This military airport has a total of 6 runways. 6 planes moved over. As the order was issued, the engines roared with a deafening sound.

The flames began to glow blue.

Accelerate! !

The throttle was stepped on, the fan blades opened, and the plane sprinted on the runway, and finally flew into the sky, flying towards the target Revillagigedo Islands.

Take advantage of the darkness of the night sky, raid!

This San Ignacio Airport is about 300 kilometers away from the bombed Socorro Island, in the Pacific Ocean.

You don’t have to worry about radar at all.

They can’t be installed on the back of a whale, right?

"Can you hear me, please answer if you can." Manfred von Richthofen shouted through the channel.




"Exocet II and two MiG-31s ​​will bomb the warships, and the rest will bomb the island."


Since they are stranded, let them be completely paralyzed here!


This point itself is muddled.

The Spaniards on Socorro Island certainly didn't expect the Mexicans to launch an air raid at night!

Brig. General Rudy Fernandez didn't even send anyone to stand guard. Perhaps he thought the Mexican Northern Army would not come in this weather.

After all, the weather forecast said there would be light rain.

He looks very much like the devilish general Mutaguchi Renya during World War II. At least in terms of "pride", the two of them are exactly the same.

Rudy Fernandez was drowsy in sleep, with bottles of wine in the room. He likes to drink very much.

The Anti-Virgin Alliance sent about 2,000 drug dealers up. He was so happy that he wrote a poem praising the noble sentiments of the drug dealers and promised them high positions and generous salaries on behalf of His Majesty the King.

Said that Spain would help them overthrow Victor's tyranny!!

In his sleep...

Rudy Fernandez had a dream that he was enjoying the services of prostitutes in a swimming pool, two, three, four...

Just when he was extremely happy, a man with a fire suddenly broke in at the door and rushed towards him screaming loudly.

He was so excited that he suddenly opened his eyes, "Don't... Don't!"

The officer who was calling out to Rudy Fernandez was anxious. Seeing him wake up, he was happy, "General, hurry up! Air raid!!!"

Rudy Fernandez's brain was blank due to the effect of alcohol, and it was a little down. The officer hurriedly put on his shoes and dragged him out of the camp. The scene in front of him made his pupils shrink, and the pupils reflected a sea of ​​fire all over the sky! ! !

Boom! ! !

With an explosion, a ball of fire suddenly rose on the beach in the distance, and the boiler was blown away and hovered in the air.

Rudy Fernandez shuddered and his face turned pale in an instant.

Two warships were blown up!

"Help, help... help me!!" A fireman who was on fire and couldn't see what he was wearing rushed towards him.

The officer next to him quickly picked up his gun and fired a machine gun at the fireman, killing him directly!

The smell of meat from the corpse made Rudy Fernandez vomit.

He was a baron, and his family had been nobles since the 17th century, and they were still nobles now. He had a large area of ​​land and connections in Madrid, which was one of the reasons why he could become a brigadier general at this age.

What wars had he seen?

The greatest suffering he had ever experienced was the suffering of iced American.

He didn't know what war was!

The battlefield full of corpses made his mind go blank, and the officer next to him pulled him to run.

If you don't run, you can only go home and be buried with your father! !

Victor was also cruel.

He asked someone to bring M64 aerial incendiary bombs, which were thrown down and made our Spanish children cry.

Rudy Fernandez was shivering in the cave. When the plane disappeared, the adjutant came to call him. He was shivering and kept saying, "I want to go home, I want to go home!"

The adjutant shook his head helplessly and walked out. He saw a group of people sitting in a mess. Several officers looked at him. He waved his hand and said, "Let the general take a rest."

"This damn noble!" Someone cursed in a low voice, but almost everyone heard it.

"Shut up!" Adjutant Emilio Mora scolded.

The officer shrank his head, but still turned his head away in dissatisfaction.

Emilio Mora took a deep breath, walked to a rock outside the cave, climbed up, and looked far away. He saw the horrible scene!

The whole Socorro Island seemed to be burnt. Of course, this is an exaggeration. It was all black at a glance!

