World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 441: Four four three: copying the family! Kill and kill!

Chapter 441, four four three: copying the family! Kill and kill!

Sauron met with the Turing Dust of the owner of the Earl of Turing today!

"Turing Dust, Finance Minister Soave, how much do you know?" asked Soren.

His tone was very casual, but his eyes were on the every move of Turing.

Behind Sophoe is the hidden continent, which is the Temple of the Dragon.

In these years, they used the astronomical gold coins to control the economic lifeline of the kingdom and bought a large number of interest groups.

As the top dignitary of the Wing Kingdom, the Duke of Turinga must have an incomparably significant weight.

Now, let's see how the Turing dust answers. If he avoids the light, it means that he is ill-conceived and still wants to stay in this interest group. He does not want to really live for Soren.

If this is the case, even if Turingot commits suicide, Sauron will inevitably destroy the Turing family completely.

Turing dust fell into a short hesitation and a choice between life and death.

Formerly, he was not smart because he was overwhelmed by love and jealousy.

But because of the death of Turing, he seems to have changed into a person, his mind has become very clear and wise.

He immediately smelled the meaning behind Sauron's question.

Therefore, he faced a difficult choice, standing on the side of Sauron, or standing on the side of the hidden interest group.

Yes, in the eyes of Turing Dust, this interest group is more suitable as a hidden interest group.

Although Yinzhou is only a white vest of the Temple of the Dragon, the economic penetration of these years has been completed by Yinzhou.

After almost half a minute, Turing said: "There is no simple thing for Soave. It is the spokesperson of the hidden interest group in the Wrath Kingdom. It has a very large weight in the hidden yuan."

Solon breathed a sigh of relief.

The words of Turing Dust saved his life.

Soren Road: "This interest group has carried out a terrible penetration and buying of the power of the Wrath Kingdom in the past few years, and your family must bear the brunt!"

Turing dust immediately sighed: "Yes, the guilty."

Soren Road: "How much has your family received?"

Turing Dust: "There is not much cash, more than 100,000 gold coins. There are shares of Wangcheng Gold, about 300,000 gold coins. The biggest bribe is the territory, 130 miles."

"What?" Suddenly lost his voice.

territory? What is the power of the hidden interest group to send to the land?

Do not look at Turingot is the Duke, but only symbolic restaurants, but add up to more than a dozen square kilometers, and the tens of thousands of kilometers of the dynasty is completely different.

Turing dust actually said that the Shenzhou Group gave the Turing Dolly 30-mile territory, but after conversion, it was three or four thousand square kilometers.

Turing Dust: "In the provinces and counties under the kingdom, the Yinzhou Group first let a large number of peasants and landlords go bankrupt. Then they collaborated with the local counties and the Governor's Office to buy large areas of land and finally submit them to the government. Signature. In the end, the land became a private property of the hidden interest group, and it was given to the kingdom's top power as a lifelong territory."

"Haha... haha..." Sauron couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Then he wanted to ask, no one in the cabinet asked, such as the former Minister of the Ministry of Health.

Later, Sauron thought that because of the large-scale sale of land, the cabinet did not have a department responsible for the matter. There are only six cabinets and no Ministry of Lands.

Therefore, as the demise of the Regent Shaojun, it is completely possible to make a statement.

Suddenly, Sauron said with some pain: "I don't think it's such an incompetent person, why is it so faint?"

Turing Dust: "There is no foundation in the temple. Some things know that it is a drink and thirst, and you have to do it."

Soren Road: "Now the state treasury has lost more than seven million gold coins, which is a five-year taxation of the kingdom."

Turing dust immediately sighed: "The minister is willing to donate all the property, to serve the kingdom."

Then, Turing Dust said: "In fact, the so-called treasury deficit is just the tip of the iceberg on the sea."

"I know, but the seven million shortfall is the most deadly." Soren said: "I am here with you, and the penetration of the hidden interest group into the kingdom is just a few years, so now deal with it. It still has time. I would rather fight another civil war, kill hundreds of thousands of people, and also uproot the hidden interest groups."

Turing Dust said: "Yes, the minister is willing to be the only leader."

Sauron said: "Well, I will attack the family after I am going to kill the family. You and the Guards will lead Heining to lead the team."

Turing dust trembled, let him personally arrest Sopho, and then the hidden interest groups are not dead, but until now, he has no retreat.

"Yes!" Turing dust.


The Minister of Finance of the Wrath Kingdom, Sopho, is just a Viscount.

Moreover, this title was still enshrined after the prosecution of the government, and has not covered the king’s jade.

