World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 442: Four Four Four: Soren slaughter order! The corpse is everywhere!

Chapter 442: 4:4: The Solon Massacre! The corpse is everywhere!

With the command of the Guards, He Ningqi was ordered.

In the house of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sophole’s house was suddenly in a hell.

Killing everywhere, killing and killing people, killing with money, killing with weapons,

In short, if anyone wants to survive, they can only lie on the ground and wait for the arrest, otherwise they will be killed.

In a short period of time, the entire mansion was buried in the ground.

After more than half an hour, more than 30 people from the entire family of Sof were arrested, and more than 300 people were killed.

Finally, when everyone was taken to the prisoner, the cry was soaring.

This street is occupied by aristocrats and senior officials of the kingdom. When they saw this scene, they suddenly stunned and shivered at home.

After an hour, the Finance Minister Souf’s family was taken to the prison.

The civilian **** of the Shadow Court began to enter the residence and began to copy the house.

Throughout the whole process, the Shadow Court and the Guards Force supervised each other, and it was forbidden to have someone in the process of copying the house.

And Yinzhou, the master of the hidden continent, looked at it all coldly.

When it was over, he came to the front of the Guards Army to lead Heining, and said coldly: "Please tell Sauron that all he has done today will pay the price."

"Roll!" Heining Qi cold: "I took the day when the Duke of Regency ordered you to arrest you."

"Dream!" Fang Qingyi sneered: "A group of ants!"

His high standing posture is exactly the same as that of the Princess of the Devil.

The Wrath Kingdom has not yet become a colony of the hidden continent, and he looks at the people of this country with the eyes of the indigenous people.

Then, Fang Qingyi turned and left.

Sauron captured Soave, which is equivalent to officially fighting in hidden continent!

The other party did the first day, then Fang Qingyi had to do fifteen.

To fight back, give a fatal counterattack!


"His Duke, has successfully captured the Sophos." Heining came to Sauron and kneels down.

Sauron looked at Heiningqi and found that his eyes were extremely hot, and even his palms were now shaking.

He can understand the feelings of Heiningqi!

The relationship between the Hei family and the royal family is the same as that of the night-scarred family and the Sox family.

When the clan had not yet been crowned, the Hei family had been a clan of the family for generations.

More than a hundred years ago, the family of the Hei family had changed their surname to 卮. Just like many family warriors in Sauron, the name is changed.

Only after the black family's merits were great, the original surname was restored and became one of the kingdom's nobles.

Fifty years ago, the Hei family began walking on two legs, one article and one martial.

So now, the head of the Wen’s family is the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Blackwood. The leader of the military commander is Heining Qi, the garrison army commander!

As a vassal of the royal family, Heining is of course a true patriot. He has endured for several years, and now he is finally getting excited, and he is of course excited.

For Sauron, who maintains the dignity of the royal family and the wrath of the Wrath, nature is also extremely fanatical.

Compared with Heining Qi, the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Blackwood, seems a bit too rational.

Reading people, it is easy to think too much.

In the past few years, although the Minister of the Ministry of Health, Heimu, did not follow the smuggling of the group, he has always been ill at home, too much to protect himself.

"Good." Soren said: "How is the Wangcheng Golden number?"

Heining Qidao said: "The deputy commander of the Guards, Li Ruofei, led a 10,000-strong army to take over the Wangcheng Gold. There should be no problems. There should be good news soon."

The headquarters of Wangcheng Jin is a separate castle on the outskirts of Wangcheng.

Sauron nodded and said: "Go, I will go to the meeting, Sopho, the imperial minister of this hidden continent."

"Duke of the Duke please." Heining Qi was in his body.

Soren's palace, the big sergeant Gao Yin and He Ningqi two top masters protection, surrounded by more than 3,000 elite warriors.

Now Sauron's life is too important, so there are countless people around him at any time, and his security specifications even exceed the king's metamorphosis.

