World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 845: Eight Four Seven: Don't be jealous, just do it!

Chapter 845, August 4th, don't be jealous, just do it!

After Lanling left these days, the Tang Dynasty became the highest leader of the Yan Empire.

Fortunately, after several years of training and construction, the official organization of the Enchanted Empire has been very effective.

Suo Mo and Sha Yan Princess, Yin Ji is in charge of internal affairs, everything is still methodical.

The Tang people took the overall situation and targeted it. His focus was on transforming the fake hell.

Now, the landing of the Na Blood Corps has basically reached the end. Next, Na Xuegong mainly assembled the elite army, carried out the battle of the Yunhe people, and seized the core land of the wilderness in the south. A blood-sucking demon alliance in the district, only the site of most of the Raksha community is too shameful.

After the Battle of the Clouds, the Vampires Alliance will concentrate on destroying the Enchanted Empire.

This time, it is not less than 200,000 blood-sucking demon corps, but ten times, twenty times or more.

Moreover, it is not only attacking the city of the evil city, but it is like a tide that floods into the entire territory of the empire empire, so the transformation of the five **** enchantments is especially critical.

The transformation of the energy tower has been completed, and the huge energy ball can be directly pulverized by directly using the positive and negative vortex impact of the black hole energy.

In order to transform these five energy towers, the Starry Magic Rock of the Infernal Crack of the Inflammatory Empire has already been used up by 60%. There are not many left, and the remaining 40% will continue to be studied in the next starry magic research, let alone what is open. Other projects.

The most crucial thing is the lack of purple spar and bright spar.

Putting the purple crystal spar into the dark energy vortex will react fiercely and produce tremendous energy.

The reaction of a hundred kilograms of purple spar is equivalent to the energy of 10,000 pounds of gunpowder.

But now the purple stone spar of the Inflammatory Empire stock is not enough, it is not enough to fight a big battle.

And if you add a bright spar to the energy tower, then the flame ball that is sent out will be accompanied by terrible bright rays, and it will have a lethal lethality to the vampire army.

However, the illuminating empire at this time of the bright spar is only half a catty.

Of course, the good news is that Lan Ling has collected a total of ten pounds from the secret laboratory, which is enough to fight a big fight.

So the most lacking now is this purple spar.

To this end, the Enchanted Empire sent out more than a dozen search teams to find a new starry magical meteorite cave in the entire empire empire. Because this hole is usually accompanied by purple spar, there are other precious spar.

One of the most important teams is the two ladies who led the 30 energy academics. After all, the first starry magical meteorite cave was discovered by the second lady, and dedicated to the empire empire.

Although it was explored in the territory of the Enchanted Empire, in order to protect the two ladies, the Tang people sent two generals, Gangduo and Duolong, and there were three demon-level death knights, three thousand cavalry, and five hundred werewolf warriors. .

Yesterday, this team came with a huge piece of good news.

In a huge mountain range, they found a second **** fissure, which was turned around in the cracks of hell, and finally found the second starry magical meteorite cave, bigger than the first one.

Not only is the Starry Magic Meteorite twice as large as the first cave, but the Purple Sunstone may reach the level of 29,000 kilograms.

There are also various types of spar, countless.

This is a great harvest!

The Tang people could not help but ecstasy. The two ladies have a strong sense of smell for the various spar and the starry magic stone.

This is completely a strategic level resource of the Inflammatory Empire, so the Tang people immediately ordered the opening of the purple spar and shipped it back to the Yan Empire.

According to the truth, the discovery of this strategic level of resources should immediately send troops to station, and even build castle guards above the magical caves of the stars.

However, the location of this second starry magic meteorite cave is somewhat sensitive, although it is in the territory of the Inflammatory Empire. However, it is very close to the current vampire territory.

In order not to stun the snakes, it is temporarily impossible to send large-scale troops to station.

As long as you win the blood-sucking demon alliance in the war, then everything is easy to say, and now the most important thing is to bring the purple stone to the enchanting empire.

However... that is, at this juncture, something went wrong.

The hook brought a huge bad news: the exploration team led by the second lady, was arrested and detained by the blood-sucking demon army of Princess Na, on the grounds that they invaded the territory of the vampire.

