World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1760: The Death of Chaos

Chen Xiang was very puzzled: "Didn't this Chaos Realm just appear? Will it be destroyed so soon?"

"As Ditian continues to grow stronger, it needs to absorb a lot of the energy of this world to become strong. Soon, even those endless heavens will be swallowed up, not to mention this small world before ancient times!" Feng Yujie seemed to be concerned about these Things are very well understood.

"If the Chaos Realm is destroyed, it means that the Chaos Realm cannot continue to exist because of Ditian's power. In a few years, other Heavenly Realms will end up in the same way as the Chaos Realm, and will be absorbed by Ditian and swallowed up!"

Qi Ji asked, "Didn't there just appear treasures inside? Why is it about to be destroyed?"

"It's not because the energy inside the Chaos Realm is unstable. The things that were originally banned have now appeared, but they are very dangerous. If you don't control the time properly, you will die with the Chaos Realm." Feng Yujie said: "You still don't go in. It's really dangerous."

Chen Xiang looked at the entrance that looked like a huge black curtain, and sighed: "It seems that I have no relationship with this Chaos Realm!"

"Then what are you doing here? Are you waiting for us?" Huang Jintian asked.

"Of course not, I'm just here waiting for the moment when the Chaos Realm is destroyed!" Feng Yujie just finished speaking, when dozens of figures suddenly flew out of it, like dozens of rays of light shooting from it, and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye. .

"It's the group of guys from the Ten Great Holy Nations. They all ran out. It seems that they also know the deterioration of the situation inside." Feng Yujie said.

Chen Xiang looked at the group of Holy Kingdom emperors, and snorted coldly, "Why are you running so fast? I haven't planned to kill you all yet!"

At this time, the door of Chaos Realm began to shrink and gradually became smaller, and there were continuous bursts of violent energy and rolling rumbling sounds.

"It's started!" Feng Yujie said: "Once this Chaos Realm is destroyed, it means that bad things will happen."

"What's wrong?" Huang Jintian asked hurriedly. Everyone knows about Feng Yujie's mystery. Now everyone can see that Feng Yujie must know many things.

"The Chaos Realm was a primitive world when the Nine Heavens World had not yet appeared. It should have been called the Chaos Realm, but now it is getting smaller and smaller. You should all know the reason." entrance.

Qi Jie said: "This is because the Nine Heavens World is getting stronger and stronger, especially Ditian, which has far surpassed many Heavenly Domains."

"Yes, the destruction of the Chaos Realm is equivalent to being completely annexed, and then it is the turn of those endless heavens. Do you think the gods above the realm of gods will sit idly by? Now they should start to discuss how to deal with these nine days. The world is over." Feng Yujie said.

"Could it be that the Realm of Gods is going to intervene and suppress the growth of the Nine Heavens World?" Jiang Sheng said: "What method will they use? Will they destroy the Nine Heavens World?"

Feng Yujie shook her head and said, "It's too late, because the Nine Heavens World is already connected with the Realm of Gods, once the Nine Heavens World is destroyed, the Realm of Gods will become very unstable, and even hell may not be spared. It has become chaotic, and the group of gods have a good life on it, and they never want to see such a thing happen."

"How do you know that the Nine Heavens World and the World of Gods are connected?" Huang Jintian asked, this was something no one thought of.

The door of Chaos Realm has disappeared, and only the violent energy aura is still floating around.

Feng Yujie sighed: "It's going on a little bit! The Chaos Realm is destroyed, and the Endless Heaven Domain will soon be annexed! I'm not afraid to tell you that when the gods established the Nine Heavens World,

It was to ban the existing realm of gods, and it was stopped later. "

"So there is the existence of the Nine Heavens Demon Palace?" Chen Xiang took out a Chaos Fire Order, which was what summoned the Nine Heavens Demon Palace.

Feng Yujie immediately looked at the Chaos Fire Order in Chen Xiang's hand, and nodded: "The gods in the world of gods thought that if the gods of the nine heavens died, the world of the nine heavens would not be able to become a climate, not to mention the most important emperor in the world of the nine heavens back then. destroyed."

"But who knows, when the Nine Heavens Gods created the Nine Heavens World, they put a lot of effort into it, and even integrated everything into the Nine Heavens World, so the Nine Heavens World has been running silently, accumulating a lot of money, and it suddenly increased a while ago. , and most of the space has been merged with the realm of gods."

Huang Jintian hurriedly took out their ancestral ancient books to record these important things.

"So, once the Nine Heavens World is destroyed, there will be a gap in the world of gods?" Qi Shi also felt the seriousness of the matter.

Because over the years, the Hell Demon Emperor couldn't use too much power in the Nine Heavens World, because it was restricted by the temples in the realm of gods. If the temples were lifted, the sky would be turned upside down.

