World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 860: Eighty-two: repaired to break again! Di Nina blood war!

Chapter 860, August 26, repaired to break again! Di Nina blood war!

Beautiful, like a fairyland!

This is the feeling of Lanling on the second layer of the first heaven and earth demon tower.

The scenery here is really beautiful, surpassing any scene on the earth, really more beautiful than the picture.

The sky is not ordinary blue, but almost transparent blue, like blue sapphire.

The whole earth is completely white and completely white.

Around the earth, all the places of entry are white snow, boundless. At the center of the earth is a glacier, a golden glaciers that melt almost together with the entire sky.

This glacier is about 10,000 meters high and is the only object in the second layer except for white snow.

This second layer of mystery has only two things, white snow and glaciers.

Without any energy monsters, Lan Ling waited for a long time, did not see, and did not feel the breath of the energy monster.

Between heaven and earth, it is extremely quiet.

Taking a deep breath, the cold air entered the body, and suddenly the spirit was shocked.

Yes, there is air here, and it is very pure and the oxygen content is not low. And here is not zero gravity, nor is it several times gravity, it is normal gravity.

Lanling began to set off!

He thought that there must be an energy monster. Or a snow monster, or an ice monster, or a wind demon.

However... nothing.

Lanling has been moving forward, walked a few kilometers and walked 10,000 meters.

There are still no energy monsters, just getting colder and colder.

When I first entered the second layer of mystery, it was about minus ten degrees. Every kilometer advances, the temperature drops by ten degrees Celsius.

Lanling has advanced for 13,000 kilometers, and the temperature here has dropped to minus 140 degrees Celsius.

The coldest temperature on Earth should be around minus 71 degrees Celsius, minus 140 degrees Celsius, and it does not exist in the natural environment of the earth.

Of course, this temperature Lan Ling can still withstand. Because the blood energy in his body is constantly changing into heat, maintaining his body temperature.

Lanling looked up at the glacier and was full of glaciers.

The glaciers are stepped, and the highest point of the glaciers is invisible at the end of the glaciers, but if there is no guess, the most important part of the second layer of the secrets should be the top of the glaciers.

As soon as he bit his teeth, Lan Ling began to climb up the stairs.

Climbing to a height of four kilometers, the temperature has dropped to minus 180 degrees Celsius, which is almost the lowest temperature of the moon.

Lanling is still affordable.

Continue to climb up and climb up...

The second layer of the mystery until now, Lan Ling has not seen half of the energy monster, his only enemy is only terrible low temperature.

Continue to climb!

Climbed to a height of five kilometers, the temperature here has reached minus two hundred degrees Celsius.

This is almost the temperature of liquid nitrogen.

Lanling is still affordable.

He continued to climb up, climb up, climb up...

Six kilometers, seven kilometers, eight kilometers, nine kilometers...

At this point the temperature has reached minus 240 degrees Celsius.

Lanling is also able to withstand!

However, it has reached the limit. The blood energy in his body has to be fully loaded to maintain his body temperature in order to maintain his life.

Lanling continued to climb up.


Ten thousand meters, 11,000 kilometers, 12,000 kilometers.

It is only a few hundred meters from the top of the glacier, and it will soon reach the summit.

Infinite scenery is at the peak!

However, Lanling can no longer climb up, even if the first step can not climb.

Because the temperature here has reached 270 degrees Celsius below zero. This temperature is very close to the lowest absolute temperature of the universe in human cognition.

And this terrible low temperature has exceeded the limit that Lanling's golden blood can withstand. Even if it constantly releases energy and transforms into heat, it can't maintain the temperature of Lanling's body!

Lanling's body is constantly falling, falling, and falling.

Soon, Lanling's body solidified into ice, the temperature dropped to 0 degrees, minus ten degrees, minus twenty degrees, minus thirty degrees, minus fourty degrees, minus fifty degrees.

In the end, Lanling's body temperature is maintained at minus 50 degrees, which is the result of the balance of the continuous release of powerful energy from the golden blood.

