Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 345 No matter who you are, as long as you fight drug dealers, you can help us!

Suisside Iron Bridge near the town of Pullach in the southern suburbs of Munich.

This is the address of the famous German Federal Intelligence Service.

In the director's office at this time.

Several senior German officials were sitting upright, looking at the Israelis in front of them with awkward, dissatisfied, or clown-like eyes.

"You have persecuted millions of our compatriots, and now you are planning to let the blood of the Israelis be poured out on this land!"

This is a bit harsh.

A middle-aged man in his early 40s knocked on the table, "Please pay attention to your wording," Mr. Gurian. "

"Words?! We don't need words in Germany! In this land, you owe us." The Mossad consul in Germany banged the table hard and said with a look of dissatisfaction, "We can't catch those who persecute us. Murderer, just wait!"


After he finished scolding, he walked away arrogantly and even slammed the door!

Everyone in the office is quiet.

He also has no temper.

If it were the Bavarian boy, now this guy comes in with 100 kilograms and goes out with just one square.

But since World War II, as a defeated country, Germany has been relatively "successful" and looks at the West, Europe and Israel.

After all, mustaches offend too many people.

He was pointed at the nose and scolded, but he remained calm. He was worthy of being a German.

"Okay, have you found any clues?" Intelligence Chief Hans Fritz Scholl asked like a Maitreya Buddha, looking at his subordinates with his hands crossed.

"Mexicans." A deputy director said solemnly.


"After the Mexican intelligence agency kills them, they will draw their own symbols on their body parts. In several cases, we have found symbolic patterns."

"They never hide their methods."

The deputy director frowned, "That's very arrogant!"

But they are arrogant and have capital...

So far the Germans have not discovered where they have settled.

Hans Fritz Scholl took a deep breath and said, "Look! Together with Mossad, catch them!"

In fact, Germany and Victor have no enmity at all, but they have to hold on to each other. Seeing that the Soviets are about to die, although there are still German troops stationed, they will not be able to jump back for a few years. The Americans are about to become the new overlord.

Gotta show up.

As soon as Director Hans Fritz Scholl finished speaking, he suddenly heard a huge explosion.

People in the office ran to the windows in panic and stuck their heads out.

I saw a black mist rising in the distance, accompanied by bursts of screams.


A subordinate broke in outside with a horrified expression, "It exploded! It exploded..."

"Tell me clearly, what exploded!" Hans Fritz Scholl yelled, suddenly feeling uneasy.

“The car of the Mossad consul in Germany was attacked.”

Everyone in the office suddenly became silent!

With his mouth half open, Hans Fritz Scholl rushed downstairs with others in a panic. Perhaps he was too "excited" and hit his forehead directly against the door.

The explosion site was only three to four hundred meters away from the intelligence department building.

By the time they arrived, the car was completely burned out.

There is also a "fragrance" in the air.

The heads of the German intelligence agencies looked at the tragic scene with livid expressions.

It's over!

After the fire was extinguished, the body was already charred, and Hans Fritz Scholl's face was almost distorted.

"Gotta catch the Mexicans!"

The bombing of the Mossad consul in Germany is no small matter. Dozens of German media and newspapers reported on it.

There was even a TV station that called in a retired intelligence expert to talk on the show, believing that the bombing must have been premeditated, lying in ambush on both sides, and detonating bombs when vehicles approached.

Just as the female host was about to speak, she saw the director waving vigorously below to signal that the call was being transferred.

"Okay, thank you very much, expert. We have a phone number here. Please listen."

An obviously changed voice came from the other end of the phone, "Nice to meet you all. Regarding the bombing of the Mossad consul in Germany, it's actually very simple. We just installed a bomb in his car."

us? !

Everyone in the studio cheered up.

The female host's eyes lit up and she spoke in a slightly tactful tone, "What do you mean, this is you..."


"We solemnly warn Mossad, shut up, this era does not belong to you yet, we will choose the next target..."

"Ambassador to Germany, please be careful, the wolf is coming."

"Oh, by the way, here we would like to thank the German and American intelligence agencies for their strong support, thank them for providing us with intelligence, and also thank some people for helping us install the bomb on the bottom of the car, thank you."


It's like an award ceremony?

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

But the news that was broadcast was simply shocking!

The United States and Germany are actually involved?

The female anchor tried her best to put a smile on her face, but she seemed very stiff and almost cried in the end.

The "bullshit expert" called next to him was also dumbfounded.

Damn it!

No way...

A church in the center of Berlin at this time.


There was a sound of bubbles.

Augustin Przeucir drank the Pepsi in one gulp, feeling cold all over.

Looking at the dull eyes of those people on the TV show, he felt a little sad.

Of course he asked someone to make this call.

If they are not arrogant, can they still be called the Northern Army?


