World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 846: Eight forty-eight: evil war! A Shi is coming from a visit!

Chapter 846 Eighty-eight Eight Evil War! A Shi is coming from a visit!

After hearing the words of Lanling, the Tang people suddenly stopped talking.

The soro is cautious: "Now we are really not ready, once the war, the face is very small."

The Somo is telling the truth. After he finished, he looked at the Tang people and hoped that he would enter.

However, the Tang people did not speak, but fell into thinking.

Suo Modao: "Or else, let the Tang or his Majesty personally go to the Princess of Digne, let the Queen of the Magic come to visit our empire empire? Or even send troops directly to support the empire empire?"

After the Soul was not finished, it was stopped by Lan Ling.

This is very, very rare, because the Soul is the uncle of Lanling, so Lan Ling is very respectful to him at almost any time, and there is absolutely no such situation in which he stops his speech in advance.

On the side of the princess, the princess said: "French, I think the uncle said it makes sense. I want Princess Teresa to ask for help, although some have no face, but the safety of the empire is heavy. So I think that the husband or the eldest brother went to Digne. It is very necessary for the princess to go there, or go directly to the witch country!"

When the words came out, the black curse, the blood wolf king, and many other members of the Fire Council agreed.

Among the members of the Inflammatory Council, the hooks and the spirits of Lanling are connected, the evil and the Khan, the red fire and Khan are the only ones, and they almost never take the initiative to express their opinions.

Those who are truly brave enough to express their opinions almost do not agree to the war.

More than half of the members of the Inflammatory Council feel that they should ask for help from Princess Dee, not to fight with uncertainty.

There is no doubt that their opinions are correct to some extent. The corpse of the sub-king class has gone away. The Hell's enchantment has not been rebuilt, and the purple spar is not enough. It is extremely dangerous for the rushing and the Na's blood army to start a full-scale war. Even if it is dead, it is no doubt that the Princess of Diene is asking for help. The safest way. The most important thing is that Digne will definitely agree!

After more than half of the members of the Demon Council, after publishing their opinions, they looked towards the Tang people.

Because Lanling can best listen to the opinions of two people, one is the Soul, and the other is the Tang.

However, the Tang people did not speak.

Lanling Road: "Tang people, do you think my considerations make sense?"

The Tang people nodded: "According to my understanding of Princess Na, your considerations make sense."

When the words came out, everyone was speechless, and the Princess of Sayan was even more glanced.

Please, what do you think about Lanling? You don't say it, how do you know if there is any reason? However, the Tang people said that it makes sense. Lan Ling has not said, you know?

Lanling Road: "Before the blood princess crossed the border, I didn't know that there was a starry magic stone, so her arrest was premeditated. Then, what do you think is the purpose of her cross-border catching my little sister?"

Princess Sha Yan said: "She knows that the empire empire does not have a sub-king powerhouse. I know that the ghoul has left, so I have to provoke, force us to lose our senses, tear up the armistice agreement, and then let us at the least cost. Go out and sit in the entire Rakshasa field!"

Lanling Road: "This speculation is very reasonable, but we also saw the scale of the Na's blood army after landing. To tell the truth, even if the ghoul is still in our empire, she probably won't put us on In the eyes, will she change her attitude because of the demise of the ghoul?"

Tang Rendao: "There is this possibility, but it is very small! She is a very aggressive woman and a proud and tough woman. Once the armistice agreement is signed, she is still willing to abide by her. Even if she is not willing to abide by it. I will never find a reason, let alone take the initiative to destroy the armistice agreement. She will directly tear the face and kill it. Let us take the initiative to tear up the armistice agreement, and then she will call this hypocritical behavior, unlike her character. And like my first father."

Yes, the Tang people said the key points.

Princess Na is very proud. Since she signed the armistice agreement, she will abide by it.

In the unlikely event that something can't be observed, she will not make a squat/sub-license, forcing Lanling to tear up the agreement and fight again. She promised to go straight to work, for no reason at all.

Everyone is immersed in meditation, and this analysis does make sense.

Lanling Road: "So, why did the Princess of Na blood make this change, and the Ming and my empire empire have entered a short-lived state of peace, and have to break it? Cross-border catching my little sister?"

Everyone is concentrating on listening to Lan Ling's answer.

