World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1873 6 divine arts

Now that the Divine Mirror of Six Paths has completed its self-repair, it has now become Chen Xiang's only reliance. When he wants to successfully complete the trial, he can only rely on the Divine Mirror of Six Paths. As far as he knows, the Divine Mirror of Six Paths is the most useful. It is to absorb the power of the six reincarnations through the Six Paths Divine Mirror!

Long Xueyi, who knew about this, was already asleep, but he didn't know how to use it, and was worried that there would be an accident if he messed up, so he was now considering whether to let Yueer know that he had the Six Paths Divine Mirror.

Chen Xiang said solemnly: "Yue'er, what I said next, you must keep it a secret for me. If it is leaked, I will be in trouble."

Yue'er smiled and said, "You still don't trust me yet?"

Chen Xiang and Yue'er have indeed become good friends along the way, they can be trusted.

"I have the Divine Mirror of Six Paths. This Divine Mirror of Six Paths has been damaged before, and now it has completed its self-repair." Chen Xiang sent Yue'er a voice transmission: "I don't know how to use the Divine Mirror of Six Paths at all!"

Yue'er couldn't believe that such a treasure was actually on Chen Xiang's body. She saw Chen Xiang using the power of space before, and she felt that Chen Xiang was not simple. There were also two taboo divine arts, the Heavenly Refinement Technique and the God-killing Sword Technique. , and now he also said that he owns the Six Paths Divine Mirror!

"Is this true?" Yue'er asked in surprise.

"It's true!" Chen Xiang nodded: "I can't take it out, I'm worried that the Supreme Divine Hall will know!"

Yue'er understood and sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang: "I'm very curious, how did the Six Paths Divine Mirror fall into your hands, the Six Paths Temple and the Supreme Temple have been searching for this mirror for many years, but there is no clue at all. "

Chen Xiang told Yue'er about the Supreme Demon God's search for the Six Paths Divine Mirror, and after listening to Yue'er, he smiled and said: "This Supreme Demon God is troublesome, he will definitely be blamed by the Six Paths Temple. The Six Paths Divine Mirror is lost."

"Yue'er, how do I need to use the Six Paths Divine Mirror?" Chen Xiang asked, he was worried that he would walk out of this desert soon. Once he walked out of the desert to another environment, it would be a trial at a higher level, which would require a profound god. strength to pass.

"Most people don't know how to use the Six Paths Divine Mirror, even a guy like the Supreme Demon God only knows how to use the Six Paths Divine Mirror to open the channel to attract some monsters, or to absorb the power of the Six Paths, and the real usage, I I happen to know!" Yue'er said very proudly: "You guy, you are so lucky, you have a treasure on your body."

Chen Xiang urged: "Quickly tell me how to use the Divine Mirror of the Six Paths? I heard that by absorbing the power of the Six Paths to cultivate, you can control the power of the Law. The Power of the Six Paths is the form of power that combines all the Laws, right?"

Yue'er nodded and said: "Yes, but the power of the Six Paths cannot be absorbed casually. You have the technique of Heavenly Refinement, you can only use it to absorb, and you can also refine it with the technique of Heavenly Refinement, but the refining speed will be very slow and very slow. It's slow and doesn't absorb much, most of it will be wasted!"

"If you want to make good use of the Six Paths Divine Mirror, you have to cooperate with a forbidden magical art that has been lost for many years, also known as the Six Paths Divine Art!"

Chen Xiang's heart skipped a beat, he already had three of the four taboo divine arts! The Heavenly Refinement Technique, the God-killing Sword Technique, and the Heavenly Body are only a few of these six divine arts!

"Do you have six divine arts?" Chen Xiang hurriedly asked, if he had collected the four taboo divine arts and cultivated all of them, they would definitely be very strong. Thinking about it made Chen Xiang excited.

Yue'er said: "Of course I don't, this is the treasured magic of the Six Paths Temple, although it is not listed as a taboo magic, but no one has ever cultivated the Six Paths magic to the great perfection, because cultivating this magic requires a lot of the power of the Six Paths! The God King of the Six Paths who created this divine art back then was the only one who had practiced it.

At that time, he also had the Six Paths Divine Mirror, so he sealed the Six Paths Divine Art in the Six Paths Divine Mirror. "

Chen Xiang understood, getting the Six Paths Divine Mirror also means getting the Six Paths Divine Art. He only needs to study the Six Dao Divine Mirror carefully, and then he can find the Six Dao Divine Art.

"Isn't the Divine King of the Six Paths very powerful now?" Chen Xiang didn't let the Divine Mirror of the Six Paths come out. The Divine Mirror of the Six Paths was in his Divine Sea, and he only needed to find it in the Divine Sea.

"No, the Divine King of the Six Paths has disappeared, and it is still a mystery to this day." Yue'er said, "Go and see for yourself if there is any Divine Power of the Six Paths in the Divine Mirror of the Six Paths. If you find it, I will teach you how to use the Divine Mirror of the Six Paths to absorb the power of the Six Paths. , and it’s still the fastest way.”

Chen Xiang just climbed over a high mountain and continued to walk on the desert. He immersed his divine consciousness in the six-path divine mirror and began to search for the six-path divine art.

"Yue'er, isn't it directly absorbed by the Divine Mirror of Six Paths? Do you want to teach me? How did you know?" Chen Xiang was still very curious about Yue'er's identity, although he already knew that she was from the Beast Temple.

"Ordinary use is just like a magic weapon, but the Six Paths Divine Mirror needs a special method to use. This is a spell, only I know it! Because my ancestor was a friend of the Six Paths God King, and also a cat." Yue Er said: "My memory inheritance comes from my ancestors. After the Six Paths God King disappeared, my ancestors joined the Beast Temple."

The person in charge of the Six Paths Temple turned out to be a God King, who was as powerful as the Nine God Kings, and the Nine God Kings also mysteriously disappeared. Chen Xiang felt that there must be a connection.

"Sure enough!" Chen Xiang found a place to store memories inside the Divine Mirror of Six Paths. After he broke it open, a large amount of content poured into his mind, all of which were obscure formulas.

"There are six levels of the Six Paths Divine Art in total, and learning the six levels is the Great Perfection. You learn the first level first, and after you understand the first level, you can begin to absorb the power of the six paths to cultivate! Of course, if you can cooperate with the Heavenly Refinement It would be best if we practice together." Yue'er said.

Chen Xiang walked and understood those mental formulas. He used the Dao Enlightenment Stone, and it was not very difficult to understand.

After more than ten days, he said to Yue'er: "I should be able to start practicing now, tell me what the spell is, and I will absorb the power of the Six Paths to cultivate."

Yue'er immediately put the incantation into Chen Xiang's mind, it was very brief and a little weird, and it took very high skills to pronounce those incantations.

"Anyway, I can't read this spell. You learn it yourself, you have to read it accurately." Yue'er said.

The incantation Yue'er gave to Chen Xiang was just a sound, and it was not easy for Chen Xiang to learn it according to this sound.

The Divine Mirror of the Six Paths has already merged with him first, and now he can absorb the power of the Six Paths with just the movement of his mind, but he can only absorb a small amount of the power of the Six Paths.

In his heart, he recited the mantra of the Six Paths Divine Art, and he recited the incantation that Yue'er gave him. Soon, he realized that the power of the Six Paths pouring out from the Six Paths Divine Mirror was indeed much more than before.

"It seems that I have to convert all the divine power within my Divine Sea into the power of the Six Paths! The power of the Six Paths should be able to replace the power of the Divine Profound Realm and make me a Profound God!" Chen Xiang knew that it would take a long time. time, but now he has no other choice.

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