At this time, all the golden blood energy is used to maintain the life and body temperature of Lanling, and there is no more energy left.

So, Lanling is here.

That's right, the living is condensed and fixed here, becoming an ice man with a minus 50 degrees Celsius, and can't move at all.

Now Lanling has a choice to blew itself.

But the tragedy is that Lan Ling can't even blew itself.

Why do you say that? All his energy is maintaining his body's temperature and vitality, and he can no longer release any excess energy for self-explosion.

Of course, he can stop the blood energy to stop heating the body, and the extra energy is just used to explode.

However, there will also be a tragedy.

That is, once the blood energy does not heat the body, Lanling's body temperature will drop rapidly. Once it falls to minus 60 degrees, Lanling's brain is self-protecting, will immediately stop thinking and running, and will enter a state of eternal sleep.

Of course, he can give the demon star an order in advance, let it periodically blast the body of Lanling.

But... Lan Ling does not want to blew himself.

Once blew, the repair will drop by one level. Of course, Lan Ling does not care about this, he does not blew himself twice.

But at this time, blew here, it means giving up, it means giving up.


Lan Ling was so frozen here, motionless.

At the end of the ice boat, it is only a few hundred meters away.

In the world of the world, time passes by, and time passes by.

Ten days, twenty days, thirty days, forty days, fifty days, ninety days...

The truth is so terrible!

No miracle happened, Lanling was so eternally solidified here, becoming an ice man, only three hundred meters away from the target.

His golden blood is always releasing energy, maintaining the body temperature and vitality of Lanling.

After 90 days of consumption, and without any supplement, even the storage energy of the golden blood is exhausted.

Once exhausted, there is only one way. Self-explosive, then Lanling's soul and energy life flight escape.

This means that Lan Ling’s second-level secret test has basically failed.


Ninety-one days, ninety-two days, ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety-five days...

The energy of the golden blood is really less and less!

The demon star told Lanling that the golden blood can only last for seven days, and must make a decision before this time, whether to blew itself. Otherwise, when the energy is exhausted, even if you want to blew yourself, you can't blew it.

At that time, even if there is no death, it is exactly the same as death. Eternal sleep in this terrible cryogenic world.

Lan Ling still refused!

I would rather sleep forever, never blew myself, and never admit defeat.

The ninety-seventh day!

The situation has changed, from the top of the ice sheet, many people have come down!

That's right, there are many people!

And, all are yo! The blue scorpion, eyes, and brain all emit blue light.

The energy creature finally appeared, but it was not a monster, but a monk.

These monks seem to be not afraid of the cold here, they are fully energized.

Hundreds of monks, each in the chest, are beating the energy heart, full of powerful energy.

The four monks lifted the frozen, frozen Lanling and walked toward the top of the glacier step by step.

After a few minutes, I came to the top of the glacier.


The top of the glacier, about a few thousand square meters, is as smooth as a spar.

There is a throne of the ice, doing a peerless beauty!

Yes, it is definitely a peerless beauty, the real ice muscle jade bone.

Her body is all sea ice, crystal clear ice, you can directly see the skeleton inside, energy heart, energy veins, and the brain.

Her facial features and body are beautiful, but it makes people shudder!

She has an icecrown crown on her head and even has been completely integrated with her head.

Seeing Lanling, this ice queen is faint: "Sacrifice!"

At the center of the top of the glacier, there is a huge energy abyss.

This energy abyss runs through the center of the glacier and even leads directly to the depths of the ground. All the energy sources of the second layer of the mystery, this endless snow and ice, terrible cold, all come from this energy abyss.

This energy abyss may be the coldest place in the world, and even in all planes. The temperature here is either absolute zero or infinitely close to absolute zero.

Once Lanling was sacrificed to this energy abyss, there was only one result.

Forever indulging, forever sleeping, although not strictly speaking of death, it is exactly the same as death.

Hundreds of monks began to dance and began to sacrifice.

