World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1039: One hundred and four: The revenge of the emperor! Goodbye to the celery!

Chapter 1039, Chapter 104, Revenge! See you again!

Guilin has a separate small yard at Sky College.

A Shi Yuanzhen came home with all his heart, and he saw Dean Rosen outside. Suddenly, there was a burst of killing in his heart.

Soon, Roseau also saw Ashi Yuanzhen, and suddenly said: "You don't go back to your dormitory, what are you doing here?"

A Shiyuan said: "Chief Dean, my mother-in-law lives here."

Rosso said: "You are already twenty years old, and men and women are different. Be careful to avoid suspicion."

Although he hasn't gotten it yet, Roseau has always been a ban on Can Tho, and he is very jealous of the men who appear next to her. Of course, before he was placed, Rosso was very polite to Ashi Yuanzhen, because he was a student of the Emperor Lanling after all, and it was also the future of the sky priest.

But now the situation has changed.

After that, this Ashi Yuan Zhen, almost no value. Even if the Temple of the Dragon is to use him, at least the brain and memory should be thoroughly washed away.

"Go back to your dorm." Rosso waved his hand and walked into the yard of Can Tho.


"President, what you want to eat, I am not prepared, next time." Inside the yard, Guilin said, at this time is feeding his daughter to Linger to eat.

This girl is ten years old, eats and feeds, and sits on a swing. And only let my mother feed, the temper is really awkward.

Roseau’s handsome face showed a smile and looked at the returning child: “Linger, what did the uncle bring to you?”

Then he took out a lively encounter.

The returning child sitting on the swing raised his big eyes and glanced at him. He flattened his mouth and said: "If the ugly death, I will not."

She has always been like this, for everyone, it should be exactly the same as when she was a child. However, he also inherited the slightly low character of Sauron. He does not care for people, and he is angry and sulking.

Roseau's face is a bit ugly, but it can't be compared with a child.

At this point, Guisin said: "President, I really don't have what you said, please ask for dinner next time."

Rosso said: "Well, what do you eat in your home?"

Guiss said: "Sorry, there is nothing in the family now."

When he refused to be thousands of miles away, Rosso suddenly looked cold and then stunned the night and said: "You bring the children outside to play for a while, I have something to say to your lady."

"It’s a lady, not a lady."

"Go out." Rosso chilled.

Night horror, night horror looked at the celery.

Some words, it is really inconvenient for the daughter to hear, and Guilin nodded.

Night horror, night stunned feathers, with Yan Xueer, returning to Linger. Guilinger was very upset. He walked down the side of Rosso with his head down and kicked him.

Roseau looked a cold heart and said: "Look for death!"

But after all, there is no seizure, and it can't be attacked with a 10-year-old girl.


"I have to tell you, I have no patience," said Rosso. "The woman I want to get, no one can escape my palm. I have seen all of your tricks these years. If you are smart, don't make the scene so ugly, don't let me use any tough means to force you to submit."

Back to the cold voice: "President, if I remember correctly, the sky priests have warned you, don't think about me."

"That was before." Rosso said: "Before the Sky Temple has an illusion about your husband, and now and your husband have completely torn the face."

Guisin said: "My husband is the master of the demon star, the demon emperor, you are not afraid of a little he will come to the door?"

Rosso smiled and said: "He has come to the door, and he has been arrogant. But now he has lost. Just yesterday he suffered a fiasco and revealed the weak truth. You may not know, this one. Once the emperor breaks the undefeated golden body, once it fails for the first time, it means complete failure. The rise of the emperor of the moon temple transformation has defeated your husband, the demon emperor, he has no chance. You I also lost all my care and no value."

The face of Can Tho is a white, and instantly lost all the blood: "Impossible, my husband is unbeaten."

"Yes, just because he is unbeaten, after losing one time, he can't recover it." Rosso said coldly: "Why did you have a good life before, can you still be pampered? Because you still have value, but wait until the devil After the defeat of Emperor Lan's Mausoleum, you as a family member, you have completely lost value as a hostage. Once you lose your value, you, your servant, how miserable will your daughter be? You can imagine it! Maybe you still don't I know that the daughter of the ancient spot has already broken up with Ashi Yuan Zhen, and even she knows what is going on. Then what about where to go in the future? Even the simplest, how do you keep yourself? Keep your daughter?"

Suddenly, Guilin was a little crumbling.

Rosso continued: "The Temple of the Sky is very cruel, you are so beautiful, your servant is also beautiful, your daughter will be beautiful in the future. Beautiful and weak women, what will happen? You should be very clear If there is no shelter, it is really like a beggar. And I am your only shelter, I am willing to marry you into the door, your daughter and I are also my daughter. This is your best ending. It is also the blessing that you have cultivated in the past."

Guiqin closed his eyes in pain.

Luo Suodao said: "If you promise, I will stay in your home tonight, you should know how to do it. If you don't agree, I will stay and stay, but the scene will become very unsightly, you I will see that I have lost all the gentleness. I liked you for eight years, and I have been obsessed with you for eight years. I can't get anything."

Guiqin opened his eyes and said: "Dr. Roseau, you are young, but you are also very smart. I need you not to be overwhelmed by eroticism. If things don't happen yet, you can't wait to make irreparable. Decide."

