World Defying Dan God

Chapter 4146 Kunzu's True Body

Although Chen Xiang only guessed that the old lady was Kunzu's grandmother, he believed that the possibility was extremely high.

He remembered Guan Ying said that Guan Ying accidentally rescued Grandma Kunzu who was still a little girl, and then raised her to become her right-hand man in the sanctuary.

Those who can be favored and cultivated by Guan Ying must have something special.

Grandma Kunzu has a soul endowment, even if the soul is not particularly powerful, because of the particularity of the soul endowment, she can perceive the existence of the phantom spirit.

In the past, Chen Xiang didn't know about the existence of soul endowment. It was only after meeting the Celestial Clan Mother that he knew about soul endowment.

The Celestial Clan Mother said that there are very few people with soul endowment, so she is very envious of Chen Xiang!

Chen Xiang was also able to directly see the ghostly soul at the beginning, he thought it was because his soul was too powerful, but now it seems that it should be the soul endowment that allowed him to see the ghostly soul.

After bringing Chen Xiang here, the phantom soul was hidden in Chen Xiang's Magic Mirror of Six Paths. He was not used to being perceived by others, which made him feel very insecure.

"Yumeng, do you know this old woman?" Chen Xiang looked ahead and asked Ke Yumeng beside him in a low voice.

Ke Yumeng could also see the old woman and the woman by the river from a distance, but her attention was all on the woman.

Because that beautiful young woman looks very similar to Fu Yuya, but upon closer inspection, there are many differences.

"I don't know...but the elder sister next to the old lady looks a lot like Fu Yuya." Ke Yumeng said in a low voice, afraid of being seen.

Chen Xiang thought that the old lady had already discovered them, but because this Keqing Villa often had disciples coming in, the old lady didn't think there was anything wrong.

Now, Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng walked towards the old woman.

Ke Yumeng suddenly became a little nervous, she was afraid of provoking someone like Fu Yuya again.

Although the old lady's appearance is very ordinary, she has a good temperament and looks very energetic. There are not many wrinkles on her face, and she looks like she has white hair, but it can still be seen that she used to be beautiful.

When the old lady saw Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng coming over, she just smiled at them gently. With her elegant temperament, she gave people a very comfortable and approachable feeling!

Ke Yumeng also smiled sweetly at the old lady,

Like a return gift.

The old lady was by the river, carving a stele, as if she was carving a rune, while the beautiful woman looked at it very seriously.

The woman also took a look at Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng. Unlike Fu Yuya, when looking at people, her eyes seemed to stand on top of her head, full of arrogance and contempt.

The woman looks alike to Fu Yuya, but when she looked at Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng just now, she just glanced casually, as if looking at strangers.

This made Ke Yumeng relax a lot, but she could also see that the old woman was the most powerful here.

Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng walked over, the old lady turned her head to look at them again, she just smiled, while the woman frowned lightly, and didn't say anything, but she didn't like people approaching her very much.

Sure enough, the old lady was carving runes on the stone tablet, and this stone tablet was to be used to form the stele array.

Stele formations are very common in the sanctuary. Sometimes a single stele can form a stele formation, which is also very powerful. This kind of stele is also specially refined, and there is a storage space inside to store energy sources, or store various elements, such as water and fire. Thunder, lightning, wind, etc., can be released as needed.

Chen Xiang is not proficient in runes, but he has a very high level of comprehension now, and among his women, there are many who are proficient in rune refiners, if they are with them, even if they are not proficient, they will understand a little.

Chen Xiang released his consciousness, and went directly to scan the runes on the stone tablet. The old lady also sensed it, and looked at Chen Xiang in surprise.

"Little brother, are you also the elder Ke Qing?" the old woman asked.

The woman next to the old woman was very puzzled, how could this ugly boy with big black spots on his face be the elder Ke Qing?

The reason why the old lady asked this was because she guessed based on Chen Xiang's spiritual sense.

The divine consciousness released by Chen Xiang just now is not considered powerful, but it has extremely high cohesiveness, most people can't perceive it, but the old woman could perceive it at that time.

The old lady knew very well that people with this kind of spiritual cohesion were not ordinary people.

"No!" Chen Xiang smiled and said: "Old lady, are you the elder Ke Qing? I don't know how to call it?"

"I'm Kunmin, and I've been here as an elder for over ten years!" The old woman smiled and said, "Little brother, what do you think of my runes?"

Hearing this name, Chen Xiang must be Grandma Kunzu!

Just as he had guessed, this grandma Kun Zu actually pretended to be the elder of Ke Qing and came out to breathe. I am afraid that even the senior officials of the Da Kun Sect don't know about it!

The elders and head teachers of Dakunmen have changed many times, and the place where Kunzu Villa is located is very desolate and gloomy, and they may have never seen this old man.

Chen Xiang frowned and looked at the runes on the stone tablet, groaning silently.

"Little brother, it's okay for you to say it!" Kun Min smiled gently.

"Very bad!" Chen Xiang said.

"Nonsense, Kun... Grandma Kun Min's level of runes is not among the best in the Sanctuary, but it is no problem to be ranked in the top 100! You must know that the Sanctuary is so big, and there are many people who understand runes. Being in the top 100 means that the level is at the top!"

The woman beside Kun Min immediately refuted Chen Xiang seriously.

"Fu Yuanyuan, how many times have I told you...don't tell me I'm one of the top 100 runes..." Kunmin shook his head and sighed: "Yuanyuan, your tone just now was too aggressive, hurry up and tell this man Apologize, little brother!"

Now, Chen Xiang and Ke Yumeng are sure that this woman named Fu Yuanyuan is Fu Yuya's sister!

"My lord, I'm sorry!" Seeing Kun Min angry, Fu Yuanyuan was also very panicked, and could only apologize quickly, but judging from her expression, she was still very dissatisfied.

"Grandmother, you...why are you so humble? This person obviously doesn't understand anything!" Fu Yuanyuan bit her lip, but couldn't help but whispered: "I was really angry for you just now!"

"Because he's right! The runes I carved on this tablet are really bad!" Kun Min said, "Yuanyuan, can't you see it?"

"I..." Fu Yuanyuan was stunned, she was also learning runes, and among the younger generation, her level of runes was extremely high.

But the runes that Kunmin carved on the stele were so profound and complicated that Fu Yuanyuan couldn't understand them at all!

Answer I can't see it? Doesn't that make him look good? But to insist that Kunmin's runes are of a very high level, Kunmin's mother-in-law admits that she is very bad!

"Can you understand it!" Kun Min's tone was a little harsher.

"I don't understand!" Kun Min gritted his teeth and admitted, but he was still very dissatisfied, so he said to Chen Xiang: "Then he said it was bad, where is the bad? Can you say something about it?"

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