World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 859: Eighty-one: repaired to break again! The second layer of trials!

Chapter 859, August 1st, is repaired again! The second layer of trials!

This giant electric monster of several hundred meters is called the Void Giant, and is an energy creature in the fissure.

If defined by the energy level of the output, this Nether Giant rank is not high, just equivalent to the two-star Devil.

But the key is that it has terrible defense, terrible vitality, and terrible lasting attack.

For example, if another energy monster is attacked a hundred times, it will break, and this void giant may take thousands of times to break.

The same level of energy monsters may be killed by two or three hundred energy attacks, and this virtual giant needs tens of thousands of attacks to die.

Other energy monsters can only release four or five hundred energy attacks and run out of energy, and it can be released tens of thousands of times.

In short, in addition to the blood energy level, it is more than dozens of times more than the same level of monsters. Therefore, this thing is extremely difficult to fight.

And the most terrible thing is that this hollow giant is not only a light energy body, its body is also real, weighing more than several hundred thousand pounds, not only endless.


After the tens of thousands of meters of dark platform drifted away from the dark canyon, the million-fold gravity disappeared immediately, and the gravity was completely lost. Lanling could move quickly.


As soon as this empty giant appeared, he danced toward the Lanling fist.

Suddenly, the terrible punches were shot like a cannonball. Oh no, it’s exactly like a missile.

The fist of this void giant is tens of meters long and five or six meters thick. Although the energy level is still a two-star magic, but the total energy is more than dozens of times the normal two-star Wu Sheng.

This is like a fireball attacked by a normal person is three thousand degrees, the size of a volleyball. The fireball of this Nether Giant is also three thousand degrees, but it is as huge as a car, and of course it is dozens of times more lethal.

Before, Lan Ling's chest was caught by an energy monster and a terrible crack. Even the internal organs were visible, and it recovered very slowly. After a few hours, it finally recovered completely.

However, the cracks in the starry armor could not be recovered.

Nothing can be perfect, as is the starry armor. It can prevent energy attacks, but it can't prevent physical attacks and can be directly cracked.


This void giant madly bombarded Lanling.

Fortunately, there is no more than ten thousand times of gravity, but there is no gravity, so Lanling can avoid lightning and not be hit.

But there is no gravity here, so that a few hundred meters of huge void giants are also relatively quick to move, chasing Lan Ling crazy. But in general, Lanling moves much faster and much faster.

As a result, Lan Ling evaded while releasing the Nether Sword.

But the painful fact is that the defensive wife of this Nether Giant is too powerful. The secluded sword of Lanling's one-star demon level, at least a few thousand attacks, can break him. Then tens of thousands of Nether Sword attacks can knock him down.

Although Lanling is very bloody, it is difficult to release tens of thousands of energy attacks.

And the most important thing is that when Lan Ling's Nether Sword hits the Nether Giant, it doesn't even react at all, as if it were bitten by a mosquito.

The defensive power of this giant monster is stronger than expected. Therefore, Lan Ling’s attack on him seems to be wasting energy.

On this dark platform of tens of thousands of meters, Lan Ling quickly moved to avoid.

The Nether Giant madly waved his fists and was completely tireless. Every second, he would take four or five punches.

The entire dark platform is as if it has been bombarded by countless missiles.

Lanling once again thought of Hell Lightning, but sadly, there is a void abyss around here. There is not enough death energy at all, and there is no power in the world, so there is no strong Hell Lightning.

After releasing hundreds of energy punches, the Nether Giant was impatient, suddenly stopped, and then beat his chest with his fist.

At this time, it is not like a void giant, but it is like a diamond that is ten times bigger.

But then...


The Nether Giant stood in the corner of the dark platform and then roared wildly toward Lanling.

Suddenly, a terrible shock wave of energy madness swept through.

At this time, Lanling was really hit like in the vicinity of the atomic bombing. It suddenly burst into blood and the whole person flew straight out.

The energy of the Nether Giant is roaring, it is so amazing, it should be even its killer crit.

And there is no dead angle attack within 270 degrees, Lan Ling wants to avoid, unless it flashes behind it. However, this hollow giant stands on the far edge of the dark platform, behind which is the void abyss.

Therefore, it is impossible to avoid the energy roar of this giant.

Once Lan Ling was shot down from the dark platform and fell into the abyss, it meant ending.


This Nether Giant continues to roar wildly.

Lanling flies like straw, blood squirts, and the skin on the body surface tears.

Of course, he is wearing starry armor. But the starry armor has a gap, and it has been torn open, and the energy roar of the Nether Giant is pervasive.

Like a straw, Lanling is constantly being pushed and will soon be launched into the dark platform. Once you fall into the abyss, it means the end.

Lanling was close to the teeth and used all his strength to slam the black scorpion sword to the ground.

Suddenly, the invincible energy hood appeared and all the pain disappeared.