In the Tianmong of Heilongjiang, Sauron once again saw the Minister of Finance, Sopho, who was a prisoner.

At this time, Soave, long before the middle-aged beautiful man's handsome appearance, the whole right hand is gone, the whole person is shaking, but his eyes are extremely crazy.

After seeing Sauron, he immediately screamed: "Sauron, you will regret it, you will regret it! My milk brother Barron priest will come to save me, the hidden continent master will come to save me. You are going to have a big disaster soon, you will have a big disaster!"

Soren asked: "How about the result of the black-and-white, the house of the Sophoes?"

Heining Qidao: "His Duke, although the investigation has not ended. But now it seems that the results may not be big, most of Sofo's money is not at home, perhaps in the Wangcheng Golden."

On the other side of the Wangcheng Gold, Sauron had sent the deputy commander of the Guards, Li Ruofei, to lead the 10,000-strong army to take over.

Sauron came to Soave and said: "Sopholet, now the state treasury has lost more than seven million gold coins. And you have greed tens of millions of gold coins, I will get it back. You represent the hidden continent to buy the kingdom When you are rich, there must be a book, can you give it to me, I will copy the house according to this book, and ask for money!"

"Ha ha ha..." Souf laughed. "You can't come back, because the money has become real estate. It has become a vast land, a large estate, a large mine. And I want to pay." What comes out, you dream!"

After all, Souf spit in to Sauron.

"You are very important in this book. How can I recover without this account, how to copy the house, how to arrest people, and how to know who is an important member of your hidden interest group?" Soren said: "So trouble you recall, these books are in where?"

"Oh..." Sophoke squirted again.

"Bring his son over." Soren said.

Suddenly, a warrior brought a young man in his twenties.

"Haha, you want to threaten me with my son's life..." Souf haha ​​laughed.

However, he did not laugh before he stopped.

Because Sauron’s sword fell, Soph’s son, who was directly in the same position, was cut off his head.

"Bring his daddy over." Soren said.

Then, two warriors brought a veteran of the brocade.

"The thief, you dare, the great judge Barron is my son..." The old man yelled at Soren.

"Spurs..." Sauron pierced his head and pierced his head.

"Next!" Sauron waved.

Sauron didn't see who it was, and he went straight to the sword and cut his head in the future.




In this way, Sauron killed the Saif family in a dozen people, killing the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sophoe, and shuddering, almost urinating.

"I won't kill people because of my anger." Sauron said faintly: "Turing is mad, so offensive to me, almost hurt my son. I have not tortured her, but she has been tortured." Because I am not cruel and killing, but... If I kill someone for a certain purpose, I will kill a thousand, 10,000 in one breath, and my face will not change!"

Sophoe’s entire body trembled and trembled: “The Baron priest will come to save me, and the hidden continent will come to save me.”

Sauron nodded and waved: "Next!"

Suddenly, the two warriors pushed up a person, a teenager, this is the youngest son of Sopho, more than A Shi Yuan.

Sauron’s heart was soft, and the hand holding the sword hesitated a little and let it go.

"Forget it, Soave is ruthless and self-sufficient. Even if he kills his family, he won't wrinkle his brows." Soren, waved and let the two warriors take Sopho's youngest son away. .

Then, he suddenly noticed that this teenage boy looked at Sauron's eyes full of grievances.

Sauron stepped forward and said to the younger son of Sof: "I know that you hate me because I killed your family. But kill one more person today to kill one hundred people tomorrow."

"Little Master, I remember you, I remember you." The boy used the words of incomparable vengeance: "You wait for me to go out alive, wait for me to go to the hidden continent, go to the Temple of the Dragon, I will definitely You kill your family."

“Hidden Island, Shenlong Temple?” Soren said: “You are the person of the Wrath Kingdom, when did you become a hidden man?”

"Hey! Xiaoye, I am the best person in Yinzhou, not a despicable anger!" The teenager spit a sip of water.