Lanling Road: "I think the bottom line is that Princess Dnie visited the empire of the empire and participated in the founding of the empire of the empire, so the Princess of the blood has such a strong reaction and transformation."

"Yes, Princess Na is jealous."

Lan Ling smiled and said: "You look at my charm and look down on the blood. She is a cruel and ruthless person. How can she use her feelings? The reason why she crossed my hand is to try out My true relationship with Princess Digne!"

Lan Ling continued: "Everyone thinks, if we have absolute tacit understanding and friendship with Princess Dnie. In the face of the provocation of Princess Na, I can't stand this breath, but I want to protect the empire, then What should I do? Of course, I will ask for help from Princess Dini, and she will certainly send reinforcements at our request, and even send the demon queen directly! So, our relationship with Princess Dnie is completely tested. It is."

Princess Sha Yan said: "Even if you are being tested, there is nothing important to do.

"Ten thousand can't..." Lanling said: "If we go to Digne for help, and Princess Dini really sent support, and even sent the demon queen to come to support, the consequences are fatal, and even completely subvert the current southern wilderness. The pattern!"

Speaking of here, Lanling paused and took a sip of tea.

On the other hand, the Tang people went on to say: "At present, the three sides of the wild, or the forces of the Quartet, our empire is the weakest. If it is in a neutral state, then there is still a foothold. Once we learn that we are fully aligned with Princess Dnie Nana Princess Blood will really kill my empire empire at all costs."

The black curse said: "Then she will not worry that when she destroys my enchanted empire, Princess Digne will march north and attack the bloodsucking demon alliance?"

Tang Rendao: "The legion of Princess Digne is more than eighty-nine miles away from the nearest group of the Vampires. This is one of the most important reasons. Once the Princess of Digne is fully aligned with us, the most The most furious thing is the Heavenly King, he will never tolerate the Princess of Digne to the embrace of Lanling. At that time, it was the early break of the King of Heaven and Princess Dnie, and by that time my empire was In the face of the catastrophe, the future Princess Dnie may also fall into the situation of double-sided attack."

When this was said, it suddenly became awkward.

Everyone is suddenly realized!

Lanling Road: "Yes, Di Nie Gong mainly broke with the Emperor of Heaven, but it must not break now. Once it breaks now, Princess Di Nie not only lost most of the army. What is even more terrible is that Princess Na is likely to The Heavenly Kings are allied together. These two powerful forces are allied, even if they are allied in the same bed, the consequences are extremely terrible. Once the Heavenly King determines that Di Nie Gong is mainly engaged in my arms, then Princess Di Nie will become the biggest King of Heaven. The enemy. Because he thinks that Princess Dnie has betrayed him, this kind of hatred will far exceed his hostility towards Princess Na."

"So, those princesses across the border to catch my little silk is a strategic blackmail, but also a strategic test!" Lanling said: "Once we ask for help from Princess Digne, it will fall into her trap. At that time, the Inflammatory Empire will not only suffer from the catastrophe, but also the King of Heaven and Princess Dnie will break in advance, and the entire wilderness will be completely subverted!"

For a long time, everyone took a breath.

Whether it is a soro, a black curse, or a princess, a lot of people, just feel that the back is bursting with creeps.


I did not think that the **** princess was a random move, but it contained such a deep, so dangerous meaning.

Fortunately, it was discovered by Lanling. Otherwise, it is really like the proposal of most members of the Devil's Council to ask for help from Princess Dnie. The consequences are unimaginable.

Then, the princess and other people of Shayan could not help but look at the fearful eyes of Lanling, the blood wolf king, the sorrowful and the black curse, and even the kind of high-altitude taste.

Slowly spit out a breath, Suo Mo suddenly said: "I finally finally understand a word, the truth is in the hands of a few people."

The blood wolf king said: "It is no wonder that most people in this world can only be used as chess pieces. Only a few people can be used as chess players. Only true strategists are qualified to become chess players. Every step of the strategist is weight-lifting. ”

Princess Sha Yan said: "Fu Jun, after we understand this, what should we do next?"

Princess Na blood said: "According to the original intention of Na's blood, I want to let me personally explain the relationship between me and Dini in front of her. And she will bow down to re-determine our neutral position, so that she will spare the silk. Human life."

Princess Sha Yan said: "Don't she let go? Even if you personally ask for love, she will not let go?"