Therefore, his house in Wangcheng is not large, only a few acres.

But the golden splendor inside is completely beyond the imagination of man, even if the Duke of Turing and the unscrupulous Prime Minister's Office are far from good.

"How?" asked Hidden, a young master of the hidden continent.

Soave smiled and said: "Sorren is scared and his face is white. Sitting there is completely shocked. This person can fight, can handle political affairs, a political upstart, just in charge of politics, but also eat. When I get to the hardship, I know that I am sad."

Qingzhou less master Fang Qingyi smiled and raised his glass and drank: "We want to weave a net that is impenetrable. As long as we enter this network, we can no longer escape. Hard means are not good, soft means. No, no."

Sauf said: "The interest group is a beast that can swallow all the beasts. The gold coin is a more terrible beast. Once released, it is impossible to turn it back. The king has become very powerful and strictly guarded. We have invested in the official gold number of the Wrath Kingdom, we are not allowed to participate in the sale of land, and we are not allowed to participate in the sale of the grain. After leaving the upper position, all of them are released at once, and we have astronomical money that easily occupies the Wrath Kingdom. The commanding heights of the economy have produced a large number of interest groups. No one can change this. No matter who is on the throne, they all have to listen to us. Otherwise, he will give the soldiers a chance to pay for the gold. None of them. Without our support, his orders could not even be seen in the palace."

Fang Qing said: "Yes, so don't be afraid to borrow money. Whether it is squatting or Sauron, as long as you are willing to borrow money, it is good. He borrows as much as possible. Anyway, we are also turning our left hand to the right hand."

Soave smiled and said: "Today, I saw Soren’s scary face, which is really more beautiful than a woman. It really made me feel a little bit pity, and I was a little bit heartbroken."

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sopho, is a beautiful boy fan who is not afraid of men and women.

Fang Qing glanced at him and said, "What? Want to let him be your bed partner? When he owes us 10 million gold coins, maybe there is a chance."

"Ha ha ha..." Saif said: "If I am with Sauron, what is the relationship between me and you? Hahaha..."

It was at this time that there was a fierce hoof outside, neat and rushing footsteps.

Fang Qingyi frowned: "What happened?"

Sauf said: "Is it impossible for Sauron to take the pressure to come to the door?"

At this time, the housekeeper of Soave flew in and trembled: "Master, the big thing is not good, the Guards will surround our house."

As soon as this was said, Souffle and Fang Qing changed dramatically.

What does Sauron mean?

"Go out and see!" Fang Qing.

Then, under the protection of hundreds of hidden warriors, the two walked out of the mansion and came outside the gate.

I saw only the shadow pavilion and the Guards Force jointly dispatched, and more than 5,000 people surrounded the house of Sopho, and the head of the Guards Army commanded Heining Qi, and there was another unexpected person. The son of the Duke of Lingtu, the spirit of the spirit.

Sophoke trembled in his heart, his face chilled and said: "Black Ningqi, what do you want to do?"

Heining Qi boarded a coffin face and said: "Catch the family, destroy the family!"

"You dare..." Soave screamed: "I am not only the finance minister of the Wrath Kingdom, but also the Elder of the Hidden Yuan. My milk brother is the great judge of the Judiciary, Baron! Who dares to move me? Let Sauron come to see me!"

Heining Qi did not pay attention, and waved directly: "Up!"

Suddenly, the Guards Samurai and the Shadow Court Samurai rushed up.

"Slow!" A hidden master of the continent, Fang Qing: "Hei Ningqi commander, this mansion is the territory of the hidden continent, the army of the Wrath Kingdom has no right to arbitrarily."

Heining Qi sneered and said: "This is the land of the Wrath Kingdom. When did it become the territory of Hidden Island? When did you have a territory in Hidden?"

Fang Qing said: "This is what I bought from Hidden Island. I personally approved it from my Highness."

“Ha ha ha...” Heining Qi laughed and said: “If you hide all the land of Wangcheng in Yinzhou, isn’t it that you are the land of your hidden continent?”

After all, Heining took out a land contract: "What is your so-called land purchase contract? I am very sorry, clearly written in the laws of the kingdom. Non-Kingdom people can rent land and buy houses. But absolutely no land is allowed to be bought or sold. That is to say, these houses can be yours, but this land belongs to the Kingdom of the Wrath. The Duke of Regent said that the sale of these land is privately accepted and illegal. , immediately void!"

"Oh la la la..." Suddenly, Heininge tore the land contract.

During the time, Fang Qing’s color changed dramatically.

If this land contract is illegal, then thousands of other land contracts will be illegally revoked.

