World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1519 Magical Change Technique

Chen Xiang took out a Fang Ding: "Don't resist me, I want to put you in here, this thing is not very powerful, even if you go in, you can break free, don't be afraid."

"No, I'm not at ease." Ji Linger immediately refused: "I gave you one million catties of holy stones to let you cooperate with confidence, but you want me to enter this thing, what if you don't take it away? I am stronger than you, and you must be worried that after you go out, I will kill you."

Chen Xiang nodded: "You do have reason to worry!"

Suddenly, there was a faint tremor in the room, and Ji Linger's face changed: "Hurry up and find another way, it is impossible for me to hide in that thing, they have already opened the door, and they will be here soon."

Ji Linger's worries are not unreasonable, Chen Xiang was afraid that she would be silenced after going out, so Chen Xiang put her in Fang Ding, and then left Fang Ding here.

"Okay, then you must cooperate with me next!" Chen Xiang said seriously.

"No problem, as long as you don't put me in that broken furnace 90%." Ji Ling'er had already seen that Chen Xiang was a cunning guy, and she was worried that she would be overshadowed.

Chen Xiang took a deep breath, released a burst of divine power, enveloped Ji Linger's body, and then sent a voice transmission to Ji Linger: "Relax your body, relax all the power in your body, don't resist me!"

Ji Ling'er took a deep breath evenly, followed Chen Xiang's instructions, and then only felt that her body had a strange feeling, as if it was gradually getting smaller. When she was surprised, the power in her body instinctively resisted.

"Relax." Chen Xiang drank.

Ji Linger suppressed her strength. At this moment, she only felt that Chen Xiang was getting bigger and bigger, and she was getting smaller and smaller. The small things in this room before became big in her eyes. .

"Okay!" Chen Xiang saw the cute little bird on the ground, smiled slightly, and then turned into a bird himself.

Ji Ling'er saw that a guy as big as Chen Xiang suddenly turned into a bird, and immediately understood that she was also turned into a bird by Chen Xiang, and also understood why those fifteen people disappeared silently.

"You think about flapping your wings in your mind, but when you fly, use the original method, and use the strength in your body to support your body to fly." Just after Chen Xiang finished sound transmission to Ji Linger, Ji Linger just It flew up and flew towards the air vent.

Chen Xiang laughed and followed. Ji Linger had a good grasp of it, and she flew very fast. Chen Xiang couldn't keep up with her. After all, his strength was far from Ji Linger's.

"Are you a dragon?" Ji Linger sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang, she was very curious, she had heard that only dragons had such magical powers, and Chen Xiang had the Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword.

"No, I'm human! Take me out of here."

Chen Xiang didn't have the time to look at the scenery of this day, because he had already sensed a furious aura coming from the tower. It should be because those old men were too angry to restrain the power in their bodies after they found out that they were missing.

"Can you teach me? I've been practicing Shinto for a while." Ji Linger was very interested in this transformation technique: "Don't be afraid, I think we will be safe soon."

"I can teach you, but whether you can learn it depends on you, but I can't teach you for no reason. You are not mine."

Chen Xiang sensed a few breaths behind him, and hurriedly said, "They are catching up!"

"Go down and hide in the forest. They are just looking for each other now and haven't found us." Ji Linger said, and flew to the woods below.

into the woods,

Ji Linger stopped on the branch of a tree, and Chen Xiang was standing beside her. At this moment, a few senses swept across them, but they didn't find that there were thousands of birds in this forest, and there were many kinds. And they didn't know that Chen Xiang and Ji Linger had turned into birds.

"This is the stronghold of the Ji family, and this mountain range is full of them. Let's leave here first." Ji Ling'er flew up, and the old men who came to search for them had already left.

Ji Linger was familiar with this place, so Chen Xiang could only follow her. They were on their way all night. At dawn, Chen Xiang and Ji Linger had already left the stronghold of the Ji family, but Ji Linger didn't stop because it was still Ji Linger here. home site.

There was no time for Ji Linger along the way, Chen Xiang felt that she was a little excited, and kept flying wildly, until the third day, when she saw a small town, she slowed down.

"Turn me back!" Ji Linger said, "We are safe now."

Chen Xiang transformed her into a human form. As his strength improved, he became more and more proficient in the art of transformation. Ji Linger yearned for this magical power.

"Is it really safe here?" Chen Xiang asked, Ji Linger started to take out some things to dress up at this time, she was very skilled in her movements, and it could be seen that she often did this kind of thing.

"Well, this is the Zhao family's site. The Ji family and the Zhao family have a grudge. They dare not enter the Zhao family's site casually, otherwise it will cause conflict." Ji Linger dressed up as a middle-aged woman and said with a smile: "Yes. Can't you recognize me?"

"Your eyes are still so beautiful!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Let's get your eyes done again."

Ji Ling'er stuck out her tongue at him, took out the tool to make up her eyes, and whispered, "Who told you not to teach me the art of transformation!"

"I'm not familiar with you, why should I teach you?" Chen Xiang said.

"How can I be considered familiar?" Ji Linger realized that Chen Xiang wanted some sweetness: "With your current strength, that one million catties of holy stone is already a lot for you, do you still want it?"

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "No one would think too much of this kind of thing, but one million catties is indeed enough for me now, so even if you give me the holy stone, I won't consider teaching you."

"We are happy to work together, let's just let it go!"

When Chen Xiang turned around and wanted to leave, Ji Linger came to him, blocked his way, and said, "You can't go... You didn't give me those fifteen people, although I ran away from Ji's house , but I don't want the Ji family to know that I pitted their holy stone, this is our previous agreement."

Chen Xiang said: "After we finish working together, you won't kill me, will you?"

Ji Linger rolled his eyes at him: "Do I look like that kind of person? Besides, it's not easy for me to kill you!"

Chen Xiang released the fifteen people. At this time, their poison had not been solved much, but they still had consciousness and could open their eyes. When they saw Ji Linger, their faces were full of surprise.

Ji Ling'er took out her long sword and brushed, and in just a few strokes, all the fifteen people were killed, and then she released a black flame to burn all the corpses.

Chen Xiang had already run away, Ji Linger said not to kill him, but he had to be on guard.

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