World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1761 The creator of 1

Chen Xiang's situation at this time is not as serious as Feng Yujie imagined. As long as the seal does not exert his power on Chen Xiang, Chen Xiang can easily stabilize his mind by using the Spiritual Concentration Technique in the Technique of Heaven Refinement, and he will not be caught by her looming Charm power affects

It's just that Feng Yujie didn't know that Chen Xiang had such a powerful concentration technique, so he mistakenly thought that Chen Xiang's situation was very bad. At this time, when she recalled it, she also felt that she had gone too far, and she felt very guilty.

"Ms. Feng, you seem to know a lot about the realm of the gods, have you been there before?" Chen Xiang had such doubts for a long time, but what made him even more puzzled was that Feng Yujie should be A strong man who has long been able to enter the realm of gods, but is still staying here, obviously there are other reasons.

"I won't tell you!" Feng Yujie said with a smile, seeing her avoiding this question, Chen Xiang decided that this Feng Yujie came from the realm of gods, and he came down a long time ago.

Chen Xiang curled his lips and said, "Really stingy."

Feng Yujie suddenly pulled Chen Xiang and took him to a direction. There was a large ancient forest there. At first glance, it was known that it was a place where few people entered.

Along the way, Chen Xiang asked a few questions, but Feng Yujie didn't answer.

They ran for more than an hour before they stopped, and the place where they were at this time was already under a big mountain in the depths of the mountain forest.

"Why did you bring me here?" Chen Xiang looked at the giant mountains that towered into the clouds. The mountains here are Chaos Mountains. He had also been to this forest in the past, and the drunken magic poison was obtained here. .

"Don't you want to know something about me? I'll bring you here and tell you." Feng Yujie said.

"Can't you just give me a voice transmission?" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "There's no need to come to such a place, alone..."

Feng Yujie snorted and her face became serious: "That's because I have something to show you! That thing can't be seen by others."

I saw that she stretched out her jade palm with a transparent bead on it, and it didn't look like something mysterious.

"What is this? It's nothing special!" Just as Chen Xiang finished speaking, the transparent bead lit up, with a silvery-white glow inside, and at the center of the bead, there was a throbbing silver flame.

"Do you feel a little familiar?" Feng Yujie whispered, "Now you know what this is!"

The silver light emitted by the beads became brighter and brighter, and Chen Xiang also felt a very strange burning at this time. This burning was not because his body was burned, but his soul.

Just being irradiated by this silver light, it feels like the soul is being roasted!

"This is the fire of creation?" Chen Xiang also spread out his palm and released a small bunch of silver flames, which looked exactly the same as the inside of the bead.

It's just that the flames released by Chen Xiang trembled a few times, and then went out immediately.

"Yes, it is also called the fire of chaos. Most of the life and various energies of the Nine Heavens World and the Endless Heaven were burned by this flame! And I am the fire soul of chaos, and it is also my natal fire soul. Feng Yujie put away the bead and said in a low voice, "The bead just now is my destiny!"

"What?" Chen Xiang said in amazement, Feng Yujie was able to take out his godhead casually.

"What did I lie to you for? Now you know how powerful I am!" Feng Yujie saw Chen Xiang's surprised expression, and giggled, "Don't try to bully me!"

Chen Xiang said angrily: "I have been bullied by you and I didn't say anything.

And I always let you! Also, now you haven't told me what your origins are. "

Feng Yujie tapped Chen Xiang's head lightly, and said with a smile: "You idiot, can't you guess my identity by now? It's already obvious!"

Chen Xiang thought for a while, then shook his head, he really couldn't think of Feng Yujie's origin.

"I have a chaotic fire soul, which means that I am very good at controlling this kind of flame!" Feng Yujie chuckled: "I have given you a hint now, you should be able to guess it!"

With this hint, Chen Xiang thought about it for a while, his face changed greatly, with a look of astonishment, he looked at Feng Yujie, who was smiling again and again.

"One of the creators of the Nine Heavens World?" Chen Xiang was stunned for a while before shouting in surprise. This was something he had never thought of before. If this was the case, then what was the identity of the Mei Emperor?

Feng Yujie stuck out her tongue and said with a tender smile, "Are you frightened? Actually, I'm not one of the creators, but I was just a girl in the Nine Heavens Temple at the time."

Chen Xiang said: "What about the Mei Emperor? Didn't you say that she came to this world with you?"

"That's right, we were not born through normal means! I told you before that Meidi and I were both born in a crystal ball, but she was a black crystal! And it was those nine gods who created us. ."

Feng Yujie sighed softly, "Me and Emperor Mei are not finished products, we are just an experimental existence, but those gods treat us very well, treat us like apprentices, cultivate us, and wait until we have good After the power, they took us to create the world, and by that time I had mastered the fire of creation and helped a lot."

"And Mei Emperor, she was bewitched and came to sabotage our plan, and we finally found out that it was I who severely injured her and caused her to fall asleep for a long time, but when she woke up, it was ten days after she woke up. The Great Emperor! At that time, I couldn't stop it because of some things, which led to the destruction of Ditian! At that time, my former masters and their plans failed, and I didn't expect Ditian to be reborn, and it was so perfect."

Looking back on the past, Feng Yujie's expression was complicated, and emotions such as happiness, sadness, longing, and loneliness suddenly came to her mind.

Chen Xiang still didn't believe it, and shook his head: "Didn't all those gods die in the Nine Heavens Devil Palace back then?"

"Not bad!" Feng Yujie sighed, "I am the only one who survived. I still don't understand why they used all their strength to send me out of the Nine Heavens Devil Palace before they died."

"They exhausted their last strength and sent me out, but at that time I also fell into a hidden disease, and now I am much better."

Chen Xiang stared at Feng Yujie, if Feng Yujie was telling the truth, then Feng Yujie was a real powerful goddess, and she was still an ancient group.

"I can't believe it! So, isn't Mei Emperor very powerful?" Chen Xiang suddenly became worried, it was a disaster to have such a powerful woman messing around in the Nine Heavens World.

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