World Defying Dan God

The first thousand four hundred and fortieth chapters

Chen Xiang walked out of the cave mansion quickly, the inside of this God Craftsman Villa was very quiet, especially in this central area, there were very few people, even if there were, they were still relatively powerful Immortal Kings.

Although this is the core area of ​​the Divine Craftsman Villa, there are not many people here now. Chen Xiang suspected that those powerhouses had all gone to Tianjian City. On the surface, they were going to drink wedding wine, but they were actually doing business and using Liu Menger. To exchange for the precious things left by the evil emperor.

"The fewer people, the better!" Chen Xiang flew into the air, making the temple become as big as a giant mountain, and slammed down on the hill where Liu Meng'er was imprisoned.

With a loud bang, the heavy Shen Ding pressed down and released the force, crushing the hill into rubble.

The large and small rubble that flew out was like a tumultuous wave, destroying all the surrounding houses.

boom! Chen Xiang controlled the Divine Cauldron and smashed it to the ground again, the ground cracked in the violent shaking, and the violent earthquake caused the ground to rise and fall, and a large number of houses collapsed.

Chen Xiang had already heard the angry shouts of many people. The Divine Craftsman Villa had a strong defense against the outside, but if the inside was destroyed, it would have no resistance at all.

People outside the God Craftsman Villa can see a three-legged tripod like a giant mountain at this moment, suspended in the air, and then slammed to the ground, causing waves of violent shocks, accompanied by a pressing heat wave.

The Xuanyang Fire Crow was sealed inside the Divine Cauldron. At this time, Chen Xiang released all the heat inside. The heat wave blew wildly in all directions, setting off bursts of fire. In the blink of an eye, the central area of ​​the Divine Craftsman Villa became A sea of ​​fire.

The immortal kings guarding this place have not recovered, and most of the place has been destroyed.

"Our God Craftsman Villa has always been in no contest with the world, who is here to make a fuss." An Immortal King roared and flew towards the huge God Cauldron.

This divine cauldron became more familiar to him. When he recognized it, he trembled and shouted, "This is the divine cauldron of the ancestor of the god-craftsman, and it has a lid. Isn't this divine cauldron in Chen Xiang's hands?"

"Get away from me, the ghosts believe that you have no competition with the world." Chen Xiang said angrily, controlling the huge cauldron and pressing down on the group of powerhouses flying over.

"Get out of the way!"

Feeling the terrifying heat coming out of the cauldron, those Immortal Kings were horrified and avoided one after another.

The cauldron fell to the ground, causing a scorching air wave. The fire wave was surging, burning and surging in all directions. The ground was burned into lava by strong flames. All the houses here were burned down, and those immortal kings were suspended in the air. , looking angrily at the huge cauldron bombing this central area.

"Where is Liu Meng'er?" Chen Xiang only took a moment to destroy this central area. There was no strong man to stop him, which surprised him a little. He did not believe that the Divine Craftsman Villa did not have a strong man like Duan Ming. , I haven't shot now, I should have gone to Tianjian City.

Could it be that what Tianjian City gave them was really that important? Let those strong men come out in full force.

"You really came to save her, she has already gone to Tianjian City." An Immortal King replied, Xue Xianxian fled here before, they expected that Xue Xianxian might find Chen Xiang, and now it is.

But they also made a very adequate defense, but who knew that Chen Xiang still appeared here inexplicably, if he was relying on those big formations, even a strong person like Duan Ming would be difficult to break through in a short time.

"Her marriage can't be your God Craftsman Villa's turn to talk about. Since you guys are nosy, then I have to intervene once." Chen Xiang sneered, and rushed over with the magic hammer.

"He's here, spread out quickly, don't fight hard, this guy's strength is terrifying now.

"A relatively powerful Immortal King shouted, Chen Xiang has the Qinglong Demon Slayer Sword in his hand, and now he is the strength of an Immortal King, even in the late stage of the Immortal King, he would not dare to confront him.

Everyone just saw Chen Xiang rushing over, but in the next instant, he appeared beside them, and he threw the smaller Divine Cauldron out of his hand.

The divine cauldron flew out of his hands, and in the blink of an eye, it became like a hill, slamming into the group of immortal kings. In just an instant, the rampant divine tripod made the group of immortal kings vomit blood.

"Chen Xiang, our God Craftsman Villa has always been well-watered, and Wu Canghong from the Immortal Kingdom of the Human King has always wanted to make friends with you. If you continue, you will undoubtedly form a deadly vengeance with us." The old Immortal King avoided him. Shen Ding's collision, but the heat that spewed out of Shen Ding still made his whole body hot.

"You shouldn't interfere in Liu Meng'er's marriage. It seems that you forced her to marry Luo Yitao of Tianjian City. Don't think that I don't know that you are using Liu Meng'er in exchange for something important. My wife's master, do you think this has something to do with me?"

Chen Xiang's icy voice was filled with murderous aura, he dodged to an immortal king, waved the divine hammer in his hand, and smashed the immortal king on the head.

Seeing that Chen Xiang was so strong, that Immortal King had already died of the heart to fight back, and he blocked with his horizontal sword. Who would have thought that Chen Xiang's divine hammer was very terrifying. When his immortal sword was hit by the divine hammer, it instantly shattered into pieces, and he was also hit by the divine hammer. The momentum of the divine hammer flew out.

"Chen Xiang, we escorted Liu Meng'er to Tianjian City ahead of time, and we also went to a group of strong people, which made the defense here weak, do you know why?" The old Immortal King was still calm, he knew that he couldn't Fight hard with Shen Xiang.

Chen Xiang didn't ask, but rushed towards the Immortal Kings and Immortal Monarchs who were fleeing in all directions, swung the divine hammer in his hand, and smashed them one by one into the sea of ​​fire on the ground.

"Because we knew that someone was going to stop and rescue Liu Menger on the way, in order to wipe out this group of people, we dispatched a lot of strong people. If I guessed correctly, the Long family will definitely go, as well as your master and others, you Now we should go and see how their casualties are." The old Immortal King said angrily.

Chen Xiang's face changed when he heard this, and the old Immortal King was overjoyed when he saw this, but after he saw Chen Xiang take out the Qinglong Demon Slayer Sword, he who had been calm all of a sudden suddenly panicked.

"Thank you for reminding me, I'll be there!"

After Chen Xiang finished speaking, he threw the Qinglong Demon-Slaughtering Sword into the sky, and saw a burst of green light accompanied by the thundering dragon's roar, which made the sky roar.

The green light disappeared, and I saw that the Qinglong Demon-Slaughtering Saber had become very huge, reaching a length of 10,000 feet.


The divine sword fell to the ground, without the hilt. The exposed hilt was as tall as a mountain. The entire divine craftsman's villa was shaking violently at this moment, and a dull dragon roar came from deep below.

Just like the huge God Craftsman's Villa in the city, in the roar of Wanlong, it suddenly cracked, and there were bottomless cracks. to the sky.

With just one knife, the entire Divine Craftsman Villa was torn into several parts, many of the formation bases of the great formation were destroyed, and violent energy continued to pour out from under those cracks.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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