Suddenly, the Tang people were furious!

Na blood is really deceiving, and the area is clearly the area of ​​the inflammatory empire. When did it become the field of the vampire? It is clear that the blood-sucking demon of Na's blood crosses the border, but it has become the field of the invading vampires of the Inflammatory Empire.

This is all about deer as a horse, upside down black and white.

And the most important thing is that among the people who are detained by the blood-sucking demon army of Na Na, there are two ladies.

Who is she?

It is the little scorpion of Lanling, one of the nephews of the empire of the empire!

I have arrested the emperor of a country, isn’t it directly slap on the face of Lanling?

Hooked: "I should tell my majesty immediately!"

The Tang people waved and stopped, saying: "No, I personally went to the Fortress of the Devil's City, met the Princess of Blood, and rescued Mrs. Silk!"

Gossip: "But your command is that you are sitting in the empire's center and you can't take the risk."

Tang Rendao said: "What do you want him to do, do you still need our courtiers? Believe me, this thing is better for me to come out. If you come out from behind, let Nata see a lot of clues, can't The diplomatic level of this matter is raised too high."

At the moment, the Tang people immediately rode north to the headquarters of the Vampires Alliance!


However, the Tang people did not see the Princess of Na, but did not even see the emperor, just saw the new Luosha Wang Nether.

Nether, now is the third spot in the Vampire League.

"Big Brother, don't come innocent!"

"What about Princess Na, blood?" Tang said.

Nether Road: "According to diplomatic etiquette, we need to wait for the reception, so I will receive you."

Tang Rendao: "Even if you follow the principle of peer reception, you should be the emperor to receive me, not you!"

Nether smiled: "Big Brother, you should not naively think that the Alliance of Fire and the Vampires are the same level! So I can only accept you, what are you doing?"

Tang Rendao: "That's good, if that's the case, I will talk to you! You cross-border arrest and detain my empire emperor, is it suitable for the intention? Want to go to war? Want to tear up the armistice agreement?"

Nether Road: "Big Brother, you made a mistake. It was someone who invaded the territory of my blood-sucking demon alliance, and also pretended to be the emperor of the empire, so we were arrested and arrested."

After she was married to Lanling, she changed her name to Lan, so Lansie sounded a bit weird.

The Tang people took out the map and said: "This is the territory map of my flaming empire, completely inherited from the former Yanqi flag, which was signed and approved by the first Rakshasa King."

At that time, Lan Ling destroyed the Tianmo Banner, the Blood Devil Flag, the Blue Devil Flag, the Spirit Magic Flag, etc., and expanded the territory according to his own needs, expanding from 1.3 million square kilometers to 2.35 million square kilometers. .

In order to let Lanling go to the city of Yune, and the war of the Prince of Heaven, Rakshasa seized the nose and agreed to the new territory of the Yanmoqi.

So although very arrogant, this new territory map is indeed legal, not only the signature of the Rakshasa King, but also the signature of all members of the Mozu Alliance, as well as the print of the Mozu Alliance.

Therefore, it is absolutely authoritative.

In this territory map, the second starry magic meteorite cave discovered by Lansi Huangfu is in the territory of the Yanmeng Empire.

Nether smiled and took out a brand new map: "Coincident, I also have a map here, which is recognized by all members of the Vampire League."

Then, Nether put the map up and pointed to the location of the second starry magic meteorite cave discovered by Lan Sisi: "Look, the woman posing as the emperor, led the team to invade my vampire alliance. More than three hundred miles."

Seeing this new map, the Tang people’s eyes jerked.

It’s really a shame, it’s crazy!

In the map of the vampire area, the territory of the enchanted empire has been less than one million square kilometers, shrinking more than half.

What is even more crazy is that Nanmucheng, and half of Beining City, have become the territory of the vampires.

The person who made this map is really mad, and it is completely a map.

The Na Blood Group really did not have a little peace with the Yan Mo Empire.

It is even hard for the Tang people to understand what the brain of Princess Na is thinking. She and Princess Dnie have already decided to fight, and they should desperately appease the empire of the empire, lest they should be slashed in the back during the war.

