World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1444: Cut off the Heavenly Sword Peak

Those Immortal Kings were all stunned. This Divine Craftsman Villa has many powerful formations, large and small. It has a history of many years, and it is carefully maintained every year, but now it has been destroyed by the Qinglong Demon Slayer Knife thrown by Chen Xiang at will. Lose.

For the God Craftsman Villa, this is a disaster!

Chen Xiang has disappeared, he is rushing to Tianjian City, just now he has not used his real power, it is only the power of his flesh, if he used the holy power, the entire Divine Craftsman Villa would have been wiped out.

Heavenly Sword City is located on the top of a peak, it is very huge, it is equivalent to a city on the top of the sky, and the immortal energy is also very strong.

As soon as Chen Xiang came here, he immediately learned that a war broke out here, and it was still in the teleportation square in the city.

That was more than an hour ago. Now that the teleportation formation has been repaired, the efficiency of Tianjian City is very high.

But when Chen Xiang teleported here, he could still see that the square here was surrounded by ruins. After inquiring a little, he learned that when the people from the Divine Craftsman Villa brought Liu Menger over, a large group of strong men were besieging them. Come on, the war is about to break out.

In order to prevent the aftermath of the battle from affecting the whole city, the large formation in the teleportation plaza opened immediately, obviously it was well prepared!

But the result made Chen Xiang very disappointed, because that group of people still didn't take Liu Meng'er away, because both the Fire God Temple and the Demon Suppression Temple were here.

"They've been tricked. I didn't expect Demon Suppression Temple and Fire Temple to be involved in this incident." Chen Xiang clenched his fist and asked Long Xueyi to find the person hiding here.

Because the teleportation formation was destroyed at that time, Long Huishan and the others must have just fled and hid in the city. Now the people of Tianjian City are looking for the whereabouts of those people everywhere.

Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan both appeared, because they were both Liu Meng'er's apprentices. What surprised Chen Xiang was that Huang Jintian, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming were all here, and even the little ghosts like Yun Xiaodao also participated. fighting.

Although Liu Menger was not robbed, Tianjian City and the God Craftsman Villa also suffered heavy losses, because Duan Ming also came, and with Duan Ming there, there was a certain amount of pressure on Tianjian City and the God Craftsman Villa.

"I found it, they hid in the cave below this peak." Long Xueyi said.

Liu Meng'er's big wedding is tomorrow, and there is still some time. Now Chen Xiang is going to check on Long Huishan and the others.

Chen Xiang was very grateful that they could come. He has also refined a lot of healing pills over the years, which should help them.

Chen Xiang quickly found the cave where they were hiding. They were very vigilant. When they sensed someone approaching, they all made preparations for battle.

Sensing that their auras were not weak, Chen Xiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, indicating that their lives were not in danger.

"It's me!" Chen Xiang used his powerful divine power to penetrate their formation, and his voice reached everyone's mind.

The cover at the entrance of the cave disappeared immediately. Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan who came out first saw that it was really Chen Xiang, and their eyes immediately became wet, because they had tried their best to save Liu Meng'er, but they were unsuccessful.

"Go in and talk about it!" Chen Xiang touched their heads and looked at the people who came out.

Although the inside of the cave is simple, it is very clean. There are not many people sitting on the ground. In addition to Chen Xiang's friends, Long Huishan also brought ten strong people from the Long family. huge.

"Dead boy, we thought you were dead." Long Huishan slammed a hammer on Chen Xiang's chest, but a smile appeared on her face, but she sighed helplessly: "Then it's up to you, we This group of people almost lost their lives and couldn't take Liu Menger away,

Those guys have already figured out that we will come, and united to ambush us. "

"If it wasn't for Senior Duan, we might have been captured alive by them." Xue Xianxian looked at Duan Ming gratefully. Duan Ming's strength is indeed powerful. Surrounded by several strong men with the same strength as him, he can still help everyone get out of trouble.

Huang Jintian said: "Little devil, where have you been in the past 100 years? Are you really sealed in the Evil God Temple by those guys? You look amazing now!"

In the past 100 years, Chen Xiang has not changed much. He still looks the same as before, and he doesn't feel that he is stronger. Only Huang Jintian, Duan Ming, and the old Binglong saw something.

"It's a long story!" Chen Xiang let out a long sigh. He was very relieved when he saw that everyone had also become very strong. They were only slightly injured, and those who were seriously injured had already eaten the elixir.

Hua Xiangyue said, "Meng'er is in Tianjian City now, what are you going to do? It's hard to get in there."

"Like the God Craftsman Villa, it was difficult for me to even enter the outer area of ​​the God Craftsman Villa." Huang Jintian shook his head and said, "I have to think of a way quickly, otherwise it will be too late, and the wedding will be tomorrow."

Xue Xianxian thought that Liu Menger was going to marry Luo Yitao tomorrow, and said sadly: "The great formations of the God Craftsman Villa are all holy-level formations, and there are a total of seven, seven, forty-nine combinations, especially in the central area, where the most It is difficult to enter, and the defense of Tianjian City seems to have been reinforced by the God Craftsman Villa."

Chen Xiang touched her face and said with a smile: "I have already destroyed the God Craftsman Villa, I learned that it disappeared, I immediately rushed to the God Craftsman Villa, I didn't expect Meng'er to be not there, and there were no powerful guys in it. I'll have a blast there!"

"Brother Shen, aren't you kidding me? Senior Duan has already said that the Divine Craftsman Villa is very capable of breaking through!" Yun Xiaodao doubted.

"Why don't you guys go and have a look now!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Who said you want to break through, you just need to sneak in. These formations are usually just to defend the outside, and if you mess up inside, you can't prevent it at all."

Everyone was stunned for a while, and they wanted to immediately go to see what happened to the God Craftsman Villa by Chen Xiang. Although they didn't know the process, after hearing it, everyone felt relieved.

"Then you plan to go alone now? Why don't I go with you!" Duan Ming said, "It will be safer. There are several guys in Tianjian City with the same strength as me. If I meet them, I will You can hold them back for a while."

"Those guys? They were the ones who sealed me back then. Fortunately, I broke their seal, otherwise they would have killed me." Chen Xiang clenched his fists and said, "Tomorrow is the big wedding, we'll have a wedding today. If you want to break this mountain, you have already made an enmity with Tianjian City, so there is nothing to be afraid of.”

This mountain is huge, but it is not difficult to break it, especially for Chen Xiang and the others.

Everyone took a breath, they originally planned to make a scene in Tianjian City, but Chen Xiang wanted to destroy the entire Tianjian City!

Chen Xiang said with a gloomy smile: "Not only to destroy this mountain, but also to extract the immortal veins under this mountain, that is the foundation of Heavenly Sword City, without that immortal vein, their great formations are just It's just a decoration!"

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