Sauron frowned and fell into a struggle. After hesitating a little, he went up to hug the boy's head and gently twisted it.

"Oh..." The boy’s neck was directly twisted and killed directly!

Unlocking the body of the boy, Sauron came to Soave and found that the other person’s eyes were only afraid, and there was not much sadness.

"You are a bad person. There is not much grief in the face of the tragic death of your family." Soren said: "It seems that threatening you with your family will not open your mouth, then let's change the way!"

Then, Sauron waved.

A shadow court warrior took a red-hot soldering iron and placed it on the edge of Sopho's face.

Souf felt the face's incomparably hot, unable to open his eyes.

There is really no fear in his heart, but he knows that once he says it will die, the hidden continent will not let go of his own.

If you insist, you will be very painful, but at least you will not die.

Soren asked: "This is very painful, you still don't suffer, where is the book?"

"There is no book!" said Soave.

Sauron waved.

The Shadow Court Warrior directly printed the red soldering iron on his face.

"Ah..." Souf gave a scream of screaming.

There was a stench in the air.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sopho, rushed out of the urine directly, and the pain was directly fainted.

A pot of cold water poured directly into the water, and I will wake up.

“Where is the book?” asked Soren.

Souf opened his mouth and smirked at Sauron. "The Baron priest will come to save me. The hidden continent will come to save me. Soren will have a big disaster."

Beside the black anger, I have to go to the penalty in person!

Sauron waved: "No, the pain he has suffered has exceeded the limit. He can't feel the pain when he uses the sentence. He has hope in his heart, so he won't say it. Look for the best doctor to heal him. Don't let him die."

"Yes!" Heining Road.

Sauron turned and left the dungeon.

Heining Qidao: "Duke of the Duke, what should I do next? How to let Soave open."

Soren Road: "Reassure, he will open. Now he does not open because he is determined, but because his life is too strong. He knows that once he confesses, he will die. When he feels that life is not as good as death, he will Say it. Look at Yin Du Shaoqing, completely confident!"

Heilongtai Shaoqing Yindu smiled and said: "Yes, this situation is much more common. For up to three days, he will speak."

Soren Road said: "Without three days, I went to find Princess Sissi and let her suppress it with spiritual skills and defeat his will!"


Sauron is completely racing against time!

Hidden will definitely fight back, and it will be very fierce and deadly!

However, Sauron still has to implement a principle, you hit you, I beat me.

You must not passively enter the defense because of the hidden attack on the hidden continent. You must not do this!

There are two things he needs to do now.

The first one, thoroughly master the Wangcheng Golden Number, and don't let the situation worsen.

The second one, get a large amount of gold coins in the shortest time, in response to the huge crisis that will follow!

With the counterattack of Yinzhou, the silver roots of the Wrath Kingdom will suddenly break.

Don't talk about debt repayment at that time. Even if the money to keep the kingdom is running, millions of troops will not be able to get the army, and countless officials will not get the money. The entire state machine will stop at any time.

Once that is reached, the consequences are completely fatal!

Sauron is powerful, but it is impossible to instruct others to work without money.

Moreover, with the explosion of the Wangcheng Golden scandal, there must be a running crisis.

If the princes and nobles come to withdraw money, Sauron can also refuse, even threaten with a sword, because these people's money is not clean.

However, Wang Chengjin also has a large part of the money, which is the affluent and middle class of the kingdom, and even ordinary people.

These people come to withdraw money, and Sauron must pay for it.

Because these people's money is clean and necessary for life. If they can't get the money, then the credibility of the entire Wrath Kingdom will be destroyed, and the whole country will be completely chaotic.

In the eyes of Sauron, this crisis, the nobility can be chaotic, the princes can be chaotic, but the civilians can not mess!

People are like water, people are moving like smoke!

The people's hearts are not worth much in many cases, but at the crucial moment, they are the most terrible.