I will turn you into a Samoyed!

He crushed the can after drinking it, squinted his eyes, and smiled with his mouth wide open.


Just then, a subordinate knocked on the door and walked in, "We found out why Mossad is targeting us."

"Mossad is selling drugs!!"

Augustin Przewczyr's expression was still very calm. He had thought of this answer.

In fact, many people sympathized with Israel, and it was true that the Germans went too far.

But after the founding of the country, they legalized brothels, and currently a quarter of the country's population has taken opioid addiction drugs.


The name of Mossad has been found in the hidden lists of many big drug lords.

For example, the Tijuana drug cartel...

Victor found the account book of the Benjamin brothers in a safe.

It says that drugs are provided to the CIA, Mossad, IA6 and even many terrorist organizations!

And they provide safe protection for drug cartels all over the world.

However, no one could have imagined that a "sky-dropping tough guy" Victor would appear in Mexico and beat everyone to death.

The global drug share has decreased by 35%!

All this money was earned by the Golden Triangle.

But everyone can see that Victor hates drugs, and it may not be long before the Golden Triangle will also be beaten.

Many countries have begun to hope that the United Nations will remove Victor from the position of Director of the Drug Enforcement Agency.

Israel is not a wealthy country. Mossad needs income and intelligence work needs expenditure.

The same is true for the Mexican intelligence department, which has increased every quarter and now even accounts for 25% of military expenditures!

Therefore, Victor's battle is not just a battle against drug dealers, but a confrontation with the whole world!

Too many people live on drugs.

"Drug dealers die!" Augustin Przewczyr stood up and said fiercely.

"Start with the big guys!"

The subordinates nodded vigorously and saluted!



It was raining heavily.

The muddy road was very slippery.

A truck tire was spinning in a pit, and many people were pushing it hard. The engine was roaring, and the mud on the tires hit people.

But it couldn't move.

This was a group of drug dealers who had retreated from the front line. They were eager to defend: Morelia!

In the car, several American staff officers were sitting inside.

"Superior people" didn't need to get off to push the car. They were smoking and discussing some topics that men liked.

The whispers came through the glass, and the drug dealers outside were already unhappy.

"Fuck the fucking American son of a bitch!" A bald, tattooed strong man wiped the rain and sweat off his face and cursed with his head down.

"Don't curse, save your energy." The companion next to him was also weak.

"I really want to kill them and then go to the Northern Army."

The drug dealer standing on the other side almost laughed out loud when he heard this, "If you go to the Northern Army, the tyrant will not let you push the car, he will stuff you under the tire of the car, the drug dealer goes to the anti-drug force, ha...hahahaha."

The tattooed strong man, who was already unhappy, heard the duck-like voice of the other party, and couldn't help kicking him.

He kicked the other party over directly.

That man was not a good-tempered person. How could a drug dealer have a good temper?

The two stood up and fought, rolling in the mud on the ground.

The drug dealer leader who heard the noise came over and saw this scene, and went up in a rage, but dragged him to fight with red eyes!

The drug dealers next to him applauded and cheered loudly, and even the Americans couldn't help getting off the car to watch the fight.

"What's the sound, did you hear it? Mike." An American heard the movement in the air and raised his head, but there was nothing in the fog.

The companion next to him looked up in confusion, "Is there?"

At this moment, the guard vehicle in front suddenly sounded the alarm!

"Air raid!! Air raid!!" The loud speaker shouted.

Huhu~~! ! !

Three A-10 attack aircraft emerged from the clouds, and the 1,350-round 30mm GAU-8 7-barrel Gatling cannon opened fire!

Puff puff puff puff...

The bullets directly blew up the body of a drug dealer, the American consultant in the truck was shot into a sieve, and the heavy vehicle weighing several tons was hit dozens of centimeters off the ground.

The nightmare of the tank, the turret in the sky, full firepower, no one can stop it!

The person who invented the Warthog is simply a genius.

Although the speed is not fast, it is really powerful!

Nearly 4,000 rounds of bullets killed the drug dealers on the ground, and these 250s held rifles and swept the sky.

Hope... they can sweep them down.

This type of fighter jet mainly provides firepower for ground forces, which means…

When he appears, the Northern Army also appears!

Sure enough, tanks and armored vehicles were seen rushing over on the road in the distance, and artillery fire was started hundreds of meters away.

The supporting drug dealers were blown up and screamed.

No one could provide them with tactical command. They were blown up and dodged like flies. Some of them were brave enough to fight back.

Those who were not brave enough ran away.

The air-to-ground integrated strike has become increasingly perfect and mature in the Northern Army system, but for drug dealers, it has never been heard of!

This method of fighting regular troops to fight drug dealers...

Iraq surrendered under this bombing.