As a result, she did not appease, but a more insane provocation. Why is this?

Nether pointed to this position on the map: "The star of the magical meteorite, you don't want to think about it. This is the property of my blood-sucking demon alliance. As for the fake Lansi emperor, she dared to bring people. Invade the territory of my blood-sucking demon alliance, that is, sin and death, it should be punished. I want to take him back, let your lord, Emperor Lanling, come to my blood-sucking demon alliance to ask the Princess of the Royal Highness!"

"Yes, let Lan Ling personally come, you are not enough..." Nethered and said: "The Emperor of the Fire Empire, he is the weakest in the wild, but he is the first to be the emperor. It is really a family, interesting, interesting. ......"

The Tang people looked coldly at the Nether, and said one word: "It seems that you are really sad and mad, I hope that you will not regret it..."

"Pretend, pretending to be..." Nether pointed to the Tang Dynasty: "Get a sub-king ghoul on the fox, and now this Asian-level ghoul was picked up, but also bluffing, interesting?"

When the words came out, the Tang people suddenly changed their face.

The ghoul's peerlessness is the top secret in the top secret, and the strategic deterrent of the empire.

But now it is directly exposed. It is no wonder that the Vampires Alliance is so bold, directly to the door to provoke, took away the star of the enchanted empire, the magical meteorite mine, and took away the scorpion of Lanling.

This is a face fight, but also revenge!

"Don't look at me like this..." Nether said: "No one has confided, and this thing is the leader of the Scorpion Corps personally told the Royal Highness Princess, and the Scorpion Legion also announced that in the future between the Princess of Blood and Lanling, Absolutely neutral!"

This is a bad news, huge bad news!

Once the empire empire has always regarded the squadron as an absolute ally, even an extension of military power.

Nowadays, the squadron has officially drawn a line and even informed the blood of the ghoul.

Nether Road: "I don't care if this woman named Lan Sisi is a small scorpion of Lanling, but I want to go back and let Lan Ling personally ask for it. Otherwise, she will be subject to the crime of breaking into the territory of the vampire. The most rigorous punishment. Let Lan Ling come early, so as not to regret it, and pick up a woman who is vague and rotten."


Lan Ling took Ji Xiu Ning back to the Yancheng City and heard this huge bad news!

The squadron and his lined up the boundaries, and told the Princess of the Blood Princess about the ghouls?

Why is that? Is Na Na told the Raksha Ghost? Let the squadron have such a clear tendency? Even changed the position?

But the most important thing is that the Princess of Na blood knows that the Devil Empire has no Asian-level powerhouse and directly loses its strategic deterrence.

As a result, the Vampires Alliance has become devoid of risk!

Therefore, she wants to tear up the armistice agreement, officially open the squad, and use the shortest time, the least cost to destroy the empire empire, and then vacate the hand to fight with Princess Digne.

However, Princess Na is not willing to take the initiative to tear up the armistice agreement, so she cross-bordered the lady of Lanling’s little sorrow, and unscrupulously beat her face, trying to anger him to take the initiative to fight.

In this way, it is not her blood, but Lan Ling, who tears up the armistice agreement!

In addition, Princess Na blood can use the power of Thunder to destroy the empire of the empire, without bearing the reputation of the contract.

"Our Hell Demon Array has not been rebuilt, our purple spar is far from enough. We are not ready for the war!" Suo Modao: "If we start the war now, it will be extremely unfavorable to us, and even the danger of destruction."

Tang Rendao: "Netherland let me tell you, let you go to the Vampire League headquarters in person, and ask the Princess of Blood to release people. Otherwise, they will impose the most severe punishment on Lanshisi."

Lanling Road: "In the face of war, are we really not ready?"

The doom goddess red water scooped: "It is indeed not ready, now the war, there is a danger of destruction. Without the ghouls, we lack the deterrent of the energy of the sub-king."

Lanling Road: "Na Na blood is provoking, this is playing face, this is forcing us to actively tear the armistice agreement!"

Taking a deep breath, Lanling said: "In the face of her provocation, I only have one sentence! She wants to fight, then fight! Don't be jealous, just do it!"


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(End of this chapter)

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