World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4145: The Mysterious Guest

However, Ke Yumeng also has some resentment towards the Dakun Sect now, because her father was wrongly imprisoned, and there are many people in power in the Dakun Sect, all of whom are very despicable and of extremely bad character.

For example, the senior sister Fu Yuya just now is a very annoying and arrogant person.

Chen Xiang didn't find Granny Kunzu this time, and he didn't know if Fu Yuya was lying, but he didn't put all his hopes on Grandma Kunzu now, after all, he was not familiar with the ancestor of the Great Kunmen.

Although it was Guan Ying who introduced him to Grandma Kun Zu, but Guan Ying was not here, and Chen Xiang's strength was limited. Fu Yuya at Kunzu Villa is very strong, so it's impossible for him to break in and mess around.

"Yumeng, what's the matter with Da Kunmen? Your father is also an elder after all, why did you imprison him so hastily? Da Kunmen is really sure that your father has stolen important cheats?" Chen Xiang said to this Very puzzled, I always feel that there is something strange about it.

"Elder Punishment is in charge of handling it! Elder Punishment is Ke Qiutong's mother." Ke Yumeng was even more sad, lowering her head and said, "Ke Qiutong and his brother and sister were kicked out of Dad's villa, and Elder Punishment is taking revenge on Dad!"

Ke Yuanfei is an elder. Now that he is being imprisoned on such a serious charge, even if he is released later, his reputation will be completely ruined.

That punishment elder is really a ruthless character!

"They even dare to mess with your father, and they will definitely do something to you! Yumeng, you must not run around during this time, you must follow Brother Shen closely, you know?" Chen Xiang suddenly grabbed him tightly. Ke Yumeng's hand.

Ke Yumeng has not been attacked yet, and it may be that all kinds of incriminating evidence have not been arranged yet.

"Brother Shen, why is there so much unfairness in the Dakun Sect? I am obviously excellent, but because of my inferior appearance, I was squeezed out by others. Framed and imprisoned."

The more Ke Yumeng talked, the more sad she became, because she had a deep affection for Da Kunmen since she was a child.

Now she gradually came into contact with the sinister people in Dakunmen, as if everything she respected and believed in had been shattered.

"Yumeng, where there are people, there are all kinds of intrigue. You are usually too weak, and you don't know how to resist. Now you are resisting, and only come into contact with these dark things."

Chen Xiang is no stranger to this kind of thing, he has lived for so many years and has mixed with so many big and small sect forces.

Unless those in power use their high prestige,

And all kinds of means, to rectify the atmosphere, and keep it going, can make the high-level of a sect force not so sinister.

There are also such sect forces, and they are often very powerful, but they are very few.

"Brother Shen, what shall we do next?" Ke Yumeng suddenly blamed herself: "It's all my fault for implicating Brother Shen. Why don't you just leave Dakunmen? You stay in It's dangerous here!"

She suddenly remembered that Chen Xiang had offended Fu Yuya just now, and Fu Yuya was that kind of person, it was impossible not to take revenge on Chen Xiang.

"It's okay, I will continue to stay here!" Chen Xiang had many ways, but if it really didn't work, he hid and waited for Guan Ying to come over.

Guan Ying is the real founder of the Dakun Sect, but not many people in the Dakun Sect know about it, after all, she was hiding behind the scenes.

Chen Xiang still has a trick now, that is, he owns a large amount of dzi beads, a total of 20 billion, even in Da Kun Sect, it is a wealth that cannot be underestimated.

Sometimes wealth is power!

On the way back, Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng were more worried about being plotted against, so they let the ghost spirit wander around them.

With the ghost patrolling, it would be very difficult for those killers to get close to Chen Xiang, besides, Chen Xiang's own consciousness is also very powerful.

Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng returned the same way, away from the mysterious Kunzu Villa, but when they passed by a big villa, the ghost spirit suddenly flew back.

"Young master Shen, I was discovered! This is very abnormal. No matter how powerful a person in the sanctuary is, it would be very difficult for him to discover me." The ghost soul said.

Even the two people from the Kun clan before could not find the phantom spirit, let alone the sanctuary.

Chen Xiang pulled Ke Yumeng to continue walking, and at the same time secretly talked with the ghost spirit.

"Did the person who found you come out with you?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No, although I was discovered, I was not tracked down!" The phantom soul said: "It is not easy to have such a person in the sanctuary!"

Chen Xiang stopped and looked at the big villa inside the enclosure. The environment inside was very good, with scattered single-family buildings.

The person who discovered the spirit of the phantom is in this big mountain villa.

"Yumeng, what's inside?" Chen Xiang asked, he didn't think the people in the villa were too strong.

With an identity of Ke Yuanfei's level, the villa he lives in is unique, and the location is also very good.

Although the environment of this big mountain villa is good, the location of Dakunmen is relatively remote, in the southwest, close to the edge of Dakunmen.

"This villa is the residence of some distinguished guests! There are many powerful Keqing elders in Dakunmen. They are not the core of Dakunmen, but they are a very strong force in Dakunmen." Ke Yumeng said.

"Can outsiders go in?" Chen Xiang wanted to go in and see the person who found the specter's soul.

Being able to perceive the existence of the phantom soul means that that person must not be weak, and has something extraordinary.

"Of course! I've been in this villa before because it's not strict, and I've met those guest elders with my father." Ke Yumeng said.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look!" Chen Xiang pulled Ke Yumeng towards the gate of the villa.

"Brother Shen, why did you go in?" Ke Yumeng asked, she was very curious about it.

"Just go in and look around!" Chen Xiang didn't say that he wanted to find someone, after all he didn't know if he could find someone.

The Specter Soul flew ahead to lead the way, and Chen Xiang followed the Specter Soul.

Sure enough, this Keqing Villa can be entered at will, and no one is guarding the gate.

The Moying Soul took Chen Xiang and flew to a small river, where there was an old woman and a young and beautiful woman.

When Chen Xiang saw that woman from a distance, he felt that she was somewhat similar to Fu Yuya, and almost thought it was Fu Yuya.

Of course, what Chen Xiang cares most about is that old woman, although she looks very ordinary, but her soul is very powerful.

"Could it be that she also has a soul endowment? No wonder she can perceive the ghostly soul!" Chen Xiang was secretly surprised.

Suddenly, he felt that this old woman was most likely the mother-in-law Kunzu, but why did she live in Keqing Villa? Could it be that she is pretending to be the elder Keqing?

It's really boring to stay in Kunzu Villa all the time, and it's normal to come out to get some fresh air.

"She should be Grandma Kunzu!" Chen Xiang thought to himself.

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