When the infantry arrived, they basically collected the corpses.

The car of the 16th Regiment ran over the broken limbs, making a crunching sound of bones breaking, just like...

It's the same as in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Ludwig Baker sat expressionless in the car, holding a map in his hand.

He is now the leader of the 16th Regiment!

Five months.

From company commander to regimental commander.

Tsk tsk tsk…

Sure enough, he was promoted quickly during the war.

The main thing is to capture El Mencho, which is not a small achievement.

"We are not going to Morelia." He suddenly said, "Order A Battalion to speed up and knock down the El Infiene Reservoir and build fortifications here. B Battalion will move forward and block the suburbs of Katio. The train station is a transportation hub. Drug dealers must pass through here if they want to go to Morelia.”

"Battalion C is guarding Mount Roruyo with me in the west."

The accompanying adjutant next to him wrote down the order and marked it on the map, "Captain, why don't we go to Morelia to help?"

"The friendly forces in Jalisco will go, we just need to hold on to the reinforcements." Ludwig Baker was very calm.

If a regiment cannot withstand the reinforcements of drug traffickers from several cities in the west, all strategies will be rubbish.

He patted his chest, which contained his suicide note.

Always be ready to sacrifice.

"The country is in danger, please start from yourself!"

American advisers in the drug traffickers' army are also angry.

Suddenly the situation became like this.

Brigadier General Jeffrey Olson, who was in charge of drug traffickers in the South, issued the order immediately after the attack in Morelia.

Use all possible strength to surround the capital!

Drug dealers from neighboring states were even mobilized.

Even the Air Force was sent out.

The Americans were generous this time and supported 6 F-16 fighter jets. Of course they paid for it.

The government is currently negotiating with the South for exclusive monopoly rights on mining resources and natural gas, which means that by selling these to the American consortium, they will receive more investment.

Of course, drug dealers cannot fly such a high-end third-generation fighter jet.

They very considerately recruited "amateur" pilots for them.

Six F16s took off from the airport in Guerrero and flew towards Morelia, with the purpose of intercepting the Northern Army's bomber group.

The two sides met over the target.

Escorting the bomber group was the Mexican 2nd Formation, and its captain was Hans-Ulrich Rudel, nicknamed "Cannon Bird"!

He and three other F16s escorted him. When he saw the radar showing that the enemy was approaching, he broke away and rushed towards the enemy!


Victor's soldiers are never afraid of a challenge!


"Defensive left turn!"

"Look at the enemy and fire freely!"

"The R31 leaves the frame at once!"

Hans-Ulrich Rudel looked at the missile coming towards him. He rolled over and the missile grazed his belly. He pressed the launch button and an AIM-120 missile rushed towards the target.

There was also a veteran on the other side, and he dived upwards. The driver sitting inside looked around sharply, and the voice of his teammates came from the headset.

"The enemy plane is 1 kilometer from your eight o'clock direction!"

Through the clouds, the high-altitude warning kept ringing, and before he could react, he saw an F16 charging toward him menacingly.

As if to die with him.

He was so frightened that he rolled over and evaded quickly!

The two cockpits are across each other, and both can see the enemy on the opposite side.


The engines spurt, the air is torn apart, and the sonic boom continues!

Ten aircraft engaged in an air battle over Morelia.

The civilians below who heard the noise looked at the sky with their mouths open.

They don't know what tactics are.

But just know...

Anxious to each other!

Suddenly, boom, a fireball exploded from the sky and fell down.

"Hit! Hit!"

"Who, who hit whom?"

A group of people hurriedly asked around, but the planes were all the same, so no one could see clearly.

"Well done!"

Hans-Ulrich Rudel shouted on the channel, "Enemy exchange!"

He rushed towards an F16 that he had been staring at for a long time.

The opponent's missiles were gone, so he could only use the machine cannon to start strafing. He was very bold. When he saw the opponent sweeping over, he used a standard "falling leaf" to quickly change the course and circle back to lock!

"Lock! Lock! Lock!"

"call out!!"

When you press the button, the enemy plane doesn't even respond, and it explodes at close range!

4 to 4! !

Two F16s were killed in a short period of time, and the group began to feel frightened. They lost their numerical advantage, and it seemed that the other party's combat skills were better than their own.

After a few minutes of entanglement, the order to retreat was given.

If you don't run, you will die.

Hans-Ulrich Rudel did not pursue him, and the aircraft performed defense in the air, allowing the bombers to continue attacking the target!

The hatch is open!

Drop two BLU-82 bombs below!

Eat some big shit, drug dealers!

Your grandpa doesn't have many things, he just has a lot of bombs.

boom! !

It's dawn!

Such a bright light also appeared in Japan on August 9, 1945.

However, the Japanese were quite enthusiastic at that time.

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