World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1040: One hundred and four two: The ancient spot is executed! The disease is already execut

Chapter 1040, 101, the ancient spot is executed! The disease is already executed!

Note: The previous chapter was too busy, so some of the plots were not clearly written and have been revised.

Lanling deity entered the courtyard for the first time and met with Can Tho, and went to disciplining the dean of Sky College, Rosso and his wife.


A powerful and powerful force smashed through the body of A Shi Yuanzhang, which made him wake up.

Being held by Lan Ling in the arms of Linger, he said that he would directly come over Lan Lan’s face. Lan Ling opened his mouth, grabbed the fist of Xiaotoutou and then released it, then opened his mouth to bite the little nose of Linger.

"Giggle..." The little girl twisted and shunned.

A Shiyuan looked at the face of Lanling for a long time, desperately biting his teeth and not letting his tears fall, then directly squatting down, clasping Lanling's feet with his hands, and sticking his forehead on the foot of Lanling.


After a good time, Ashi Yuanzhen made a sound.

"Look up." Lanling Road.

A Shi Yuanzhang looked up.

"Sure enough, I grew up very handsome." Lan Ling smiled. "Your mother is very good, your father is also very good, you are very good..."

"Yes... Master, the disciple is not thinking of you in the Sky Academy." A Shiyuan finally failed to hold back, tears fell.

"I miss you too, I want to marry." Lan Lingdao: "Your mother is not missing you one day."

"Oh..." Guiling children listened to Lanling with their ears, and soon she realized that this man was her father, but he heard that he wanted to be a Shiyuan, but he didn’t want to think about himself, so I was angry, and I was struggling to get down.

"The most I want to think about is my baby daughter Linger..." Lan Ling looked at her daughter with a distressed look. It was really thin and thin. Like the cockroaches at the time, it seemed to be two or three years younger than the real age.

However, she is the blood of Chaos Emperor after all, so the blood power should be very strong, and it will soon grow up.

"the host……"

At this time, the night horror inside, the night horror feathers issued an unbelievable voice, and then grabbed the small mouth, tears burst out.

At the same time, Guilin was quiet, standing quietly and quietly.

Lanling went up and looked at Can Tho, saying: "You have changed a lot and are better than before."

Guilin Meimei was fascinated by Lanling Road: "I just knew that you are coming. When Roseau’s disgusting man approached me, I saw your face flash in the sky, and then an energy filled me. The whole body made me safe and quiet in an instant. At that time, I knew you were coming."

Lanling Road: "At this time, my phantom avatar is punishing him at Roseau's house. I will let him regret living in this world."

"My hair is cut short, do you like it?"

"I like it very much, as if I changed someone." Lanling Road.

At this time, the next side of Yan Xueer whispered on the side: "Brother..."

Lan Ling reached out and squeezed Xiao Xueer's chin. He said: "You really haven't changed at all, exactly the same as ten years ago."

Then, Guiqin made a strong dignified road: "Xiaoxue, take Linger out, I have something to say to your brother."

"Oh." Rocky Road.

The night horror and the night-scarred feathers were red, and they will soon go back to Linger.

Then, everyone left the yard and left Lanling and Guilin.

In an instant, the face of Can Tho became flushed, and the beauty became hot and sultry from the dignified, and the lips became red and bloody.

Then, she untied all the clothes on her body, and finally turned a circle in front of Lanling.

"I haven't changed anything. I was the one who had been before the celery, and the glamorous 归 芍 芍 ” ”." 芍 芍 芍 芍 芍 ” ” ” ” ” ” “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ I want to dye my hair, I want to wear the most beautiful dress, I want to dress the most sexy, I want to wear the most gorgeous jewelry, I want to take back the lost ten years!"

Then, she slammed into Lanling, and the two men kissed together crazy, burning together and madly intertwined.


"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong..." The ancient lady's daughter, Gu Nian, was in front of A Shi Yuanzhang, tears, and I saw the pity: "Yuan Hao, I love you, I really I love you very much, please forgive me for being stupid and unbearable in the things we have loved so much."

A Shi Yuanzhang’s face stared coldly at the ancient thoughts.

The girl, holding the thigh of A Shi Yuanzhang, gradually wraps up and kisses the thigh of Ashi Yuan Zhen, and both hands begin to tease him.

Perhaps she hopes to be able to take a shot.

A Shi Yuanzhang’s heart was cold and ridiculous. Like his father, Astro, he was paranoid and awkward. From beginning to end, there is only one girl in his heart, the girl who can't talk, but is very intelligent and kind, that is the embarrassment of his childhood.

Compared with the beautiful and kind, the pure and innocent, this ancient thought in front of him really makes him sick.

At that time, he was chasing him in ancient times. In order to protect his mother and protect his younger sister, he would play with the ancient thoughts. Now, this woman feels sick when he even looks at it more.

