World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1872 1 step away

Will there be such a good thing? Chen Xiang didn't believe it at all, in this supreme trial, he was not so easily deceived.

The old man shook his head and sighed, then sat on the hot sand, and said, "I'm telling the truth, do you know how long I've been waiting here? Generally, it's the upper gods who come to perform the supreme trial, so it doesn't matter. When I appear, it is rare to wait until the strength is comparable to mine!"

This old man really didn't have any fighting spirit, Chen Xiang relaxed a little, but he was still vigilant, lest the old man cheat.

"How long have you waited?" Chen Xiang couldn't help asking.

"About 100,000 years, I'm going to run out of fuel and run out! After being sent here for so many years, my only mission is to stop people passing by. That is to say, either I die or you die." the old man said Here, Chen Xiang immediately took a few steps back.

"Young man, don't be nervous! Even if I kill you, I still have to wait here, wait for someone with similar strength to you, and then continue to block him, I can't leave here forever, so even if I kill you, I will I feel it is meaningless, I feel very boring to live now, but I want to die in a meaningful way." The old man waved his hand, indicating that Chen Xiang should not be nervous.

Chen Xiang did not continue to speak, he clenched the Divine Sword and listened patiently.

"I grew up in the Supreme Temple, but I violated the rules inside, so I was punished like this! And the bastard who reported me is still at ease in the Supreme Temple, as long as you promise me you will treat that guy in the future. Kill, not only will I not stop you, but I thought I would impart all my skills to you."

This is indeed a very good condition, Chen Xiang is already a little moved.

"Who do you want me to kill? I won't do it if it's not heinous!" Chen Xiang also has principles to kill, so he didn't immediately agree, not to mention that he still doesn't believe the old man's words.

The old man laughed and said, "You're an upright guy! Don't worry, when you go to the Supreme Temple, you should be able to know what it is, and you decide whether to kill it or not! As long as you have a clear conscience, if you agree , I will pass the power to you now."

After Chen Xiang listened, he was stunned for a while, and asked, "What are you saying is true? You won't trick me, right?"

The old man smiled lightly: "I hope I didn't see the wrong person, I'm really tired of living!"

The old man's complexion suddenly changed, and his wrinkled face suddenly became hideous. I saw a light suddenly appear in his chest, and there was a godhead in the middle of the light!

" turns out to be true!" Before Chen Xiang could react, the old man pushed the ball of light together with the godhead with both hands, and slammed into Chen Xiang's body in an instant.

In just a moment, Chen Xiang felt the vast divine power pouring into his body, and that godhead was also a very pure godhead. The old man just forced out all his divine sea and divine spark, while his divine soul was still there.

"Use my power well, the person I want you to kill is named Wen Yushan!" The old man said with all his strength, and then scattered his soul.

Chen Xiang used his kung fu to absorb the kung fu from this old man. He didn't even know the old man's name, but he actually obtained all his kung fu, which made him feel unbelievable.

"Wen Yushan? I remember it!" Chen Xiang wrote down the name, this old man shook his soul away, obviously he didn't want to continue reincarnation, or he couldn't be reincarnated at all, he really wanted to know what crime this old man committed.

"Alas!" Yue'er sighed: "I think I already know what rules he violated in the Supreme Temple!"

Chen Xiang refining the old man's skills,

While continuing to move forward, this old man is the peak of the upper true god. If he fully absorbs his skills, he will soon be promoted to the peak of the upper true god.

"What rules did he violate?" Chen Xiang was very curious about this, because he would also enter the Supreme Divine Hall in the future.

"It should be that he escaped from the Supreme Temple by mistake, but was caught, so he was brought here." Yue'er said: "I have heard that the Supreme Temple is very strict about this before, as long as you enter the Supreme Temple, You cannot leave the temple without permission."

Chen Xiang had thought about such a thing before, but he didn't know it before, otherwise he wouldn't have taken this trial back then.

"If you enter the Supreme Divine Hall, is there any way to get out?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course there are. There are also some strong people who came out of the Supreme Temple. The Nine God Kings ran out of the Supreme Temple. Because they are very powerful, the Supreme Temple can't help them! Of course, if your strength is too weak , that would be very difficult! Specifically, wait until you go in and get used to it for a while, and then consider it after you have some understanding of the Supreme Temple! Anyway, it is not harmful for you to enter the Supreme Temple now."

Yue'er's words are also very reasonable, and it is indeed too early for him to think about this matter.

This desert is the first stage of the trial. I haven’t gone to another place until now, and there is still an endless desert in front of me. It can be seen that this stage is very far away.

Because it was the old man who directly passed on the skills, Chen Xiang quickly absorbed those skills, and now he is the pinnacle of the upper true god!

"It's not enough, I have to become a Profound God to pass the next level!" At this moment, Chen Xiang was climbing a mountain that was burning with golden flames, and he couldn't fly near such a mountain at all, because there would be a force pressing down, only Can climb a little bit.

When he climbed to a high level, his body would become heavier and heavier, and the bumpy road of trial also made him stronger in a short period of time.

"If you want to become a Profound God, you need a lot of Divine Profound power, and you need the Purple Profound Sacred Pill, but now I simply can't spare the time to refine it." Standing on the top of the mountain, Chen Xiang looked at his spiritual liquid and purple beads. Although there were some, he didn't have time to concoct pills, otherwise it would not be difficult to become a Profound God.

"I don't know how many ways there are in this level. If you can't break through to the realm of the Profound God at this level, then the next level will be miserable!"

Chen Xiang was thinking of a way, although the old man gave him the skills to speed him up a lot, and he was only one step away from the Profound God, but it was difficult to cross!

Suddenly, he thought of the Divine Mirror of Six Paths. He took a closer look and found that the Divine Mirror of Six Paths had been repaired!

The Six Paths Divine Mirror can absorb the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. This kind of power is very terrifying. Chen Xiang looked at Yue'er on his shoulder and asked, "Yue'er, have you heard of the Six Paths Divine Mirror?"

Yue'er from the Beast Temple, of course, heard of it!

Yue'er was a little surprised: "Why are you asking this? The Six Paths Divine Mirror is the treasure of the Six Paths Temple, but it was lost a long time ago. If you don't ask me, I don't even remember the existence of this treasure. This is a Good stuff! Where did you hear that?"

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