World Defying Dan God

Chapter 5154 9-star barrier

"Boy, are you really going to get close to the three overlords of the Flame Domain?"

Huang Jintian is also a little worried about Chen Xiang, because Chen Xiang's current cultivation level is not very high, and he will definitely be far inferior to the three overlords.

"No, I just want to visit that place! I'm not here to fight with them!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Master, I have my own plans, so I have to go to that holy land to see it!"

Huang Jintian nodded. He also knew that the Holy Land was very important, because there was most likely a large amount of resources stored in it, which were reserved for the Hellblood Celestial Clan. If they were obtained by the Three Overlords or the Temple of Time, it would be very detrimental to them. !

"If I find anything, I will contact you as soon as possible!" Chen Xiang said.

"Wait a minute, that place is too far away from here. It's not easy to contact us!" Huang Jintian hurriedly grabbed Chen Xiang and said, "Besides, it's equally difficult for us to get there! We have to find a way to solve this problem. It’s hard work!”

Chen Xiang thought for a while, then took out a disc!

"This is... the Divine Mirror of Six Paths? But there is no mirror!" Huang Jintian took it and took a look and said, "It's a pretty good thing. What's the use of it?"

"The imitation of the Six Paths Divine Mirror is mainly used for spatial communication and spatial positioning!" Chen Xiang said: "Take it to the inner core space of the earth and put it there!"

"Does it need to be placed in that place?" Huang Jintian said in surprise.

"You have to absorb enough powerful energy to release strong space penetration!" Chen Xiang said: "At that time, I can sense your side through my Six Paths Divine Mirror, and then my Six Paths Divine Mirror It also releases strong space penetration, so we can connect with each other!"

"So that's it, okay, I'm going to Lingxu's side now!" Huang Jintian said: "Be careful, don't be killed by the three tyrants of Yanyu!"

"I'm not that good!" Chen Xiang laughed.

He left the Aoshi Temple, said hello to Cailian and his father, and then started to search for that holy land!

The star map given by Huang Jintian is quite detailed, but the Flame Domain is so big that there are hundreds of thousands of stars on the star map. It is necessary to judge the accurate star positions through the positions of multiple stars!

Fortunately, Sister Xiaojing is very familiar with this aspect. After enlarging the Six Paths Divine Mirror, you can use the mirror to illuminate the surroundings, and you can collect a lot of starlight emitted by the Flame Territory, and get part of the star map of the Flame Territory!

Chen Xiang was running around before, and sister Xiaojing had been recording the positions of the stars and had already sketched out part of the star map!

She is now comparing Huang Jintian's star map!

The point marked on the star map drawn by Huang Jintian is the location of the Holy Land of the Hellblood Celestial Clan!

"I compared it and found it!" Sister Xiaojing said, "The distance is quite far!"

"Let's go!" Chen Xiang couldn't wait any longer.

"No rush, let's go back to the Six Paths Ancient Star first to replenish our energy!" Sister Xiaojing said: "We are facing a very dangerous environment this time, and there are also those three overlords. We must do a good job sufficient preparation!"

Sister Xiaojing directly controlled the Divine Mirror of Six Paths and led Chen Xiang to perform a space jump to the core space of the Ancient Star of Six Paths.

The Six Paths Divine Mirror became very large, facing the core of the earth, and then began to absorb energy!

Although the Six Paths Ancient Star has shrunk a lot, the space in the Earth's core has not shrunk, and the Earth's core is also larger than before.

The core of the earth also absorbs a lot of energy from the surface, so it grows bigger!

After the Six Paths Divine Mirror had stored enough energy, Chen Xiang officially set off for the Holy Land of the Hellblood Celestial Clan!

"Is it only the Hellblood Celestial Clan from the Flame Domain who have returned to purgatory? Or is it the same in other domains?" Chen Xiang was very curious about this.

"I don't know, the other realms are too far away! Just a flame realm is so big that we can't find the edge. If we weren't looking for the Holy Land of the Hellblood Celestial Clan, we probably wouldn't be jumping around like crazy in one direction! "Sister Xiao Jing said: "We have to jump for at least ten days and eight days to get to that place!"

"This is indeed very far!" Chen Xiang couldn't help but marveled when he thought about how long it would take.

You know, every time the Divine Mirror of Six Paths makes a space jump, it is an extreme jump over a long distance. But even so, it has to jump for ten days and eight days in a row. I don’t know how many times it takes to get to that place!

In the ancient purgatory, only Chen Xiang and a few people can master the power of space jumping. The others mainly rely on flying, and they don't know how long they will be able to fly!

The Six Paths Divine Mirror jumped several times in succession for nine days, and finally reached the position marked on the star map!

When he came here, Chen Xiang saw nine stars emitting golden light, forming a circle!

The nine huge stars are very far apart. These nine huge stars can only be seen from far above or below!

"They are all the same size!" Sister Xiaojing exclaimed: "And the brightness of the light is also almost the same!"

"The holy land is on one of these nine stars?" Chen Xiang frowned.

"The star map given by the old crazy master only marked it here! He didn't tell me what the specific situation was!" Sister Xiaojing said: "Why don't you contact him and ask him!"


Chen Xiang contacted Huang Jintian through the Divine Mirror of Six Paths.

He had previously given Huang Jintian a formation disk similar to the Six Paths Divine Mirror, and now it had been placed in the core space of Tiangu Star. Chen Xiang quickly connected to the formation disk!

Then, he used the communication talisman to connect to the Six Paths Divine Mirror, and connected to Huang Jintian's communication talisman through the array disk!

"Master, I've reached that position!" Chen Xiang said: "But instead of seeing the Holy Land, I saw nine stars that looked exactly the same!"

"The Holy Land is right there!" Huang Jintian said: "I used Tianyan Technique to see that the Holy Land is among nine identical stars. Didn't you see it?"

"There are no hairs among the nine stars!" Chen Xiang said.

In fact, he is still far away from the nine stars, otherwise he would not be able to see the nine stars forming a circle.

"Come closer and take a look!" Huang Jintian said, "There should be something in the center!"

"Okay, I'm going to take a look now!" Chen Xiang could only approach.

The Divine Mirror of Six Paths jumped through space again. After jumping over, I suddenly felt something!

"There is a barrier!" Chen Xiang was shocked: "The area covered by this barrier is too big!"

The nine stars are far apart, and the area covered by a circle is larger. After all, this empty area can fit many huge stars without being crowded.

But now, Chen Xiang feels that the area between the nine stars is completely covered by a barrier!

"Brother, it might be scary inside!" Sister Xiaojing said, "The reason why there is a barrier must be to hide the amazing things inside!"

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