That is the gold coins involved in astronomical figures, the land of astronomical figures.

Suddenly, Fang Qingyi said coldly: "Is it necessary to fight with my dream in Sauron?"

Heining Qidao said: "There is no such thing, just correcting the previous chaos. But the Duke of Regent said, if the hidden continent wants to start a war, then it will be another civil war, killing dozens of millions of people. He won't care."

"Up! Arrested the entire family of Sofo, copied the property of Soave." Heining Qi ordered.

"Who dares..." Soufe ordered loudly: "All the warriors step forward, no matter who dares to break into the hidden continent, kill it!"

Suddenly, hundreds of hidden Zhou warriors came forward, surrounded by the gate, pulled out the sword and the Guards!

The Guards Army led the wrath, and the world was really ridiculous. On the land of Wangcheng, there were even external warriors trying to override the Guards.

At this time, he was so grateful that Sauron had defeated the shackles. If he was allowed to leave the upper position, the consequences would be completely unimaginable. At that time, Yinzhou would have to ride on the neck of the kingdom to make a fortune, and the nationals of the entire wrath kingdom would change. Become a slave.

Of course, Heining is not aware of a name, colony!

The hidden invasion of the Wrath Kingdom by the hidden continents, the ultimate goal is to turn the entire Wrath Kingdom into a colony of the hidden continent.

First is the economic colony, then the political colony!

"Ha ha ha ha..." Heining Qi laughed loudly: "The Dragon Emperor saved the human kingdom and made human civilization rise again. He did not do this to let his people give people pigs. Do cows and horses! I want to see, who can stop me? Follow me!"

Suddenly, Heining suddenly pulled out the sword.

Earl of Turing dust hesitated a little and followed the sword.

The two led hundreds of warriors rushing up!

The hidden Zhou warrior in front of the Finance Minister Soave was scared, but still refused to retreat. He shouted: "This is the hidden continent, we are the hidden warriors, you dare to go forward and kill, don't talk about it!"

"Kill...!" The guards of the garrison commanded Heining, and they slammed down.

Suddenly, a former hidden warrior was born in two halves.

In the hands of Turing, it was a sword, not a sword, but he also slammed down and split a former hidden warrior in two.

Then, he sighed in his heart: "Now, there is no way out!"


The elite warriors of the Guards and Shadow Court are madly killed.

In a moment, hundreds of hidden warriors in front of Soave were killed.

Heiningqi's face was covered with blood. Like a beast, he stared at the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sopho, and grabbed his neck. He said coldly: "Soave, I have endured you for many years! Because I am the guard of His Majesty the King." The military commander, so my duty is to guard the king, not to go out of the palace half a step! I can only watch you as a fortune, can only watch you trample on the dignity of the kingdom, can only see the idiots constantly betrayed My own country. I have endured you for a long time, now the Duke of Sauron has won, and Princess Sissi won, I don’t have to bear it, I have to kill it!"

If Soave is chilling, he swears: "I am a man from Hidden Island. I am a **** in the Temple of the Dragon..."

Heining Qidao said: "Which hand did you hand hand to the Duke of Sauron 200,000 gold coins?"

What do you mean by Soave?

"Which hand?" Heiningqi sounds like a beggar.

Souf instinctively raised his right hand.

Heining Qi put Sofo’s right hand on the ground, and then the iron boots fell.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The hard boots slammed on Sopho's right hand.

Suddenly, blood splashed!

"Ah..." Souf sent a terrible sorrow.

Heining's iron boots, keep squatting!

First, the hand bones of Soave are broken.

Second, the entire hand was completely flattened.

Third, the whole hand was stepped on the meat!

"Hey, hey, hehe..." Heininger brewed a few years of anger and frantically vented.

Crazy stepping on.

"I have endured you for many years! I let you trample on the dignity of the kingdom, and I will let you sell the interests of the kingdom!"


Sophoke sent out an earth-shattering horror, and Fang Qingshu on the side saw the face twitching and completely discolored.

After trampling on more than a dozen times, Heining Qifang stopped, and suddenly he would mention it from the ground.

Finance Minister Soave raised his right hand and found that the part below the wrist disappeared completely and became the pile of mud on the ground!

Suddenly, he once again sent out a terrible tragedy!

"Crash in, grab people, copy home! Anyone who carries weapons, kill!"

"Any resistance, kill!"

"Any insult, kill!"

"Any escaper, kill!"

"Any stand, kill!"

Suddenly, thousands of guards rushed into the house of Sophos!

Inside, a torrent of blood, ghosts crying!


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(End of this chapter)

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