The energy roar of the Nether Giant can't cause any damage to Lanling.

The internal injuries of Lanling are gradually recovering, but the injury is not heavy.

Although Lanling was hiding in the energy hood, the Nether Giant was still roaring wildly, insisting on a quarter of an hour.

After the end of the energy roar, the Nether Giant once again began the energy punching.

Lanling began to quickly evade, of course, the energy shield of the Wusong sword can withstand the energy fist. But this hollow giant is a fist and one foot.

This energy hood can prevent energy attacks, but it can't prevent physical attacks, and what fists are waving and the feet can't stop. And this Nether Giant is a semi-energy creature with a substantial body.


But after half an hour, the routine of the Nether Giant was seen through Lanling.

It is the two types of attack, one is the crazy energy punching, and after accumulating enough energy, it begins to release the energy roar.

Although the energy is amazing, it is very dense, but as long as the body speed is fast, you can easily avoid it.

The energy roar was completely unstoppable.

However, Lanling has a black scorpion sword, which can create an invincible energy cover, and is not afraid of the energy roar of the Nether Giant.

Therefore, it was the Wuhuan sword that saved Lanling.

However, the next battle became ugly.

Lan Ling spent half of his time in a crazy dodge, half a time to put the black scorpion sword on the ground, hiding in the energy cover.

Sadly, when the Nether Giant releases the energy and growls, it can't move. Otherwise, it will take a foot to step Lanling into a meat.

This kind of battle lasted for three hours.

This Nether Giant does not know how many times the energy has been released, and does not know how many energy roars have been sent.

Finally, its energy is running out.

Lan Ling thought that it was going to be violent, to go crazy, and to lick himself with his fist. However, what he did not expect was that he had to run.

Where did Lan Ling allow him to escape and rush to its body at the fastest speed. It is really like climbing a mountain. It climbs on a body hundreds of meters high and climbs to the top of its head.

That is to say, this time, you can do this. Otherwise, it will burst into the energy of the muscles several times, and the energy of the body will be ejected from every vein of the body to kill Lanling.

At this point, its energy is exhausted. Lanling climbed quickly while avoiding the flapping fist he had, and quickly climbed to the top of his head, slamming into his brain.

Dragon Jinjian is easy to get in.

But... the tragedy is that this dragon gold sword is too short, even the scalp is not pierced, let alone the skull and the brain.

Therefore, Lan Ling had to make a very painful choice.

Open a hole in the head of the Void Giant, and then the whole person will go in together.

Passing through the scalp of the Nether Giant, through the skull, to the brains of the Nether Giant.


Pointing at the brain of the Nether Giant, releasing an energy attack.

The defensive power of the Nether Giant is very terrible, but definitely does not include the brain.

and so……

It slammed into a sorrow and crashed into the ground.

"Booming rumbling..."

Just like a mountain fell, the tens of thousands of square meters of dark platforms began to tremble violently, and the Nether Giant died completely.

The **** test on the first floor of Lanling officially ended.

He came out of the mind of the Void Giant and stood in front of its incomparably huge body. Even if you lie down, the thickness of the Nether Giant is more than a few tens of meters, which is really amazing. Until now, Lan Ling has been able to see its face well.

At this time, as if there was a gust of wind blowing, the huge giant body of the Nether Giant began to burn out.

Then, the energy and blood in its body is like a huge energy storm, which is blown to Lanling.

And there is a huge energy vortex in Lanling, which completely devours the blood energy of the Void Giant. (The Void Giants run out of energy, it just stores energy. And the blood energy is the source of energy, and it will never disappear unless it dies.)

Really worthy of BOSS, Lanling madly swallowed the energy of the Nether Giant.

A void giant has surpassed hundreds of ordinary energy monsters.

After a few minutes, the energy is swallowed up. And this void giant was completely wiped out and completely disappeared.

Lan Ling closed his eyes and sat on the ground, letting the demon star temper his energy heart and muscles, bones and muscles.

After an hour!

The quenching is over.

Lanling successfully broke through the two-star devil, and directly broke through to the second-star medium devil, and was closer to the Samsung Devil.

During this time, the dark platform continued to rise.

I don't know how long it took to fly, it stopped at a huge door.

This door is also a light curtain. Entering this door should be the second layer of the Heaven and Earth Demon Tower.

Lan Ling thought that the prison manager would appear, but he did not appear.

Lanling walked to the front of the second floor of the second layer of trials and took a deep breath.

The first layer of trials is an environment of 10,000 times gravity.

Then what will be the second layer of trials?

Lan Ling’s heart is full of expectations, but there is no fear. To be precise, there is still awe. Awe of the unknown, the awe of the demon tower.

This is not a spiritual illusion, everything here is true.

"The second layer of **** trials, I am coming!" Lanling Road, and then stepped into the second floor of the trial door.

Suddenly, a brand new world appeared in front of him.


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(End of this chapter)

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