"How come there is no ending?" Rosso laughed. "The message from the Temple of the Sky yesterday, the rise of the Yadi, the defeat of Lanling. The Temple of the Sky is very, very rigorous. Once this message is sent, it represents you. The husband has been defeated."

At this time, Guiqin no longer forced to control his temper, suddenly attacked, pointing to the outside: "Get out, you dirty man."

Roseau’s handsome face trembled, then raised his head and walked straight toward the celery. While walking, he undressed: “My grandfather used to be the first priest of the Temple of the Sky, I was forty-seven years old. Become an alternate sky priest, and become a sky priest after three years. After thirteen years, he will become the second giant of the Temple of the Sky. To tell the truth, I can see that you are your blessing, you can let me possess It is also a privilege. As a prisoner of the ranks, being able to become the second level of the Temple of the Sky is a lucky fortune. However, you stupidly refused this glory. It is really stupid. Although you cut your hair and put on the college uniform, it seems to be mature and smart, but it is just a woman with no brains."

Soon, Roseau completely removed the upper body, revealing the body and majestic body, step by step toward the celery to go: "Alright, let you see my fierce man nature, maybe tame. I have seen Information, Sauron has tortured you again and again, and finally you crouched under his knees."

Just at this time.


A Shi Yuan rushed into the hand, and the sword in his hand shot out.

Then, the toxic mist of the sky spewed out and shrouded toward Rose.

A Shi Yuanzhang is very good, and nearly 20 years old has broken through Longzong. But in front of Roseau, it is really nothing.

He took a light shot, and Ashi Yuanzhang flew out like a paper basket.

Then, he looked at the celestial sneer and said: "I want to disfigate? It's too late, you can't do anything in front of me."

It's a breeze, and he will be able to move to Can Tho, and then step by step.

And just at this time...


The entire sky college blasted loudly and there was a dragon-like lightning.

Then, the sky was alive and tearing a tear.

Roseau looked shocked, and then only saw Ning nowhere, the ancient spots appeared above the sky.

A warm energy passed through the heart of Can Tho, let her sleep peacefully, and Lan Ling’s face flashed past.

Ning no end has not been rebellious? How come here? And stay with the ancient spots?

The ancient spotted stare at him and said: "We are waiting for you at your house!"

Waiting for the sky priest, the first college chief of the Sky Academy, Roseau, trembled, then quickly put on his clothes and ran towards the house.


As the emperor of the Sky Academy, Roseau’s manor house is of course magnificent, with a thousand acres.

Roseau quickly rushed into his manor and rushed to the main hall.

Seeing the ancient spot and Ning nowhere, even outside the hall, the forehead was posted on the ground.

Who else in this world can squat in the ancient spot and the Ning? Shi Tian and Tian Daoqi are not good either?

Then, he heard a sigh of relief coming from inside the hall.

He rushed in and suddenly saw a scene of tears.

His wife, and a few small sisters, are being shackled by a majestic man. The key is that his wife is also very slutty and joyful, and his little sisters are very pleased with this man.

He, he was wearing a green hat.

And the green hat for him is of course the Emperor Lanling.

Roseau rushed in, but lived and was suppressed by the blood and the hooks on the ground.

In this way, it has been a while for a while.

"Go on..." Lan Ling said to the women.

Several of Rosso’s wives were taken down.

Lanling Road: "You, the Dean of the Sky Academy, Rosso..."

"How is it?" Rosso groaned.

Although he likes to play other women, he has a strong desire for his own woman and is super clean.

Now, his wife and sister have all been abused by Lan Ling, and they are very happy. He almost has to be completely crazy, and he has forgotten fear.

"Bring it in!" Lan Ling waved.

Ji Mengbai took a boy and walked in. He was about 18 or 9 years old and officially Rosso’s son, Luo Lin.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do?" Rosso yelled: "You have the ability to come to me, don't hurt my son."

Lanling Road: "Luo Lin."

The son of Rosso, Rolin, trembled to the ground.

"Do you want to live?" asked Lan Ling.

"Think, kneel." Luo Lin trembled, he had suffered terrible torture, and he really couldn't ask for death.

"Go to kill Rosso, you can live." Lanling said: "I am a demon emperor, said to do it."

Then, Ji Mengbai handed Luo Lin a slogan: "It is a great fortune to do things for His Majesty."

Luo Lin shivered and took the dagger, and came to Roseau's face, crying, shuddering again, aligning with Rosso's head!

Waiting for the sky priest, the first deputy director of the Sky Academy, Rosso, is tragic!

At this point, the figure of the Emperor Lanling was shattered, and this was just a phantom of his avatar.

The true Lanling deity, who had already appeared in the courtyard of Can Tho, was the first time before an hour.


After Roseau left, the celery was gradually waking up, reminiscing about the warm energy in the body, and desperately recalling. Just sitting on the stool in a daze, looking into the door outside into a delusion.

When the daughter returned to Linger, she sat on the threshold of the courtyard, lying on the side of her mouth and bleeding, and the unconscious A Shi Yuanzhang.

"Brother, brother... you are waking up!"

Lanling was alone, walking towards the courtyard of Can Tho.

At first glance, I saw the unconscious Ashi Yuan Zhen, who is already a 20-year-old boy.

In the second eye, I saw a thin, but scary little girl, as if I was only seven or eight years old.

Lan Ling’s heart was sour, and he went up to hug the angel, and his palm slid gently toward the top of A Shi Yuan’s head.


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(End of this chapter)

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