World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1518 Let's cooperate

An elder immediately sneered: "His accomplices will be sent to save him this day? Ji Linger, have you lost your brain in the past 100 years? Tens of thousands of years ago, their people in the Nine Heavens World were beaten by us to the point of being unable to turn over. Do they dare to come now?"

"This time is different from the past." Ji Ling'er said: "We are trying to minimize the losses now, and keeping him alive may be used to exchange for our fifteen people, and the three million catties of holy stones are likely to come back."

"Just based on your words, how can we make us believe that this kid has a high status? People from Nine Heavens World will risk their lives to save him? What if we don't torture him as soon as possible and miss the best opportunity?" The elder sneered. .

Chen Xiang suddenly said: "As long as I live well, my accomplices will come. Although my strength is weak, there is something very important about me that is worth their risk."

"What can you have on you? You don't have a single storage magic weapon!" An old man said contemptuously.

"Good things can be hidden inside the body!" After Chen Xiang finished speaking, he released the Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword, letting the Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword levitate in the air.

Seeing this great sword of divine martial arts, the old men suddenly took a breath of cold air and let out a low sigh.

"Qinglong Slaughtering Demon Sword... The legendary divine sword, I didn't expect to see it in my lifetime."

"It's really the Azure Dragon Slaughtering Sword, those spirit patterns are too familiar, only that person can create them."

"This kid is really big!"

"I heard that the Qinglong Tu Demon Sword recognizes a person and merges with that person's soul, and the person dies with the sword. Back then, that fellow Qi Murder paid a great price to be isolated from the divine sword."

Ji Ling'er had a small mouth and looked at the dazzling Qinglong Demon Slayer Sword. She had heard the legend of this divine sword when she was very young. She didn't expect this kid to have such a thing. Chen Xiang deceived him, thinking that he was just a little scoundrel.

Chen Xiang didn't expect that the fame of the Four Signs Divine Armament was so great here, and it actually produced such an effect!

"This matter must not be spread out! Ling'er, you are responsible for taking care of him. You are not allowed to have any contact or talk with him. Both you and him will be placed under house arrest in the Tiange. You cannot let this news leak out." The patriarch of the Ji family was serious. said.

"Yes!" Ji Linger responded quickly, she was relieved, she knew that the Ji family wanted to get the Qinglong Demon Slayer Sword. Although three million holy stones were many, it was nothing compared to the Qinglong Demon Slayer Sword. .

Chen Xiang and Ji Ling'er were taken to the top of a high tower, which was the so-called Heavenly Pavilion.

A stone room at the top of the tower has no windows, only a dark and sturdy icy thick wall, and a few small holes for ventilation and light. Ji Linger and Chen Xiang are locked here.

"This is Tiange, it sucks!"

Chen Xiang stood on a stone bench, looking outside through the ventilation hole, he could only see a large mountain looming in the clouds.

"Be quiet!" Ji Ling'er shouted softly and gave him a voice transmission: "I'm trying to figure out how to save you, and things have developed beyond my expectations."

"So, it's hard for me to run away?" Chen Xiang sat down, judging from his expression, he was not very worried.

"Who let you have the Qinglong Slaughtering Demon Sword, otherwise you won't be locked here! This is the powerhouse of our Ji family, and even if you run out of the Tiange, it's hard to get out of this powerhouse." Ji Linger hugged her knees Sitting on the ground, his face was helpless.

Chen Xiang voice transmission asked: "Do you really have three million catties of holy stones?"

Ji Ling'er glared at him resentfully: "If I didn't ask for those holy stones, I would be too lazy to care about you!"

Chen Xiang curled his lips: "You were the one who arrested me first to face the crime,

I can't let you succeed. "

"Don't worry, although we are locked in this place, there is still a way to get out, let me think about it again." Ji Linger's attitude was very good, which made Chen Xiang feel that she was quite pleasing to the eye.

Now it is Ji Linger who is anxious, she is worried that Chen Xiang will confess her!

"If your plan goes well, you will also be punished. For those three million catties of holy stone, are you not afraid of the Ji family's torture?"

Ji Ling'er smiled slightly: "You don't know that. At most, they locked me up for a thousand or two thousand years. Although my mistake was big, it didn't amount to torture."

"Spiritual heroine, how about this, I will rescue you and give me one million catties of holy stones?" Chen Xiang said.

Ji Linger's beautiful eyes suddenly became round: "You rescue me out? Then I will give you another million pounds of holy stones?"

Chen Xiang smiled and nodded.

Ji Linger frowned slightly, her eyes rolled: "But I should be the one who rescued you, so you can give me those fifteen guys."

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "I have a way to get out, but you don't have a good way now!"

Ji Ling'er snorted softly: "Are you blackmailing me? If I don't agree, you will tell me about me swallowing the holy stone, won't you?"

"No, we're cooperating! Think about it, it's because of me that you have the opportunity to plan to swallow 3 million catties of holy stones, but it didn't go very smoothly, but with my help, I can help you Get away!" Chen Xiang smiled: "I don't think you have any feelings for this Ji family, so you should be very willing to escape from the Ji family."

"You can see that with my cooperation, you don't need to pay anything to get two million catties of holy stones, and you also leave the Ji family."

Chen Xiang understood Ji Ling'er's current situation. From the attitudes of those elders, she was not very popular in the Ji family. In addition, she wanted to swallow a large number of holy stones owned by the Ji family. There is some resentment.

"That's right, I have this plan because of your appearance!" Ji Linger thought about it carefully, and finally decided to cooperate with Chen Xiang, because Chen Xiang's time is running out, and someone will come soon Take him away, and then conduct research to isolate the Qinglong Demon Slayer Sword from him.

And now she can't escape this Heavenly Pavilion. If Chen Xiang told her story when she was taken away, she would not be as simple as being locked up for thousands of years, and would be tortured by the Ji family to the point of death.

"Bring the one million catties of holy stones, I'm more polite, I didn't want to leave you more than half." Chen Xiang stretched out his hand: "Don't worry, I will definitely take you away, now we are on the same line. Ant."

Ji Linger bit her lip distressedly, and hurriedly handed Chen Xiang ten storage bags. Chen Xiang checked it with his divine sense, confirmed the amount inside, and nodded with satisfaction.

They all communicate through secret voice transmission, so those who are guarding the door will not hear it!

"Hurry up, those old men go to invite some experts, it will be too late." Ji Linger urged.

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