Seeing Chen Xiang's dignified expressions, Feng Yujie chuckled a few times and said, "It's not as scary as you think, the temples of the gods will not be so stupid to let the hell devil do whatever they want here. Said that this nine-day world is also a good place, as long as they are not stupid, they all know that they come here to occupy a piece of territory, rather than letting the Hell Demon Emperor come here to destroy."

Long Xueyi said, "Could it be that the influence of the realm of gods extends to this place?"

Feng Yujie nodded and said: "It's very possible, but they are still a group of relatively regular guys, they should not disturb the original order here, just interfere a little, so that this place is under their control. After the Nine Heavens World became stronger, In the near future, there will also be excellent gods born, which are very good resources for the temples in the realm of gods."

"How do you know so much?" Chen Xiang suddenly asked.

"I just know, can you manage it?" Feng Yujie stuck out her tongue at Chen Xiang, her appearance at this time had been covered up, it was the ordinary face that was specially used to cover up.

Long Xueyi said to Chen Xiang in a low voice, "I'm going to Baihua Palace to find Meng'er and the others, and I won't be with you for the time being!"

Long Xueyi wanted to give Chen Xiang and Feng Yujie a space to talk alone, only in this way, Feng Yujie would talk more.

Qi Shi and the others also realized something, and hurriedly said they had something to leave.

Soon, only Chen Xiang and Feng Yujie were left here.

"It's time to fulfill your promise." Chen Xiang laughed.

"You... do you really want to do that to others?" Feng Yujie bit her lower lip lightly, and said with a resentful look on her face, she was actually acting like a spoiled child.

" can only blame yourself for seducing me so much, now I close my eyes, and my mind is full of you dancing wet, those legs, that chest, that big ass, that's always in my mind Don't let it go." Chen Xiang laughed even worse.

Feng Yujie felt shy for a while, how she seduced Chen Xiang, she knew best, and she also knew that her charm was very powerful, it was impossible for Chen Xiang to think about her.

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Since we have signed the contract, it will always be valid! Remember that in order not to make me regret it, the contract is still very strict, even if the winning side gives up."

"That's right, but as long as you keep me in the secret room for an hour, if you don't do anything, you can pass by, or you can just touch me. You don't have to do that to me." Feng Yujie said pitifully. Looking at Chen Xiang with his eyes: "If you know it's wrong, just let it go!"

"If I let you go, what should I do? You should know how deeply you poisoned me. Unless you can help me get rid of your charming power, I will be the only one who suffers." Chen Xiang also had a pitiful expression on his face. looks like.

Feng Yujie bit her red lips. In order to let herself win, she really lost her head. The charm she used on Chen Xiang was very powerful, and it had been deeply branded into the deepest part of Chen Xiang's soul. For a period of time, it will recur repeatedly. At that time, Chen Xiang will be tortured by that evil desire. If it goes on for a long time, it will cause great harm to Chen Xiang.

Unlocking the bell still needs to be tied to the bell, so it is not unreasonable for Chen Xiang to decide on her Feng Yujie!

"Can you give me some time, and I'll find a way to help you solve it! Even if you don't do that to me, you can solve it! Or I'll let Meiyao be with you, so that when you feel uncomfortable, just... "Feng Yujie couldn't talk anymore.

"Okay, I'll give you a little time, I'm a reasonable person." Chen Xiang said with a smile: "But you have to hurry up, you should know that this kind of mental poison is definitely not something that Sister Meiyao can help me with. It's relieved, then I'll endure it for a while longer!"

When Feng Yujie heard Chen Xiang say this, she was overjoyed and hurriedly smiled softly: "You are really a good man, not as bad as what Sister Meiyao said. got rid of."

After saying this, Feng Yujie felt that something was wrong, and asked in a low voice, "Are you really so kind to let me go like this? I always feel that you are doing this stupidly. !"

Feng Yujie is very confident in herself, and she has charmed Chen Xiang, and now Chen Xiang is still suffering from her charm, even if Chen Xiang wants to do something to her, she can't say anything, only Can bite the bullet.

"I said earlier that I'm not that kind of person!" Chen Xiang curled his lips and said, "If you want to, then let's find a place to do things quickly, I don't care anyway."

Feng Yujie's origin is very mysterious, Chen Xiang intends to understand her foundation first. What's more, if Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou knew about this, he would definitely be in trouble in the future, because they already regarded Feng Yujie as their own mother.

"Okay, elder sister, I promise you, as long as one year, I can't help you to get rid of the charming power in your soul, and then I will use myself to help you solve it." Feng Yujie saw that Chen Xiang was so good at talking, so he even gave it to you. She was very grateful for the opportunity, so she boasted about Haikou and made such a glamorous promise.

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