At this critical moment, once the civilians are in chaos, the entire kingdom will almost completely collapse.

Because this is a country after the civil war, a country that has not yet made a smooth transition in the ruling class!

On the surface, the treasury has only a deficit of more than seven million gold coins, and once the crisis erupts, it is a huge hollow of more than 10 million gold coins.

At this time, there are a lot of gold coins in the Wangcheng Gold. As long as the Wangcheng Gold is completely taken over, the basic plate will be half stable. Because according to the previous description of Soave, he only misappropriated the gold coin of about 30% of the Wangcheng gold.

A few days ago, after the failure, Sauron immediately sent someone to take over the Wangcheng Golden.

However, the hidden yuan will be the largest shareholder of the Wangcheng Gold. At the time, Sauron had not completely turned his face with Yinzhou, so he could not use force.

Now that he has completely turned his face, Sauron took the initiative and immediately sent troops to block the Wangcheng Golden.

It is not enough to control the Wangcheng Gold. Sauron needs a gold coin to cope with the upcoming run-off crisis to maintain the operation of the state machine.

This gold coin does not need too much, three or four million is enough.

However, even if it is three or four million, it is not something he can afford. The gold coins he has now are only a few hundred thousand.

So I can only get this money by copying the home, but who is copying the home?

It is entirely up to Sopho's book, because only he knows the aristocrats in Wangcheng, how much black money the officials have received, and how many ill-gotten gains have been corrupted.

It is impossible for Sauron to confuse the family, which is also a fatal blow to the credibility of the country.


Soren went to the Princess House to find her, let her use the spirit of suppression to dispel the will of Sopho, let him tell the book.

This account book will definitely exist. This is the handle of the kingdom of the kingdom. This is the most deadly weapon in his hand. He will certainly regard it as a treasure and hide it somewhere.

Sauron has not arrived at the Princess House, and there is a fatal news!

The deputy commander of the Guards, who was sent to take over the Wangcheng Golden, flew directly to the ground.

"The Duke of the Great, the Wangcheng Golden is burned, and all the books in it, the archives are all burned."

The deputy commander of the Guards, Li Ruofei, trembled on the ground.

This news is completely like a blue sky for Sauron.

Li Ruofei said: "When our army surrounded the Wangcheng Golden, they burned the entire Wangcheng Gold with the fastest speed. Everywhere inside was poured with oil! Together, the fire could not save."

The Wangcheng Golden is a stable situation in Soren, and it is the basic one to deal with the huge crisis!

It is now a torch!

Knowing that Fang Qing will fight back madly, he did not expect that he would be so determined, and he would completely burn the entire Wangcheng Golden. To know this, there is also a huge loss to the reputation of the entire hidden yuan.

At this time, Sauron could almost feel the sneer of the hidden master of Qingzhou.

Burning out the Wangcheng Gold, almost drove Solon into a desperate situation.

At that time, the deficit that broke out is not a few million gold coins, but one or two million gold coins.

Even more frightening is the face of countless crowds, the complete collapse of the kingdom's finances, and the complete collapse of the state machine.

Sauron closed his eyes!

The most dangerous moment, the most deadly moment is coming!

A moment later, Sauron opened his eyes and calmed down: "God down, let the guards who surrounded the King City Gold rush in, kill all the members of the hidden Yuanhui! Heining Qi immediately led the army, will be hidden The headquarters is completely surrounded!"

Heining Qi suddenly trembled, and the headquarters of the hidden yuan club can really be a place of extra-legal.

The embassy, ​​which is equivalent to the hidden kingdom of the Wanda State, is the sphere of influence that truly belongs to the Temple of the Dragon. Once the troops are surrounded by the headquarters of the Hidden Yuan, it is the sudden change of the sky.


Note: The second and fifth thousand words are sent, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you. At the end of the writing, the keyboard was broken, so it was ten minutes late.

(End of this chapter)

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