World Defying Dan God

Chapter 5153: Enemies of the Celestial Clan

As Chen Xiang approached, he felt a relatively strong suction force! The huge stars disintegrate due to the high temperature and will be swallowed by the suction force!

"It's very bright and very hot!" Chen Xiang looked at the area in front of him that was emitting strong light. The space around the center was distorted!

"Brother, we can't get close. If we go any further, we won't be able to withstand the scorching heat!" Sister Xiaojing said.

"I know! The Hellblood Celestial Clan is really terrifying! The power they left behind back then still has such a huge effect after such a long time!"

Chen Xiang knew very well how powerful those huge stars in the Ancient Purgatory were, but now they were burned to the point of disintegration and then devoured!

"That's why they were exterminated! With their abilities, they can definitely threaten the existence of the second level!" Sister Xiaojing said: "In order to continuously break through the limit of power, they can only obtain energy from the second level!"

The second level of Tiangu Purgatory is also rich in resources, and it also absorbs the first level!

The Hellblood Celestial Clan was the overlord of the first level back then, so they naturally wanted to obtain energy from the second level, or block the energy from the first level to prevent it from reaching the second level!

You know, in the eighteenth floor of the Ancient Purgatory, energy is transmitted downwards layer by layer!

The energy of the second layer will also be absorbed by the third layer!

The first level is so big that it breeds many living beings, but these living beings support the other seventeen levels of the Ancient Purgatory!

"Sister Jing, where do you think the energy of the entire ancient purgatory comes from? The most important resource should be the blood of purgatory, right? Most of this purgatory blood will flow into the second level!" Chen Xiang said: "Only A small number of them can be obtained by the creatures on the first level!"

"This is really unfair to the first floor!" Sister Xiaojing said.

"There are many huge stars on the first level, which are endless, but the inner core space of the stars seals a large number of Tiangu Star Clan! The creatures of the Tiangu Star Clan reproduce very fast, and their blood can become The blood of purgatory..." Sister Xiaojing said.

"Yes! They can reproduce, and the energy they absorb mainly comes from those stars!" Chen Xiang thought: "The energy of those stars comes from the creation force? Where does the creation force come from?"

"Time!" Sister Xiaojing said: "As long as time keeps running, the power of creation will be generated! Time is the source of all energy!"

"It seems that this is the only explanation!" Chen Xiang looked at the distance ahead and said, "It seems that the enemies of the Hellblood Celestial Clan are from the second level, not us... We should be the ones they want to unite with!"

"Brother, the Hell-blood Celestial Clan should want to reverse the class relations on the eighteenth floor of the ancient purgatory!" Sister Xiaojing said: "Think about it, if the Hell-blood Celestial Clan can really cut off the blood of purgatory and enter the second level, So what will happen?”

"Everyone from the second to the eighteenth floor has to eat dirt!" Chen Xiang said in surprise: "So, the enemies of the Hellblood Celestial Clan are from the second to the eighteenth floor!"

"That's right! The first level is the target of being sucked by blood! The Hell Blood Celestial Clan just wants to prevent being sucked by blood, or in other words... all the creatures of the Ancient Star Clan here are food to support the other layers!" Sister Xiaojing sighed. .

"What a cruel fact! I don't know how many creatures from the Ancient Star Tribe can gather just one drop of the Holy Essence of Purgatory!" Chen Xiang sighed.

"Let's go back! Then we will find a way to find the remains of the Hellblood Celestial Clan! According to the current situation, it will take some time for the Hellblood Celestial Clan to break the seal!" Sister Xiaojing said.

Chen Xiang also immediately left on the Six Paths Divine Mirror. He now had a rough idea of ​​how strong the Hell Blood Celestial Clan in the Flame Territory was!

Just the stars they gathered were enough to prove that he would be the strongest overlord in the Flame Territory!

Maybe, only those three overlords can suppress the Hellblood Celestial Clan if they join forces!

It took Chen Xiang several days to find his way back to his Six Paths Ancient Star!

And the temperature of the Flame Domain is still continuing to rise!

The huge stars in the Flame Domain are also extremely adaptable. Although the temperature has risen, the plants on the stars have not died in large numbers!

A large number of flowers, plants, trees, or various creatures are quickly adapting to this environment!

Chen Xiang took out the communication talisman to contact Lingxu!

"Lingxu, how was your previous meeting?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It is true that the Hell-blood Celestial Clan is coming out! The clan elders in our clan said that if the Hell-blood Celestial Clan appears, there will be great turmoil in the entire Ancient Purgatory!" Lingxu said: "And when the time comes, the Temple of Time will There’s going to be a lot of action too!”

"Do you have any way to know where the Holy Land of the Hellblood Celestial Clan is?" Chen Xiang asked: "I want to visit that place!"

"We don't know very well!" Lingxu sighed.

Chen Xiang didn't know whether Lingxu didn't say it on purpose or if he really didn't know!

"I went to explore the area where the Hellblood Celestial Clan is located before. Let me tell you about the situation there..."

Chen Xiang told Lingxu what he saw.

After Lingxu heard this, he was also surprised because he didn't expect that so many stars would be destroyed!

After all, Lingxu is a star spirit, so it’s heartbreaking to know that a large number of stars have been destroyed!

"They are creating stars!" Lingxu said, "They should be creating a super powerful, super huge star!"

Lingxu wanted to tell the clan elders about this, so he cut off contact with Shen Xiang!

Chen Xiang performed a space jump through the Six Paths Divine Mirror and arrived at Huang Jintian's residence in the Proud World Temple!

When Huang Jintian saw Chen Xiang appearing in the hall, he screamed strangely: "You kid, you came here without saying hello, you want to scare me to death!"

"Master, help me figure out where the Hellblood Celestial Clan's holy land is in the Flame Territory!" Chen Xiang said, "I want to go there and have a look."

"This... is beyond my capabilities!" Huang Jintian shook his head.

"I can give you more of that holy marrow of purgatory!" Chen Xiang knew that Huang Jintian could definitely do it, it was just a matter of whether he wanted to or not.

"Okay, let me give it a try!" Huang Jintian chuckled and said, "You can give me ten or eight more of those magical fruits, okay?"

"Okay!" Chen Xiang curled his lips and said, "As long as you can figure out where it is, I'll give it to you!"

Huang Jintian immediately began to use Tianyan Technique, but not long after, he became very old and all his hair fell out.

Chen Xiang hurriedly used Purgatory Holy Marrow and Purgatory Blood Fruit to replenish his recovery, and then Huang Jintian continued.

After repeating this process for more than a dozen times, Huang Jintian finally got a very detailed location and drew a star map for Chen Xiang!

Huang Jintian also received corresponding rewards and was very happy!

After Chen Xiang got the star map, he gave it to Sister Xiaojing and asked her to write it down. Then she would control the Six Paths Divine Mirror to jump in space. According to the stars on the star map, she could judge the direction and find the Holy Land of the Hellblood Celestial Clan. !

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