The ground was littered with fragments of bombed warships and corpses. The burned people were flailing their arms and legs, their faces were unrecognizable, and their deaths were extremely tragic.

And without the warships...

How did they get away?

Did they really swim across the Pacific Ocean?

"The air raid killed 720 people, including 434 drug dealers..." Someone whispered to Emilio Mora, and after a pause, he gritted his teeth and cursed, "Mexicans are unreasonable. If we come in an open and aboveboard manner, we will definitely not lose!"

Emilio Mora thought it was really ridiculous when he heard this...

Who will reason with you in a war?

What kind of people are trained by the Spanish Navy?

No wonder each generation is worse than the previous one after World War II.

There was a thunder in the sky, and the adjutant Emilio Mora looked up in confusion.

A drop of water fell on his eyes.

"It's raining..." he murmured, "but what's the use of raining now!"

Boom boom boom!

There were more and more thunderclaps and the rain was getting heavier.

The other officers saw that Emilio Mora was not right and hurriedly pulled him down. It would be funny if he was killed by lightning.

"Mora! Calm down, you can't mess up now." The officer who was on good terms with him said hurriedly, lowering his voice and with despair in his tone.

"The Mexicans are sending messages in clear codes!" Suddenly, at this time, the signalman hiding in the cave ran out.

"What?" Emilio Mora turned his head and looked at him and asked.

All the officers, drug dealers and Spanish soldiers looked over.

The signalman was tense, "Mexican communication, the Air Force will conduct exercises on Socorro Island in the early morning of January 24, 1991. Please leave the nearby ships and people as soon as possible. The communication time is 3 o'clock on January 24, 1991!"

He almost vomited blood.

Your grandmother's legs, you are done with the bombing, and you told me you are going to bomb, aren't you just mocking?

Lieutenant Colonel Emilio Mora felt greatly humiliated, but he looked at the bombed warships in the distance.

Now he only had the power to be angry.

"What should we do now?"

Emilio Mora said bitterly, "Let's ask for help. Do we have any other choice besides this road?"

Could it be surrender?

How could it be possible!

The honor of a Spanish soldier would never allow him to do this!

As soon as a letter for help from the island was sent to Spain, it caused chaos.

His Majesty the King was dragged out of his mistress's room, yawning and sleepy.

He was more of a symbol, but symbols also have their uses.

All the cabinet members were in the room.

The head of the military department stood up, his face solemn, "The Mexican Air Force attacked Socorro Island, the Heiger and the Nisole were sunk, and Brigadier General Rudy Fernandez requested to retreat."

"You can't retreat!" Alfonso Davis, the staff member, said seriously. The old man is 70 years old and still in good spirits.

Aren't you even dozing off?

"The whole world is watching us. We have occupied the islands for how long? If we retreat, what will others think of us?"

Good guy, the Spaniards caused a big wave when they landed on the island?

"I request that the Prince of Asturias aircraft carrier be dispatched to transport soldiers and build an airport in the archipelago. We cannot take a step back."

"This is impossible!!" the head of the military department shouted.

"Nothing is impossible. Are our aircraft carriers and our military just show-offs? We should take them out to practice, and it would be best to build an airport in Guatemala or borrow a US military base."

Hearing his bold plan, the head of the military pointed at him angrily, "Alfonso Davis! Are you going to drag Spain into the abyss!"

"You are the cowardly sinner. We are only protecting the interests of our Spanish citizens overseas. Your Majesty, I ask for troops to be sent. Our interests cannot be infringed!"

Juan. Carlos's eyes were glowing.

The head of the military was breathing rapidly, his staff member Alphonso Davis looked calm, and other cabinet members watched this scene silently with strange expressions.

Some people also maliciously speculate that Alphonso Davis has received money from drug dealers. You must know that the demand for drugs in Spanish cities has become the second highest in Europe! ! !

The overseas market is huge.

Victor's ban on drugs is the lifeblood of everyone.

Everyone looked at His Majesty nervously.

I saw him stand up and wave his hand.

"The Spanish Armada will bring victory!"

Alphonso Davis smiled, very happily.

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