At this time, the ancient thoughts of the beautiful enchanting, reaching out to solve the clothing of A Shi Yuanzhang.

A Shi Yuanzhang reached out and shoved the face that the ancient thoughts wanted to kiss, saying: "Tell one thing to you."

The ancient thoughts softly said: "You said, I love you, I will listen to you if I have anything."

"Don't appear in front of me in the future, even if my father is going to kill your family, don't come to me. If you don't come to see me, I may have a little bit of pity for you. If you come to see me, I think you are more and more annoying, maybe you can't wait for my righteous father to start, and you will kill you." A Shiyuan said.

After that, Ashi Yuanzhang left.

The ancient thoughts collapsed and fell to the ground directly.


Lanling returned to the Temple of the Sun with a family of Guilin, Ashi Yuanzhang, night horror, night horror, and Yan Xueer.

Outside the floating palace, his face was always red, and he looked down at the toes for a while, looking up at the horizon as he looked up, and he looked nervous and embarrassed.

She and Ashi Yuanzhang have not seen each other for ten years.

"Hey, Dad and Dad didn't see you for a day, just missed it?" Fu Xier said: "Do you really want to be a father, or someone else?"

The red-faced face was even more blushing at this time.


Suddenly, several people appeared on the platform of the floating palace.

At first glance, I saw a tall and straight figure. He grew so tall, almost as high as his father.

After she glanced at it, she immediately lowered her head and looked away, but quickly looked up again and bravely looked at A Shiyuan.

A Shi Yuanzhang’s performance is even worse than her. He has always been cold and ice-like. At this time, his breathing is short and he is helpless. His eyes don’t know where to put it. He doesn’t know where to put it, as if it’s unnatural. And his face is even more red than cockroaches.

"Go, don't you know how to do it with you?" Why is it so good now?" Lan Ling laughed.

Ah Shiyuan hoarse and hoarse: "Master, I am only playing with the ancients, I will... I will be confessed."

"Good." Lan Lingdao.

A Shi Yuanzhang took a deep breath and walked toward the donkey.

After approaching, the cockroaches gradually quieted down, and A Shi Yuanzhang became more and more nervous and his breathing was not smooth.

"Hey, I have done sorry for you at Sky Academy, I want to confess to you..." A Shiyuan said.

Suddenly, Lanling was speechless.

Next to the celery, I also laughed out loud, and then sneaked in the ear of Lanling’s ear: "Look, Yuanxiao is more innocent than you. We all know that he was with the ancient thoughts, completely It is to protect us. I have seen him go home more than once to brush his teeth, licking his mouth desperately, and put his fingers into his throat to induce vomiting. It must have been kissed with the ancients."

Lan Ling smiled and said: "This child is sick, just like him."

"You are sick..." Guiss said: "I like this child anyway, and marrying him will definitely be happy. People like a girl at the age of ten, and they will not change until now."

Over there, Ashi Yuanzheng has already confessed his sins to him, and then looked at him uneasy.

"You can punish me, because I am doing something wrong, I betrayed you." A Shiyuan shouted, and then waited for the trial.

His face was red, and he looked at A Shiyuan, and whispered: "It doesn't matter."

Lan Ling glanced, then said: "Oh, my prostitute is also a problem, how can this matter say it does not matter?"

"Well, let's go..." Guilin took Lanling Road: "We are not a mortal baby, we are very smart."


The first leader of the Temple of the Sky, Shi Tian died, was hanged alive.

On the day of his death, all the high-rises of the Temple of the Sky were watching. The death of Shi Tian is not shocked, just like an ordinary old farmer.

But this is an unparalleled shock to everyone.

Shi Tian, ​​the absolute first leader of the Temple of the Sky, once was their master, so dead, a little ritual feeling, this is the most frightening.

On the same day, I was sick and went straight to the front of Lanling.

"Your Majesty, I don't want to die, I still use it. I have great use. I am the second most intelligent person in the world. I can govern the human kingdom. I can make a horse for my Majesty."

Lan Ling looked at the tremors on the ground and said: "A few days ago, you didn't want to be generous to die in front of me? How is it so greedy now?"

I’ve been sick: “A few days ago, a burst of indignation supported me. But as time went by, indignation and blood faded, and fear came to my heart, so it’s so unbearable.”

Then, the disease has already turned to the Fuzi: "His Royal Highness, please see if I have taken care of you, save me and save."

Lanling Road: "Go back and wait!"


In the evening, Lan Ling was deliberate!

The ancient spot is executed, and the disease is already executed!

Except for those who surrendered at the beginning, all the heavenly priests, all the sky priests, all the alternate sky priests, all executed!

All the sub-king energy, the king-level energy is fully recovered.


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(End of this chapter)

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