This is the real group dance, completely unsightly.

After the ceremony, it is a sacrifice!

The four monks raised Lanling and came to the top of the icy abyss, and they would throw Lanling down.

Lanling has tried everything possible!

It was completely futile. He released a mental attack and tried to make the four monks.

However, it is completely useless.

The structure of these monks is completely different from that of human beings. They don't even know if they have mental power.


The four monks threw Lan Ling toward the abyss of ice cold energy and threw it down!

"No... no... no..."

After being thrown into the abyss of ice cold energy, will there be an adventure?

Don't think about it, it's impossible. There is only one result, that is, eternal sleep, is an alternative death.

"No no no no……"

"I am not willing, I am not willing..."

In the face of the death of Lan Ling, madly stunned.

He is not afraid of death, but he is not willing to die like this.

His will, his soul reached the limit!


The black scorpion sword trembled fiercely.

Then, the energy of the black scorpion sword emerged in the mind of Lanling.

Then, the black scorpion sword is alive! Lanling can control it with spirit!

Lan Ling uses the spirit to control the black scorpion sword, dancing in the air, arrogant!


The black scorpion sword flies wildly over the top of the glacier, shuttle!

Crazy piercing all the sultry heads!

The repairs of this group of monks are all in the two-star high-level devil.

However, all of their energy is used to withstand this terrible cold, so move freely at the top of this glacier.

But they are so weak that they can be broken with a wooden stick.

Lanling used the spirit to control the Wuhuan sword to fly at the top of the glacier, crushing one after another.

And Lanling keeps falling, falling down...

Just a few seconds later!

Hundreds of monks were all killed by flying black scorpion swords.

Finally came to the ice queen!

"Oh..." squatting down her head.

She did not show the strength that a queen should have, and her head was directly split into two halves. The only difference between her and other monks is that she is not only a beggar, but also a body composed of ice.

For three seconds, Lan Ling used the spirit to control the black scorpion sword, killing all the monks and the ice queen.

In the next second, the black scorpion sword flew to the abyss of the ice energy, lifted the body of Lanling to fly up, and broke away from the abyss of the terrible ice energy, and came to the platform at the top of the glacier.

At the same time, the demon star formed a huge energy vortex in the body.

The engulfing of the energy of hundreds of monks and the ice queen!

Devouring, swallowing, swallowing...

After the devour, the demon star tempered the body of Lanling.

While quenching, Lanling controlled the Wuhuan sword with his mental strength, flew forward with his solidified body and flew forward.

I flew over tens of thousands of meters of snow and land and saw a dark platform.

This dark platform is the lens of the second layer of trials.

Immediately after Lan Ling saw it, more than 10,000 meters of white snow on the ground, densely numb is full of energy monsters.

Then Lan Ling understood that normal trials do not need to climb the top of the glacier, bypassing the snow after the glacier. On the back of the glacier, there are countless monsters that kill him and swallow.

And the most critical is that the closer the glaciers are, the lower the temperature.

So, after bypassing the glacier, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

So... don't need to climb the top of the glacier! Don't risk this life.

Really... It’s a dog!

Lanling did not take the usual path, and the result was a little bit dead.

But the result is unprecedented.

He gave up the normal battle and gave up the normal killing of these energy monsters. However, I met a group of monks with strong energy levels but no fighting power, the Queen of Ice.

This made Lan Ling completely understand what is absolutely powerful and what is relatively powerful.

The biggest gain is the establishment of a spiritual connection with the Wusong sword, which can be controlled with the spirit.

And the most important thing is that this black scorpion sword is actually alive!

At this point, the quenching of the demon star is over.

Lanling officially broke through the three-star Devil!


At the same time, the world outside!

After nearly a month of preparation, Princess Dnie and Princess Na, are ready.

Princess Na blood led the seven million army south and entered the Yune.

Princess Dnie led five million troops to the north and entered the Yune.

The southern wilderness decisive battle that determines the fate is officially opened!


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(End of this chapter)

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