"Of course she won't let people go!" Lan Lingdao said: "I personally went down to plead with her, just to keep the life of the silk and others. To let her let go, we must wait until after the end of the Yune battle. So silk Silk and others are the hostages in her hands, so that I must not interfere with her hostages with the Denivians!"

Lanling Road: "Na blood gave me three roads, and she wants me to take the third road. This is the only way to go."

The first one, ask for help from Princess Digne. The second one is to fight against the blood of Na. The third article, go to the blood of Na Na.

"However, this is her daydreaming!" Lanling said: "How can I go to plead for her?"

That's right, there is no way to go.

Princess Sha Yan said: "What should I do? This is a completely unsolved situation. There is no way to go."

Lanling Road: "How can there be no way to go? This bureau is very easy to break!"

Then, Lanling went to the Tang Dynasty: "The Prime Minister, your brother, Nether, murders your father, Rakshasa, are you angry and angry?"

Tang Rendao: "Anger!"

Lanling Road: "Tang people, Nether steals the throne of Raksha, are you angry and angry?"

Tang Rendao: "Anger!"

Lanling Road: "Well, we will send the soldiers to the city of Rakshasa, and rush to the stage to let you become king."

"According to the purpose!" Tang Humanity.

The routine of Lanling has actually been successfully performed once in New China.

In the 1950s, the gold/gate/battle, the decision-making layer of the Chiang Kai-shek, did not hit the US ship, is the same routine as Lanling.

Lanling's grand voice: "Transfer to the world, the sorcerer kills the monarch, the squat is king, everyone is stunned. The small Luosha Wang Tang talent is the true ruling royal family orthodoxy. I am willing to go to the bloodsucking demon headquarters Princess Na, let her hand over the murderer of the murderer and seek the murder of the murderer."

"Tang people, you immediately led the Centaur Corps, the Golden Warrior Regiment, the Thousand Death Warrior Regiment, the Leopard Legion, the Ten Thousand Ghost Regiment, the Lightning Strike, and Regain the Rakshasa City!" Lanling Road.

"Yes!" Tang Rendao.

This is what Lan Ling’s do not want to do is to be dry. It is really a blackmail.

Capture the city of Rakshasa, and then use the city of Rakshasa to exchange the silk and other people who were detained by Na.

He said that he did not form an alliance with Princess Dnie, and the other side beat his face back, but did not tear his face. Because the Tang people regained the position of the Rakshasa, this is the internal affairs of the Raksha, and has nothing to do with the vampire.

At this time, Lan Ling’s ear rang the voice of the mirror demon: "Master, the demon queen rumors disciple, A Shi is visiting!"


Tianmo City, the bloodsucking demon headquarters!

Emperor said: "His Royal Highness, you have captured the Lanling's little sister across the border, and several of his generals are very dangerous moves."

Princess Na blood said: "Have you heard a word?"


Na blood said: "The best temptation is to approach the actual temptation, while tempting, while attacking the temptation. If Digne and Lanling really have collusion, then when the empire is about to end the disaster, he must Will ask for help from Di Nie."

Emperor said: "If he really asks for help from Digne, what is it?"

Na blood said: "Then don't blame me for being ruthless, and at any cost within a few hours, completely destroy the empire of the empire. The little empire empire, if neutral can still live for a while. And delusion and Dinie alliance to contain me That is to find death!"

Emperor said: "If Lanling and Dini do not have an alliance, but with his crazy character. You arrested his little sister and general, it is like blowing a fan on his face, regardless of whether he directly **** blood to me. How about the Mozu’s war?”

Na blood said: "If he is really stupid enough to hit the stone with an egg, I might as well fulfill him!"

Then, Na blood said: "But you can rest assured that Lanling is not so stupid. He may be a madman, but the key moment is still sensible. I gave him three roads on the surface, actually only gave him a way. His only way is Come to me and bow down, and re-determine the neutrality of the empire, wait, he will come, if he wants the empire."


at the same time!

The young Luochao Tang people, led the 300,000 army, at a speed of three hundred miles per hour, lightning attacked the city of Rakshasa!

As the ambassador of the empire of the empire, the sorcerer, with the will of Lanling, went to the headquarters of the blood-sucking demon, to convey the will of Lanling, and let the Princess of Blood pour out the sorrow of the slain to win the throne!


Note: The second and fourth thousand words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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